コード例 #1
ファイル: osgearth_contour.cpp プロジェクト: JohnDr/osgearth
// Build the stateset necessary for drawing contours.
osg::StateSet* createStateSet( osg::TransferFunction1D* xfer, int unit )
    osg::StateSet* stateSet = new osg::StateSet();

    // Create a 1D texture from the transfer function's image.
    osg::Texture* tex = new osg::Texture1D( xfer->getImage() );
    tex->setResizeNonPowerOfTwoHint( false );
    tex->setFilter( osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR );
    tex->setFilter( osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR );
    tex->setWrap( osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
    stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes( unit, tex, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

    // Tell the shader program where to find it.
    stateSet->getOrCreateUniform( "contour_colorMap", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_1D )->set( unit );

    // Install the shaders. We also bind osgEarth's elevation data attribute, which the 
    // terrain engine automatically generates at the specified location.
    VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
    vp->setFunction( "setupContour", vertexShader,   ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_PRE_LIGHTING );
    vp->setFunction( "colorContour", fragmentShader, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_PRE_LIGHTING );
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( "osgearth_elevData", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
    stateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

    // Install some uniforms that tell the shader the height range of the color map.
    stateSet->getOrCreateUniform( "contour_xferMin",   osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( xfer->getMinimum() );
    stateSet->getOrCreateUniform( "contour_xferRange", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( xfer->getMaximum() - xfer->getMinimum() );

    return stateSet;
コード例 #2
// Build the stateset necessary for scaling elevation data.
osg::StateSet* createStateSet()
    osg::StateSet* stateSet = new osg::StateSet();

    // Install the shaders. We also bind osgEarth's elevation data attribute, which the 
    // terrain engine automatically generates at the specified location.
    VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
    vp->setFunction( "applyVerticalScale", vertexShader, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL );
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( "osgearth_elevData", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
    stateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

    return stateSet;
コード例 #3
ファイル: osgearth_xfbtest.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
    void configure(int slot, unsigned numInstances)
        _slot = slot;
        _numInstances = numInstances;

        osg::StateSet* ss = getOrCreateStateSet();

        _xfb->resizeArray( numInstances );

        VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::get(ss);
        vp->removeBindAttribLocation( "xfb_position" );
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "xfb_position", _slot );

        ss->setAttribute( new osg::VertexAttribDivisor(_slot, 1) );

        _drawCallback = new InstanceDrawCallback();

        Setup setup(this);
        this->accept( setup );
コード例 #4
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        if ( _elevationTextureUnit < 0 && elevationTexturesRequired() )
            getResources()->reserveTextureImageUnit( _elevationTextureUnit, "MP Engine Elevation" );

        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = getTerrainStateSet();
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
            vp->setName( "osgEarth.engine_mp.TerrainNode" );
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

            // bind the vertex attributes generated by the tile compiler.
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr",  osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr2", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_7 );

            Shaders package;

            package.replace( "$MP_PRIMARY_UNIT",   Stringify() << _primaryUnit );
            package.replace( "$MP_SECONDARY_UNIT", Stringify() << (_secondaryUnit>=0?_secondaryUnit:0) );

            package.define( "MP_USE_BLENDING", (_terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true) );

            package.loadFunction( vp, package.VertexModel );
            package.loadFunction( vp, package.VertexView );
            package.loadFunction( vp, package.Fragment );

            // terrain background color; negative means use the vertex color.
            Color terrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().getOrUse( Color(1,1,1,-1) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_color", terrainColor));

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                // Color filter frag function:
                std::string fs_colorfilters =
                    "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                    GLSL_DEFAULT_PRECISION_FLOAT "\n"
                    "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                    "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                    "{ \n"
                    "} \n";

                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_HEAD", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "$COLOR_FILTER_BODY", cf_body_str );

                        0.5f );

            // binding for the terrain texture
                "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

            // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
            if ( parentTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

                // binding for the default secondary texture matrix
                osg::Matrixf parent_mat;
                parent_mat(0,0) = 0.0f;
                    "oe_layer_parent_matrix", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 )->set( parent_mat );

            // uniform for accessing the elevation texture sampler.
            if ( elevationTexturesRequired() )
                    "oe_terrain_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D)->set( _elevationTextureUnit );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
                "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
                "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
                "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

            // default min/max range uniforms. (max < min means ranges are disabled)
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_minRange", 0.0f) );
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_layer_maxRange", -1.0f) );
                osg::Uniform::FLOAT)->set( *_terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor() );

            // special object ID that denotes the terrain surface.
            terrainStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(
                Registry::objectIndex()->getObjectIDUniformName().c_str(), OSGEARTH_OBJECTID_TERRAIN) );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #5
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _stateUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();
        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // activate standard mix blending.
            new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
            osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // install shaders, if we're using them.
        if ( Registry::capabilities().supportsGLSL() )
            VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
            vp->setName( "osgEarth.engine_mp.TerrainNode" );
            terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

            // bind the vertex attributes generated by the tile compiler.
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr",  osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
            vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr2", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_7 );

            // Vertex shader:
            std::string vs = Stringify() <<
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc;\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_tilec;\n"
                "void oe_mp_setup_coloring(inout vec4 VertexModel) \n"
                "{ \n"
                "    oe_layer_texc  = gl_MultiTexCoord" << _primaryUnit << ";\n"
                "    oe_layer_tilec = gl_MultiTexCoord" << _secondaryUnit << ";\n"

            bool useTerrainColor = _terrainOptions.color().isSet();

            bool useBlending = _terrainOptions.enableBlending() == true;

            // Fragment Shader for normal blending:
            std::string fs = Stringify() <<
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
                "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
                "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
                << (useTerrainColor ?
                "uniform vec4 oe_terrain_color; \n" : ""
                ) <<
                "void oe_mp_apply_coloring(inout vec4 color) \n"
                "{ \n"
                << (useTerrainColor ?
                "    color = oe_terrain_color; \n" : ""
                ) <<
                //"    color = vec4(1,1,1,1); \n"
                "    vec4 texel; \n"
                "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) { \n"
                "        texel = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st); \n"
                "        texel.a *= oe_layer_opacity; \n"
                "    } \n"
                "    else \n"
                "        texel = color; \n"
                "    "
                << (useBlending ?
                "    if ( oe_layer_order == 0 ) \n"
                "        color = texel*texel.a + color*(1.0-texel.a); \n" // simulate src_alpha, 1-src_alpha blens
                "    else \n" : ""
                ) <<
                "        color = texel; \n"
                "} \n";

            // Color filter frag function:
            std::string fs_colorfilters =
                "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
                "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
                "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
                "{ \n"
                "} \n";

            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_setup_coloring", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, 0.0 );
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring", fs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

            // assemble color filter code snippets.
            bool haveColorFilters = false;
                std::stringstream cf_head;
                std::stringstream cf_body;
                const char* I = "    ";

                // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
                bool ifStarted = false;
                int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
                for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                    ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                    if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                        // install Color Filter function calls:
                        const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                        if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                            haveColorFilters = true;
                            if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                            else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                            cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                            for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                                const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                                cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                                cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                                filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                            cf_body << I << "}\n";
                            ifStarted = true;

                if ( haveColorFilters )
                    std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                    cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                    cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_HEAD__", cf_head_str );
                    replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_BODY__", cf_body_str );

                    vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_filters", fs_colorfilters, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

            // binding for the terrain texture
                "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

            // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
                "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

            // binding for the default secondary texture matrix
            osg::Matrixf parent_mat;
            parent_mat(0,0) = 0.0f;
                "oe_layer_parent_matrix", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 )->set( parent_mat );

            // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
                "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

            // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
            // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
            // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
                "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

            // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
            // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
                "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

            // base terrain color.
            if ( useTerrainColor )
                    "oe_terrain_color", osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4 )->set( *_terrainOptions.color() );

        _stateUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #6
PolygonizeLinesFilter::push(FeatureList& input, FilterContext& cx)
    // compute the coordinate localization matrices.
    computeLocalizers( cx );

    // establish some things
    bool                    makeECEF   = false;
    const SpatialReference* featureSRS = 0L;
    const SpatialReference* mapSRS     = 0L;

    if ( cx.isGeoreferenced() )
        makeECEF   = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().isGeocentric();
        featureSRS = cx.extent()->getSRS();
        mapSRS     = cx.getSession()->getMapInfo().getProfile()->getSRS();

    // The operator we'll use to make lines into polygons.
    const LineSymbol* line = _style.get<LineSymbol>();
    PolygonizeLinesOperator polygonize( line ? (*line->stroke()) : Stroke() );

    // Geode to hold all the geometries.
    osg::Geode* geode = new osg::Geode();

    // iterate over all features.
    for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); ++i )
        Feature* f = i->get();

        // iterate over all the feature's geometry parts. We will treat
        // them as lines strings.
        GeometryIterator parts( f->getGeometry(), false );
        while( parts.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = parts.next();

            // skip empty geometry
            if ( part->size() == 0 )

            // transform the geometry into the target SRS and localize it about 
            // a local reference point.
            osg::Vec3Array* verts   = new osg::Vec3Array();
            osg::Vec3Array* normals = new osg::Vec3Array();
            transformAndLocalize( part->asVector(), featureSRS, verts, normals, mapSRS, _world2local, makeECEF );

            // turn the lines into polygons.
            osg::Geometry* geom = polygonize( verts, normals );
            geode->addDrawable( geom );

            // record the geometry's primitive set(s) in the index:
            if ( cx.featureIndex() )
                cx.featureIndex()->tagPrimitiveSets( geom, f );

    // attempt to combine geometries for better performance
    MeshConsolidator::run( *geode );

    // GPU performance optimization:
    VertexCacheOptimizer vco;
    geode->accept( vco );

    // If we're auto-scaling, we need a shader
    float minPixels = line ? line->stroke()->minPixels().getOrUse( 0.0f ) : 0.0f;
    if ( minPixels > 0.0f )
        osg::StateSet* stateSet = geode->getOrCreateStateSet();

        VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(stateSet);
        vp->setName( "osgEarth::PolygonizeLines" );

        const char* vs =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "attribute vec3   oe_polyline_center; \n"
            "uniform   float  oe_polyline_scale;  \n"
            "uniform   float  oe_polyline_min_pixels; \n"
            "uniform   mat3   oe_WindowScaleMatrix; \n"

            "void oe_polyline_scalelines(inout vec4 VertexMODEL) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "   if ( oe_polyline_scale != 1.0 || oe_polyline_min_pixels > 0.0 ) \n"
            "   { \n"
            "       vec4  center_model = vec4(oe_polyline_center*VertexMODEL.w, VertexMODEL.w); \n"
            "       vec4  vector_model = VertexMODEL - center_model; \n"
            "       if ( length(vector_model.xyz) > 0.0 ) \n"
            "       { \n"
            "           float scale = oe_polyline_scale; \n"

            "           vec4 vertex_clip = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * VertexMODEL; \n"
            "           vec4 center_clip = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * center_model; \n"
            "           vec4 vector_clip = vertex_clip - center_clip; \n"

            "           if ( oe_polyline_min_pixels > 0.0 ) \n"
            "           { \n"
            "               vec3 vector_win = oe_WindowScaleMatrix * (vertex_clip.xyz/vertex_clip.w - center_clip.xyz/center_clip.w); \n"
            "               float min_scale = max( (0.5*oe_polyline_min_pixels)/length(vector_win.xy), 1.0 ); \n"
            "               scale = max( scale, min_scale ); \n"
            "           } \n"

            "           VertexMODEL = center_model + vector_model*scale; \n"
            "        } \n"
            "    } \n"
            "} \n";

        vp->setFunction( "oe_polyline_scalelines", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL );
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_polyline_center", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );

        // add the default scaling uniform.
        // good way to test:
        //    osgearth_viewer earthfile --uniform oe_polyline_scale 1.0 10.0
        osg::Uniform* scaleU = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "oe_polyline_scale");
        scaleU->set( 1.0f );
        stateSet->addUniform( scaleU, 1 );

        // the default "min pixels" uniform.
        osg::Uniform* minPixelsU = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "oe_polyline_min_pixels");
        minPixelsU->set( minPixels );
        stateSet->addUniform( minPixelsU, 1 );

    return delocalize( geode );
コード例 #7
ファイル: osgearth_xfbtest.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
void makeVisibleVP(osg::StateSet* ss)
    VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(ss);
    vp->setFunction("oe_instancing_setPos", IG_VS, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, -FLT_MAX);
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( "xfb_position", XFB_SLOT );
コード例 #8
PolygonizeLinesOperator::installShaders(osg::Node* node) const
    if ( !node )

    float minPixels = _stroke.minPixels().getOrUse( 0.0f );
    if ( minPixels <= 0.0f )

    osg::StateSet* stateset = node->getOrCreateStateSet();

    VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(stateset);

    // bail if already installed.
    if ( vp->getName().compare( SHADER_NAME ) == 0 )

    vp->setName( SHADER_NAME );

    const char* vs =
        "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
        "in vec3 oe_polyline_center; \n"
        "uniform float oe_polyline_scale;  \n"
        "uniform float oe_polyline_min_pixels; \n"
        "uniform vec4 oe_PixelSizeVector; \n"

        "void oe_polyline_scalelines(inout vec4 vertex_model4) \n"
        "{ \n"
        "   const float epsilon = 0.0001; \n"

        "   vec4 center = vec4(oe_polyline_center, 1.0); \n"
        "   vec3 vector = vertex_model4.xyz - center.xyz; \n"
        "   float r = length(vector); \n"

        "   float activate  = step(epsilon, r*oe_polyline_min_pixels);\n"
        "   float pixelSize = max(epsilon, 2.0*abs(r/dot(center, oe_PixelSizeVector))); \n"
        "   float min_scale = max(oe_polyline_min_pixels/pixelSize, 1.0); \n"
        "   float scale     = mix(1.0, max(oe_polyline_scale, min_scale), activate); \n"

        "   vertex_model4.xyz = center.xyz + vector*scale; \n"
        "} \n";

    vp->setFunction( "oe_polyline_scalelines", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, 0.5f );
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_polyline_center", ATTR_LOCATION );

    // add the default scaling uniform.
    // good way to test:
    //    osgearth_viewer earthfile --uniform oe_polyline_scale 1.0 10.0
    osg::Uniform* scaleU = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "oe_polyline_scale");
    scaleU->set( 1.0f );
    stateset->addUniform( scaleU, 1 );

    // the default "min pixels" uniform.
    osg::Uniform* minPixelsU = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT, "oe_polyline_min_pixels");
    minPixelsU->set( minPixels );
    stateset->addUniform( minPixelsU, 1 );

    // this will install and update the oe_PixelSizeVector uniform.
    node->addCullCallback( new PixelSizeVectorCullCallback(stateset) );
コード例 #9
// Generates the main shader code for rendering the terrain.
    if ( _batchUpdateInProgress )
        _shaderUpdateRequired = true;
        osg::StateSet* terrainStateSet = _terrain->getOrCreateStateSet();

        VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
        vp->setName( "engine_mp:TerrainNode" );
        terrainStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // bind the vertex attributes generated by the tile compiler.
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr",  osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_6 );
        vp->addBindAttribLocation( "oe_terrain_attr2", osg::Drawable::ATTRIBUTE_7 );

        // Vertex shader template:
        std::string vs =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc;\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_tilec;\n"
            "void oe_mp_setup_coloring(inout vec4 VertexModel) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    oe_layer_texc  = __GL_MULTITEXCOORD1__;\n"
            "    oe_layer_tilec = __GL_MULTITEXCOORD2__;\n"

        // Fragment shader for normal blending:
        std::string fs =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
            "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
            "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_coloring( inout vec4 color ) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    vec4 texel; \n"
            "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) { \n"
            "        texel = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st); \n"
            "        texel.a *= oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "    } \n"
            "    else \n"
            "        texel = color; \n"
            "    if (oe_layer_order == 0 ) \n"
            "        color = texel*texel.a + color*(1.0-texel.a); \n" // simulate src_alpha, 1-src_alpha blens
            "    else \n"
            "        color = texel; \n"
            "} \n";

        // Fragment shader with pre-multiplied alpha blending:
        std::string fs_pma =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "varying vec4 oe_layer_texc; \n"
            "uniform sampler2D oe_layer_tex; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_order; \n"
            "uniform float oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_coloring_pma( inout vec4 color ) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "    vec4 texelpma; \n"

            // a UID < 0 means no texture.
            "    if ( oe_layer_uid >= 0 ) \n"
            "        texelpma = texture2D(oe_layer_tex, oe_layer_texc.st) * oe_layer_opacity; \n"
            "    else \n"
            "        texelpma = color * color.a * oe_layer_opacity; \n" // to PMA.

            // first layer must PMA-blend with the globe color.
            "    if (oe_layer_order == 0) { \n"
            "        color.rgb *= color.a; \n"
            "        color = texelpma + color*(1.0-texelpma.a); \n" // simulate one, 1-src_alpha blend
            "    } \n"

            "    else { \n"
            "        color = texelpma; \n"
            "    } \n"
            "} \n";

        // Color filter frag function:
        std::string fs_colorfilters =
            "#version " GLSL_VERSION_STR "\n"
            "uniform int oe_layer_uid; \n"
            "void oe_mp_apply_filters(inout vec4 color) \n"
            "{ \n"
            "} \n";

        // install the gl_MultiTexCoord* variable that uses the proper texture
        // image unit:
        replaceIn( vs, "__GL_MULTITEXCOORD1__", Stringify() << "gl_MultiTexCoord" << _primaryUnit );
        replaceIn( vs, "__GL_MULTITEXCOORD2__", Stringify() << "gl_MultiTexCoord" << _secondaryUnit );

        vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_setup_coloring", vs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_VERTEX_MODEL, 0.0 );

        if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring_pma", fs_pma, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );
            vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_coloring", fs, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

        // assemble color filter code snippets.
        bool haveColorFilters = false;
            std::stringstream cf_head;
            std::stringstream cf_body;
            const char* I = "    ";

            if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
                // un-PMA the color before passing it to the color filters.
                cf_body << I << "if (color.a > 0.0) color.rgb /= color.a; \n";

            // second, install the per-layer color filter functions AND shared layer bindings.
            bool ifStarted = false;
            int numImageLayers = _update_mapf->imageLayers().size();
            for( int i=0; i<numImageLayers; ++i )
                ImageLayer* layer = _update_mapf->getImageLayerAt(i);
                if ( layer->getEnabled() )
                    // install Color Filter function calls:
                    const ColorFilterChain& chain = layer->getColorFilters();
                    if ( chain.size() > 0 )
                        haveColorFilters = true;
                        if ( ifStarted ) cf_body << I << "else if ";
                        else             cf_body << I << "if ";
                        cf_body << "(oe_layer_uid == " << layer->getUID() << ") {\n";
                        for( ColorFilterChain::const_iterator j = chain.begin(); j != chain.end(); ++j )
                            const ColorFilter* filter = j->get();
                            cf_head << "void " << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(inout vec4 color);\n";
                            cf_body << I << I << filter->getEntryPointFunctionName() << "(color);\n";
                            filter->install( terrainStateSet );
                        cf_body << I << "}\n";
                        ifStarted = true;

            if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
                // re-PMA the color after it passes through the color filters.
                cf_body << I << "color.rgb *= color.a; \n";

            if ( haveColorFilters )
                std::string cf_head_str, cf_body_str;
                cf_head_str = cf_head.str();
                cf_body_str = cf_body.str();

                replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_HEAD__", cf_head_str );
                replaceIn( fs_colorfilters, "__COLOR_FILTER_BODY__", cf_body_str );

                vp->setFunction( "oe_mp_apply_filters", fs_colorfilters, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_COLORING, 0.0 );

        if ( _terrainOptions.premultipliedAlpha() == true )
            // activate PMA blending.
                new osg::BlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
                osg::StateAttribute::ON );
            // activate standard mix blending.
                new osg::BlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA),
                osg::StateAttribute::ON );

        // required for multipass tile rendering to work
            new osg::Depth(osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0, 1, true) );

        // binding for the terrain texture
            "oe_layer_tex", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _primaryUnit );

        // binding for the secondary texture (for LOD blending)
            "oe_layer_tex_parent", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _secondaryUnit );

        // uniform that controls per-layer opacity
            "oe_layer_opacity", osg::Uniform::FLOAT )->set( 1.0f );

        // uniform that conveys the layer UID to the shaders; necessary
        // for per-layer branching (like color filters)
        // UID -1 => no image layer (no texture)
            "oe_layer_uid", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( -1 );

        // uniform that conveys the render order, since the shaders
        // need to know which is the first layer in order to blend properly
            "oe_layer_order", osg::Uniform::INT )->set( 0 );

        _shaderUpdateRequired = false;
コード例 #10
ClampingTechnique::setUpCamera(OverlayDecorator::TechRTTParams& params)
    // To store technique-specific per-view info:
    LocalPerViewData* local = new LocalPerViewData();
    params._techniqueData = local;

    // create the projected texture:
    local->_rttTexture = new osg::Texture2D();
    local->_rttTexture->setTextureSize( *_textureSize, *_textureSize );
    local->_rttTexture->setInternalFormat( GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT );
    local->_rttTexture->setFilter( osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::NEAREST );
    local->_rttTexture->setFilter( osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR );

    // this is important. geometry that is outside the depth texture will clamp to the
    // closest edge value in the texture -- this is good when you are rendering a 
    // primitive that has one or more of its verts off-screen.
    local->_rttTexture->setWrap( osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
    local->_rttTexture->setWrap( osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
    //local->_rttTexture->setBorderColor( osg::Vec4(0,0,0,1) );

    // set up the RTT camera:
    params._rttCamera = new osg::Camera();
    params._rttCamera->setName("GPU Clamping");
    params._rttCamera->setReferenceFrame( osg::Camera::ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT );
    params._rttCamera->setClearDepth( 1.0 );
    params._rttCamera->setClearMask( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
    params._rttCamera->setComputeNearFarMode( osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR );
    params._rttCamera->setViewport( 0, 0, *_textureSize, *_textureSize );
    params._rttCamera->setRenderOrder( osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER );
    params._rttCamera->setRenderTargetImplementation( osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT );
    params._rttCamera->setImplicitBufferAttachmentMask(0, 0);
    params._rttCamera->attach( osg::Camera::DEPTH_BUFFER, local->_rttTexture.get() );

    local->_rttDebugImage = new osg::Image();
    local->_rttDebugImage->allocateImage(4096, 4096, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
    memset( (void*)local->_rttDebugImage->getDataPointer(), 0xff, local->_rttDebugImage->getTotalSizeInBytes() );
    params._rttCamera->attach( osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, local->_rttDebugImage.get() );
    params._rttCamera->setFinalDrawCallback( new DumpTex(local->_rttDebugImage.get()) );

    params._rttCamera->setInitialDrawCallback( new RttIn() );
    params._rttCamera->setFinalDrawCallback( new RttOut() );

    // set up a StateSet for the RTT camera.
    osg::StateSet* rttStateSet = params._rttCamera->getOrCreateStateSet();

        osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);

    // prevents wireframe mode in the depth camera.
        new osg::PolygonMode( osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::FILL ),
        osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED );

    // install a VP on the stateset that cancels out any higher-up VP code.
    // This will prevent things like VPs on the main camera (e.g., log depth buffer)
    // from interfering with the depth camera
    VirtualProgram* rttVP = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(rttStateSet);
    // attach the terrain to the camera.
    // todo: should probably protect this with a mutex.....
    params._rttCamera->addChild( _engine ); // the terrain itself.

    // assemble the overlay graph stateset.
    local->_groupStateSet = new osg::StateSet();

    // Required for now, otherwise GPU-clamped geometry will jitter sometimes.
    // TODO: figure out why and fix it. This is a workaround for now.
    local->_groupStateSet->setDataVariance( osg::Object::DYNAMIC );

        osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE );

    // set up depth test/write parameters for the overlay geometry:
        new osg::Depth( osg::Depth::LEQUAL, 0.0, 1.0, true ),
        osg::StateAttribute::ON );

    local->_groupStateSet->setRenderingHint( osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN );

    // uniform for the horizon distance (== max clamping distance)
    local->_horizonDistance2Uniform = local->_groupStateSet->getOrCreateUniform(
        osg::Uniform::FLOAT );

    // sampler for depth map texture:
        osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D )->set( _textureUnit );

    // matrix that transforms a vert from EYE coords to the depth camera's CLIP coord.
    local->_camViewToDepthClipUniform = local->_groupStateSet->getOrCreateUniform( 
        osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 );

#ifdef SUPPORT_Z

    // matrix that transforms a vert from depth clip coords to depth view coords.
    local->_depthClipToDepthViewUniform = local->_groupStateSet->getOrCreateUniform(
        osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 );

    // matrix that transforms a vert from depth view coords to camera view coords.
    local->_depthViewToCamViewUniform = local->_groupStateSet->getOrCreateUniform(
        osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 );


    // matrix that transforms a vert from depth-cam CLIP coords to EYE coords.
    local->_depthClipToCamViewUniform = local->_groupStateSet->getOrCreateUniform( 
        osg::Uniform::FLOAT_MAT4 );


    // default value for altitude offset; can be overriden by geometry.
    local->_groupStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(Clamping::AltitudeOffsetUniformName, 0.0f) );

    // make the shader that will do clamping and depth offsetting.
    VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(local->_groupStateSet.get());
    vp->setName( "GPUClamping" );

    // Bind clamping attribute location, and a default uniform indicating whether
    // they are available (default is false).
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( Clamping::AnchorAttrName, Clamping::AnchorAttrLocation );
    local->_groupStateSet->addUniform( new osg::Uniform(Clamping::HasAttrsUniformName, false) );

    // Bind clamping heights location.
    vp->addBindAttribLocation( Clamping::HeightsAttrName, Clamping::HeightsAttrLocation );

    osgEarth::Shaders pkg;
    pkg.load(vp, pkg.GPUClampingVertex);
    pkg.load(vp, pkg.GPUClampingFragment);