IECoreScene::PrimitiveVariable FromMayaMeshConverter::uvs( const MString &uvSet, const std::vector<int> &vertsPerFace ) const { MFnMesh fnMesh( object() ); IntVectorDataPtr indexData = new IntVectorData; vector<int> &indices = indexData->writable(); indices.reserve( fnMesh.numFaceVertices() ); // get uv data. A list of uv counts per polygon, and a bunch of uv ids: MIntArray uvCounts, uvIds; fnMesh.getAssignedUVs( uvCounts, uvIds, &uvSet ); int uvIdIndex = 0; for( size_t i=0; i < vertsPerFace.size(); ++i ) { int numPolyUvs = uvCounts[i]; int numPolyVerts = vertsPerFace[i]; if( numPolyUvs == 0 ) { for( int j=0; j < numPolyVerts; ++j ) { indices.push_back( 0 ); } } else { for( int j=0; j < numPolyVerts; ++j ) { indices.push_back( uvIds[ uvIdIndex++ ] ); } } } V2fVectorDataPtr uvData = new V2fVectorData; uvData->setInterpretation( GeometricData::UV ); std::vector<Imath::V2f> &uvs = uvData->writable(); MFloatArray uArray, vArray; fnMesh.getUVs( uArray, vArray, &uvSet ); size_t numIndices = indices.size(); if( uArray.length() == 0 ) { uvs.resize( numIndices, Imath::V2f( .0f ) ); } else { uvs.reserve( uArray.length() ); for( size_t i=0; i < uArray.length(); ++i ) { uvs.emplace_back( uArray[i], vArray[i] ); } } return PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying, uvData, indexData ); }
IECore::ConstObjectPtr MapProjection::computeProcessedObject( const ScenePath &path, const Gaffer::Context *context, IECore::ConstObjectPtr inputObject ) const { // early out if it's not a primitive with a "P" variable const Primitive *inputPrimitive = runTimeCast<const Primitive>( inputObject.get() ); if( !inputPrimitive ) { return inputObject; } const V3fVectorData *pData = inputPrimitive->variableData<V3fVectorData>( "P" ); if( !pData ) { return inputObject; } // early out if the uv set name hasn't been provided const string uvSet = uvSetPlug()->getValue(); if( uvSet == "" ) { return inputObject; } // get the camera and early out if we can't find one ScenePath cameraPath; ScenePlug::stringToPath( cameraPlug()->getValue(), cameraPath ); ConstCameraPtr constCamera = runTimeCast<const Camera>( inPlug()->object( cameraPath ) ); if( !constCamera ) { return inputObject; } M44f cameraMatrix = inPlug()->fullTransform( cameraPath ); M44f objectMatrix = inPlug()->fullTransform( path ); M44f objectToCamera = objectMatrix * cameraMatrix.inverse(); bool perspective = constCamera->getProjection() == "perspective"; Box2f normalizedScreenWindow; if( constCamera->hasResolution() ) { normalizedScreenWindow = constCamera->frustum(); } else { // We don't know what resolution the camera is meant to render with, so take the whole aperture // as the screen window normalizedScreenWindow = constCamera->frustum( Camera::Distort ); } // do the work PrimitivePtr result = inputPrimitive->copy(); V2fVectorDataPtr uvData = new V2fVectorData(); uvData->setInterpretation( GeometricData::UV ); result->variables[uvSet] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::Vertex, uvData ); const vector<V3f> &p = pData->readable(); vector<V2f> &uv = uvData->writable(); uv.reserve( p.size() ); for( size_t i = 0, e = p.size(); i < e; ++i ) { V3f pCamera = p[i] * objectToCamera; V2f pScreen = V2f( pCamera.x, pCamera.y ); if( perspective ) { pScreen /= -pCamera.z; } uv.push_back( V2f( lerpfactor( pScreen.x, normalizedScreenWindow.min.x, normalizedScreenWindow.max.x ), lerpfactor( pScreen.y, normalizedScreenWindow.min.y, normalizedScreenWindow.max.y ) ) ); } return result; }
IECore::ObjectPtr MeshFromNuke::doConversion( IECore::ConstCompoundObjectPtr operands ) const { // topology IntVectorDataPtr verticesPerFaceData = new IntVectorData; IntVectorDataPtr vertexIdsData = new IntVectorData; std::vector<int> &verticesPerFace = verticesPerFaceData->writable(); std::vector<int> &vertexIds = vertexIdsData->writable(); unsigned numPrimitives = m_geo->primitives(); const DD::Image::Primitive **primitives = m_geo->primitive_array(); std::vector<unsigned> tmpFaceVertices; for( unsigned primIndex=0; primIndex<numPrimitives; primIndex++ ) { const DD::Image::Primitive *prim = primitives[primIndex]; unsigned numFaces = prim->faces(); for( unsigned faceIndex=0; faceIndex<numFaces; faceIndex++ ) { unsigned numFaceVertices = prim->face_vertices( faceIndex ); verticesPerFace.push_back( numFaceVertices ); tmpFaceVertices.resize( numFaceVertices ); prim->get_face_vertices( faceIndex, &(tmpFaceVertices[0]) ); for( unsigned i=0; i<numFaceVertices; i++ ) { vertexIds.push_back( prim->vertex( tmpFaceVertices[i] ) ); } } } MeshPrimitivePtr result = new MeshPrimitive( verticesPerFaceData, vertexIdsData, "linear" ); // points if( const DD::Image::PointList *pl = m_geo->point_list() ) { V3fVectorDataPtr p = new V3fVectorData(); p->writable().resize( pl->size() ); std::transform( pl->begin(), pl->end(), p->writable().begin(), IECore::convert<Imath::V3f, DD::Image::Vector3> ); result->variables["P"] = PrimitiveVariable( PrimitiveVariable::Vertex, p ); } // uvs PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation uvInterpolation = PrimitiveVariable::Vertex; const DD::Image::Attribute *uvAttr = m_geo->get_typed_group_attribute( DD::Image::Group_Points, "uv", DD::Image::VECTOR4_ATTRIB ); if( !uvAttr ) { uvAttr = m_geo->get_typed_group_attribute( DD::Image::Group_Vertices, "uv", DD::Image::VECTOR4_ATTRIB ); uvInterpolation = PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying; } if( uvAttr ) { V2fVectorDataPtr uvData = new V2fVectorData(); uvData->setInterpretation( GeometricData::UV ); std::vector<Imath::V2f> &uvs = uvData->writable(); uvs.reserve( uvAttr->size() ); unsigned numUVs = uvAttr->size(); for( unsigned i=0; i<numUVs; i++ ) { // as of Cortex 10, we take a UDIM centric approach // to UVs, which clashes with Nuke, so we must flip // the v values during conversion. uvs.emplace_back( uvAttr->vector4( i ).x, 1.0 - uvAttr->vector4( i ).y ); } result->variables["uv"] = PrimitiveVariable( uvInterpolation, uvData ); } // normals PrimitiveVariable::Interpolation nInterpolation = PrimitiveVariable::Vertex; const DD::Image::Attribute *nAttr = m_geo->get_typed_group_attribute( DD::Image::Group_Points, "N", DD::Image::NORMAL_ATTRIB ); if( !nAttr ) { nAttr = m_geo->get_typed_group_attribute( DD::Image::Group_Vertices, "N", DD::Image::NORMAL_ATTRIB ); nInterpolation = PrimitiveVariable::FaceVarying; } if( nAttr ) { V3fVectorDataPtr nd = new V3fVectorData(); std::vector<Imath::V3f> &n = nd->writable(); n.resize( nAttr->size() ); for( unsigned i=0; i<n.size(); i++ ) { n[i] = IECore::convert<Imath::V3f, DD::Image::Vector3>( nAttr->normal( i ) ); } result->variables["N"] = PrimitiveVariable( nInterpolation, nd ); } return result; }