コード例 #1
ファイル: JointFilter.cpp プロジェクト: aronarts/FireNET
// Name: FilterAdaptiveDoubleExponential::UpdateSmoothingParameters()
// Desc: Updates the smoothing parameters based on the smoothing filter's trend
void FilterAdaptiveDoubleExponential::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, const float fDeltaTime  )
    for (uint32 i = 0; i < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; i++)
        Vec4 vPreviousPosition  = m_DoubleExponentialFilter.m_History[ i ].m_vRawPosition;
        Vec4 vCurrentPosition   = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions[ i ];
        Vec4 vVelocity          = ( vCurrentPosition - vPreviousPosition ) / fDeltaTime;
        float fVelocity             = fabsf( vVelocity.GetLength() );

        UpdateSmoothingParameters( i, fVelocity, pSkeletonData.eSkeletonPositionTrackingState[i] );

        m_DoubleExponentialFilter.Update( pSkeletonData, i, m_SmoothingParams[ i ] );

    // Copy filtered data to output data
    memcpy( m_FilteredJoints, m_DoubleExponentialFilter.GetFilteredJoints(), sizeof( m_FilteredJoints ) );

コード例 #2
ファイル: JointFilter.cpp プロジェクト: aronarts/FireNET
void FilterDoubleExponential::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, uint32 i, const KIN_TRANSFORM_SMOOTH_PARAMETERS& smoothingParams )
    Vec4 vPrevRawPosition;
    Vec4 vPrevFilteredPosition;
    Vec4 vPrevTrend;
    Vec4 vRawPosition;
    Vec4 vFilteredPosition;
    Vec4 vPredictedPosition;
    Vec4 vDiff;
    Vec4 vTrend;
    Vec4 vLength;
    float fDiff;
    BOOL bJointIsValid;

    const Vec4* __restrict pJointPositions = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions;

    vRawPosition            = pJointPositions[i];
    vPrevFilteredPosition   = m_History[i].m_vFilteredPosition;
    vPrevTrend              = m_History[i].m_vTrend;
    vPrevRawPosition        = m_History[i].m_vRawPosition;
    bJointIsValid           = JointPositionIsValid(vRawPosition);

    // If joint is invalid, reset the filter
    if (!bJointIsValid)
        m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount = 0;

    // Initial start values
    if (m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount == 0)
        vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition;
        vTrend = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
    else if (m_History[i].m_dwFrameCount == 1)
        vFilteredPosition = (vRawPosition + vPrevRawPosition) * 0.5f;
        vDiff = vFilteredPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        vTrend = (vDiff * smoothingParams.m_fCorrection) + (vPrevTrend *  (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fCorrection));
        // First apply jitter filter
        vDiff = vRawPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

        if (fDiff <= smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius)
            vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition * (fDiff/smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius) + vPrevFilteredPosition * (1.0f - fDiff/smoothingParams.m_fJitterRadius);
            vFilteredPosition = vRawPosition;

        // Now the double exponential smoothing filter
        vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fSmoothing) + (vPrevFilteredPosition + vPrevTrend) * smoothingParams.m_fSmoothing;

        vDiff = vFilteredPosition - vPrevFilteredPosition;
        vTrend = vDiff * smoothingParams.m_fCorrection + vPrevTrend * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fCorrection); 

    // Predict into the future to reduce latency
    vPredictedPosition = vFilteredPosition + (vTrend * smoothingParams.m_fPrediction);

    // Check that we are not too far away from raw data
    vDiff = vPredictedPosition - vRawPosition;
    fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

    if (fDiff > smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius)
        vPredictedPosition = vPredictedPosition * smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius/fDiff + vRawPosition * (1.0f - smoothingParams.m_fMaxDeviationRadius/fDiff);

    // Save the data from this frame
    m_History[i].m_vRawPosition      = vRawPosition;
    m_History[i].m_vFilteredPosition = vFilteredPosition;
    m_History[i].m_vTrend            = vTrend;
    // Output the data
    m_FilteredJoints[i] = vPredictedPosition;
    m_FilteredJoints[i].w = 1.0f;
コード例 #3
ファイル: JointFilter.cpp プロジェクト: aronarts/FireNET
// The Taylor Series smooths and removes jitter based on a taylor series expansion
void FilterTaylorSeries::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, const float fDeltaTime )
    const float fJitterRadius = 0.05f;
    const float fAlphaCoef  = 1.0f - m_fSmoothing;
    const float fBetaCoeff  = (fAlphaCoef * fAlphaCoef ) / ( 2 - fAlphaCoef );

    Vec4 vRawPos;
    // Velocity, acceleration and Jolt are 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree derivatives of position respectively. 
    Vec4 vCurFilteredPos, vEstVelocity, vEstAccelaration, vEstJolt;
    Vec4 vPrevFilteredPos, vPrevEstVelocity, vPrevEstAccelaration, vPrevEstJolt;
    Vec4 vDiff;
    float fDiff;

    Vec4 vPredicted, vError;
    Vec4 vConstants(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.1667f);

    for (int i = 0; i < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; i++)
        vRawPos             = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions[i];
        vPrevFilteredPos    = m_History[i].vPos;
        vPrevEstVelocity    = m_History[i].vEstVelocity;
        vPrevEstAccelaration = m_History[i].vEstAccelaration;
        vPrevEstJolt        = m_History[i].vEstJolt;

        if (!JointPositionIsValid(vPrevFilteredPos))
            vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos;
            vEstVelocity      = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            vEstAccelaration     = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            vEstJolt     = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
        else if (!JointPositionIsValid(vRawPos))
            vCurFilteredPos = vPrevFilteredPos;
            vEstVelocity = vPrevEstVelocity;
            vEstAccelaration = vPrevEstAccelaration;
            vEstJolt = vPrevEstJolt;
            // If the current and previous frames have valid data, perform interpolation

            vDiff = vPrevFilteredPos - vRawPos;
            fDiff = fabs(vDiff.GetLength());

            if (fDiff <= fJitterRadius)
                vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos * fDiff/fJitterRadius + vPrevFilteredPos * (1.0f - fDiff/fJitterRadius);
                vCurFilteredPos = vRawPos;

            vPredicted  = vPrevFilteredPos + vPrevEstVelocity;
            vPredicted  = vPredicted + vPrevEstAccelaration * (vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.z);
            vPredicted  = vPredicted + vPrevEstJolt * (vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.y * vConstants.w);
            vError      = vCurFilteredPos - vPredicted;

            vCurFilteredPos = vPredicted + vError * fAlphaCoef;
            vEstVelocity = vPrevEstVelocity + vError * fBetaCoeff;
            vEstAccelaration = vEstVelocity - vPrevEstVelocity;
            vEstJolt = vEstAccelaration - vPrevEstAccelaration;

        // Update the state
        m_History[i].vPos = vCurFilteredPos;
        m_History[i].vEstVelocity = vEstVelocity;
        m_History[i].vEstAccelaration = vEstAccelaration;
        m_History[i].vEstJolt = vEstJolt;
        // Output the data
        m_FilteredJoints[i]     = vCurFilteredPos;
        m_FilteredJoints[i].w   = 1.0f;
コード例 #4
ファイル: JointFilter.cpp プロジェクト: aronarts/FireNET
// Name: CombiJointFilter()
// Desc: A filter for the positional data.  This filter uses a combination of velocity 
//       position history to filter the joint positions.
void FilterCombination::Update( const SKinSkeletonRawData& pSkeletonData, const float fDeltaTime )
    // Process each joint
    for ( uint32 nJoint = 0; nJoint < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; ++nJoint )
        // Remember where the camera thinks this joint should be
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos = pSkeletonData.vSkeletonPositions[ nJoint ];

        Vec4 vDelta;
        vDelta = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos - m_History[ nJoint ].m_vLastWantedPos;
            Vec4 vBlended;

            // Calculate the vBlended value - could optimize this by remembering the running total and
            // subtracting the oldest value and then adding the newest. Saves adding them all up on each frame.
            vBlended = Vec4(0,0,0,0);
            for( uint32 k = 0; k < m_nUseTaps; ++k)
                vBlended = vBlended + m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[k];
            vBlended = vBlended / ((float)m_nUseTaps);

						vBlended.w = 0.0f;
						vDelta.w = 0.0f;

            float fDeltaLength = vDelta.GetLength();
            float fBlendedLength = vBlended.GetLength();
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = m_fDefaultApplyRate;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[0] = false;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[1] = false;
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[2] = false;

            // Does the current velocity and history have a reasonable magnitude?
            if( fDeltaLength   >= m_fDeltaLengthThreshold &&
                fBlendedLength >= m_fBlendedLengthThreshold )
                float fDotProd;
                float fConfidence;

                if( m_bDotProdNormalize )
                    Vec4 vDeltaOne = vDelta;
                    Vec4 vBlendedOne = vBlended;

                    fDotProd = vDeltaOne.Dot( vBlendedOne );
										fDotProd = vDelta.Dot(vBlended);

                // Is the current frame aligned to the recent history?
                if( fDotProd >= m_fDotProdThreshold )
                    fConfidence = fDotProd;
                    m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = min( fConfidence, 1.0f );
                    m_History[ nJoint ].m_bActive[0] = true;

            assert( m_History[ nJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate <= 1.0f );

        // Push the previous deltas down the history
        for( int j = m_nUseTaps-2; j >= 0; --j )
            m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[j+1] = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[j];

        // Store the current history
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vPrevDeltas[0] = vDelta;	

        // Remember where the camera thought this joint was on the this frame
        m_History[ nJoint ].m_vLastWantedPos = m_History[ nJoint ].m_vWantedPos;

    // Secondary and tertiary blending
    for ( uint32 pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass )
        for ( uint32 bone = 0; bone < g_numBones; ++bone )
            float fRate1;
            float fRate2;

            fRate1 = m_History[ g_Bones[bone].startJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate;
            fRate2 = m_History[ g_Bones[bone].endJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate;

            // Blend down? Start to end
            if( (fRate1 * m_fDownBlendRate) > fRate2)
                // Yes, apply
                m_History[ g_Bones[bone].endJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = ( fRate1 * m_fDownBlendRate );

                // Flag
                m_History[ g_Bones[bone].endJoint ].m_bActive[pass+1] = true;
            // Blend down? End to start
            if( ( fRate2 * m_fDownBlendRate ) > fRate1)
                // Yes, apply
                m_History[ g_Bones[bone].startJoint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate = ( fRate2 * m_fDownBlendRate );

                // Flag
                m_History[ g_Bones[bone].startJoint ].m_bActive[pass+1] = true;

    // Apply
    for ( uint32 joint = 0; joint < KIN_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT; ++joint )
        // Blend the blend rate
        m_History[ joint ].m_fActualLocalBlendRate = 
                Lerp(m_History[ joint ].m_fActualLocalBlendRate,
                     m_History[ joint ].m_fWantedLocalBlendRate,

        // Blend the actual position towards the wanted positon
        m_History[ joint ].m_vPos = 
                Lerp(m_History[ joint ].m_vPos,
                             m_History[ joint ].m_vWantedPos,
                             m_History[ joint ].m_fActualLocalBlendRate);
        m_FilteredJoints[ joint ] = m_History[ joint ].m_vPos;