void InstrumentFrame::calibrateAndWriteDataFrames(int ell, QList<Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { PeerToPeerCommunicator* comm = find<PeerToPeerCommunicator>(); if (!comm->isRoot()) return; Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); // conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) // --> divide by delta-lambda double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); // correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr // --> divide by area double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance // --> divide by fourpid2 double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units // --> multiply by unit conversion factor double unitfactor = units->osurfacebrightness(lambdagrid->lambda(ell), 1.); // perform the conversion, in place foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) *= (unitfactor / (dlambda * area * fourpid2)); } // write a FITS file for each array for (int q = 0; q < farrays.size(); q++) { QString filename = find<FilePaths>()->output(_instrument->instrumentName() + "_" + fnames[q] + "_" + QString::number(ell) + ".fits"); find<Log>()->info("Writing " + fnames[q] + " flux " + QString::number(ell) + " to FITS file " + filename + "..."); FITSInOut::write(filename, *(farrays[q]), _Nxp, _Nyp, 1, units->olength(_xpres), units->olength(_ypres), units->usurfacebrightness(), units->ulength()); } }
void SED::write(const QString& filename) const { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); Units* units = find<Units>(); ofstream file(filename.toLocal8Bit().constData()); file << setprecision(8) << scientific; for (int ell=0; ell<lambdagrid->Nlambda(); ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); file << units->owavelength(lambda) << '\t' << _Lv[ell]/dlambda*lambda << endl; } file.close(); }
Array PanDustSystem::meanintensityv(int m) const { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); Array Jv(lambdagrid->Nlambda()); double fac = 4.0*M_PI*volume(m); for (int ell=0; ell<lambdagrid->Nlambda(); ell++) { double kappaabsrho = 0.0; for (int h=0; h<_Ncomp; h++) { double kappaabs = mix(h)->kappaabs(ell); double rho = density(m,h); kappaabsrho += kappaabs*rho; } double J = Labs(m,ell) / (kappaabsrho*fac) / lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); // guard against (rare) situations where both Labs and kappa*fac are zero Jv[ell] = std::isfinite(J) ? J : 0.0; } return Jv; }
void InstrumentFrame::calibrateAndWriteDataFrames(int ell, QList<Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); // conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) // --> divide by delta-lambda double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); // correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr // --> divide by area double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance // --> divide by fourpid2 double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units // --> multiply by unit conversion factor double unitfactor = units->osurfacebrightness(lambdagrid->lambda(ell), 1.); // Perform the conversion, in place foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) *= (unitfactor / (dlambda * area * fourpid2)); } // Write a FITS file for each array for (int q = 0; q < farrays.size(); q++) { QString filename = _instrument->instrumentName() + "_" + fnames[q] + "_" + QString::number(ell); QString description = fnames[q] + " flux " + QString::number(ell); // Create the image and save it Image image(this, _Nxp, _Nyp, 1, _xpres, _ypres, "surfacebrightness"); image.saveto(this, *(farrays[q]), filename, description); } }
void PerspectiveInstrument::write() { Units* units = find<Units>(); WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); int Nlambda = find<WavelengthGrid>()->Nlambda(); // Put the data cube in a list of f-array pointers, as the sumResults function requires QList< Array* > farrays; farrays << &_ftotv; // Sum the flux arrays element-wise across the different processes sumResults(farrays); // Multiply each sample by lambda/dlamdba and by the constant factor 1/(4 pi s^2) // to obtain the surface brightness and convert to output units (such as W/m2/arcsec2) double front = 1. / (4.*M_PI*_s*_s); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nx; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Ny; j++) { int m = i + _Nx*j + _Nx*_Ny*ell; _ftotv[m] = units->osurfacebrightness(lambda, _ftotv[m]*front/dlambda); } } } // Write a FITS file containing the data cube QString filename = _instrumentname + "_total"; Image image(this, _Nx, _Ny, Nlambda, _s, _s, "surfacebrightness"); image.saveto(this, _ftotv, filename, "total flux"); }
void SingleFrameInstrument::calibrateAndWriteDataCubes(QList< Array*> farrays, QStringList fnames) { WavelengthGrid* lambdagrid = find<WavelengthGrid>(); int Nlambda = lambdagrid->Nlambda(); // calibration step 1: conversion from bolometric luminosities (units W) to monochromatic luminosities (units W/m) for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double dlambda = lambdagrid->dlambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nxp; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Nyp; j++) { int m = i + _Nxp*j + _Nxp*_Nyp*ell; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr)[m] /= dlambda; } } } } // calibration step 2: correction for the area of the pixels of the images; the units are now W/m/sr double xpresang = 2.0*atan(_xpres/(2.0*_distance)); double ypresang = 2.0*atan(_ypres/(2.0*_distance)); double area = xpresang*ypresang; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) /= area; } // calibration step 3: conversion of the flux per pixel from monochromatic luminosity units (W/m/sr) // to flux density units (W/m3/sr) by taking into account the distance double fourpid2 = 4.0*M_PI*_distance*_distance; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr) /= fourpid2; } // conversion from program SI units (at this moment W/m3/sr) to the correct output units; // we use lambda*flambda for the surface brightness (in units like W/m2/arcsec2) Units* units = find<Units>(); for (int ell=0; ell<Nlambda; ell++) { double lambda = lambdagrid->lambda(ell); for (int i=0; i<_Nxp; i++) { for (int j=0; j<_Nyp; j++) { int m = i + _Nxp*j + _Nxp*_Nyp*ell; foreach (Array* farr, farrays) { (*farr)[m] = units->obolsurfacebrightness(lambda*(*farr)[m]); } } } }