コード例 #1
TSharedRef<FObjectBindingNode> FSequencerNodeTree::AddObjectBinding(const FString& ObjectName, const FGuid& ObjectBinding, TMap<FGuid, const FMovieSceneBinding*>& GuidToBindingMap, TArray< TSharedRef<FSequencerDisplayNode> >& OutNodeList)
	TSharedPtr<FObjectBindingNode> ObjectNode;
	TSharedPtr<FObjectBindingNode>* FoundObjectNode = ObjectBindingMap.Find(ObjectBinding);
	if (FoundObjectNode != nullptr)
		ObjectNode = *FoundObjectNode;
		// The node name is the object guid
		FName ObjectNodeName = *ObjectBinding.ToString();

		// Try to get the parent object node if there is one.
		TSharedPtr<FObjectBindingNode> ParentNode;
		TArray<UObject*> RuntimeObjects;
		UMovieSceneSequence* Animation = Sequencer.GetFocusedMovieSceneSequence();
		UObject* RuntimeObject = Animation->FindObject(ObjectBinding);
		if ( RuntimeObject != nullptr)
			UObject* ParentObject = Animation->GetParentObject(RuntimeObject);
			if (ParentObject != nullptr)
				FGuid ParentBinding = Animation->FindObjectId(*ParentObject);
				TSharedPtr<FObjectBindingNode>* FoundParentNode = ObjectBindingMap.Find( ParentBinding );
				if ( FoundParentNode != nullptr )
					ParentNode = *FoundParentNode;
					const FMovieSceneBinding** FoundParentMovieSceneBinding = GuidToBindingMap.Find( ParentBinding );
					if ( FoundParentMovieSceneBinding != nullptr )
						ParentNode = AddObjectBinding( (*FoundParentMovieSceneBinding)->GetName(), ParentBinding, GuidToBindingMap, OutNodeList );

		// Create the node.
		ObjectNode = MakeShareable( new FObjectBindingNode( ObjectNodeName, ObjectName, ObjectBinding, ParentNode, *this ) );
		if (ParentNode.IsValid())
			OutNodeList.Add( ObjectNode.ToSharedRef() );

		// Map the guid to the object binding node for fast lookup later
		ObjectBindingMap.Add( ObjectBinding, ObjectNode );

	return ObjectNode.ToSharedRef();
コード例 #2
void FColorPropertySection::ConsolidateColorCurves( TArray< TKeyValuePair<float, FLinearColor> >& OutColorKeys, const UMovieSceneColorSection* Section ) const
	// Get the default color of the first instance
	FLinearColor DefaultColor( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	static const FName SlateColorName( "SlateColor" );

	UMovieSceneSequence* Sequence = Sequencer->GetFocusedMovieSceneSequence();

	const TArray<FMovieSceneBinding>& MovieSceneBindings = Sequence->GetMovieScene()->GetBindings();

	bool bFoundColor = false;
	for ( int32 BindingIndex = 0; BindingIndex < MovieSceneBindings.Num() && !bFoundColor; ++BindingIndex )
		const FMovieSceneBinding& MovieSceneBinding = MovieSceneBindings[BindingIndex];

		for ( int32 TrackIndex = 0; TrackIndex < MovieSceneBinding.GetTracks().Num() && !bFoundColor; ++TrackIndex )
			if ( MovieSceneBinding.GetTracks()[TrackIndex] == Track )
				UObject* RuntimeObject = Sequence->FindObject( MovieSceneBinding.GetObjectGuid() );

				if ( RuntimeObject != nullptr )
					UProperty* Property = RuntimeObject->GetClass()->FindPropertyByName( CastChecked<UMovieSceneColorTrack>( Track )->GetPropertyName() );
					UStructProperty* ColorStructProp = Cast<UStructProperty>( Property );
					if ( ColorStructProp && ColorStructProp->Struct )
						if ( ColorStructProp->Struct->GetFName() == SlateColorName )
							DefaultColor = (*Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FSlateColor>( RuntimeObject )).GetSpecifiedColor();
						else if ( ColorStructProp->Struct->GetFName() == NAME_LinearColor )
							DefaultColor = *Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FLinearColor>( RuntimeObject );
							DefaultColor = Property->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<FColor>( RuntimeObject )->ReinterpretAsLinear();
						bFoundColor = true;

	// @todo Sequencer Optimize - This could all get cached, instead of recalculating everything every OnPaint

	const FRichCurve* Curves[4] = {

	// @todo Sequencer Optimize - This is a O(n^2) loop!
	// Our times are floats, which means we can't use a map and
	// do a quick lookup to see if the keys already exist
	// because the keys are ordered, we could take advantage of that, however
	TArray<float> TimesWithKeys;
	for ( int32 i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
		const FRichCurve* Curve = Curves[i];
		for ( auto It( Curve->GetKeyIterator() ); It; ++It )
			float KeyTime = It->Time;

			bool bShouldAddKey = true;

			int32 InsertKeyIndex = INDEX_NONE;
			for ( int32 k = 0; k < TimesWithKeys.Num(); ++k )
				if ( FMath::IsNearlyEqual( TimesWithKeys[k], KeyTime ) )
					bShouldAddKey = false;
				else if ( TimesWithKeys[k] > KeyTime )
					InsertKeyIndex = k;

			if ( InsertKeyIndex == INDEX_NONE && bShouldAddKey )
				InsertKeyIndex = TimesWithKeys.Num();

			if ( bShouldAddKey )
				TimesWithKeys.Insert( KeyTime, InsertKeyIndex );

	// @todo Sequencer Optimize - This another O(n^2) loop, since Eval is O(n)!
	for ( int32 i = 0; i < TimesWithKeys.Num(); ++i )
		OutColorKeys.Add( TKeyValuePair<float, FLinearColor>( TimesWithKeys[i], Section->Eval( TimesWithKeys[i], DefaultColor ) ) );