コード例 #1
ファイル: VerticalDatum.cpp プロジェクト: speakfool/osgearth
VerticalDatum::transform(const VerticalDatum* from,
                         const VerticalDatum* to,
                         double               lat_deg,
                         double               lon_deg,
                         double&              in_out_z)
    if ( from == to )
        return true;

    if ( from )
        in_out_z = from->msl2hae( lat_deg, lon_deg, in_out_z );

    Units fromUnits = from ? from->getUnits() : Units::METERS;
    Units toUnits = to ? to->getUnits() : Units::METERS;

    in_out_z = fromUnits.convertTo(toUnits, in_out_z);

    if ( to )
        in_out_z = to->hae2msl( lat_deg, lon_deg, in_out_z );

    return true;
コード例 #2
SpatialReference::transformZ(std::vector<osg::Vec3d>& points,
                             const SpatialReference*  outputSRS,
                             bool                     pointsAreLatLong) const
    const VerticalDatum* outVDatum = outputSRS->getVerticalDatum();

    // same vdatum, no xformation necessary.
    if ( _vdatum.get() == outVDatum )
        return true;

    Units inUnits = _vdatum.valid() ? _vdatum->getUnits() : Units::METERS;
    Units outUnits = outVDatum ? outVDatum->getUnits() : inUnits;

    if ( isGeographic() || pointsAreLatLong )
        for( unsigned i=0; i<points.size(); ++i )
            if ( _vdatum.valid() )
                // to HAE:
                points[i].z() = _vdatum->msl2hae( points[i].y(), points[i].x(), points[i].z() );

            // do the units conversion:
            points[i].z() = inUnits.convertTo(outUnits, points[i].z());

            if ( outVDatum )
                // to MSL:
                points[i].z() = outVDatum->hae2msl( points[i].y(), points[i].x(), points[i].z() );

    else // need to xform input points
        // copy the points and convert them to geographic coordinates (lat/long with the same Z):
        std::vector<osg::Vec3d> geopoints(points);
        transform( geopoints, getGeographicSRS() );

        for( unsigned i=0; i<geopoints.size(); ++i )
            if ( _vdatum.valid() )
                // to HAE:
                points[i].z() = _vdatum->msl2hae( geopoints[i].y(), geopoints[i].x(), points[i].z() );

            // do the units conversion:
            points[i].z() = inUnits.convertTo(outUnits, points[i].z());

            if ( outVDatum )
                // to MSL:
                points[i].z() = outVDatum->hae2msl( geopoints[i].y(), geopoints[i].x(), points[i].z() );

    return true;