コード例 #1
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Make sure to install the GU plug-ins

    // Process command line arguments
    UT_Args	args;
    args.initialize(argc, argv);

    if (args.found('h'))
	return 1;

    const char	*output = args.found('o') ? args.argp('o') : "stdout.geo";
    int		 lod = args.found('l') ? args.iargp('l') : 3;
    const char	*viewportLOD = args.found('v') ? args.argp('v') : "full";
    GU_Detail	 gdp;

    // Create a packed sphere primitive
    GU_PrimPacked	*pack = GU_PrimPacked::build(gdp, "PackedSphere");
    if (!pack)
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't create a packed sphere\n");
	// Set the location of the packed primitive's point.
	UT_Vector3 pivot(0, 0, 0);
	gdp.setPos3(pack->getPointOffset(0), pivot);

	// Set the options on the sphere primitive
	UT_Options	options;
	options.setOptionI("lod", lod);

	// Save the geometry.  With the .so file installed, this should load
	// into Houdini and should be rendered by mantra.
	if (!gdp.save(output, NULL).success())
	    fprintf(stderr, "Error saving to: %s\n", output);
    return 0;
コード例 #2
GusdGU_PackedUSD::save(UT_Options &options, const GA_SaveMap &map) const
    options.setOptionS( "usdFileName", m_fileName );
    options.setOptionS( "usdAltFileName", m_altFileName );
    options.setOptionS( "usdPrimPath", m_primPath.GetText() );
    options.setOptionS( "usdSrcPrimPath", m_srcPrimPath.GetText() );
    options.setOptionI( "usdIndex", m_index );
    options.setOptionF( "usdFrame", GusdUSD_Utils::GetNumericTime(m_frame) );

    UT_StringArray purposes;
    getIntrinsicPurposes( purposes );
    options.setOptionSArray( "usdViewportPurpose", purposes );
    return true;
コード例 #3
void RATDeepImageWriter::open()
	if ( m_outputFile && fileName() == m_outputFileName )
		// we already opened the right file successfully

	delete m_outputFile;
	m_outputFile = new IMG_DeepShadow;
	m_outputFileName = "";
	m_dataSize = 3;
	m_alphaOffset = -1;
	m_extraOffset = -1;
	const std::vector<std::string> &channelNames = m_channelsParameter->getTypedValue();
	// use A if it exists, otherwise assume opaque
	std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator aIt = std::find( channelNames.begin(), channelNames.end(), "A" );
	if ( aIt != channelNames.end() )
		m_alphaOffset = aIt - channelNames.begin();
	// add the extra channels, including color
	int numChannels = channelNames.size();
	for ( int i=0; i < numChannels; ++i )
		std::string name = channelNames[i];
		// must have RGBA in order to have color
		if ( ( name == "R" ) && ( i < numChannels - 3 ) && ( channelNames[i+1] == "G" ) && ( channelNames[i+2] == "B" ) && ( m_alphaOffset == i + 3 ) )
			// adding 3 to the actual offset since the opacity triple must come first
			m_outputFile->addExtraChannel( IMG_DeepShadowChannel( "C", i+3, 4 ) );
			m_dataSize += 4;
			if ( m_extraOffset < 0 )
				m_extraOffset = i;
		else if ( name != "G" && name != "B" && name != "A" )
			// adding 3 to the actual offset since the opacity triple must come first
			m_outputFile->addExtraChannel( IMG_DeepShadowChannel( name.c_str(), i+3, 1 ) );
			if ( m_extraOffset < 0 )
				m_extraOffset = i;

	m_outputFile->setOption( "compositing", "0" );
	m_outputFile->setOption( "depth_interp", "discrete" );
	const Imath::V2i &resolution = m_resolutionParameter->getTypedValue();
	if ( m_outputFile->open( fileName().c_str(), resolution.x, resolution.y ) )
		m_outputFileName = fileName();
		// set the worldToCamera matrix
		UT_Options *options = m_outputFile->getTBFOptions();
		options->setOptionM4( "space:world", IECore::convert<UT_Matrix4>( worldToCameraParameter()->getTypedValue() ) );
		/// \todo: set the cameraToNDC parameters
		delete m_outputFile;
		m_outputFile = 0;
		m_outputFileName = "";
		m_dataSize = 3;
		m_alphaOffset = -1;
		m_extraOffset = -1;
		throw IOException( std::string( "Failed to open file \"" ) + fileName() + "\" for writing." );
コード例 #4
GusdGU_PackedUSD::update(const UT_Options &options)
    UT_StringHolder fileName, altFileName, primPath;
    if( options.importOption( "usdFileName", fileName ) || 
        options.importOption( "fileName", fileName ))
        m_fileName = fileName;

    if( options.importOption( "usdAltFileName", altFileName ) ||
        options.importOption( "altFileName", altFileName ))
        setAltFileName( altFileName );

    if( options.importOption( "usdPrimPath", primPath ) ||
        options.importOption( "nodePath", primPath ))
        GusdUSD_Utils::CreateSdfPath(primPath, m_primPath);

    if( options.importOption( "usdSrcPrimPath", primPath ))
        GusdUSD_Utils::CreateSdfPath(primPath, m_srcPrimPath);

    exint index;
    if( options.importOption( "usdIndex", index ))
        m_index = index;

    fpreal frame;
    if( options.importOption( "usdFrame", frame ) ||
        options.importOption( "frame", frame ))
        m_frame = frame;

    UT_StringArray purposes;
    if( options.importOption( "usdViewportPurpose", purposes ))
        setIntrinsicPurposes( purposes );
コード例 #5
bool RATDeepImageReader::open( bool throwOnFailure )
	if ( m_inputFile && fileName() == m_inputFileName )
		// we already opened the right file successfully
		return true;
	delete m_ratPixel;
	delete m_inputFile;
	m_inputFile = new IMG_DeepShadow;
	m_inputFileName = "";
	m_channelNames = "";
	m_ratPixel = 0;
	m_depthChannel = 0;
	m_opacityChannel = 0;
	m_colorChannel = 0;
	m_dataWindow.max.x = 0;
	m_dataWindow.max.y = 0;
	m_worldToCamera = Imath::M44f();
	m_worldToNDC = Imath::M44f();
	bool success = true;
	if ( m_inputFile->open( fileName().c_str() ) && m_inputFile->depthInterp() == IMG_COMPRESS_DISCRETE )
		m_inputFileName = fileName();
		m_ratPixel = new IMG_DeepPixelReader( *m_inputFile );
		const IMG_DeepShadowChannel *channel = 0;
		unsigned numChannels = m_inputFile->getChannelCount();
		for ( unsigned c=0; c < numChannels; ++c )
			channel = m_inputFile->getChannel( c );
			std::string name = channel->getName();

			if ( name == "Pz" )
				m_depthChannel = channel;
			else if ( name == "Of" )
				m_opacityChannel = channel;
			else if ( name == "C" )
				m_colorChannel = channel;

		if ( m_colorChannel )
			m_channelNames = "RGBA";
			m_colorChannel = m_opacityChannel;
			m_channelNames = "A";
		if ( !m_depthChannel || !m_opacityChannel || !m_colorChannel )
			success = false;
		m_inputFile->resolution( m_dataWindow.max.x, m_dataWindow.max.y );
		m_dataWindow.max.x -= 1;
		m_dataWindow.max.y -= 1;
		UT_Matrix4 wToC( 1 );
		m_inputFile->getWorldToCamera( wToC );
		m_worldToCamera = IECore::convert<Imath::M44f>( wToC );
		UT_Matrix4 wToNDC( 1 );
		m_inputFile->getWorldToNDC( wToNDC, true );
		// wToNDC has flipped values and a scaling issue related to the far clipping plane
		// applying a matrix that seems to fix the issues in several examples
		Imath::M44f fix;
		UT_Options *options = m_inputFile->getTBFOptions();
		if ( options->hasOption( "camera:clip" ) )
			const UT_Vector2D clip = options->getOptionV2( "camera:clip" );
			fix[2][2] = clip[1];
			fix[3][3] = -1;
		m_worldToNDC = IECore::convert<Imath::M44f>( wToNDC ) * fix;
		success = false;
	if ( !success )
		delete m_ratPixel;
		delete m_inputFile;
		m_inputFile = 0;
		m_inputFileName = "";
		m_channelNames = "";
		m_ratPixel = 0;
		m_depthChannel = 0;
		m_opacityChannel = 0;
		m_colorChannel = 0;
		m_dataWindow.max.x = 0;
		m_dataWindow.max.y = 0;
		m_worldToCamera = Imath::M44f();
		m_worldToNDC = Imath::M44f();
		if ( !throwOnFailure )
			return false;
			throw IOException( std::string( "Failed to open file \"" ) + fileName() + "\"" );

	return true;