コード例 #1
UEdGraphNode* FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2AddCallOnVariable::PerformAction(class UEdGraph* ParentGraph, UEdGraphPin* FromPin, const FVector2D Location, bool bSelectNewNode/* = true*/)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();

	// Snap the node placement location to the grid, ensures calculations later match up better
	FVector2D LocalLocation;
	LocalLocation.X = FMath::GridSnap( Location.X, SNAP_GRID );
	LocalLocation.Y = FMath::GridSnap( Location.Y, SNAP_GRID );

	// First use the base functionality to spawn the 'call function' node
	FVector2D TempLocation = LocalLocation;
	UEdGraphNode* CallNode = FEdGraphSchemaAction_K2NewNode::PerformAction(ParentGraph, FromPin, TempLocation, bSelectNewNode);

	// this is the guesstimate of the function node's height, snapped to grid units
	const float FunctionNodeHeight = FMath::GridSnap( TempLocation.Y - LocalLocation.Y, SNAP_GRID );
	// this is roughly the middle of the function node height
	const float FunctionNodeMidY = LocalLocation.Y + FunctionNodeHeight * 0.5f;
	// this is the offset up from the mid point at which we start placing nodes 
	const float StartYOffset = -NodeLiteralHeight * 0.5f;
	// The Y location we start placing nodes from
	const float ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation = FunctionNodeMidY + StartYOffset;

	// Now we need to create the variable literal to wire up
	if(VariableName != NAME_None)
		UK2Node_VariableGet* GetVarNode =  NewObject<UK2Node_VariableGet>(ParentGraph);
		ParentGraph->AddNode(GetVarNode, false, bSelectNewNode);

		GetVarNode->NodePosX = LocalLocation.X - FunctionNodeLiteralReferencesXOffset;
		GetVarNode->NodePosY = ReferencedNodesPlacementYLocation;


		// Connect the literal out to the self of the call
		UEdGraphPin* LiteralOutput = GetVarNode->GetValuePin();
		UEdGraphPin* CallSelfInput = CallNode->FindPin(K2Schema->PN_Self);
		if(LiteralOutput != NULL && CallSelfInput != NULL)

	return CallNode;