bool rayIntersects(RayN<N, T> const & ray, T max_time = -1) const { if (max_time >= 0) return rayIntersectionTime(ray, max_time) >= 0; VectorT co = ray.getOrigin() - center; T c = co.squaredNorm() - radius * radius; if (c <= 0) // origin is inside ball return true; T a = ray.getDirection().squaredNorm(); T b = 2 *; // Solve quadratic a * t^2 + b * t + c = 0 T b2 = b * b; T det = b2 - 4 * a * c; if (det < 0) return false; if (a > 0) return b <= 0 || det >= b2; else if (a < 0) return b >= 0 || det >= b2; else return false; }
Ipp32f BhattacharyyaDistance<Ipp32f>::doCalculate(const VectorT<Ipp32f>& v1, const VectorT<Ipp32f>& v2) const { if(v1.size()!=v2.size()) fthrow(Exception, "Input vectors must have the same size."); Ipp32f B; #ifdef NICE_USELIB_IPP VectorT<Ipp32f> v1f(v1); v1f *= v2; ippsSqrt(v1f.getDataPointer(), v1f.getDataPointer(), v1f.size()); ippsSum(v1f.getDataPointer(), v1f.size(), &B); #else // NICE_USELIB_IPP B = 0.0; for(uint i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i) B += std::sqrt(v1[i]*v2[i]); #endif // NICE_USELIB_IPP return std::sqrt(1-B); }
void operator()(LinPdeSysT const & pde_system, SegmentT const & segment, StorageType & storage, MatrixT & system_matrix, VectorT & load_vector) { typedef viennamath::equation equ_type; typedef viennamath::expr expr_type; typedef typename expr_type::interface_type interface_type; typedef typename expr_type::numeric_type numeric_type; typedef typename viennagrid::result_of::cell_tag<SegmentT>::type CellTag; std::size_t map_index = viennafvm::create_mapping(pde_system, segment, storage); system_matrix.clear(); system_matrix.resize(map_index, map_index, false); load_vector.clear(); load_vector.resize(map_index); for (std::size_t pde_index = 0; pde_index < pde_system.size(); ++pde_index) { #ifdef VIENNAFVM_DEBUG std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "//" << std::endl; std::cout << "// Equation " << pde_index << std::endl; std::cout << "//" << std::endl; #endif assemble(pde_system, pde_index, segment, storage, system_matrix, load_vector); } // for pde_index } // functor
void RowEchelon<T>::backSub(VectorT& x) const { Assert(EB.n == 1); Assert(EB.m == R.m); x.resize(R.n); VectorT b; EB.getColRef(0,b); Assert((int)firstEntry.size() == R.m+1); x.setZero(); int m=R.m,n=R.n; for(int i=m-1;i>=0;i--) { VectorT ri; R.getRowRef(i,ri); //solve to set R*x = b[i] //calculate alpha = dot between rest of x[>ji] and R[i] int ji=firstEntry[i]; if(ji == n) continue; int ji2=firstEntry[i+1]; //(i+1==m?n:firstEntry[i+1]); T alpha; if(ji2 == n) alpha = Zero; else { VectorT rji2; rji2.setRef(ri,ji2,1,R.n-ji2); VectorT xji2; xji2.setRef(x,ji2,1,R.n-ji2); alpha =; } x[ji] = (b[i]-alpha)/ri[ji]; } }
void interval_set_element_iter_4_discrete_types() { typedef IntervalSet<T> IntervalSetT; typedef typename IntervalSetT::interval_type IntervalT; typedef std::vector<T> VectorT; IntervalSetT set_a; set_a.add(I_I(1,3)).add(I_I(6,7)); VectorT vec(5), cev(5); vec[0]=MK_v(1);vec[1]=MK_v(2);vec[2]=MK_v(3);vec[3]=MK_v(6);vec[4]=MK_v(7); cev[0]=MK_v(7);cev[1]=MK_v(6);cev[2]=MK_v(3);cev[3]=MK_v(2);cev[4]=MK_v(1); VectorT dest; std::copy(elements_begin(set_a), elements_end(set_a), std::back_inserter(dest)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( vec == dest, true ); dest.clear(); std::copy(elements_rbegin(set_a), elements_rend(set_a), std::back_inserter(dest)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( cev == dest, true ); dest.clear(); std::reverse_copy(elements_begin(set_a), elements_end(set_a), std::back_inserter(dest)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( cev == dest, true ); dest.clear(); std::reverse_copy(elements_rbegin(set_a), elements_rend(set_a), std::back_inserter(dest)); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( vec == dest, true ); }
void EngineEntityT::Draw(bool FirstPersonView, const VectorT& ViewerPos) const { MatSys::Renderer->PushMatrix(MatSys::RendererI::MODEL_TO_WORLD); MatSys::Renderer->PushLightingParameters(); unsigned short Ent_Heading; unsigned short Ent_Pitch; unsigned short Ent_Bank; Entity->GetBodyOrientation(Ent_Heading, Ent_Pitch, Ent_Bank); // Get the currently set lighting parameters. const float* PosL=MatSys::Renderer->GetCurrentLightSourcePosition(); VectorT LightSourcePos =VectorT(PosL[0], PosL[1], PosL[2]); float LightSourceRadius=MatSys::Renderer->GetCurrentLightSourceRadius(); const float* PosE=MatSys::Renderer->GetCurrentEyePosition(); VectorT EyePos=VectorT(PosE[0], PosE[1], PosE[2]); // Starting from world space, compute the position of the light source in model space. LightSourcePos=LightSourcePos-Entity->GetOrigin(); // Convert into unrotated model space. LightSourcePos=LightSourcePos.GetRotZ(-90.0+float(Ent_Heading)/8192.0*45.0); LightSourcePos=scale(LightSourcePos, 1.0/25.4); // Don't forget to scale the radius of the light source appropriately down (into model space), too. LightSourceRadius/=25.4f; // Do the same for the eye: Starting from world space, compute the position of the eye in model space. EyePos=EyePos-Entity->GetOrigin(); // Convert into unrotated model space. EyePos=EyePos.GetRotZ(-90.0+float(Ent_Heading)/8192.0*45.0); EyePos=scale(EyePos, 1.0/25.4); // Set the modified (now in model space) lighting parameters. MatSys::Renderer->SetCurrentLightSourcePosition(float(LightSourcePos.x), float(LightSourcePos.y), float(LightSourcePos.z)); MatSys::Renderer->SetCurrentLightSourceRadius(LightSourceRadius); MatSys::Renderer->SetCurrentEyePosition(float(EyePos.x), float(EyePos.y), float(EyePos.z)); // Set the ambient light color for this entity. // Paradoxically, this is not a global, but rather a per-entity value that is derived from the lightmaps that are close to that entity. const Vector3fT AmbientEntityLight=Entity->GetGameWorld()->GetAmbientLightColorFromBB(Entity->GetDimensions(), Entity->GetOrigin()); MatSys::Renderer->SetCurrentAmbientLightColor(AmbientEntityLight.x, AmbientEntityLight.y, AmbientEntityLight.z); MatSys::Renderer->Translate(MatSys::RendererI::MODEL_TO_WORLD, float(Entity->GetOrigin().x), float(Entity->GetOrigin().y), float(Entity->GetOrigin().z)); MatSys::Renderer->RotateZ (MatSys::RendererI::MODEL_TO_WORLD, 90.0f-float(Ent_Heading)/8192.0f*45.0f); MatSys::Renderer->Scale (MatSys::RendererI::MODEL_TO_WORLD, 25.4f); Entity->Draw(FirstPersonView, (float)length(ViewerPos-Entity->GetOrigin())); MatSys::Renderer->PopLightingParameters(); MatSys::Renderer->PopMatrix(MatSys::RendererI::MODEL_TO_WORLD); }
void set_row(const Uint array_idx, const VectorT& row) { cf3_assert(row.size() == row_size()); Row row_to_set = m_array[array_idx]; for(Uint j=0; j<row.size(); ++j) row_to_set[j] = row[j]; }
void set_row(const Uint array_idx, const VectorT& row) { if (row.size() != row_size(array_idx)) m_array[array_idx].resize(row.size()); Uint j=0; boost_foreach( const typename VectorT::value_type& v, row) m_array[array_idx][j++] = v; }
void vector_test(const VectorT& A, const VectorT& B, Accumulator& Result) { const Uint sizeA = A.size(); const Uint sizeB = B.size(); for(Uint i = 0, j = 0; i != sizeA && j != sizeB; ++i, ++j) test(A[i], B[j], Result); Result.exact(sizeA == sizeB); };
int main() { VectorT<int> vint; VectorT<double> vdouble; vint.Normalize(); vdouble.Normalize(); return 0; }
Ipp32f EuclidianDistance<Ipp32f>::doCalculate(const VectorT<Ipp32f>& v1, const VectorT<Ipp32f>& v2) const { if(v1.size()!=v2.size()) fthrow(Exception, "Input vectors must have the same size."); Ipp32f dist = 0; #ifdef NICE_USELIB_IPP VectorT<Ipp32f> res(v1.size()); ippsSub_32f(v1.getDataPointer(), v2.getDataPointer(), res.getDataPointer(), v1.size()); ippsSqr_32f(res.getDataPointer(), res.getDataPointer(), res.size()); dist = res.Sum(); #else // NICE_USELIB_IPP const Ipp32f* pSrc1 = v1.getDataPointer(); const Ipp32f* pSrc2 = v2.getDataPointer(); for(Ipp32u i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i,++pSrc1,++pSrc2) dist += (*pSrc1-*pSrc2)*(*pSrc1-*pSrc2); #endif // NICE_USELIB_IPP dist = std::sqrt(dist); return dist; }
void DiagonalMatrixTemplate<T>::mulPseudoInverse(const VectorT& a, VectorT& b) const { if(BaseT::n != a.n) FatalError(MatrixError_ArgIncompatibleDimensions); if(b.n == 0) b.resize(this->n); else if(b.n != this->n) FatalError(MatrixError_DestIncompatibleDimensions); ItT v=this->begin(); VectorIterator<T> va=a.begin(),vb=b.begin(); for(int i=0; i<this->n; i++, v++,va++,vb++) *vb = *va * PseudoInv(*v); }
T rayIntersectionTime(RayN<N, T> const & ray, T max_time = -1) const { VectorT co = ray.getOrigin() - center; T c = co.squaredNorm() - radius * radius; if (c <= 0) // origin is inside ball return 0; // We could do an early test to see if the distance from the ray origin to the ball is less than // max_time * ray.getDirection().norm(), but it would involve a square root so might as well solve the quadratic. T a = ray.getDirection().squaredNorm(); T b = 2 *; // Solve quadratic a * t^2 + b * t + c = 0 T det = b * b - 4 * a * c; if (det < 0) return -1; T d = std::sqrt(det); T t = -1; if (a > 0) { T s0 = -b - d; if (s0 >= 0) t = s0 / (2 * a); else { T s1 = -b + d; if (s1 >= 0) t = s1 / (2 * a); } } else if (a < 0) { T s0 = -b + d; if (s0 <= 0) t = s0 / (2 * a); else { T s1 = -b - d; if (s1 <= 0) t = s1 / (2 * a); } } if (max_time >= 0 && t > max_time) return -1; else return t; }
void MatrixTemplate<T>::copyCols(const VectorT* cols) { CHECKEMPTY(); for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { if(cols[j].n != m) { RaiseErrorFmt(WHERE_AM_I,MatrixError_IncompatibleDimensions,m,n,cols[j].n,-1); } VectorT tempcol; getColRef(j,tempcol); tempcol.copy(cols[j]); } }
void MatrixTemplate<T>::copyRows(const VectorT* rows) { CHECKEMPTY(); for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { if(rows[i].n != n) { RaiseErrorFmt(WHERE_AM_I,MatrixError_IncompatibleDimensions,m,n,-1,rows[i].n); } VectorT temprow; getRowRef(i,temprow); temprow.copy(rows[i]); } }
void SparseMatrixTemplate_RM<T>::mulTranspose(const VectorT& a,VectorT& x) const { if(x.n == 0) x.resize(n); if(x.n != n) { FatalError("Destination vector has incorrect dimensions"); } if(a.n != m) { FatalError("Source vector has incorrect dimensions"); } x.setZero(); for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { for(ConstRowIterator it=rows[i].begin();it!=rows[i].end();it++) x(it->first) += it->second*a(i); } }
MatrixT diag(VectorT const &v, typename MatrixT::ScalarType zero = static_cast<typename MatrixT::ScalarType>(0)) { MatrixT diag(v.size(), v.size(), zero); diag.set_zero(zero); //populate diagnals: std::vector<IndexType> indices; for (graphblas::IndexType ix = 0; ix < v.size(); ++ix) { indices.push_back(ix); } graphblas::buildmatrix(diag, indices.begin(), indices.begin(), v.begin(), v.size()); return diag; }
/** * Compute the search direction based on the current (inverse) Hessian * approximation and given gradient. * * @param[out] pk The negative product of the inverse Hessian and gradient * direction gk. * @param[in] gk Gradient direction. **/ inline void search_direction(VectorT &pk, const VectorT &gk) const { std::vector<Scalar> alphas(_buf.size()); typename boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_reverse_iterator buf_rit; typename boost::circular_buffer<UpdateT>::const_iterator buf_it; typename std::vector<Scalar>::const_iterator alpha_it; typename std::vector<Scalar>::reverse_iterator alpha_rit; pk.noalias() = -gk; for (buf_rit = _buf.rbegin(), alpha_rit = alphas.rbegin(); buf_rit != _buf.rend(); buf_rit++, alpha_rit++) { Scalar alpha; const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_rit)); const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_rit)); const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_rit)); alpha = rhoi *; pk -= alpha * yi; *alpha_rit = alpha; } pk *= _gammak; for (buf_it = _buf.begin(), alpha_it = alphas.begin(); buf_it != _buf.end(); buf_it++, alpha_it++) { Scalar beta; const Scalar &rhoi(boost::get<0>(*buf_it)); const VectorT &yi(boost::get<1>(*buf_it)); const VectorT &si(boost::get<2>(*buf_it)); beta = rhoi*; pk += (*alpha_it - beta)*si; } }
void QRDecomposition<T>::backSub(const VectorT& b, VectorT& x) const { if(x.n == 0) x.resize(QR.n); Assert(QR.m == b.n); Assert(QR.n == x.n); /* compute rhs = Q^T b */ VectorT rhs; QtMul(b,rhs); if(QR.m == QR.n) { /* Solve R x = rhs, storing x in-place */ UBackSubstitute(QR,rhs,x); //UBackSubstitute(QR,x,x); } else if(QR.m > QR.n) { //solve the top part of R x = rhs MatrixT R1; R1.setRef(QR,0,0,1,1,QR.n,QR.n); VectorT rhs1; rhs1.setRef(rhs,0,1,QR.n); UBackSubstitute(R1,rhs1,x); } else { cerr<<"What do we do with m < n?"<<endl; MatrixPrinter mprint(QR); mprint.mode = MatrixPrinter::AsciiShade; cerr<<mprint<<endl; //solve the left part of R x = rhs MatrixT R1; R1.setRef(QR,0,0,1,1,QR.m,QR.m); VectorT x1; x1.setRef(x,0,1,QR.m); UBackSubstitute(R1,rhs,x1); getchar(); } }
Requires_t<mtl::traits::is_distributed<VectorT>> initVector(VectorT& x) const { #ifdef HAVE_PARALLEL_MTL4 x.init_distribution(col_distribution(*fullMatrix), num_cols(*fullMatrix)); #endif set_to_zero(x); }
bool equivalent (const Line<D, NumericT> & other) { // Are we pointing in the same direction if (!_direction.equivalent(other._direction)) return false; // Is the distance between the parallel lines equivalent to zero? return Numerics::equivalent(shortest_distance_to_point(other._point), 0); }
void set_v( VectorT vec, IndexObj const& obj) { for (index_type p=0; p<vec.size(); ++p) vec(p) = obj(p); }
void check_v( VectorT vec, IndexObj const& obj) { for (index_type p=0; p<vec.size(); ++p) test_assert(vec(p) == obj(p)); }
void print_vector(StreamT& stream, const VectorT& vector, const std::string& sep=" ", const std::string& prefix = "", const std::string& suffix = "") { stream << prefix; const Uint vector_size = vector.size(); for(Uint i = 0; i != vector_size; ++i) { stream << (i != 0 ? sep : "") << vector[i]; } stream << suffix; }
/** * Add a new set of update vectors to the history. * * @param yk Difference between the current and previous gradient vector. * @param sk Difference between the current and previous state vector. * @param reset Whether to reset the approximation, forgetting about * previous values. * @return In the case of a reset, returns the optimal scaling of the * initial Hessian * approximation which is useful for predicting step-sizes. **/ inline Scalar update(const VectorT &yk, const VectorT &sk, bool reset = false) { Scalar skyk =; Scalar B0fact; if (reset) { B0fact = yk.squaredNorm()/skyk; _buf.clear(); } else { B0fact = 1.0; } // New updates are pushed to the "back" of the circular buffer Scalar invskyk = 1.0/skyk; _gammak = skyk/yk.squaredNorm(); _buf.push_back(); _buf.back() = boost::tie(invskyk, yk, sk); return B0fact; }
void SparseVectorTemplate<T>::get(VectorT& v) const { v.resize(this->n); int k=0; for(const_iterator i=this->begin();i!=this->end();i++) { while(k < i->first) { v(k)=0; k++; } v(k) = i->second; k=i->first+1; } while(k < (int)this->n) { v(k)=0; k++; } }
void MatrixTemplate<T>::maddTranspose(const VectorT& a, VectorT& b) const { if(m != a.n) { RaiseErrorFmt(WHERE_AM_I,MatrixError_ArgIncompatibleDimensions); } if(b.n == 0) { b.resize(n); } else if(b.n != n) { RaiseErrorFmt(WHERE_AM_I,MatrixError_DestIncompatibleDimensions); } gen_array2d_vector_madd_transpose(b.getStart(),b.stride, getStart(),istride,jstride, a.getStart(),a.stride, m, n); }
/// Returns the time on the line where a point is closest to the given point. NumericT time_for_closest_point (const VectorT & p3) const { auto p1 = _point; auto p2 = _point + _direction; auto d = _direction.length_squared(); NumericT t = 0; for (dimension i = 0; i < D; ++i) t += (p3[i] - p1[i]) * (p2[i] - p1[i]); return t / d; }
void SparseVectorCompressed<T>::get(VectorT& v) const { v.resize(n); int i=0; for(int k=0;k<num_entries;k++) { for(;i<indices[k];i++) v[i]=Zero; v[i]=vals[k]; } for(;i<this->n;i++) v[i]=Zero; }
typename VectorT::value_type norm_2(VectorT const& v1, typename viennacl::tools::enable_if< viennacl::is_stl< typename viennacl::traits::tag_of< VectorT >::type >::value >::type* dummy = 0) { //std::cout << "stl .. " << std::endl; typename VectorT::value_type result = 0; for (typename VectorT::size_type i=0; i<v1.size(); ++i) result += v1[i] * v1[i]; return sqrt(result); }