コード例 #1
 * class X2_ATTRIBUTE_FILEFUNCTION ( from %TF.FileFunction in Gerber file)
 *  Example file function:
 *  %TF.FileFunction,Copper,L1,Top*%
 * - Type. Such as copper, solder mask etc.
 * - Position. Specifies where the file appears in the PCB layer structure.
 *      Corresponding position substring:
 *      Copper layer:   L1, L2, L3...to indicate the layer position followed by Top, Inr or
 *                      Bot. L1 is always the top copper layer. E.g. L2,Inr.
 *      Extra layer, e.g. solder mask: Top or Bot – defines the attachment of the layer.
 *      Drill/rout layer: E.g. 1,4 – where 1 is the start and 4 is the end copper layer. The
 *                        pair 1,4 defines the span of the drill/rout file
 * Optional index. This can be used in instances where for example there are two solder
 *                 masks on the same side. The index counts from the PCB surface outwards.
    : X2_ATTRIBUTE()
    m_Prms = aAttributeBase.GetPrms();
    m_z_order = 0;

    //ensure at least 5 parameters
    while( GetPrmCount() < 5 )
        m_Prms.Add( wxEmptyString );
