コード例 #1
void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testClosedTetrahedronMesh() {
    // given a tetrahedron as a closed mesh of four tiangles
    // verify MeshMassProperties computes the right nubers
    // these numbers from the Tonon paper:
    VectorOfPoints points;
    points.push_back(btVector3(8.33220f, -11.86875f, 0.93355f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.75523f, 5.00000f, 16.37072f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(52.61236f, 5.00000f, -5.38580f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(2.00000f, 5.00000f, 3.00000f));

    btScalar expectedVolume = 1873.233236f;

    btMatrix3x3 expectedInertia;
    expectedInertia[0][0] = 43520.33257f;
    expectedInertia[1][1] = 194711.28938f;
    expectedInertia[2][2] = 191168.76173f;
    expectedInertia[1][2] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[2][1] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[0][2] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[2][0] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[0][1] = -11996.20119f;
    expectedInertia[1][0] = -11996.20119f;

    btVector3 expectedCenterOfMass = 0.25f * (points[0] + points[1] + points[2] + points[3]);

    VectorOfIndices triangles;
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 2, 1);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 3, 2);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 1, 3);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 1, 2, 3);

    // compute mass properties
    MeshMassProperties mesh(points, triangles);
    // verify
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);

    // test again, but this time shift the points so that the origin is definitely OUTSIDE the mesh
    btVector3 shift = points[0] + expectedCenterOfMass;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); ++i) {
        points[i] += shift;
    expectedCenterOfMass = 0.25f * (points[0] + points[1] + points[2] + points[3]);

    // compute mass properties
    mesh.computeMassProperties(points, triangles);

    // verify
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);
コード例 #2
ファイル: mesh.cpp プロジェクト: blackerpaper/face
Mesh Mesh::fromPointcloud(const VectorOfPoints &pointcloud, bool centralizeLoadedMesh, bool calculateTriangles)
    Mesh m;

    int n = pointcloud.size();
    m.pointsMat = Matrix(n, 3);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        const cv::Point3d &p = pointcloud.at(i);
        m.pointsMat(i, 0) = p.x;
        m.pointsMat(i, 1) = p.y;
        m.pointsMat(i, 2) = p.z;

    if (calculateTriangles) m.calculateTriangles();
    if (centralizeLoadedMesh) m.centralize();

    return m;