static void doPurePursuit() { //search next waypoint int next_waypoint = getNextWaypoint(); displayNextWaypoint(next_waypoint); displaySearchRadius(getLookAheadThreshold(0)); //ROS_INFO_STREAM("next waypoint = " << next_waypoint << "/" << path_size - 1); //linear interpolation and calculate angular velocity geometry_msgs::Point next_target; geometry_msgs::TwistStamped twist; std_msgs::Bool wf_stat; bool interpolate_flag = false; if (!g_linear_interpolate_mode) { next_target = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint); } else { interpolate_flag = interpolateNextTarget(next_waypoint, &next_target); } if (g_linear_interpolate_mode && !interpolate_flag) { ROS_INFO_STREAM("lost target! "); = false; _stat_pub.publish(wf_stat); twist.twist.linear.x = 0; twist.twist.angular.z = 0; twist.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); g_cmd_velocity_publisher.publish(twist); return; } //ROS_INFO("next_target : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", next_target.x, next_target.y,next_target.z); displayNextTarget(next_target); displayTrajectoryCircle(generateTrajectoryCircle(next_target)); twist.twist = calcTwist(calcCurvature(next_target), getCmdVelocity(0)); = true; _stat_pub.publish(wf_stat); twist.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); g_cmd_velocity_publisher.publish(twist); //ROS_INFO("linear : %lf, angular : %lf",twist.twist.linear.x,twist.twist.angular.z); #ifdef LOG std::ofstream ofs("/tmp/pure_pursuit.log", std::ios::app); ofs << _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint).x << " " << _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint).y << " " << next_target.x << " " << next_target.y << std::endl; #endif }
static int FindCrossWalk() { if (!vmap.set_points || _closest_waypoint < 0) return -1; double find_distance = 2.0*2.0; // meter double ignore_distance = 20.0*20.0; // meter // Find near cross walk for (int num = _closest_waypoint; num < _closest_waypoint+_search_distance; num++) { geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = _path_dk.getWaypointPosition(num); waypoint.z = 0.0; // ignore Z axis for (int i = 1; i < vmap.getSize(); i++) { // ignore far crosswalk geometry_msgs::Point crosswalk_center = vmap.getDetectionPoints(i).center; crosswalk_center.z = 0.0; if (CalcSquareOfLength(crosswalk_center, waypoint) > ignore_distance) continue; for (auto p : vmap.getDetectionPoints(i).points) { p.z = waypoint.z; if (CalcSquareOfLength(p, waypoint) < find_distance) { vmap.setDetectionCrossWalkID(i); return num; } } } } vmap.setDetectionCrossWalkID(-1); return -1; // no near crosswalk }
static int getNextWaypoint() { int path_size = static_cast<int>(_current_waypoints.getSize()); double lookahead_threshold = getLookAheadThreshold(0); // if waypoints are not given, do nothing. if (_current_waypoints.isEmpty()) { return -1; } // look for the next waypoint. for(int i = 0; i < path_size; i++) { //if search waypoint is the last if (i == (path_size - 1)) { ROS_INFO("search waypoint is the last"); return i; } // if there exists an effective waypoint if (getPlaneDistance(_current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(i), _current_pose.pose.position) > lookahead_threshold) { return i; } } //if this program reaches here , it means we lost the waypoint! return -1; }
static bool verifyFollowing() { double slope = 0; double intercept = 0; getLinearEquation(_current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(1),_current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(2),&slope,&intercept); double displacement = getDistanceBetweenLineAndPoint(_current_pose.pose.position,slope,intercept); double relative_angle = getRelativeAngle(_current_waypoints.getWaypointPose(1),_current_pose.pose); //ROS_INFO("side diff : %lf , angle diff : %lf",displacement,relative_angle); if(displacement < g_displacement_threshold || relative_angle < g_relative_angle_threshold){ //ROS_INFO("Following : True"); return true; } else{ //ROS_INFO("Following : False"); return false; } }
// display the next waypoint by markers. static void displayNextWaypoint(int i) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; marker.header.frame_id = MAP_FRAME; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time(); marker.ns = "next_waypoint_marker"; = 0; marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; marker.pose.position = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(i); marker.scale.x = 1.0; marker.scale.y = 1.0; marker.scale.z = 1.0; marker.color.a = 1.0; marker.color.r = 0.0; marker.color.g = 0.0; marker.color.b = 1.0; marker.frame_locked = true; _vis_pub.publish(marker); }
//linear interpolation of next target static bool interpolateNextTarget(int next_waypoint,geometry_msgs::Point *next_target) { double search_radius = getLookAheadThreshold(0); geometry_msgs::Point zero_p; geometry_msgs::Point end = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint); geometry_msgs::Point start = _current_waypoints.getWaypointPosition(next_waypoint - 1); //let the linear equation be "y = slope * x + intercept" double slope = 0; double intercept = 0; getLinearEquation(start,end,&slope, &intercept); //let the center of circle be "(x0,y0)", in my code , the center of circle is vehicle position //the distance "d" between the foot of a perpendicular line and the center of circle is ... // | y0 - slope * x0 - intercept | //d = ------------------------------- // √( 1 + slope^2) double d = getDistanceBetweenLineAndPoint(_current_pose.pose.position,slope,intercept); //ROS_INFO("slope : %lf ", slope); //ROS_INFO("intercept : %lf ", intercept); //ROS_INFO("distance : %lf ", d); if (d > search_radius) return false; //unit vector of point 'start' to point 'end' tf::Vector3 v((end.x - start.x), (end.y - start.y), 0); tf::Vector3 unit_v = v.normalize(); //normal unit vectors of v tf::Vector3 unit_w1 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, 90); //rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree tf::Vector3 unit_w2 = rotateUnitVector(unit_v, -90); //rotate to counter clockwise 90 degree //the foot of a perpendicular line geometry_msgs::Point h1; h1.x = _current_pose.pose.position.x + d * unit_w1.getX(); h1.y = _current_pose.pose.position.y + d * unit_w1.getY(); h1.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z; geometry_msgs::Point h2; h2.x = _current_pose.pose.position.x + d * unit_w2.getX(); h2.y = _current_pose.pose.position.y + d * unit_w2.getY(); h2.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z; double error = pow(10, -5); //0.00001 //ROS_INFO("error : %lf", error); //ROS_INFO("whether h1 on line : %lf", h1.y - (slope * h1.x + intercept)); //ROS_INFO("whether h2 on line : %lf", h2.y - (slope * h2.x + intercept)); //check which of two foot of a perpendicular line is on the line equation geometry_msgs::Point h; if (fabs(h1.y - (slope * h1.x + intercept)) < error) { h = h1; // ROS_INFO("use h1"); } else if (fabs(h2.y - (slope * h2.x + intercept)) < error) { // ROS_INFO("use h2"); h = h2; } else { return false; } //get intersection[s] //if there is a intersection if (d == search_radius) { *next_target = h; return true; } else { //if there are two intersection //get intersection in front of vehicle double s = sqrt(pow(search_radius, 2) - pow(d, 2)); geometry_msgs::Point target1; target1.x = h.x + s * unit_v.getX(); target1.y = h.y + s * unit_v.getY(); target1.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z; geometry_msgs::Point target2; target2.x = h.x - s * unit_v.getX(); target2.y = h.y - s * unit_v.getY(); target2.z = _current_pose.pose.position.z; //ROS_INFO("target1 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target1.x, target1.y, target1.z); //ROS_INFO("target2 : ( %lf , %lf , %lf)", target2.x, target2.y, target2.z); displayLinePoint(slope, intercept, target1, target2, h); //debug tool //check intersection is between end and start double interval = getPlaneDistance(end,start); if (getPlaneDistance(target1, end) < interval) { //ROS_INFO("result : target1"); *next_target = target1; return true; } else if (getPlaneDistance(target2, end) < interval) { //ROS_INFO("result : target2"); *next_target = target2; return true; } else { //ROS_INFO("result : false "); return false; } } }
static EControl vscanDetection() { if (_vscan.empty() == true || _closest_waypoint < 0) return KEEP; int decelerate_or_stop = -10000; int decelerate2stop_waypoints = 15; for (int i = _closest_waypoint; i < _closest_waypoint + _search_distance; i++) { g_obstacle.clearStopPoints(); if (!g_obstacle.isDecided()) g_obstacle.clearDeceleratePoints(); decelerate_or_stop++; if (decelerate_or_stop > decelerate2stop_waypoints || (decelerate_or_stop >= 0 && i >= _path_dk.getSize()-1) || (decelerate_or_stop >= 0 && i == _closest_waypoint+_search_distance-1)) return DECELERATE; if (i > _path_dk.getSize() - 1 ) return KEEP; // Detection for cross walk if (i == vmap.getDetectionWaypoint()) { if (CrossWalkDetection(vmap.getDetectionCrossWalkID()) == STOP) { _obstacle_waypoint = i; return STOP; } } // waypoint seen by vehicle geometry_msgs::Point waypoint = calcRelativeCoordinate(_path_dk.getWaypointPosition(i), _current_pose.pose); tf::Vector3 tf_waypoint = point2vector(waypoint); tf_waypoint.setZ(0); int stop_point_count = 0; int decelerate_point_count = 0; for (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::const_iterator item = _vscan.begin(); item != _vscan.end(); item++) { tf::Vector3 vscan_vector((double) item->x, (double) item->y, 0); // for simulation if (g_sim_mode) { tf::Transform transform; tf::poseMsgToTF(_sim_ndt_pose.pose, transform); geometry_msgs::Point world2vscan = vector2point(transform * vscan_vector); vscan_vector = point2vector(calcRelativeCoordinate(world2vscan, _current_pose.pose)); vscan_vector.setZ(0); } // 2D distance between waypoint and vscan points(obstacle) // ---STOP OBSTACLE DETECTION--- double dt = tf::tfDistance(vscan_vector, tf_waypoint); if (dt < _detection_range) { stop_point_count++; geometry_msgs::Point vscan_temp; vscan_temp.x = item->x; vscan_temp.y = item->y; vscan_temp.z = item->z; if (g_sim_mode) g_obstacle.setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _sim_ndt_pose.pose)); else g_obstacle.setStopPoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _current_pose.pose)); } if (stop_point_count > _threshold_points) { _obstacle_waypoint = i; return STOP; } // without deceleration range if (_deceleration_range < 0.01) continue; // deceleration search runs "decelerate_search_distance" waypoints from closest if (i > _closest_waypoint+_deceleration_search_distance || decelerate_or_stop >= 0) continue; // ---DECELERATE OBSTACLE DETECTION--- if (dt > _detection_range && dt < _detection_range + _deceleration_range) { bool count_flag = true; // search overlaps between DETECTION range and DECELERATION range for (int waypoint_search = -5; waypoint_search <= 5; waypoint_search++) { if (i+waypoint_search < 0 || i+waypoint_search >= _path_dk.getSize() || !waypoint_search) continue; geometry_msgs::Point temp_waypoint = calcRelativeCoordinate( _path_dk.getWaypointPosition(i+waypoint_search), _current_pose.pose); tf::Vector3 waypoint_vector = point2vector(temp_waypoint); waypoint_vector.setZ(0); // if there is a overlap, give priority to DETECTION range if (tf::tfDistance(vscan_vector, waypoint_vector) < _detection_range) { count_flag = false; break; } } if (count_flag) { decelerate_point_count++; geometry_msgs::Point vscan_temp; vscan_temp.x = item->x; vscan_temp.y = item->y; vscan_temp.z = item->z; if (g_sim_mode) g_obstacle.setDeceleratePoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _sim_ndt_pose.pose)); else g_obstacle.setDeceleratePoint(calcAbsoluteCoordinate(vscan_temp, _current_pose.pose)); } } // found obstacle to DECELERATE if (decelerate_point_count > _threshold_points) { _obstacle_waypoint = i; decelerate_or_stop = 0; // for searching near STOP obstacle g_obstacle.setDecided(true); } } } return KEEP; //no obstacles }
static void DisplayDetectionRange(const int &crosswalk_id, const int &num, const EControl &kind) { // set up for marker array visualization_msgs::MarkerArray marker_array; visualization_msgs::Marker crosswalk_marker; visualization_msgs::Marker waypoint_marker_stop; visualization_msgs::Marker waypoint_marker_decelerate; visualization_msgs::Marker stop_line; crosswalk_marker.header.frame_id = "/map"; crosswalk_marker.header.stamp = ros::Time(); = 0; crosswalk_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE_LIST; crosswalk_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; waypoint_marker_stop = crosswalk_marker; waypoint_marker_decelerate = crosswalk_marker; stop_line = crosswalk_marker; stop_line.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; // set each namespace crosswalk_marker.ns = "Crosswalk Detection"; waypoint_marker_stop.ns = "Stop Detection"; waypoint_marker_decelerate.ns = "Decelerate Detection"; stop_line.ns = "Stop Line"; // set scale and color double scale = 2*_detection_range; waypoint_marker_stop.scale.x = scale; waypoint_marker_stop.scale.y = scale; waypoint_marker_stop.scale.z = scale; waypoint_marker_stop.color.a = 0.2; waypoint_marker_stop.color.r = 0.0; waypoint_marker_stop.color.g = 1.0; waypoint_marker_stop.color.b = 0.0; waypoint_marker_stop.frame_locked = true; scale = 2*(_detection_range + _deceleration_range); waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.x = scale; waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.y = scale; waypoint_marker_decelerate.scale.z = scale; waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.a = 0.15; waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.r = 1.0; waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.g = 1.0; waypoint_marker_decelerate.color.b = 0.0; waypoint_marker_decelerate.frame_locked = true; if (_obstacle_waypoint > -1) { stop_line.pose.position = _path_dk.getWaypointPosition(_obstacle_waypoint); stop_line.pose.orientation = _path_dk.getWaypointOrientation(_obstacle_waypoint); } stop_line.pose.position.z += 1.0; stop_line.scale.x = 0.1; stop_line.scale.y = 15.0; stop_line.scale.z = 2.0; stop_line.color.a = 0.3; stop_line.color.r = 1.0; stop_line.color.g = 0.0; stop_line.color.b = 0.0; stop_line.lifetime = ros::Duration(0.1); stop_line.frame_locked = true; if (crosswalk_id > 0) scale = vmap.getDetectionPoints(crosswalk_id).width; crosswalk_marker.scale.x = scale; crosswalk_marker.scale.y = scale; crosswalk_marker.scale.z = scale; crosswalk_marker.color.a = 0.5; crosswalk_marker.color.r = 0.0; crosswalk_marker.color.g = 1.0; crosswalk_marker.color.b = 0.0; crosswalk_marker.frame_locked = true; // set marker points coordinate for (int i = 0; i < _search_distance; i++) { if (num < 0 || i+num > _path_dk.getSize() - 1) break; geometry_msgs::Point point; point = _path_dk.getWaypointPosition(num+i); waypoint_marker_stop.points.push_back(point); if (i > _deceleration_search_distance) continue; waypoint_marker_decelerate.points.push_back(point); } if (crosswalk_id > 0) { for (const auto &p : vmap.getDetectionPoints(crosswalk_id).points) crosswalk_marker.points.push_back(p); } // publish marker marker_array.markers.push_back(crosswalk_marker); marker_array.markers.push_back(waypoint_marker_stop); marker_array.markers.push_back(waypoint_marker_decelerate); if (kind == STOP) marker_array.markers.push_back(stop_line); _range_pub.publish(marker_array); marker_array.markers.clear(); }