コード例 #1
ファイル: MXFTypes.cpp プロジェクト: lucat/opendcp-1
ASDCP::UMID::MakeUMID(int Type, const UUID& AssetID)
  // Set the non-varying base of the UMID
  static const byte_t UMIDBase[10] = { 0x06, 0x0a, 0x2b, 0x34, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 };
  memcpy(m_Value, UMIDBase, 10);
  m_Value[10] = Type;  // Material Type
  m_Value[12] = 0x13;  // length

  // preserved for compatibility with mfxlib
  if( Type > 4 ) m_Value[7] = 5;
  m_Value[11] = 0x20; // UUID/UL method, number gen undefined

  // Instance Number
  m_Value[13] = m_Value[14] = m_Value[15] = 0;
  memcpy(&m_Value[16], AssetID.Value(), AssetID.Size());
  m_HasValue = true;
コード例 #2
  if ( ! m_Root.ParseString(m_XMLDoc.c_str()) )
    return RESULT_FORMAT;

  m_TDesc.EncodingName = "UTF-8"; // the XML parser demands UTF-8
  m_TDesc.ContainerDuration = 0;
  const XMLNamespace* ns = m_Root.Namespace();

  if ( ns == 0 )
      DefaultLogSink(). Warn("Document has no namespace name, assuming %s\n", c_dcst_namespace_name);
      m_TDesc.NamespaceName = c_dcst_namespace_name;
      m_TDesc.NamespaceName = ns->Name();

  if ( ! get_UUID_from_child_element("Id", &m_Root, DocID) )
      DefaultLogSink(). Error("Id element missing from input document\n");
      return RESULT_FORMAT;

  memcpy(m_TDesc.AssetID, DocID.Value(), DocID.Size());
  XMLElement* EditRate = m_Root.GetChildWithName("EditRate");

  if ( EditRate == 0 )
      DefaultLogSink(). Error("EditRate element missing from input document\n");
      return RESULT_FORMAT;

  m_TDesc.EditRate = decode_rational(EditRate->GetBody().c_str());

  if ( m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_23_98
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_24
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_25
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_30
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_48
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_50
       && m_TDesc.EditRate != EditRate_60 )
      DefaultLogSink(). Error("Unexpected EditRate: %d/%d\n",
			      m_TDesc.EditRate.Numerator, m_TDesc.EditRate.Denominator);
      return RESULT_FORMAT;

  // list of fonts
  ElementList FontList;
  m_Root.GetChildrenWithName("LoadFont", FontList);

  for ( Elem_i i = FontList.begin(); i != FontList.end(); i++ )
      UUID AssetID;
      if ( ! get_UUID_from_element(*i, AssetID) )
	  DefaultLogSink(). Error("LoadFont element does not contain a urn:uuid value as expected.\n");
	  return RESULT_FORMAT;

      TimedTextResourceDescriptor TmpResource;
      memcpy(TmpResource.ResourceID, AssetID.Value(), UUIDlen);
      TmpResource.Type = MT_OPENTYPE;
      m_ResourceTypes.insert(ResourceTypeMap_t::value_type(UUID(TmpResource.ResourceID), MT_OPENTYPE));

  // list of images
  ElementList ImageList;
  m_Root.GetChildrenWithName("Image", ImageList);
  std::set<Kumu::UUID> visited_items;

  for ( Elem_i i = ImageList.begin(); i != ImageList.end(); i++ )
      UUID AssetID;
      if ( ! get_UUID_from_element(*i, AssetID) )
	  DefaultLogSink(). Error("Image element does not contain a urn:uuid value as expected.\n");
	  return RESULT_FORMAT;

      if ( visited_items.find(AssetID) == visited_items.end() )
	  TimedTextResourceDescriptor TmpResource;
	  memcpy(TmpResource.ResourceID, AssetID.Value(), UUIDlen);
	  TmpResource.Type = MT_PNG;
	  m_ResourceTypes.insert(ResourceTypeMap_t::value_type(UUID(TmpResource.ResourceID), MT_PNG));

  // Calculate the timeline duration.
  // This is a little ugly because the last element in the file is not necessarily
  // the last instance to be displayed, e.g., element n and element n-1 may have the
  // same start time but n-1 may have a greater duration making it the last to be seen.
  // We must scan the list to accumulate the latest TimeOut value.
  ElementList InstanceList;
  ElementList::const_iterator ei;
  ui32_t end_count = 0;
  m_Root.GetChildrenWithName("Subtitle", InstanceList);

  if ( InstanceList.empty() )
      DefaultLogSink(). Error("XML document contains no Subtitle elements.\n");
      return RESULT_FORMAT;

  // assumes edit rate is constrained above
  ui32_t TCFrameRate = ( m_TDesc.EditRate == EditRate_23_98  ) ? 24 : m_TDesc.EditRate.Numerator;

  S12MTimecode beginTC;
  XMLElement* StartTime = m_Root.GetChildWithName("StartTime");

  if ( StartTime != 0 )

  for ( ei = InstanceList.begin(); ei != InstanceList.end(); ei++ )
      S12MTimecode tmpTC((*ei)->GetAttrWithName("TimeOut"), TCFrameRate);
      if ( end_count < tmpTC.GetFrames() )
	end_count = tmpTC.GetFrames();

  if ( end_count <= beginTC.GetFrames() )
      DefaultLogSink(). Error("Timed Text file has zero-length timeline.\n");
      return RESULT_FORMAT;

  m_TDesc.ContainerDuration = end_count - beginTC.GetFrames();

  return RESULT_OK;