コード例 #1
static void
DeclareOneNamespace	( XMP_StringPtr   nsPrefix,
					  XMP_StringPtr   nsURI,
					  XMP_VarString	& usedNS,		// ! A catenation of the prefixes with colons.
					  XMP_VarString & outputStr,
					  XMP_StringPtr   newline,
					  XMP_StringPtr   indentStr,
					  XMP_Index       indent )
	XMP_VarString boundedPrefix = ":";
	boundedPrefix += nsPrefix;
	size_t nsPos = usedNS.find ( boundedPrefix );

	if ( nsPos == XMP_VarString::npos ) {
		outputStr += newline;
		for ( ; indent > 0; --indent ) outputStr += indentStr;
		outputStr += "xmlns:";
		outputStr += nsPrefix;
		if (outputStr[outputStr.size ( ) - 1] == ':')
			outputStr[outputStr.size ( ) - 1] = '=';	// Change the colon to =.
			outputStr += '=';
		outputStr += '"';
		outputStr += nsURI;
		outputStr += '"';

		usedNS += nsPrefix;


}	// DeclareOneNamespace
コード例 #2
static void
DeclareElemNamespace ( const XMP_VarString & elemName,
					   XMP_VarString &		 usedNS,
					   XMP_VarString &		 outputStr,
					   XMP_StringPtr		 newline,
					   XMP_StringPtr		 indentStr,
					   XMP_Index			 indent )
	size_t colonPos = elemName.find ( ':' );

	if ( colonPos != XMP_VarString::npos ) {
		XMP_VarString nsPrefix ( elemName.substr ( 0, colonPos+1 ) );
		XMP_StringMapPos prefixPos = sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->find ( nsPrefix );
		XMP_Enforce ( prefixPos != sNamespacePrefixToURIMap->end() );
		DeclareOneNamespace ( nsPrefix, prefixPos->second, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );

}	// DeclareElemNamespace
コード例 #3
static void
DeclareElemNamespace ( const XMP_VarString & elemName,
					   XMP_VarString &		 usedNS,
					   XMP_VarString &		 outputStr,
					   XMP_StringPtr		 newline,
					   XMP_StringPtr		 indentStr,
					   XMP_Index			 indent )
	size_t colonPos = elemName.find ( ':' );

	if ( colonPos != XMP_VarString::npos ) {
		XMP_VarString nsPrefix ( elemName.substr ( 0, colonPos+1 ) );
		XMP_StringPtr nsURI;
		bool nsFound = sRegisteredNamespaces->GetURI ( nsPrefix.c_str(), &nsURI, 0 );
		XMP_Enforce ( nsFound );
		DeclareOneNamespace ( nsPrefix.c_str(), nsURI, usedNS, outputStr, newline, indentStr, indent );

}	// DeclareElemNamespace