int main() { XmlDocument doc("config.xml"); // 获取connect节点 XmlNode connect = doc.firstNode("connect"); // 获取全局属性配置 XmlNode node = connect.firstNode("property"); printf("global property:\n"); for (; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling("property")) { printf("name: %s value: %s\n", node["name"], node["value"]); } XmlNode pool = connect.firstNode("pool"); printf("pools:\n"); for (; !pool.isNull(); pool = pool.nextSibling("pool")) { printf("pool:\n"); printf("name: %s\n", pool["name"]); node = pool.firstNode("property"); for (; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling("property")) { printf("name: %s value: %s\n", node["name"], node["value"]); } }"config.xml2"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//=========================================== // Sprite::assignData // // All tags and attributes are optional. //=========================================== void Sprite::assignData(const XmlNode data) { if (data.isNull() || != "Sprite") return; try { XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "Entity") { Entity::assignData(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "EntityAnimations") { EntityAnimations::assignData(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "EntityTransformations") { EntityTransformations::assignData(node); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Sprite; "); throw; } }
//=========================================== // PhysicalSprite::assignData //=========================================== virtual void assignData(const XmlNode data) { if (data.isNull() || != "PhysicalSprite") return; XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "Sprite") { Sprite::assignData(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "EntityPhysics") { T_PHYSICS::assignData(data.nthChild(1)); } }
//=========================================== // Animation::Animation //=========================================== Animation::Animation(const XmlNode data) : Asset(internString("Animation")), m_state(STOPPED), m_frameReady(false) { try { XML_NODE_CHECK(data, Animation); XmlAttribute attr = data.firstAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, name); m_name = internString(attr.getString()); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, duration); m_duration = attr.getFloat(); uint_t f = 0; XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); while (!node.isNull() && == "AnimFrame") { AnimFrame frame(node); frame.number = f; m_frames.push_back(frame); ++f; node = node.nextSibling(); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Animation; "); throw; } }
//=========================================== // EntityParallax::assignData //=========================================== void EntityParallax::assignData(const XmlNode data) { try { if (data.isNull() || != "EntityParallax") return; XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "range") { m_range = Vec2f(node.firstChild()); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class EntityParallax; "); throw; } init(); }
//=========================================== // Polygon::Polygon //=========================================== Polygon::Polygon(const XmlNode data) : Asset(internString("Polygon")), m_outlineModel(Renderer::LINES), m_interiorModel(Renderer::TRIANGLES), m_renderer(Renderer::getInstance()) { try { XML_NODE_CHECK(data, Polygon); clear(); XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); while (!node.isNull() && == "Vec2f") { boost::shared_ptr<Vec2f> vert(new Vec2f(node)); m_verts.push_back(vert); ++m_nVerts; node = node.nextSibling(); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Polygon; "); throw; } restructure(); updateModels(); }
//=========================================== // Box2dPhysics::assignData //=========================================== void Box2dPhysics::assignData(const XmlNode data) { if (data.isNull() || != "Box2dPhysics") return; try { XmlAttribute attr = data.firstAttribute(); if (!attr.isNull() && == "dynamic") { m_opts.dynamic = attr.getBool(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "fixedAngle") { m_opts.fixedAngle = attr.getBool(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "density") { m_opts.density = attr.getFloat(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "friction") { m_opts.friction = attr.getFloat(); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Box2dPhysics ;"); throw; } }
//=========================================== // GameSettings::parseGameModes //=========================================== void GameSettings::parseGameModes(XmlNode data) { XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); while (!node.isNull() && == "GameOptions") { difficultyModes.push_back(pGameOptions_t(new GameOptions(node))); node = node.nextSibling(); } }
//=========================================== // Throwable::assignData //=========================================== void Throwable::assignData(const Dodge::XmlNode data) { try { XML_NODE_CHECK(data, Throwable) XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "Item") { Item::assignData(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "Sprite") { Sprite::assignData(node); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Throwable; "); throw; } }
//=========================================== // Counter::assignData //=========================================== void Counter::assignData(const Dodge::XmlNode data) { try { XML_NODE_CHECK(data, Counter) XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "CTextEntity") { CTextEntity::assignData(node); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "value") { m_value = node.getInt(); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Counter; "); throw; } }
//=========================================== // PauseMenu::assignData //=========================================== void PauseMenu::assignData(const XmlNode data) { try { XML_NODE_CHECK(data, PauseMenu) XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "Menu") { Menu::assignData(node); } } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class PauseMenu; "); throw; } }
//=========================================== // TextEntity::assignData //=========================================== void TextEntity::assignData(const XmlNode data) { try { if (data.isNull() || != "TextEntity") return; XmlNode node = data.nthChild(1); if (!node.isNull() && == "font") { XmlAttribute attr = node.firstAttribute(); if (!attr.isNull() && == "ptr") { long fontId = attr.getLong(); AssetManager assetManager; pFont_t font = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Dodge::Font>(assetManager.getAssetPointer(fontId)); if (!font) throw XmlException("Bad asset id", __FILE__, __LINE__); m_font = font; } node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "textSize") { m_size = Vec2f(node.firstChild()); node = node.nextSibling(); } XML_NODE_CHECK(node, text); setText(node.getString()); } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class TextEntity; "); throw; } }
bool Test::testCase1() const { bool pass = true; bool b = false; if (m_verbose) cout << "\tCASE 1: Parsing good document and checking tree\n"; try { XmlDocument doc; doc.parse("./test1.xml"); /* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <element1 a="1" b="2"> <element2 c="3" d="true"/> <element3>Hello World!</element3> <element4 a="123"> <element5 yes="no"> <element6 str="This is a string" num="4.5"/> <element7>99.8</element7> </element5> </element4> </element1> */ XmlNode node = doc.firstNode(); node = node.nextSibling(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element1") == 0, pass, b); XmlAttribute attr = node.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("a") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getInt() == 1, pass, b); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("b") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getInt() == 2, pass, b); { XmlNode node_ = node.firstChild(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node_.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element2") == 0, pass, b); XmlAttribute attr = node_.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("c") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getInt() == 3, pass, b); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("d") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getString().compare("true") == 0, pass, b); node_ = node_.nextSibling(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node_.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element3") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(node_.getString().compare("Hello World!") == 0, pass, b); node_ = node_.nextSibling(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node_.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element4") == 0, pass, b); attr = node_.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("a") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getInt() == 123, pass, b); { XmlNode node__ = node_.firstChild(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node__.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element5") == 0, pass, b); XmlAttribute attr = node__.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("yes") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getString().compare("no") == 0, pass, b); { XmlNode node___ = node__.firstChild(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node___.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("element6") == 0, pass, b); XmlAttribute attr = node___.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("str") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getString().compare("This is a string") == 0, pass, b); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("num") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getFloat() == 4.5, pass, b); } } } } catch (XmlException& e) { pass = false; if (m_verbose) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; } } if (m_verbose) cout << (pass ? "\tPASS\n" : "\tFAIL\n"); return pass; }
bool Test::testCase4() const { if (m_verbose) cout << "\tCase 4: Move node between documents (2)\n"; /* <nodeA> <nodeB a="1" b="two" c="3.4"/> <nodeC d="true"> <nodeD> Hello World! </nodeD> <nodeE> Goodbye World! </nodeE> </nodeC> </nodeA> */ XmlDocument doc2; try { XmlDocument doc1; doc1.parse("./test4.xml"); XmlNode node = doc1.firstNode(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, nodeA); node = node.firstChild(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, nodeB); node = node.nextSibling(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, nodeC); XmlNode node_ = doc2.addNode("MyNode"); node_.addNode(node); } // doc1 destroyed here catch (XmlException& e) { if (m_verbose) { cout << e.what() << "\n"; } return false; } bool pass = true; bool b = false; XmlNode node = doc2.firstNode(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("MyNode") == 0, pass, b); XmlNode node_ = node.firstChild(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node_.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("nodeC") == 0, pass, b); XmlAttribute attr = node_.firstAttribute(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!attr.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("d") == 0, pass, b); SUBCASE_CHECK(attr.getString().compare("true") == 0, pass, b); XmlNode node__ = node_.firstChild(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node__.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("nodeD") == 0, pass, b); node__ = node__.nextSibling(); SUBCASE_CHECK_CRITICAL(!node__.isNull()); SUBCASE_CHECK("nodeE") == 0, pass, b); if (m_verbose) cout << (pass ? "\tPASS\n" : "\tFAIL\n"); return pass; }
//=========================================== // Entity::Entity //=========================================== Entity::Entity(const XmlNode data) : Asset(internString("Entity")), m_silent(false), m_parent(NULL) { AssetManager assetManager; ShapeFactory shapeFactory; try { setSilent(true); XML_NODE_CHECK(data, Entity); XmlAttribute attr = data.firstAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, type); m_type = internString(attr.getString()); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, name); m_name = internString(attr.getString()); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, x); m_transl.x = attr.getFloat(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, y); m_transl.y = attr.getFloat(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, z); m_z = attr.getFloat(); // So that no Z values are 'exactly' equal m_z += 0.1f * static_cast<float32_t>(rand()) / static_cast<float32_t>(RAND_MAX); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); XML_ATTR_CHECK(attr, rot); float32_t rot = attr.getFloat(); XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "shape") { m_shape = unique_ptr<Shape>(shapeFactory.create(node.firstChild())); node = node.nextSibling(); } m_rot = 0; setRotation(rot); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, scale); m_scale = Vec2f(1.f, 1.f); setScale(Vec2f(node.firstChild())); node = node.nextSibling(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, fillColour); m_fillColour = Colour(node.firstChild()); node = node.nextSibling(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, lineColour); m_lineColour = Colour(node.firstChild()); node = node.nextSibling(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, lineWidth); m_lineWidth = node.getInt(); node = node.nextSibling(); XML_NODE_CHECK(node, children); XmlNode node_ = node.firstChild(); while (!node_.isNull() && == "child") { XmlAttribute attr = node_.firstAttribute(); if (!attr.isNull() && == "ptr") { long id = attr.getLong(); pEntity_t child = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Entity>(assetManager.getAssetPointer(id)); if (!child) throw XmlException("Bad entity asset id", __FILE__, __LINE__); addChild(child); } node_ = node_.nextSibling(); } setSilent(false); ++m_count; } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Entity; "); throw; } recomputeBoundary(); }
//=========================================== // Entity::assignData //=========================================== void Entity::assignData(const XmlNode data) { if (data.isNull() || != "Entity") return; AssetManager assetManager; ShapeFactory shapeFactory; try { bool silent = isSilent(); setSilent(true); XmlAttribute attr = data.firstAttribute(); if (!attr.isNull() && == "type") { m_type = internString(attr.getString()); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "name") { m_name = internString(attr.getString()); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } Vec2f transl = m_transl; if (!attr.isNull() && == "x") { transl.x = attr.getFloat(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "y") { transl.y = attr.getFloat(); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } setTranslation(transl); if (!attr.isNull() && == "z") { m_z = attr.getFloat(); // So that no Z values are 'exactly' equal m_z += 0.1f * static_cast<float32_t>(rand()) / static_cast<float32_t>(RAND_MAX); attr = attr.nextAttribute(); } XmlNode node = data.firstChild(); if (!node.isNull() && == "shape") { m_shape = unique_ptr<Shape>(shapeFactory.create(node.firstChild())); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "scale") { setScale(Vec2f(node.firstChild())); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!attr.isNull() && == "rot") { setRotation(attr.getFloat()); } if (!node.isNull() && == "fillColour") { m_fillColour = Colour(node.firstChild()); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "lineColour") { m_lineColour = Colour(node.firstChild()); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "lineWidth") { m_lineWidth = node.getInt(); node = node.nextSibling(); } if (!node.isNull() && == "children") { XmlNode node_ = node.firstChild(); while (!node_.isNull() && == "child") { XmlAttribute attr = node_.firstAttribute(); if (!attr.isNull() && == "ptr") { long id = attr.getLong(); pEntity_t child = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Entity>(assetManager.getAssetPointer(id)); if (!child) throw XmlException("Bad entity asset id", __FILE__, __LINE__); addChild(child); } node_ = node_.nextSibling(); } } setSilent(silent); } catch (XmlException& e) { e.prepend("Error parsing XML for instance of class Entity; "); throw; } recomputeBoundary(); }