VideoCamera* VideoCamera::create() { VideoCamera* pRet = new VideoCamera(); pRet->init(); pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; }
/*! Close a video camera stream @name M:close */ int lua_video_camera_close(lua_State *L) { VideoCamera *s = Glue<VideoCamera>::checkto(L, 1); if(s) { s->close(); } else { luaL_error(L, "VideoCamera.close: invalid arguments"); } return 1; }
void bordaiApp::keyDown( KeyEvent event ) { char c = event.getChar(); if(c == 'f') { setFullScreen( !isFullScreen() ); } if(c == 'p' || c == 'P') { mCamera.togglePause(); } if(c == ' ') { mCamera.stopCapturing(); mCamera.startCapturing(mCameraLensSize.x, mCameraLensSize.y); } }
/*! Set the pixel format Possible values are video.RGBA and video.RGB. @name M.format @LuaMethod GETSET */ int lua_video_camera_format(lua_State *L) { VideoCamera *s = Glue<VideoCamera>::checkto(L, 1); if(s) { if(lua::is<int>(L, 2)) { s->set_pixel_format((video::PixelFormat)lua::to<int>(L, 2)); } else { lua::push<int>(L, (int)s->get_pixel_format()); } } else { luaL_error(L, "VideoCamera.format: invalid arguments"); } return 0; }
/*! Get the internal array data @ret The array @name M:array */ int lua_video_camera_array(lua_State *L) { VideoCamera *s = Glue<VideoCamera>::checkto(L, 1); if(s) { s->next_frame(); lua_getfenv(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, LUA_VIDEO_ARRAY_FIELD); lua_rawget(L, -2); lua_insert(L, -2); lua_pop(L, 1); } else { luaL_error(L, "VideoCamera.array: invalid arguments"); } return 1; }
void bordaiApp::update() { setFrameRate(mFrameRate); mWindowSize = getWindowSize(); mCamera.bufferCaptured(mHaarDetector, mStoryCardDetector); mScreenView.setAspectRatio(getWindowAspectRatio()); mScreenView.setOrtho(0., mCameraLensSize.x, mCameraLensSize.y, 0., 0., 1.); }
/*! Open a video camera stream @param [dim] The dimensions (defaults to 720x480) @name M:open */ int lua_video_camera_open(lua_State *L) { VideoCamera *s = Glue<VideoCamera>::checkto(L, 1); if(s) { if(lua_type(L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) { const char *uid = lua_tostring(L, 2); int dim[] = {720, 480}; lua::to_vec(L, 3, 2, dim); s->open(uid, dim[0], dim[1]); } else { int dim[] = {720, 480}; lua::to_vec(L, 2, 2, dim); s->open(dim[0], dim[1]); } } else { luaL_error(L, " invalid arguments"); } return 1; }
void bordaiApp::setup() { mParams = params::InterfaceGl("bordai", Vec2i(300, 175)); mParams.addParam("Screen width", &mWindowSize.x, "", true); mParams.addParam("Screen height", &mWindowSize.y, "", true); mParams.addParam("Camera width", &mCameraLensSize.x, "min=128 max=1024 step=64 keyIncr=W keyDecr=w"); mParams.addParam("Camera height", &mCameraLensSize.y, "min=128 max=1024 step=64 keyIncr=H keyDecr=h"); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addText("Press space to apply new camera resolution"); mParams.addText("Press 'p' to pause/play camera"); mParams.addSeparator(); mParams.addParam("Framerate", &mFrameRate, "min=5.0 max=70.0 step=5.0 keyIncr=+ keyDecr=-"); mHaarDetector = HaarDetector( getResourcePath( "haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml" ) ); mCamera.startCapturing(mCameraLensSize.x, mCameraLensSize.y); }
VideoCamera *VideoCamera::parseLine(Ogre::SceneManager *mSceneMgr, Ogre::Camera *camera, SerializedRig *truck, parsecontext_t &c) { try { int nz=-1, ny=-1, nref=-1, ncam=-1, lookto=-1, texx=256, texy=256, crole=-1, cmode=-1; float fov=-1.0f, minclip=-1.0f, maxclip=-1.0f, offx=0.0f, offy=0.0f, offz=0.0f, rotx=0.0f, roty=0.0f, rotz=0.0f; char materialname[256] = ""; char vidCamName[256] = ""; Ogre::StringVector args; int n = truck->parse_args(c, args, 19); nref = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[0]); nz = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[1]); ny = truck->parse_node_number(c, args[2]); ncam = PARSEINT(args[3]); lookto = PARSEINT(args[4]); offx = PARSEREAL(args[5]); offy = PARSEREAL(args[6]); offz = PARSEREAL(args[7]); rotx = PARSEREAL(args[8]); roty = PARSEREAL(args[9]); rotz = PARSEREAL(args[10]); fov = PARSEREAL(args[11]); texx = PARSEINT (args[12]); texy = PARSEINT (args[13]); minclip = PARSEREAL(args[14]); maxclip = PARSEREAL(args[15]); crole = PARSEINT (args[16]); cmode = PARSEINT (args[17]); strncpy(materialname, args[18].c_str(), 255); if(n > 19) strncpy(vidCamName, args[19].c_str(), 255); else strncpy(vidCamName, materialname, 255); // fallback, use materialname //if (texx <= 0 || !isPowerOfTwo(texx) || texy <= 0 || !isPowerOfTwo(texy)) // disabled isPowerOfTwo, as it can be a renderwindow now with custom resolution if (texx <= 0 || texy <= 0) { truck->parser_warning(c, "Wrong texture size definition. trying to continue ..."); return 0; } if (minclip < 0 || minclip > maxclip || maxclip < 0) { truck->parser_warning(c, "Wrong clipping definition. trying to continue ..."); return 0; } if(cmode < -2 ) { truck->parser_warning(c, "Camera Mode setting incorrect, trying to continue ..."); return 0; } if(crole < -1 || crole >1) { truck->parser_warning(c, "Camera Role (camera, trace, mirror) setting incorrect, trying to continue ..."); return 0; } MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName(materialname); if(mat.isNull()) { truck->parser_warning(c, "unknown material: '"+String(materialname)+"', trying to continue ..."); return 0; } // clone the material to stay unique String newMaterialName = String(truck->truckname) + materialname + "_" + TOSTRING(counter++); MaterialPtr matNew = mat->clone(newMaterialName); // we need to find and replace any materials that could come afterwards if(truck && truck->materialReplacer) truck->materialReplacer->addMaterialReplace(mat->getName(), newMaterialName); VideoCamera *v = new VideoCamera(mSceneMgr, camera, truck); v->fov = fov; v->minclip = minclip; v->maxclip = maxclip; v->nz = nz; v->ny = ny; v->nref = nref; v->offset = Vector3(offx, offy, offz); v->switchoff = cmode; // add performance switch off ->meeds fix, only "always on" supported yet v->materialName = newMaterialName; v->vidCamName = vidCamName; v->mirrorSize = Vector2(texx, texy); if(crole != 1) //rotate camera picture 180°, skip for mirrors rotz += 180; v->rotation = Quaternion(Degree(rotz), Vector3::UNIT_Z) * Quaternion(Degree(roty), Vector3::UNIT_Y) * Quaternion(Degree(rotx), Vector3::UNIT_X); if (ncam >= 0) // set alternative camposition (optional) v->camNode = ncam; else v->camNode = nref; if (lookto >= 0) // set alternative lookat position (optional) { v->lookat = lookto; crole = 0; // this is a tracecam, overwrite mode setting } else v->lookat = -1; v->camRole = crole; // -1= camera, 0 = trackcam, 1 = mirror v->init(); return v; } catch(ParseException &) { return 0; } return 0; }
void bordaiApp::draw() { gl::enable( GL_TEXTURE_2D ); gl::enableAlphaBlending(); gl::clear( Color::black() ); if( mCamera.hasSomething() ) { gl::color( Color::white() ); gl::setMatricesWindow( getWindowWidth(), getWindowHeight() ); gl::pushMatrices(); gl::setMatrices( mScreenView ); gl::scale(Vec3f(1, 2./3., 1)); mCamera.draw(); // mHaarDetector.drawTrackings(); mStoryCardDetector.drawTrackings(); gl::popMatrices(); vector<gl::Texture> storyTextures = mStoryCardDetector.mHistogramTextures; vector<gl::Texture> haarTextures = mHaarDetector.mHistogramTextures; const float amountOfHistogramTextures = storyTextures.size() + haarTextures.size(); Vec3f viewTranslation(0, (float)mCameraLensSize.y * 2./3., 0); Vec3f storyHistogramTextureScale(1./amountOfHistogramTextures, 1./3., 1); for (vector<gl::Texture>::const_iterator aTexture = storyTextures.begin(); aTexture != storyTextures.end(); ++aTexture) { glPushMatrix(); gl::setMatrices( mScreenView ); gl::translate( viewTranslation ); gl::scale( storyHistogramTextureScale ); gl::color( Color::white() ); gl::draw( *aTexture ); aTexture -> disable(); mStoryCardDetector.drawTrackings(); glPopMatrix(); viewTranslation.x += mCameraLensSize.x / amountOfHistogramTextures; } Vec3f haarHistogramTextureScale(2./amountOfHistogramTextures, 2./3., 1); for (vector<gl::Texture>::const_iterator aTexture = haarTextures.begin(); aTexture != haarTextures.end(); ++aTexture) { glPushMatrix(); gl::setMatrices( mScreenView ); gl::translate( viewTranslation ); gl::scale( haarHistogramTextureScale ); gl::color( Color::white() ); gl::draw( *aTexture ); aTexture -> disable(); mHaarDetector.drawTrackings(); glPopMatrix(); viewTranslation += mCameraLensSize.x / amountOfHistogramTextures; } } params::InterfaceGl::draw(); }