bool SDFShadowDemo::Init() { Log::Get().Open(); if (!Application::Init()) return false; // Init the world matrix m_worldMat = Matrix4f::Identity(); // Build the view matrix. Vector3f pos = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, -5.0f); Vector3f target; target.MakeZero(); Vector3f up = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); m_viewMat = Matrix4f::LookAtLHMatrix(pos, target, up); // Build the projection matrix m_projMat = Matrix4f::PerspectiveFovLHMatrix(0.5f * Pi, AspectRatio(), 0.01f, 100.0f); BufferConfigDX11 cbConfig; cbConfig.SetDefaultConstantBuffer(sizeof(CBufferType), true); m_constantBuffer = m_pRender->CreateConstantBuffer(&cbConfig, 0); LoadSDFBuffer(); BuildShaders(); BuildQuad(); LoadGeometry(); SamplerStateConfigDX11 sampConfig; m_samplerID = m_pRender->CreateSamplerState(&sampConfig); return true; }
void SDFShadowDemo::UpdateScene(f32 /*dt*/) { auto frames = (f32)mTimer.FrameCount() / 1000; //m_worldMat = Matrix4f::RotationMatrixY(frames); m_worldMat = Matrix4f::Identity(); Matrix4f viewRot = Matrix4f::RotationMatrixY(frames); // Build the view matrix. m_cameraPos = Vector4f(0.0f, 1.0f, -5.0f, 1.0f); m_cameraPos = viewRot * m_cameraPos; Vector3f target; target.MakeZero(); Vector3f up = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); m_viewMat = Matrix4f::LookAtLHMatrix(, target, up); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector3f Vector3f::operator/ ( float fScalar ) const { Vector3f quot; if ( fScalar != 0.0f ) { float fInvScalar = 1.0f / fScalar; quot.x = x * fInvScalar; quot.y = y * fInvScalar; quot.z = z * fInvScalar; } else { quot.MakeZero(); } return( quot ); }