コード例 #1
ファイル: main2.cpp プロジェクト: tempbottle/WonderGUI
void cbInitDrag( const Msg_p& _pMsg, const Object_p& pObject )
	Widget_p pWidget = Widget::cast(pObject);

	FlexHook_p pHook = FlexHook::cast(pWidget->hook());

	dragStartPos = pHook->floatOfs();
	printf( "DRAG START!\n" );
コード例 #2
	CapsuleHook_p Capsule::setWidget( const Widget_p& pWidget )
		if( !pWidget )
			return 0;
		return &m_hook;
コード例 #3
ファイル: wg_msgrouter.cpp プロジェクト: tempbottle/WonderGUI
	void MsgRouter::_updateMarkedWidget(bool bPostMouseMoveMsgs)
		Widget_p pNowMarked = 0;
		Widget_p pWidgetTarget = m_pRoot->findWidget( m_pointerPos, WG_SEARCH_ACTION_TARGET );
		// Figure out which button of currently pressed has been pressed the longest.
		// Mouse is only allowed to mark Widgets that were marked on press of that button.
		int button = 0;								// Button that has been pressed for longest, 0 = no button pressed
		for( int i = 1 ; i <= WG_MAX_BUTTONS ; i++ )
			if( m_bButtonPressed[i] && (button == 0 || m_pLatestPressMsgs[i]->timestamp() < m_pLatestPressMsgs[button]->timestamp()) )
				button = i;
		// We are only marking the Widget if no mouse button is pressed or the first pressed button
		// was pressed on it.
		if( button == 0 || pWidgetTarget == m_latestPressWidgets[button].rawPtr() )
			pNowMarked = pWidgetTarget;
		// Post Leave events for widgets no longer marked,
		// Post Enter events for new marked widgets
		// and Move events for those already marked
		Widget * pFirstAlreadyMarked = _updateEnteredWidgets( pNowMarked.rawPtr() );
		if( bPostMouseMoveMsgs && pFirstAlreadyMarked )
			post( new MouseMoveMsg( pFirstAlreadyMarked ) );
		// Copy content of pNowMarked to m_pMarkedWidget
		m_pMarkedWidget = pNowMarked.rawPtr();
		// Update PointerStyle
		WgPointerStyle newStyle;
		if( pNowMarked && pNowMarked->isEnabled() )
			newStyle = pNowMarked->pointerStyle();
		else if( button != 0 )
			newStyle = m_pointerStyle;
		if( newStyle != m_pointerStyle )
			post( new PointerChangeMsg( newStyle ) );
			m_pointerStyle = newStyle;
コード例 #4
	bool ModalLayer::removeWidget( const Widget_p& pWidget )
		if( !pWidget || pWidget->parent() != this )
			return false;
		if( pWidget == m_baseHook._widget() )
			return removeBaseWidget();
			ModalHook * pHook = (ModalHook *) pWidget->_hook();
			delete pHook;
			return true;
コード例 #5
	bool Capsule::removeWidget( const Widget_p& pWidget )
		if( m_hook._widget() != pWidget.rawPtr() )
			return false;
		return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: main2.cpp プロジェクト: tempbottle/WonderGUI
void cbDragWidget( const Msg_p& _pMsg, const Object_p& pObject )
	Widget_p pWidget = Widget::cast(pObject);
	if( _pMsg->type() != WG_MSG_MOUSE_DRAG || !pWidget->parent() )

	const MouseDragMsg_p pMsg = MouseDragMsg::cast(_pMsg);

	Coord	dragDistance = pMsg->draggedTotal();

	Coord	ofs = dragStartPos + dragDistance;

//	printf( "AccDistance: %d, %d\n", dragDistance.x, dragDistance.y );
	printf( "ofs: %d, %d   start: %d %d   distance: %d, %d\n", ofs.x, ofs.y, dragStartPos.x, dragStartPos.y, dragDistance.x, dragDistance.y );

	FlexHook_p pHook = FlexHook::cast(pWidget->hook());
コード例 #7
ファイル: wg_rootpanel.cpp プロジェクト: tempbottle/WonderGUI
	Hook_p RootPanel::setWidget( const Widget_p& pWidget )
		if( !pWidget )
			return 0;
		m_hook._widget()->_onCollectPatches( m_dirtyPatches, geo(), geo() );
		return &m_hook;
コード例 #8
	ModalHook_p ModalLayer::addModalWidget( const Widget_p& pWidget, const Rect& geometry, WgOrigo origo )
		// Create MyHook and fill in members.
		ModalHook * pHook = new ModalHook( this );
		pHook->m_origo = origo;
		pHook->m_placementGeo = geometry;
		// Refresh geometry and request render.
		return pHook;
コード例 #9
ファイル: wg_msgrouter.cpp プロジェクト: tempbottle/WonderGUI
	bool MsgRouter::setKeyboardFocus( const Widget_p& pFocus )
		// Return if Widget is not child of our root.
		if( pFocus && (!pFocus->hook() || pFocus->hook()->root() != m_pRoot) )
			return false;
		// Handle old focus.
		Widget * pOldFocus = m_keyFocusWidget.rawPtr();
		if( pFocus == pOldFocus )
			return true;
		if( pOldFocus )
			_setWidgetFocused( pOldFocus, false );
		// Handle new focus, possibly switching focus group.
		if( pFocus )
			// Check what focus group (if any) this Widget belongs to.
			m_keyFocusGroup = 0;
			Container * p = pFocus->_parent();
			while( p )
				if( p->_isPanel() && static_cast<Panel*>(p)->isFocusGroup() )
					m_keyFocusGroup = static_cast<Panel*>(p);
				p = p->_parent();
			// Activate focus
			_setWidgetFocused( pFocus.rawPtr(), true );
		// Set members and exit.
		m_keyFocusWidget = pFocus.rawPtr();
		m_focusGroupMap[m_keyFocusGroup] = pFocus.rawPtr();
		return true;
コード例 #10
	void InputHandler::setPointer( const RootPanel_p& pRoot, Coord pos, int64_t timestamp )
		Coord	prevPointerPos = m_pointerPos;
		if( timestamp == 0 )
			timestamp = m_timeStamp;
		m_pointerPos = pos;
		m_pMarkedRoot = 0;
		Widget_p pNowMarked = 0;
		Widget_p pWidgetTarget = 0;
		if( pRoot && pRoot->geo().contains( pos ) )
			m_pMarkedRoot = pRoot.rawPtr();
			pWidgetTarget = pRoot->findWidget( m_pointerPos, SearchMode::ActionTarget );
		// Figure out which button of currently pressed has been pressed the longest.
		// Mouse is only allowed to mark Widgets that were marked on press of that button.
		int button = 0;								// Button that has been pressed for longest, 0 = no button pressed
		for( int i = 1 ; i <= MouseButton_Max ; i++ )
			if( m_bButtonPressed[i] && (button == 0 || m_latestPressTimestamps[i] < m_latestPressTimestamps[button]) )
				button = i;
		// We are only marking the Widget if no mouse button is pressed or the first pressed button
		// was pressed on it.
		if( button == 0 || pWidgetTarget == m_latestPressWidgets[button].rawPtr() )
			pNowMarked = pWidgetTarget;
		// Post Leave events for widgets no longer marked,
		// Post Enter events for new marked widgets
		// and Move events for those already marked
		Widget * pFirstAlreadyMarked = _updateEnteredWidgets( pNowMarked.rawPtr(), timestamp );
		if( pFirstAlreadyMarked )
			Base::msgRouter()->post( new MouseMoveMsg( m_inputId, pFirstAlreadyMarked, m_modKeys, pos, timestamp ) );
		// Copy content of pNowMarked to m_pMarkedWidget
		m_pMarkedWidget = pNowMarked.rawPtr();
		// Post events for button drag
		for( int i = 0 ; i <= MouseButton_Max ; i++ )
			if( m_bButtonPressed[i] )
				Base::msgRouter()->post( new MouseDragMsg( m_inputId, (MouseButton) i, m_latestPressWidgets[i].rawPtr(), m_latestPressPosition[i], prevPointerPos, m_modKeys, m_pointerPos, timestamp ) );
		// Update PointerStyle
		PointerStyle newStyle;
		if( pNowMarked && pNowMarked->isEnabled() )
			newStyle = pNowMarked->pointerStyle();
		else if( button != 0 )
			newStyle = m_pointerStyle;
			newStyle = PointerStyle::Default;
		if( newStyle != m_pointerStyle )
			Base::msgRouter()->post( new PointerChangeMsg( m_inputId, newStyle ) );
			m_pointerStyle = newStyle;