コード例 #1
ファイル: Polyhedra_splitter.cpp プロジェクト: Klicho/trunk
void PolyhedraSplitter::action()
	const shared_ptr<Scene> _rb=shared_ptr<Scene>();
	shared_ptr<Scene> rb=(_rb?_rb:Omega::instance().getScene());

	vector<PSplitT> splitsV;
	vector<Matrix3r> bStresses (scene->bodies->size(), Matrix3r::Zero());

	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *rb->bodies){
		if(!b || !b->material || !b->shape) continue;
		shared_ptr<Polyhedra> p=YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<Polyhedra>(b->shape);
		shared_ptr<PolyhedraMat> m=YADE_PTR_DYN_CAST<PolyhedraMat>(b->material);
		if(p && m->IsSplitable){
			//not real strees, to get real one, it has to be divided by body volume
			Matrix3r stress = bStresses[b->id];

			//get eigenstresses
			Matrix3r I_vect(Matrix3r::Zero()), I_valu(Matrix3r::Zero()); 

			Eigen::Matrix3f::Index min_i, max_i;

			//division of stress by volume
			const Vector3r dirC = I_vect.col(max_i);
			const Vector3r dirT = I_vect.col(min_i);
			const Vector3r dir1 = dirC.normalized() + dirT.normalized();
			const Vector3r dir2 = dirC.normalized() - dirT.normalized();
			//double sigma_t = -comp_stress/2.+ tens_stress;
			const Real sigma_t = pow((
			if (sigma_t > getStrength(p->GetVolume(),m->GetStrength())) {
				splitsV.push_back(std::make_tuple(b, dir1.normalized(), dir2.normalized()));
	std::for_each(splitsV.begin(), splitsV.end(), &SplitPolyhedraDouble);
コード例 #2
/* Law2_ScGeom_ViscElPhys_Basic */
void Law2_ScGeom_ViscElPhys_Basic::go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I){

	const ScGeom& geom=*static_cast<ScGeom*>(_geom.get());
	ViscElPhys& phys=*static_cast<ViscElPhys*>(_phys.get());

	const int id1 = I->getId1();
	const int id2 = I->getId2();
	if (geom.penetrationDepth<0) {
		if (phys.liqBridgeCreated and -geom.penetrationDepth<phys.sCrit and phys.Capillar) {
			phys.normalForce = -calculateCapillarForce(geom, phys)*geom.normal;
		  if (I->isActive) {
				addForce (id1,-phys.normalForce,scene);
				addForce (id2, phys.normalForce,scene);
		} else {

	const BodyContainer& bodies = *scene->bodies;

	const State& de1 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id1]->state.get());
	const State& de2 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id2]->state.get());

   * This part for implementation of the capillar model.
   * All main equations are in calculateCapillarForce function. 
   * There is only the determination of critical distance between spheres, 
   * after that the liquid bridge will be broken.
	if (not(phys.liqBridgeCreated) and phys.Capillar) {
		phys.liqBridgeCreated = true;
		Sphere* s1=dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(bodies[id1]->shape.get());
		Sphere* s2=dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(bodies[id2]->shape.get());
		if (s1 and s2) {
			phys.R = 2 * s1->radius * s2->radius / (s1->radius + s2->radius);
		} else if (s1 and not(s2)) {
			phys.R = s1->radius;
		} else {
			phys.R = s2->radius;
		const Real Vstar = phys.Vb/(phys.R*phys.R*phys.R);
		const Real Sstar = (1+0.5*phys.theta)*(pow(Vstar,1/3.0) + 0.1*pow(Vstar,2.0/3.0));   // [Willett2000], equation (15), use the full-length e.g 2*Sc
		phys.sCrit = Sstar*phys.R;

	Vector3r& shearForce = phys.shearForce;
	if (I->isFresh(scene)) shearForce=Vector3r(0,0,0);
	const Real& dt = scene->dt;
	shearForce = geom.rotate(shearForce);

	// Handle periodicity.
	const Vector3r shift2 = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftPos(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero(); 
	const Vector3r shiftVel = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftVel(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero(); 

	const Vector3r c1x = (geom.contactPoint - de1.pos);
	const Vector3r c2x = (geom.contactPoint - de2.pos - shift2);
	const Vector3r relativeVelocity = (de1.vel+de1.angVel.cross(c1x)) - (de2.vel+de2.angVel.cross(c2x)) + shiftVel;
	const Real normalVelocity	= geom.normal.dot(relativeVelocity);
	const Vector3r shearVelocity	= relativeVelocity-normalVelocity*geom.normal;
	// As Chiara Modenese suggest, we store the elastic part 
	// and then add the viscous part if we pass the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
	// See http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg01391.html
	shearForce += phys.ks*dt*shearVelocity; // the elastic shear force have a history, but
	Vector3r shearForceVisc = Vector3r::Zero(); // the viscous shear damping haven't a history because it is a function of the instant velocity 

	// Prevent appearing of attraction forces due to a viscous component
	// [Radjai2011], page 3, equation [1.7]
	// [Schwager2007]
	const Real normForceReal = phys.kn * geom.penetrationDepth + phys.cn * normalVelocity;
	if (normForceReal < 0) {
		phys.normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
	} else {
		phys.normalForce = normForceReal * geom.normal;
	Vector3r momentResistance = Vector3r::Zero();
	if (phys.mR>0.0) {
		const Vector3r relAngVel  = de1.angVel - de2.angVel;
		if (phys.mRtype == 1) { 
			momentResistance = -phys.mR*phys.normalForce.norm()*relAngVel;																														// [Zhou1999536], equation (3)
		} else if (phys.mRtype == 2) { 
			momentResistance = -phys.mR*(c1x.cross(de1.angVel) - c2x.cross(de2.angVel)).norm()*phys.normalForce.norm()*relAngVel;			// [Zhou1999536], equation (4)
	const Real maxFs = phys.normalForce.squaredNorm() * std::pow(phys.tangensOfFrictionAngle,2);
	if( shearForce.squaredNorm() > maxFs )
		// Then Mohr-Coulomb is violated (so, we slip), 
		// we have the max value of the shear force, so 
		// we consider only friction damping.
		const Real ratio = sqrt(maxFs) / shearForce.norm();
		shearForce *= ratio;
		// Then no slip occurs we consider friction damping + viscous damping.
		shearForceVisc = phys.cs*shearVelocity; 
	if (I->isActive) {
		const Vector3r f = phys.normalForce + shearForce + shearForceVisc;
		addForce (id1,-f,scene);
		addForce (id2, f,scene);
		addTorque(id2, c2x.cross(f)-momentResistance,scene);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ViscoelasticPM.cpp プロジェクト: bcharlas/mytrunk
bool computeForceTorqueViscEl(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I, Vector3r & force, Vector3r & torque1, Vector3r & torque2) {
	ViscElPhys& phys=*static_cast<ViscElPhys*>(_phys.get());
	const ScGeom& geom=*static_cast<ScGeom*>(_geom.get());
	Scene* scene=Omega::instance().getScene().get();

#ifdef YADE_SPH
	if (phys.SPHmode) {
		if (computeForceSPH(_geom, _phys, I, force)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	const int id1 = I->getId1();
	const int id2 = I->getId2();
	if (geom.penetrationDepth<0) {
		return false;
	} else {
		const BodyContainer& bodies = *scene->bodies;
		const State& de1 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id1]->state.get());
		const State& de2 = *static_cast<State*>(bodies[id2]->state.get());
		Vector3r& shearForce = phys.shearForce;
		if (I->isFresh(scene)) shearForce=Vector3r(0,0,0);
		const Real& dt = scene->dt;
		shearForce = geom.rotate(shearForce);
		// Handle periodicity.
		const Vector3r shift2 = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftPos(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero(); 
		const Vector3r shiftVel = scene->isPeriodic ? scene->cell->intrShiftVel(I->cellDist): Vector3r::Zero(); 
		const Vector3r c1x = (geom.contactPoint - de1.pos);
		const Vector3r c2x = (geom.contactPoint - de2.pos - shift2);
		const Vector3r relativeVelocity = (de1.vel+de1.angVel.cross(c1x)) - (de2.vel+de2.angVel.cross(c2x)) + shiftVel;
		const Real normalVelocity	= geom.normal.dot(relativeVelocity);
		const Vector3r shearVelocity	= relativeVelocity-normalVelocity*geom.normal;
		// As Chiara Modenese suggest, we store the elastic part 
		// and then add the viscous part if we pass the Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
		// See http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg01391.html
		shearForce += phys.ks*dt*shearVelocity; // the elastic shear force have a history, but
		Vector3r shearForceVisc = Vector3r::Zero(); // the viscous shear damping haven't a history because it is a function of the instant velocity 
		// Prevent appearing of attraction forces due to a viscous component
		// [Radjai2011], page 3, equation [1.7]
		// [Schwager2007]
		phys.Fn = phys.kn * geom.penetrationDepth;
		phys.Fv = phys.cn * normalVelocity;
		const Real normForceReal = phys.Fn + phys.Fv;
		if (normForceReal < 0) {
			phys.normalForce = Vector3r::Zero();
		} else {
			phys.normalForce = normForceReal * geom.normal;
		Vector3r momentResistance = Vector3r::Zero();
		if (phys.mR>0.0) {
			const Vector3r relAngVel  = de1.angVel - de2.angVel;
			if (phys.mRtype == 1) { 
				momentResistance = -phys.mR*phys.normalForce.norm()*relAngVel;																														// [Zhou1999536], equation (3)
			} else if (phys.mRtype == 2) { 
				momentResistance = -phys.mR*(c1x.cross(de1.angVel) - c2x.cross(de2.angVel)).norm()*phys.normalForce.norm()*relAngVel;			// [Zhou1999536], equation (4)
		const Real maxFs = phys.normalForce.squaredNorm() * std::pow(phys.tangensOfFrictionAngle,2);
		if( shearForce.squaredNorm() > maxFs )
			// Then Mohr-Coulomb is violated (so, we slip), 
			// we have the max value of the shear force, so 
			// we consider only friction damping.
			const Real ratio = sqrt(maxFs) / shearForce.norm();
			shearForce *= ratio;
			// Then no slip occurs we consider friction damping + viscous damping.
			shearForceVisc = phys.cs*shearVelocity; 
		force = phys.normalForce + shearForce + shearForceVisc;
		torque1 = -c1x.cross(force)+momentResistance;
		torque2 =  c2x.cross(force)-momentResistance;
		return true;