コード例 #1
ファイル: PolygonEdge.cpp プロジェクト: nimgould/mantid
 * Classify a point with respect to an edge, i.e. left, right of edge etc.
 * @param pt :: A point as V2D
 * @param edge :: A test edge object
 * @returns The type of the point
PointClassification classify(const V2D &pt, const PolygonEdge &edge) {
  V2D p2 = pt;
  const V2D &a = edge.direction();
  V2D b = p2 - edge.start();
  double sa = a.X() * b.Y() - b.X() * a.Y();
  if (sa > 0.0) {
    return OnLeft;
  if (sa < 0.0) {
    return OnRight;
  if ((a.X() * b.X() < 0.0) || (a.Y() * b.Y() < 0.0)) {
    return Behind;
  if (a.norm() < b.norm()) {
    return Beyond;
  if (edge.start() == p2) {
    return Origin;
  if (edge.end() == p2) {
    return Destination;
  return Between;
コード例 #2
ファイル: V2D.cpp プロジェクト: nimgould/mantid
 * Angle between this and another vector
double V2D::angle(const V2D &other) const {
  double ratio = this->scalar_prod(other) / (this->norm() * other.norm());

  if (ratio >= 1.0)       // NOTE: Due to rounding errors, if "other"
    return 0.0;           //       is nearly the same as "this" or
  else if (ratio <= -1.0) //       as "-this", ratio can be slightly
    return M_PI;          //       more than 1 in absolute value.
                          //       That causes acos() to return NaN.
  return acos(ratio);