コード例 #1
    qDebug() << "Starting bootstrapping...";
    gMoose.forward( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Started" );
    QSqlQuery query( m_db );
    // this will fail if the metadata table doesn't exist, which is fine
    query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='bootstrap_complete'" );
    query.exec( "DELETE FROM metadata WHERE key='plugin_ctime'" );
    query.exec( "DELETE FROM itunes_db" );

#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
    ITunesLibrary lib;
    // for wizard progress screen
    std::cout << lib.trackCount() << std::endl;
    int i = 0;
    while (lib.hasTracks())
        ITunesLibrary::Track const t = lib.nextTrack();
        QString const plays = QString::number( t.playCount() );
        query.exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itunes_db ( persistent_id, play_count ) "
                    "VALUES ( '" + t.uniqueId() + "', '" + plays + "' )" );

        std::cout << ++i << std::endl;


    ITunesLibrary lib;
    int i = 0;
    // These cout statements are for the progress indicator in the client,
    // do not remove!
    std::cout << lib.trackCount() << std::endl;
    while ( lib.hasTracks() )
            ITunesLibrary::Track t = lib.nextTrack();

            if ( !t.isNull() )
                QString sql = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO itunes_db ( persistent_id, path, play_count ) "
                              "VALUES ( :pid, :path, :plays )";
                exec( sql, t );
        catch ( ITunesException& )
            // Move on...

        std::cout << ++i << std::endl;


    // if either INSERTS fail we'll rebootstrap next time
    query.exec( "CREATE TABLE metadata (key VARCHAR( 32 ), value VARCHAR( 32 ))" );
    query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('bootstrap_complete', 'true')" );
    QString const t = QString::number( common::fileCreationTime( pluginPath() ) );
    query.exec( "INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES ('plugin_ctime', '"+t+"')" );


    gMoose.forward( "container://Notification/Twiddly/Bootstrap/Finished" );