コード例 #1
  /** Executes the algorithm.
  void CombinePeaksWorkspaces::exec()
    PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr LHSWorkspace = getProperty("LHSWorkspace");
    PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr RHSWorkspace = getProperty("RHSWorkspace");

    const bool CombineMatchingPeaks = getProperty("CombineMatchingPeaks");

    // Warn if not the same instrument, sample
    if ( LHSWorkspace->getInstrument()->getName() != RHSWorkspace->getInstrument()->getName() )
      g_log.warning("The two input workspaces do not appear to come from data take on the same instrument");
    if ( LHSWorkspace->sample().getName() != RHSWorkspace->sample().getName() )
      g_log.warning("The two input workspaces do not appear to relate to the same sample");

    // Copy the first workspace to our output workspace
    PeaksWorkspace_sptr output(LHSWorkspace->clone());
    // Get hold of the peaks in the second workspace
    auto & rhsPeaks = RHSWorkspace->getPeaks();

    Progress progress(this, 0, 1, rhsPeaks.size());

    // If not checking for matching peaks, then it's easy...
    if ( ! CombineMatchingPeaks )
      // Loop over the peaks in the second workspace, appending each one to the output
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < rhsPeaks.size(); ++i )
    else  // Check for matching peaks
      const double Tolerance = getProperty("Tolerance");

      // Get hold of the peaks in the first workspace as we'll need to examine them
      auto & lhsPeaks = LHSWorkspace->getPeaks();

      // Loop over the peaks in the second workspace, appending ones that don't match any in first workspace
      for ( size_t i = 0; i < rhsPeaks.size(); ++i )
        const Peak& currentPeak = rhsPeaks[i];
        // Now have to go through the first workspace checking for matches
        // Not doing anything clever as peaks workspace are typically not large - just a linear search
        bool match = false;
        for ( size_t j = 0; j < lhsPeaks.size(); ++j )
          const V3D deltaQ = currentPeak.getQSampleFrame() - lhsPeaks[j].getQSampleFrame();
          if ( deltaQ.nullVector(Tolerance) )  // Using a V3D method that does the job
            match = true;
        // Only add the peak if there was no match
        if ( ! match ) output->addPeak(currentPeak);

    setProperty("OutputWorkspace", output);