コード例 #1
	void StOptionsInfos::HelpUsage(const VString& inArgv0) const
		HelpUsagePrinter printer;

		// first line
		printer.out += CVSTR("Usage: ");
		printer.out += inArgv0; // FIXME : extractFilePath(inArgv0)
		printer.out += CVSTR(" [OPTION]...");
		if (remainingOption)
			printer.out += CVSTR(" [FILE]...");
		printer.out += '\n';

		// iterating through all options
		if (! options.empty())
			Private::CommandLineParser::VOptionBase::Vector::const_iterator end = options.end();
			Private::CommandLineParser::VOptionBase::Vector::const_iterator i   = options.begin();

			// Add a space if the first option is not a paragraph
			// (otherwise the user would do what he wants)
			if (! (*i)->IsParagraph())
				// deal with hidden options at the beginning
				if ((*i)->IsVisibleFromHelpUsage())
					printer.out += '\n';
					// the first element is not visible, thus we can not determine what to do
					// trying to find the first visible element
					for (; i != end; ++i)
						if ((*i)->IsVisibleFromHelpUsage())
							if (! (*i)->IsParagraph())
								printer.out += '\n';

					// reset the iterator
					i = options.begin();

			// temporary string for description manipulation
			VString tmpDesc;

			for (; i != end; ++i)
				const Private::CommandLineParser::VOptionBase& opt = *(*i);

				if (opt.IsVisibleFromHelpUsage())
					// we should remove all \t produced by end-of-line backslashes
					// (used for writing long text on several lines)
					// anyway the tab-character should not be used within descriptions
					tmpDesc = opt.GetDescription();
					tmpDesc.ExchangeAll(CVSTR("\t"), VString());

					if (! opt.IsParagraph())
						printer.ExportOptionHelpUsage(opt.GetShortName(), opt.GetLongName(), tmpDesc, opt.IsRequiresParameter());

		// determining if the --help option is implicit or not
		if (0 == byLongNames.count(CVSTR("help")))
			// --help is implicit
			VString desc = CVSTR("Display the help and exit");

				if (byShortNames.count('h') == 0)
					printer.ExportOptionHelpUsage('?', CVSTR("h, /help"), desc, false);
					printer.ExportOptionHelpUsage('?', CVSTR("help"), desc, false);
				if (byShortNames.count('h') == 0)
					printer.ExportOptionHelpUsage('h', CVSTR("help"), desc, false);
					printer.ExportOptionHelpUsage(' ', CVSTR("help"), desc, false);

		// display the help usage to the console
		std::wcout.write(printer.out.GetCPointer(), printer.out.GetLength());
		StStringConverter<char> buff(printer.out, VTC_UTF_8);
		if (buff.IsOK())
			std::cout.write(buff.GetCPointer(), buff.GetSize());
コード例 #2
void VSysLogOutput::Put( std::vector< const XBOX::VValueBag* >& inValuesVector)
	for (std::vector< const XBOX::VValueBag* >::iterator bagIter = inValuesVector.begin() ; bagIter != inValuesVector.end() ; ++bagIter)
		EMessageLevel bagLevel = ILoggerBagKeys::level.Get( *bagIter);
		if ((fFilter & (1 << bagLevel)) != 0)
			VString logMsg;
			VError errorCode = VE_OK;
			ILoggerBagKeys::error_code.Get( *bagIter, errorCode);
			VString loggerID;
			ILoggerBagKeys::source.Get( *bagIter, loggerID);
			OsType componentSignature = 0;
			if (!ILoggerBagKeys::component_signature.Get( *bagIter, componentSignature))
				componentSignature = COMPONENT_FROM_VERROR( errorCode);
			if (componentSignature != 0)
				if (!loggerID.IsEmpty())
					loggerID.AppendUniChar( L'.');
				loggerID.AppendOsType( componentSignature);
			if (!loggerID.IsEmpty())
				logMsg.Printf( "[%S]", &loggerID);
			// build message string
			VString message;
			if (errorCode != VE_OK)
				message.AppendPrintf( "error %d", ERRCODE_FROM_VERROR( errorCode));
			VString bagMsg;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::message.Get( *bagIter, bagMsg))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( bagMsg);
			sLONG taskId=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::task_id.Get( *bagIter, taskId))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"task #");
				message.AppendLong( taskId);
			VString taskName;
			if (!ILoggerBagKeys::task_name.Get( *bagIter, taskName))
				VTask::GetCurrent()->GetName( taskName);
			if (!taskName.IsEmpty())
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( taskName);
			sLONG socketDescriptor=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::socket.Get( *bagIter, socketDescriptor))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"socket ");
			VString localAddr;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::local_addr.Get( *bagIter, localAddr))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"local addr is ");
				message.AppendString( localAddr);
			VString peerAddr;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::peer_addr.Get( *bagIter, peerAddr))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"peer addr is ");
				message.AppendString( peerAddr);
			bool exchangeEndPointID=false;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::exchange_id.Get( *bagIter, exchangeEndPointID))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( (exchangeEndPointID) ? L"exchange endpoint id" : L"do not exchange endpoint id");
			bool isBlocking=false;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::is_blocking.Get( *bagIter, isBlocking))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( (isBlocking) ? L"is blocking" : L"is not blocking");
			bool isSSL=false;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::is_ssl.Get( *bagIter, isSSL))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( (isSSL) ? L"with SSL" : L"without SSL");
			bool isSelectIO=false;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::is_select_io.Get( *bagIter, isSelectIO))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( (isSelectIO) ? L"with SelectIO" : L"without SelectIO");
			sLONG ioTimeout=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::ms_timeout.Get( *bagIter, ioTimeout))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"with ");
				message.AppendLong( ioTimeout);
				message.AppendString( L"ms timeout");
			sLONG askedCount=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::count_bytes_asked.Get( *bagIter, askedCount))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"asked for ");
				message.AppendLong( askedCount);
				message.AppendString( L" byte(s)");
			sLONG sentCount=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::count_bytes_sent.Get(*bagIter, sentCount))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"sent ");
				message.AppendLong( sentCount);
				message.AppendString( L" byte(s)");
			sLONG receivedCount=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::count_bytes_received.Get( *bagIter, receivedCount))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"received ");
				message.AppendLong( receivedCount);
				message.AppendString( L" byte(s)");
			sLONG ioSpent=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::ms_spent.Get( *bagIter, ioSpent))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"done in ");
				message.AppendLong( ioSpent);
				message.AppendString( L"ms");
			sLONG dumpOffset=-1;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::dump_offset.Get( *bagIter, dumpOffset))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"offset ");
				message.AppendLong( dumpOffset);
			VString dumpBuffer;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::dump_buffer.Get( *bagIter, dumpBuffer))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L"data : ");
				message.AppendString( dumpBuffer);
			VString fileName;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::file_name.Get( *bagIter, fileName))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( fileName);
			sLONG lineNumber;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::line_number.Get( *bagIter, lineNumber))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendLong( lineNumber);
			VString stackCrawl;
			if (ILoggerBagKeys::stack_crawl.Get( *bagIter, stackCrawl))
				if (!message.IsEmpty())
					message.AppendString( L", ");
				message.AppendString( L", {");
				stackCrawl.ExchangeAll( L"\n", L" ; ");
				message.AppendString( stackCrawl);
				message.AppendUniChar( L'}');
			if (!logMsg.IsEmpty())
				logMsg.AppendUniChar( L' ');
			logMsg.AppendString( message);
			if (!logMsg.IsEmpty())
				StStringConverter<char> messageConverter( VTC_StdLib_char);
				switch( bagLevel)
					case EML_Dump:
					case EML_Assert:
					case EML_Debug:
						syslog( LOG_DEBUG, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));
					case EML_Trace:
						syslog( LOG_NOTICE, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));

					case EML_Information:
						syslog( LOG_INFO, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));
					case EML_Warning:
						syslog( LOG_WARNING, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));
					case EML_Error:
						syslog( LOG_ERR, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));
					case EML_Fatal:
						syslog( LOG_CRIT, messageConverter.ConvertString( logMsg));
コード例 #3
/** parse span text element or XHTML fragment 
@param inTaggedText
	tagged text to parse (span element text only if inParseSpanOnly == true, XHTML fragment otherwise)
@param outStyles
	parsed styles
@param outPlainText
	parsed plain text
@param inParseSpanOnly
	true (default): only <span> element(s) with CSS styles are parsed
	false: all XHTML text fragment is parsed (parse also mandatory HTML text styles)
void VSpanTextParser::ParseSpanText( const VString& inTaggedText, VTreeTextStyle*& outStyles, VString& outPlainText, bool inParseSpanOnly)
	outPlainText = "";
	outStyles = NULL;
	if (inTaggedText.IsEmpty())
	//fixed ACI0076343: for compatibility with older bases which do not have support for multistyle var or field
	//					we need to convert to xml text the text which is not bracketed with SPAN 
	//					otherwise parser would fail
	VString vtext;
	sLONG posStartSPAN = 1; //pos of first SPAN tag
	sLONG posEndSPAN = inTaggedText.GetLength()+1; //pos of character following ending SPAN tag
	if (inParseSpanOnly)
		//search for opening SPAN tag
		posStartSPAN = inTaggedText.Find("<SPAN", 1, false);
		if (!posStartSPAN)
			//convert full text to xml
			inTaggedText.GetXMLString( vtext, XSO_Default); 
			vtext = VString("<SPAN>")+vtext+"</SPAN>";
			VString before, after;
			if (posStartSPAN > 1)
				//convert to XML text preceeding first SPAN 
				VString temp;
				inTaggedText.GetSubString( 1, posStartSPAN-1, temp);
				temp.GetXMLString( before, XSO_Default);
			//search for ending SPAN tag
			const UniChar *c = inTaggedText.GetCPointer()+inTaggedText.GetLength()-1;
			sLONG pos = inTaggedText.GetLength()-1;
			VString spanEndTag = "</SPAN>";
			VString spanEndTag2 = "</span>";
				while (pos >= 0 && *c != '>')
					if (pos >= 0)
				if (pos >= 0)
					if (memcmp( (void*)(c+1-spanEndTag.GetLength()), spanEndTag.GetCPointer(), spanEndTag.GetLength()*sizeof(UniChar)) == 0
						memcmp( (void*)(c+1-spanEndTag2.GetLength()), spanEndTag2.GetCPointer(), spanEndTag2.GetLength()*sizeof(UniChar)) == 0)
						posEndSPAN = pos+2;
						if (pos >= 0)
			} while (pos >= 0);
			if (posEndSPAN <= inTaggedText.GetLength())
				//convert to XML text following ending SPAN tag
				VString temp;
				inTaggedText.GetSubString( posEndSPAN, inTaggedText.GetLength()-posEndSPAN+1, temp);
				temp.GetXMLString( after, XSO_Default);
			if (!before.IsEmpty() || !after.IsEmpty())
				inTaggedText.GetSubString( posStartSPAN, posEndSPAN-posStartSPAN, vtext);
				vtext = VString("<SPAN>")+before+vtext+after+"</SPAN>";
				vtext = VString("<SPAN>")+inTaggedText+"</SPAN>";
		vtext = inTaggedText;

	vtext.ExchangeAll(0x0B,0x0D);//[MI] le 28/12/2010 ACI0069253
	vtext.ConvertCarriageReturns(eCRM_CR); //important here on Windows before parsing because styles are assumed to use one character size for line ending on any platform 
										   //and so pair of 0x0D 0x0A should be treated as a single 0x0D character
	VTaggedTextSAXHandler vsaxhandler(outStyles, &outPlainText, inParseSpanOnly);
	VXMLParser vSAXParser;

	vSAXParser.Parse(vtext, &vsaxhandler, XML_ValidateNever);

	outPlainText.ConvertCarriageReturns(eCRM_CR); //we need to convert to CR (on any platform but Linux here) because xerces parser has converted all line endings to LF (cf W3C XML line ending uniformization while parsing)
	outPlainText.ConvertCarriageReturns(eCRM_CR); //we need to convert to CR (on any platform but Linux here) because xerces parser has converted all line endings to LF (cf W3C XML line ending uniformization while parsing)