コード例 #1
ファイル: gipath.cpp プロジェクト: acekiller/touchvg
static int AngleToBezier(Point2d* pts, float radius)
    const Vector2d vec1 (pts[1] - pts[0]);      // 第一条边
    const Vector2d vec2 (pts[2] - pts[1]);      // 第二条边

    const float dHalfAngle = 0.5f * fabs(vec1.angleTo2(vec2));  // 夹角的一半
    if (dHalfAngle < 1e-4f || fabs(dHalfAngle - _M_PI_2) < 1e-4f)  // 两条边平行
        return 0;

    const float dDist1 = 0.5f * vec1.length();
    const float dDist2 = 0.5f * vec2.length();
    float dArc = radius / tan(dHalfAngle);    // 圆弧在边上的投影长度
    if (dArc > dDist1 || dArc > dDist2)
        float dArcOld = dArc;
        dArc = mgMin(dDist1, dDist2);
        if (dArc < dArcOld * 0.5f)
            return 3;

    int count = 0;
    Point2d ptCenter, ptStart, ptEnd;
    float startAngle, sweepAngle;

    ptStart = pts[1].rulerPoint(pts[0], dArc, 0);
    ptEnd = pts[1].rulerPoint(pts[2], dArc, 0);
    if (mgArcTan(ptStart, ptEnd, pts[1] - ptStart, 
        ptCenter, radius, &startAngle, &sweepAngle))
        count = mgAngleArcToBezier(
            pts, ptCenter, radius, radius, startAngle, sweepAngle);

    return count;
コード例 #2
ファイル: geometry.cpp プロジェクト: danielprint/repsnapper
long double angleBetween(const Vector2d &V1, const Vector2d &V2)
  long double dotproduct =  V1.dot(V2);
  long double length = V1.length() * V2.length();
  if (length==0) return 0;
  long double quot = dotproduct / length;
  if (quot > 1  && quot < 1.0001) quot = 1;
  if (quot < -1 && quot > -1.0001) quot = -1;
  long double result = acosl( quot ); // 0 .. pi
  if (isleftof(Vector2d(0,0), V2, V1))
      result = -result;
  return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mgvec.cpp プロジェクト: arthur-zhang/touchvg
// 求本矢量投影到矢量xAxis上的垂直距离
// 在xAxis的逆时针方向时返回正值,顺时针则返回负值
float Vector2d::distanceToVector(const Vector2d& xAxis) const
    float len = xAxis.length();
    if (len < _MGZERO)
        return length();
    return xAxis.crossProduct(*this) / len;
コード例 #4
long double angleBetween(Vector2d V1, Vector2d V2)
  long double result, dotproduct, lengtha, lengthb;

  dotproduct =  (V1.x * V2.x) + (V1.y * V2.y);
  lengtha = V1.length();//sqrt(V1.x * V1.x + V1.y * V1.y);
  lengthb = V2.length();//sqrt(V2.x * V2.x + V2.y * V2.y);
	result = acosl( dotproduct / (lengtha * lengthb) );

  if(result < 0)
    result += M_PI;
    result -= M_PI;
  return result;
コード例 #5
ファイル: printlines.cpp プロジェクト: atoun/repsnapper
// split at length 0 < t < 1
uint Printlines::divideline(uint lineindex, const double t) 
  PLine *l = &lines[lineindex];
  Vector2d d = l->to - l->from;
  vector<Vector2d> points(1);
  points[0] = l->from + d * t * d.length();
  uint nlines = divideline(lineindex, points);
  delete l;
  return nlines;
コード例 #6
ファイル: geometry.cpp プロジェクト: danielprint/repsnapper
// Douglas-Peucker algorithm
vector<Vector2d> simplified(const vector<Vector2d> &vert, double epsilon)
  if (epsilon == 0) return vert;
  uint n_vert = vert.size();
  if (n_vert<3) return vert;
  double dmax = 0;
  //Find the point with the maximum distance from line start-end
  uint index = 0;
  Vector2d normal = normalV(vert.back()-vert.front());
  if( (normal.length()==0) || ((abs(normal.length())-1)>epsilon) ) return vert;
  for (uint i = 1; i < n_vert-1 ; i++)
      double dist = abs((vert[i]-vert.front()).dot(normal));
      if (dist >= epsilon && dist > dmax) {
	index = i;
	dmax = dist;
  vector<Vector2d> newvert;
  if (index > 0) // there is a point > epsilon
      // divide at max dist point and cleanup both parts recursively
      vector<Vector2d> part1;
      part1.insert(part1.end(), vert.begin(), vert.begin()+index+1);
      vector<Vector2d> c1 = simplified(part1, epsilon);
      vector<Vector2d> part2;
      part2.insert(part2.end(), vert.begin()+index, vert.end());
      vector<Vector2d> c2 = simplified(part2, epsilon);
      newvert.insert(newvert.end(), c1.begin(), c1.end()-1);
      newvert.insert(newvert.end(), c2.begin(), c2.end());
    { // all points are nearer than espilon
  return newvert;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Tank.cpp プロジェクト: Azmisov/470-group
void Tank::evalPfield(GameConstants &gc,
	Polygon &base,
	vector<Tank*> &tanks,
	vector<Flag*> &flags,
	vector<Tank*> &enemy_tanks,
	vector<Flag*> &enemy_flags,
	vector<Polygon*> &obstacles
	double pi = 3.1415926435;
	Vector2d result = Vector2d(0);
	for (int i=0; i < obstacles.size(); i++){
		result += 0.4*obstacles[i]->potentialField(loc,dir);
	/*for (int i=0; i < enemy_tanks.size(); i++)
		result += enemy_tanks[i]->potentialField(loc,dir);
	for (int i=0; i < enemy_flags.size(); i++)
		result -= 30 * enemy_flags[i]->potentialField(loc,dir);
		cout << enemy_flags[i]->loc[0] << ", " << enemy_flags[i]->loc[1] << endl;
	result -= 60*goals[goals.size()-1]->potentialField(loc,dir);	
	double desiredAngle = atan2(result[1], result[0]);
	double desiredMagnitude = result.length();
	double currentAngle = atan2(dir[1], dir[0]);
	Tank::protocol.speed(idx, 1); //desiredMagnitude*.4
	//cout << desiredMagnitude *.1 << endl;
	double angDiff = currentAngle - desiredAngle;
	while (angDiff < -1 * pi){
		angDiff += (2*pi);
	while (angDiff > pi){
		angDiff -= (2*pi);
	Tank::protocol.angvel(idx, -angDiff/pi);
コード例 #8
ファイル: vector2d.cpp プロジェクト: shybovycha/road-ribbon
double Vector2d::angleTo(Vector2d that)
    return acos(this->dotProduct(that) / (this->length() * that.length()));