int WDL_CursesEditor::onChar(int c) { if (m_state == -3 || m_state == -4) { switch (c) { case '\r': case '\n': m_state=0; runSearch(); break; case 27: m_state=0; draw(); setCursor(); draw_message("Find cancelled."); break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (s_search_string[0]) s_search_string[strlen(s_search_string)-1]=0; m_state=-4; break; default: if (VALIDATE_TEXT_CHAR(c)) { int l=m_state == -3 ? 0 : strlen(s_search_string); m_state = -4; if (l < (int)sizeof(s_search_string)-1) { s_search_string[l]=c; s_search_string[l+1]=0; } } break; } if (m_state) { attrset(m_color_message); bkgdset(m_color_message); mvaddstr(LINES-1,29,s_search_string); clrtoeol(); attrset(0); bkgdset(0); } return 0; } if (c==KEY_DOWN || c==KEY_UP || c==KEY_PPAGE||c==KEY_NPAGE || c==KEY_RIGHT||c==KEY_LEFT||c==KEY_HOME||c==KEY_END) { if (SHIFT_KEY_DOWN) { if (!m_selecting) { m_select_x2=m_select_x1=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_select_y1=m_curs_y; m_selecting=1; } } else if (m_selecting) { m_selecting=0; draw(); } } switch(c) { case 'O'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { if (m_pane_div <= 0.0 || m_pane_div >= 1.0) { onChar('P'-'A'+1); } if (m_pane_div > 0.0 && m_pane_div < 1.0) { m_curpane=!m_curpane; draw(); draw_status_state(); int paney[2], paneh[2]; GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); if (m_curs_y-m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane] < 0) m_curs_y=m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]; else if (m_curs_y-m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane] >= paneh[m_curpane]) m_curs_y=paneh[m_curpane]+m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]-1; setCursor(); } } break; case 'P'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { if (m_pane_div <= 0.0 || m_pane_div >= 1.0) { m_pane_div=0.5; m_paneoffs_y[1]=m_paneoffs_y[0]; } else { m_pane_div=1.0; if (m_curpane) m_paneoffs_y[0]=m_paneoffs_y[1]; m_curpane=0; } draw(); draw_status_state(); int paney[2], paneh[2]; const int pane_divy=GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); setCursor(); } break; case 407: case 'Z'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { if (m_undoStack_pos > 0) { m_undoStack_pos--; loadUndoState(m_undoStack.Get(m_undoStack_pos)); draw(); setCursor(); char buf[512]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Undid action - %d items in undo buffer",m_undoStack_pos); draw_message(buf); } else { draw_message("Can't Undo"); } break; } // fall through case 'Y'-'A'+1: if ((c == 'Z'-'A'+1 || !SHIFT_KEY_DOWN) && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { if (m_undoStack_pos < m_undoStack.GetSize()-1) { m_undoStack_pos++; loadUndoState(m_undoStack.Get(m_undoStack_pos)); draw(); setCursor(); char buf[512]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"Redid action - %d items in redo buffer",m_undoStack.GetSize()-m_undoStack_pos-1); draw_message(buf); } else { draw_message("Can't Redo"); } } break; case KEY_IC: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { s_overwrite=!s_overwrite; setCursor(); break; } // fqll through case 'V'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { // generate a m_clipboard using win32 clipboard data WDL_PtrList<const char> lines; WDL_String buf; #ifdef WDL_IS_FAKE_CURSES if (CURSES_INSTANCE) { OpenClipboard(CURSES_INSTANCE->m_hwnd); HANDLE h=GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT); if (h) { char *t=(char *)GlobalLock(h); int s=GlobalSize(h); buf.Set(t,s); GlobalUnlock(t); } CloseClipboard(); } else #endif { buf.Set(s_fake_clipboard.Get()); } if (buf.Get() && buf.Get()[0]) { char *src=buf.Get(); while (*src) { char *seek=src; while (*seek && *seek != '\r' && *seek != '\n') seek++; char hadclr=*seek; if (*seek) *seek++=0; lines.Add(src); if (hadclr == '\r' && *seek == '\n') seek++; if (hadclr && !*seek) { lines.Add(""); } src=seek; } } if (lines.GetSize()) { removeSelect(); // insert lines at m_curs_y,m_curs_x if (m_curs_y >= m_text.GetSize()) m_curs_y=m_text.GetSize()-1; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; preSaveUndoState(); WDL_FastString poststr; int x; int indent_to_pos = -1; for (x = 0; x < lines.GetSize(); x ++) { WDL_FastString *str=m_text.Get(m_curs_y); const char *tstr=lines.Get(x); if (!tstr) tstr=""; if (!x) { if (str) { if (m_curs_x < 0) m_curs_x=0; int tmp=str->GetLength(); if (m_curs_x > tmp) m_curs_x=tmp; poststr.Set(str->Get()+m_curs_x); str->SetLen(m_curs_x); const char *p = str->Get(); while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (!*p && p > str->Get()) { if (lines.GetSize()>1) { while (*tstr == ' ' || *tstr == '\t') tstr++; } indent_to_pos = m_curs_x; } str->Append(tstr); } else { m_text.Insert(m_curs_y,(str=new WDL_FastString(tstr))); } if (lines.GetSize() > 1) { m_curs_y++; } else { m_curs_x = str->GetLength(); str->Append(poststr.Get()); } } else if (x == lines.GetSize()-1) { WDL_FastString *s=newIndentedFastString(tstr,indent_to_pos); m_curs_x = s->GetLength(); s->Append(poststr.Get()); m_text.Insert(m_curs_y,s); } else { m_text.Insert(m_curs_y,newIndentedFastString(tstr,indent_to_pos)); m_curs_y++; } } draw(); setCursor(); draw_message("Pasted"); saveUndoState(); } else { setCursor(); draw_message("Clipboard empty"); } } break; case KEY_DC: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { WDL_FastString *s; if (m_selecting) { preSaveUndoState(); removeSelect(); draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } else if ((s=m_text.Get(m_curs_y))) { if (m_curs_x < s->GetLength()) { preSaveUndoState(); bool hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(s->Get(),m_curs_x,1); s->DeleteSub(m_curs_x,1); if (!hadCom) hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(s->Get(),-1,-1); draw(hadCom ? -1 : m_curs_y); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } else // append next line to us { if (m_curs_y < m_text.GetSize()-1) { preSaveUndoState(); WDL_FastString *nl=m_text.Get(m_curs_y+1); if (nl) { s->Append(nl->Get()); } m_text.Delete(m_curs_y+1,true); draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } } } break; } case 'C'-'A'+1: case 'X'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN && m_selecting) { if (c!= 'C'-'A'+1) m_selecting=0; int miny,maxy,minx,maxx; int x; getselectregion(minx,miny,maxx,maxy); const char *status=""; char statusbuf[512]; if (minx != maxx|| miny != maxy) { int bytescopied=0; s_fake_clipboard.Set(""); int lht=0,fht=0; if (c != 'C'-'A'+1) preSaveUndoState(); for (x = miny; x <= maxy; x ++) { WDL_FastString *s=m_text.Get(x); if (s) { const char *str=s->Get(); int sx,ex; if (x == miny) sx=max(minx,0); else sx=0; int tmp=s->GetLength(); if (sx > tmp) sx=tmp; if (x == maxy) ex=min(maxx,tmp); else ex=tmp; bytescopied += ex-sx + (x!=maxy); if (s_fake_clipboard.Get() && s_fake_clipboard.Get()[0]) s_fake_clipboard.Append("\r\n"); s_fake_clipboard.Append(ex-sx?str+sx:"",ex-sx); if (c != 'C'-'A'+1) { if (sx == 0 && ex == tmp) // remove entire line { m_text.Delete(x,true); if (x==miny) miny--; x--; maxy--; } else { if (x==miny) fht=1; if (x == maxy) lht=1; s->DeleteSub(sx,ex-sx); } } } } if (fht && lht && miny+1 == maxy) { m_text.Get(miny)->Append(m_text.Get(maxy)->Get()); m_text.Delete(maxy,true); } if (c != 'C'-'A'+1) { m_curs_y=miny; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; m_curs_x=minx; saveUndoState(); snprintf(statusbuf,sizeof(statusbuf),"Cut %d bytes",bytescopied); } else snprintf(statusbuf,sizeof(statusbuf),"Copied %d bytes",bytescopied); #ifdef WDL_IS_FAKE_CURSES if (CURSES_INSTANCE) { int l=s_fake_clipboard.GetLength()+1; HANDLE h=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,l); void *t=GlobalLock(h); memcpy(t,s_fake_clipboard.Get(),l); GlobalUnlock(h); OpenClipboard(CURSES_INSTANCE->m_hwnd); EmptyClipboard(); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT,h); CloseClipboard(); } #endif status=statusbuf; } else status="No selection"; draw(); setCursor(); draw_message(status); } break; case 'A'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { m_selecting=1; m_select_x1=0; m_select_y1=0; m_select_y2=m_text.GetSize()-1; m_select_x2=0; if (m_text.Get(m_select_y2)) m_select_x2=m_text.Get(m_select_y2)->GetLength(); draw(); setCursor(); } break; case 27: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN && m_selecting) { m_selecting=0; draw(); setCursor(); break; } break; case KEY_F3: case 'G'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN && s_search_string[0]) { runSearch(); return 0; } // fall through case 'F'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { draw_message(""); attrset(m_color_message); bkgdset(m_color_message); mvaddstr(LINES-1,0,"Find string (ESC to cancel): "); if (m_selecting && m_select_y1==m_select_y2) { WDL_FastString* s=m_text.Get(m_select_y1); if (s) { const char* p=s->Get(); int xlo=min(m_select_x1, m_select_x2); int xhi=max(m_select_x1, m_select_x2); int i; for (i=xlo; i < xhi; ++i) { if (!isalnum(p[i]) && p[i] != '_') break; } if (i == xhi && xhi > xlo && xhi-xlo < sizeof(s_search_string)) { lstrcpyn(s_search_string, p+xlo, xhi-xlo+1); } } } addstr(s_search_string); clrtoeol(); attrset(0); bkgdset(0); m_state=-3; // find, initial (m_state=4 when we've typed something) } break; case KEY_DOWN: { if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) { int paney[2], paneh[2]; GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); int maxscroll=m_text.GetSize()-paneh[m_curpane]+4; if (m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane] < maxscroll-1) { m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]++; if (m_curs_y < m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]) m_curs_y=m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]; draw(); } } else { m_curs_y++; if (m_curs_y>=m_text.GetSize()) m_curs_y=m_text.GetSize()-1; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; } if (m_selecting) { setCursor(1); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(1); } break; case KEY_UP: { if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) { if (m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane] > 0) { int paney[2], paneh[2]; GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]--; if (m_curs_y > m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]-1) m_curs_y = m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]-1; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; draw(); } } else { if(m_curs_y>0) m_curs_y--; } if (m_selecting) { setCursor(1); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(1); } break; case KEY_PPAGE: { if (m_curs_y > m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]) { m_curs_y=m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; } else { int paney[2], paneh[2]; GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); m_curs_y -= paneh[m_curpane]; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]=m_curs_y; } if (m_selecting) { setCursor(1); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; } draw(); setCursor(1); } break; case KEY_NPAGE: { int paney[2], paneh[2]; GetPaneDims(paney, paneh); if (m_curs_y >= m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]-1) m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]=m_curs_y-1; m_curs_y = m_paneoffs_y[m_curpane]+paneh[m_curpane]-1; if (m_curs_y >= m_text.GetSize()) m_curs_y=m_text.GetSize()-1; if (m_curs_y < 0) m_curs_y=0; if (m_selecting) { setCursor(1); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; } draw(); setCursor(1); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: { if (1) // wrap across lines { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (s && m_curs_x >= s->GetLength() && m_curs_y < m_text.GetSize()) { m_curs_y++; m_curs_x = -1; } } if(m_curs_x<0) { m_curs_x=0; } else { if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (!s||m_curs_x >= s->GetLength()) break; int lastType = categorizeCharForWordNess(s->Get()[m_curs_x++]); while (m_curs_x < s->GetLength()) { int thisType = categorizeCharForWordNess(s->Get()[m_curs_x]); if (thisType != lastType && thisType != 0) break; lastType=thisType; m_curs_x++; } } else { m_curs_x++; } } if (m_selecting) { setCursor(); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(); } break; case KEY_LEFT: { bool doMove=true; if (1) // wrap across lines { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (s && m_curs_y>0 && m_curs_x == 0) { s = m_text.Get(--m_curs_y); if (s) { m_curs_x = s->GetLength(); doMove=false; } } } if(m_curs_x>0 && doMove) { if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (!s) break; if (m_curs_x > s->GetLength()) m_curs_x = s->GetLength(); m_curs_x--; int lastType = categorizeCharForWordNess(s->Get()[m_curs_x--]); while (m_curs_x >= 0) { int thisType = categorizeCharForWordNess(s->Get()[m_curs_x]); if (thisType != lastType && lastType != 0) break; lastType=thisType; m_curs_x--; } m_curs_x++; } else { m_curs_x--; } } if (m_selecting) { setCursor(); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(); } break; case KEY_HOME: { m_curs_x=0; if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) m_curs_y=0; if (m_selecting) { setCursor(); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(); } break; case KEY_END: { if (m_text.Get(m_curs_y)) m_curs_x=m_text.Get(m_curs_y)->GetLength(); if (CTRL_KEY_DOWN) m_curs_y=m_text.GetSize(); if (m_selecting) { setCursor(); m_select_x2=m_curs_x; m_select_y2=m_curs_y; draw(); } setCursor(); } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: // backspace, baby if (m_selecting) { preSaveUndoState(); removeSelect(); draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } else if (m_curs_x > 0) { WDL_FastString *tl=m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (tl) { preSaveUndoState(); bool hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(tl->Get(), m_curs_x-1,1); tl->DeleteSub(--m_curs_x,1); if (!hadCom) hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(tl->Get(),-1,-1); draw(hadCom?-1:m_curs_y); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } } else // append current line to previous line { WDL_FastString *fl=m_text.Get(m_curs_y-1), *tl=m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (!tl) { m_curs_y--; if (fl) m_curs_x=fl->GetLength(); draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } else if (fl) { preSaveUndoState(); m_curs_x=fl->GetLength(); fl->Append(tl->Get()); m_text.Delete(m_curs_y--,true); draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } } break; case 'L'-'A'+1: if (!SHIFT_KEY_DOWN && !ALT_KEY_DOWN) { draw(); setCursor(); } break; case 13: //KEY_ENTER: //insert newline preSaveUndoState(); if (m_selecting) { removeSelect(); draw(); setCursor(); } if (m_curs_y >= m_text.GetSize()) { m_curs_y=m_text.GetSize(); m_text.Add(new WDL_FastString); } if (s_overwrite) { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); int plen=0; const char *pb=NULL; if (s) { pb = s->Get(); while (plen < m_curs_x && (pb[plen]== ' ' || pb[plen] == '\t')) plen++; } if (++m_curs_y >= m_text.GetSize()) { m_curs_y = m_text.GetSize(); WDL_FastString *ns=new WDL_FastString; if (plen>0) ns->Set(pb,plen); m_text.Insert(m_curs_y,ns); } s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (s && plen > s->GetLength()) plen=s->GetLength(); m_curs_x=plen; } else { WDL_FastString *s = m_text.Get(m_curs_y); if (s) { if (m_curs_x > s->GetLength()) m_curs_x = s->GetLength(); WDL_FastString *nl = new WDL_FastString(); int plen=0; const char *pb = s->Get(); while (plen < m_curs_x && (pb[plen]== ' ' || pb[plen] == '\t')) plen++; if (plen>0) nl->Set(pb,plen); nl->Append(pb+m_curs_x); m_text.Insert(++m_curs_y,nl); s->SetLen(m_curs_x); m_curs_x=plen; } } m_offs_x=0; draw(); saveUndoState(); setCursor(); break; case '\t': if (m_selecting) { preSaveUndoState(); bool isRev = !!(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&0x8000); indentSelect(isRev?-m_indent_size:m_indent_size); // indent selection: draw(); setCursor(); saveUndoState(); break; } default: //insert char if(VALIDATE_TEXT_CHAR(c)) { preSaveUndoState(); if (m_selecting) { removeSelect(); draw(); setCursor(); } if (!m_text.Get(m_curs_y)) m_text.Insert(m_curs_y,new WDL_FastString); WDL_FastString *ss; if ((ss=m_text.Get(m_curs_y))) { char str[64]; int slen ; if (c == '\t') { slen = min(m_indent_size,64); if (slen<1) slen=1; int x; for(x=0;x<slen;x++) str[x]=' '; } else { str[0]=c; slen = 1; } bool hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(ss->Get(),-1,-1); if (s_overwrite) { if (!hadCom) hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(ss->Get(),m_curs_x,slen); ss->DeleteSub(m_curs_x,slen); } ss->Insert(str,m_curs_x,slen); if (!hadCom) hadCom = LineCanAffectOtherLines(ss->Get(),m_curs_x,slen); m_curs_x += slen; draw(hadCom ? -1 : m_curs_y); } saveUndoState(); setCursor(); } break; } return 0; }
void MultiTab_Editor::OpenFileInTab(const char *fnp) { // try to find file to open WDL_FastString s; FILE *fp=NULL; { const char *ptr = fnp; while (!fp && *ptr) { // first try same path as loading effect if (m_filename.Get()[0]) { s.Set(m_filename.Get()); const char *sp=s.Get()+s.GetLength(); while (sp>=s.Get() && *sp != '\\' && *sp != '/') sp--; s.SetLen(sp + 1 - s.Get()); if (s.GetLength()) { s.Append(ptr); fp=fopenUTF8(s.Get(),"rb"); } } // scan past any / or \\, and try again if (!fp) { while (*ptr && *ptr != '\\' && *ptr != '/') ptr++; if (*ptr) ptr++; } } } if (!fp) { s.Set(""); fp = tryToFindOrCreateFile(fnp,&s); } if (!fp && s.Get()[0]) { m_newfn.Set(s.Get()); if (COLS > 25) { int allowed = COLS-25; if (s.GetLength()>allowed) { s.DeleteSub(0,s.GetLength() - allowed + 3); s.Insert("...",0); } s.Insert("Create new file '",0); s.Append("' (Y/n)? "); } else s.Set("Create new file (Y/n)? "); m_state=UI_STATE_SAVE_AS_NEW; attrset(m_color_message); bkgdset(m_color_message); mvaddstr(LINES-1,0,s.Get()); clrtoeol(); attrset(0); bkgdset(0); } else if (fp) { fclose(fp); int x; for (x=0;x<GetTabCount();x++) { MultiTab_Editor *e = GetTab(x); if (e && !stricmp(e->GetFileName(),s.Get())) { SwitchTab(x,false); return; } } AddTab(s.Get()); } }