コード例 #1
ファイル: SOP_CudaParticles.C プロジェクト: UIKit0/cudaFluid
OP_ERROR SOP_CudaParticles::cookMySop(OP_Context &context) {

	oldf = f;
	f =	context.getFrame();
	GEO_ParticleVertex* pvtx;

	double t = context.getTime();

	particlesSystem->dt = 1/(OPgetDirector()->getChannelManager()->getSamplesPerSec() * SUBSTEPS(t));
	particlesSystem->preview = PREVIEW(t);

	particlesSystem->partsLife = LIFE(t);
	particlesSystem->partsLifeVar = LIFEVAR(t);

	particlesSystem->velDamp = VELDAMP(t);
	particlesSystem->gravityStrength = GRAVITYSTR(t);
	particlesSystem->gravityDir = cu::make_float3(GRAVITYX(t),GRAVITYY(t),GRAVITYZ(t));
	particlesSystem->fluidStrength = FLUIDSTR(t);

	particlesSystem->noiseAmp = cu::make_float3(NOISEAMP(t),NOISEAMP(t),NOISEAMP(t));
	particlesSystem->noiseOct = NOISEOCT(t);
	particlesSystem->noiseFreq = NOISEFREQ(t);
	particlesSystem->noiseLac = NOISELACUN(t);
	particlesSystem->noiseOffset = cu::make_float3(NOISEOFFSETX(t),NOISEOFFSETY(t),NOISEOFFSETZ(t));

	particlesSystem->pointSize = POINTSIZE(t);
	particlesSystem->opacity = OPACITY(t);
	particlesSystem->startColor = cu::make_float3(STARTCOLORX(t),STARTCOLORY(t),STARTCOLORZ(t));
	particlesSystem->endColor = cu::make_float3(ENDCOLORX(t),ENDCOLORY(t),ENDCOLORZ(t));

	UT_Interrupt	*boss;

	OP_Node::flags().timeDep = 1;

    if (error() < UT_ERROR_ABORT) {
		boss = UTgetInterrupt();	

		// Start the interrupt server
		if (boss->opStart("Building Particles")){


			static float		 zero = 0.0;
			GB_AttributeRef partsAtt = gdp->addAttrib("cudaParticlesPreview", sizeof(int), GB_ATTRIB_INT, &zero);
			gdp->attribs().getElement().setValue<int>(partsAtt, particlesSystem->preview);

			GB_AttributeRef systemIdAtt = gdp->addAttrib("systemId", sizeof(int), GB_ATTRIB_INT, &zero);
			gdp->attribs().getElement().setValue<int>(systemIdAtt, particlesSystem->id);

			if (f < STARTFRAME(t)) {


			} else if (f == STARTFRAME(t)) {


				int maxParts = MAXPARTS(t);
				if (particlesSystem->nParts!=maxParts)

				//hSystem = (GEO_PrimParticle *)gdp->appendPrimitive(GEOPRIMPART);

				GB_AttributeRef hVelocity = gdp->addPointAttrib("v", sizeof(UT_Vector3),GB_ATTRIB_VECTOR, 0);
				GB_AttributeRef hLife = gdp->addPointAttrib("life", sizeof(float)*2,GB_ATTRIB_FLOAT, 0);

				if(particlesSystem->preview!=1) {

					UT_Vector4 orig = UT_Vector4(0,0,0,1);


					for (int i = 0; i<particlesSystem->nParts; i++) {

						GEO_Point* newPoint = gdp->appendPoint();

						/*pvtx = hSystem->giveBirth();
						GEO_Point* ppt = pvtx->getPt();
						hSystemInit = 1;


			} else {

				if(particlesSystem->nParts != -1) {

					if(lockInputs(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT)
						return error();


						GU_Detail* emittersInput = (GU_Detail*)inputGeo(0, context);
						GEO_PointList emittersList = emittersInput->points();
						int numEmitters = emittersList.entries();

						if (numEmitters != particlesSystem->nEmit) {
							delete particlesSystem->emitters;
							particlesSystem->nEmit = numEmitters;
							particlesSystem->emitters = new ParticlesEmitter[numEmitters];

						GEO_AttributeHandle radAh, amountAh;
						GEO_AttributeHandle initVelAh, radVelAmpAh, noiseVelAmpAh,
							noiseVelOffsetAh, noiseVelOctAh, noiseVelLacAh, noiseVelFreqAh;

						radAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("radius");
						amountAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("amount");
						initVelAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("initVel");
						radVelAmpAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("radVelAmp");
						noiseVelAmpAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("noiseVelAmp");
						noiseVelOffsetAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("noiseVelOffset");
						noiseVelOctAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("noiseVelOct");
						noiseVelLacAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("noiseVelLac");
						noiseVelFreqAh = emittersInput->getPointAttribute("noiseVelFreq");

						for (int i = 0; i < numEmitters; i++) {

							UT_Vector4 emitPos = emittersList[i]->getPos();
							UT_Vector3 emitPos3(emitPos);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].posX = emitPos.x();
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].posY = emitPos.y();
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].posZ = emitPos.z();


							particlesSystem->emitters[i].radius = radAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].amount = amountAh.getF(0);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].velX = initVelAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].velY = initVelAh.getF(1);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].velZ = initVelAh.getF(2);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].radVelAmp = radVelAmpAh.getF(0);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelAmpX = noiseVelAmpAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelAmpY = noiseVelAmpAh.getF(1);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelAmpZ = noiseVelAmpAh.getF(2);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelOffsetX = noiseVelOffsetAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelOffsetY = noiseVelOffsetAh.getF(1);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelOffsetZ = noiseVelOffsetAh.getF(2);

							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelOct = noiseVelOctAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelLac = noiseVelLacAh.getF(0);
							particlesSystem->emitters[i].noiseVelFreq = noiseVelFreqAh.getF(0);

					} else {

						particlesSystem->nEmit = 0;



						GU_Detail* fluidInput = (GU_Detail*)inputGeo(1, context);

						GEO_AttributeHandle fluidIdAh= fluidInput->getDetailAttribute("solverId");

						int sId = fluidIdAh.getI();

						VHFluidSolver3D* curr3DSolver = VHFluidSolver3D::solverList[sId];

						particlesSystem->fluidSolver = curr3DSolver;




					if (f!=oldf) {



					if(particlesSystem->preview!=1 && hSystemInit == 1) {

						cu::cudaMemcpy( particlesSystem->host_pos, particlesSystem->dev_pos,
							particlesSystem->nParts*sizeof(cu::float3), cu::cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost );

						GEO_Point* ppt;
						int i = 0;
						 UT_Vector4		p;

						FOR_ALL_GPOINTS(gdp, ppt) {

							ppt->getPos() = UT_Vector4(particlesSystem->host_pos[i*3],


						/*pvtx = hSystem->iterateInit();

						for (int i =0; i<particlesSystem->nParts; i++){
							pvtx = hSystem->iterateFastNext(pvtx);



コード例 #2
/* ******************************************************************************
*  Function Name : runCVEX()
*  Description :  Run VEX code on the instanced geometry from an external .vex file
*  Input Arguments : GU_Detail *inst_gdp, GU_Detail *mb_gdp
*  Return Value : int
***************************************************************************** */
int VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX(GU_Detail * inst_gdp, GU_Detail * mb_gdp, UT_String theCVEXFname, uint method)

   if (myVerbose == CLUSTER_MSG_DEBUG) {
      std::cout << "VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX() - Processing CVEX arrays - points: " << inst_gdp->points().entries()
                << " primitives: " << inst_gdp->primitives().entries() << std::endl;

   UT_Vector3 * P = NULL, *POut = NULL, *N = NULL, *NOut = NULL, *v = NULL, *vOut = NULL, *Cd = NULL, *CdOut = NULL;
   fpreal * weight = NULL, *weightOut = NULL, *Alpha = NULL, *AlphaOut = NULL, *pscale = NULL, *pscaleOut = NULL;
   int * id = NULL, *inst_id = NULL;

   // helper local class to clean up memory
   class cleanUpCVEXMem {
      void cleanUp(UT_Vector3 * P, UT_Vector3 * POut, UT_Vector3 * N, UT_Vector3 * NOut,
                   UT_Vector3 * v, UT_Vector3 * vOut, UT_Vector3 * Cd, UT_Vector3 * CdOut,
                   fpreal * weight, fpreal * weightOut, fpreal * Alpha, fpreal * AlphaOut,
                   fpreal * pscale, fpreal * pscaleOut,
                   int * id, int * inst_id) {

         if (P) delete []P;
         if (POut) delete []POut;
         if (Cd) delete []Cd;
         if (CdOut) delete []CdOut;
         if (Alpha) delete []Alpha;
         if (AlphaOut) delete []AlphaOut;
         if (N) delete []N;
         if (NOut) delete []NOut;
         if (v) delete []v;
         if (vOut) delete []vOut;
         if (pscale) delete []pscale;
         if (pscaleOut) delete []pscaleOut;
         if (weight) delete []weight;
         if (weightOut) delete []weightOut;
         if (id) delete []id;
         if (inst_id) delete []inst_id;


   } memCleaner;

   try {
      uint32         num_inst = 0, num_points = 0, num_prim = 0;
      long int       num = 0;
      GEO_Point   *   ppt;
      GEO_Primitive * prim;
      UT_Vector4     pos;
      CVEX_Context   cvex;
      GU_Detail   *   cvex_gdp;
      uint32         num_passes = 1;
      uint32         mb_pass = 0;
      fpreal         time = myCurrentTime;

// std::cout << "VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX() - time: " << time << endl;

      if (myDoMotionBlur == CLUSTER_MB_DEFORMATION)
         num_passes = 2;

      if (myPrimType == CLUSTER_POINT) {
         num_inst = myInstanceNum;
//            num_inst = inst_gdp->points().entries();
         num_points = inst_gdp->points().entries();
//           std::cout << "VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX() - num_inst: " << num_inst << std::endl;
      } else {
         num_inst = myInstanceNum;
         num_prim = inst_gdp->primitives().entries();
         num_points = inst_gdp->points().entries();
         num_inst = num_points;
//           std::cout << "VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX() - num_inst: " << num_inst << " num_points: " << num_points << " num_prim: " << num_prim << std::endl;

      UT_Vector3 primAttr, ptAttr;

      GA_RWAttributeRef primN_ref, primV_ref, primCd_ref, primAlpha_ref, primPscale_ref, primId_ref, primWeight_ref;
      GA_RWAttributeRef ptN_ref, ptV_ref, ptCd_ref, ptAlpha_ref, ptPscale_ref, ptId_ref, ptInstId_ref;

      if (myPrimType == CLUSTER_POINT) {

         // Allocate the space for the point positions
         P = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
         POut = new UT_Vector3[num_points];

         if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_Cd_pt) {
            Cd = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
            CdOut = new UT_Vector3[num_points];

         if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_Alpha_pt) {
            Alpha = new fpreal[num_points];
            AlphaOut = new fpreal[num_points];

         if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_N_pt) {
            N = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
            NOut = new UT_Vector3[num_points];

         if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_v_pt) {
            v = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
            vOut = new UT_Vector3[num_points];

         if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_pscale_pt) {
            pscale = new fpreal[num_points];
            pscaleOut = new fpreal[num_points];

         id = new int[num_points];
         inst_id = new int[num_points];

      } else {
         // If we're processing the points of the prims, allocate the space
         if (method == CLUSTER_CVEX_POINT) {
            P = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
            POut = new UT_Vector3[num_points];
            // Allocate space for the id and inst_id attr's
            id = new int[num_points];
            inst_id = new int[num_points];
         // Else we're working on primitives, so allocate sace for the attrs the user wants to CVEX!
         else {

            if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_Cd_prim) {
               Cd = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];
               CdOut = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];

            if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_Alpha_prim) {
               Alpha = new fpreal[num_prim];
               AlphaOut = new fpreal[num_prim];

            if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_N_prim) {
               N = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];
               NOut = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];

            if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_v_prim) {
               v = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];
               vOut = new UT_Vector3[num_prim];

            if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_pscale_prim) {
               pscale = new fpreal[num_prim];
               pscaleOut = new fpreal[num_prim];

            if (myPrimType == VRAY_clusterThis::CLUSTER_PRIM_METABALL && myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_weight_prim) {
               weight = new fpreal[num_prim];
               weightOut = new fpreal[num_prim];
            // Allocate space for the id and inst_id attr's
            id = new int[num_prim];
            inst_id = new int[num_prim];



      // Retrieve the attribute offsets
      for (uint32 pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass++) {

         if (pass == 0) {
            cvex_gdp = inst_gdp;
            mb_pass = 0;
         } else {
            cvex_gdp = mb_gdp;
            mb_pass = 1;

         if (myPrimType == CLUSTER_POINT) {

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_Cd_pt) {
               ptCd_ref = cvex_gdp->findDiffuseAttribute(GEO_POINT_DICT);

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_Alpha_pt) {
               ptAlpha_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "Alpha", 1);

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_N_pt) {
               ptN_ref = cvex_gdp->findNormalAttribute(GEO_POINT_DICT);

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_v_pt) {
               ptV_ref = cvex_gdp->findVelocityAttribute(GEO_POINT_DICT);

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_pscale_pt) {
               ptPscale_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "pscale", 1);

            ptId_ref = cvex_gdp->findIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "id", 1);
            ptInstId_ref = cvex_gdp->findIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "inst_id", 1);

         } else {
            // If we're not processing the points of the prims, get the attr's offset for the attrs the user wants to use
            if (method != CLUSTER_CVEX_POINT) {

               if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_Cd_prim) {
                  primCd_ref = cvex_gdp->findDiffuseAttribute(GEO_PRIMITIVE_DICT);

               if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_Alpha_prim) {
                  primAlpha_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "Alpha", 1);

               if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_N_prim) {
                  primN_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "N", 3);
                  //                  primN_ref = cvex_gdp->findNormalAttribute ( GEO_PRIMITIVE_DICT );

               if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_v_prim) {
                  primV_ref = cvex_gdp->findVelocityAttribute(GEO_PRIMITIVE_DICT);

               if (myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_pscale_prim) {
                  ptPscale_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "pscale", 1);

               if (myPrimType == VRAY_clusterThis::CLUSTER_PRIM_METABALL && myCVEXPrimVars.cvex_weight_prim) {
                  primWeight_ref = cvex_gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "weight", 1);


            // Get the offset for id attr
            ptId_ref = cvex_gdp->findIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "id", 1);
            ptInstId_ref = cvex_gdp->findIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "inst_id", 1);

#ifdef DEBUG
         std::cout << "VRAY_clusterThis::runCVEX() - Retrieved attribute offsets" << std::endl;

         // Set the values of the incoming arrays

         if (myPrimType == CLUSTER_POINT) {

            num = 0;
            GA_FOR_ALL_GPOINTS(cvex_gdp, ppt) {
               pos = ppt->getPos();
               P[num][0] = pos.x();
               P[num][1] = pos.y();
               P[num][2] = pos.z();
//                    P[num] = ppt->getPos();

               id[num] = static_cast<int>(ppt->getValue<int>(ptId_ref, 0));

               if (ptInstId_ref.isValid())
                  inst_id[num] = static_cast<int>(ppt->getValue<int>(ptInstId_ref, 0));
                  inst_id[num] = id[num];

//                    cout << "IN - id : " << id[num] << "\tinst_id " << inst_id[num] << "\tnum " << num << endl;

            if (myCVEXPointVars.cvex_Cd_pt) {
               num = 0;
               GA_FOR_ALL_GPOINTS(cvex_gdp, ppt) {
                  ptAttr = static_cast<UT_Vector3>(ppt->getValue<UT_Vector3>(ptCd_ref, 0));
                  Cd[num][0] = ptAttr.x();
                  Cd[num][1] = ptAttr.y();
                  Cd[num][2] = ptAttr.z();
//                              cout << "IN - Cd: " << Cd[num] << endl;
コード例 #3
ファイル: GR_rmanPtc.cpp プロジェクト: danbethell/rmanptcsop
void GR_rmanPtc::renderWire( GU_Detail *gdp,
    RE_Render &ren,
    const GR_AttribOffset &ptinfo,
    const GR_DisplayOption *dopt,
    float lod,
    const GU_PrimGroupClosure *hidden_geometry
    int			 i, nprim;
    GEO_Primitive 	*prim;
    UT_Vector3		 v3;

    rmanPtcSop::rmanPtcDetail *detail = dynamic_cast<rmanPtcSop::rmanPtcDetail*>(gdp);
    if ( !detail )

    // rebuild our display list
    if ( detail->redraw )

        GEO_PointList &points = detail->points();
        int display_channel = detail->display_channel;
        // render as points
        GEO_Point *pt = 0;
        UT_Vector4 pos;
        float col[3] = {1.0,1.0,1.0};

        if ( !detail->use_disk )

        for ( unsigned int i=0; i<points.entries(); ++i )
            if ( rand()/(float)RAND_MAX<=detail->display_probability )
                // point position
                pt = points[i];
                pos = pt->getPos();

                // display colour
                float *ptr = NULL;
                if (detail->attributes.size() >0) {
                    ptr = pt->castAttribData<float>(
                            detail->attributes[display_channel] );
                    if (ptr) {
                        if ( detail->attribute_size[display_channel]==1)
                            col[0] = col[1] = col[2] = ptr[0];
                            col[0] = ptr[0];
                            col[1] = ptr[1];
                            col[2] = ptr[2];
                // draw point
                if ( !detail->use_cull_bbox ||
                        detail->cull_bbox.isInside( pos ) )
                    if ( !detail->use_disk )
                        // render as points
                        ren.setColor( col[0], col[1], col[2], 1 );
                        ren.vertex3DW( pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() );
                        // render as disks
                        UT_Vector3 n = *pt->castAttribData<UT_Vector3>(detail->N_attrib);
                        float r = *pt->castAttribData<float>(detail->R_attrib);
                        UT_Vector3 ref(1,0,0);
                        UT_Vector3 up = ref;
                        UT_Vector3 right = up;
                        UT_DMatrix4 mat(
                                right.x(), right.y(), right.z(), 0,
                                up.x(), up.y(), up.z(), 0,
                                n.x(), n.y(), n.z(), 0,
                                pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), 1 );
                        ren.pushColor( UT_Color( UT_RGB, col[0], col[1], col[2] ) );
                        ren.circlefW( 0, 0, detail->point_size * r, 8 );

        if ( !detail->use_disk )