/*! \brief Wait for data to arrive or a timeout to occur. \details The function waits until \c maxLength data is available or until a timeout occurs. The function returns success if data is available or XsResultValue::TIMEOUT if a timeout occurred. A timeout value of 0 indicates that the default timeout stored in the class should be used. \param maxLength The maximum number of bytes to read before returning \param data The buffer to put the read data in. \returns XRV_OK if \a maxLength bytes were read, XRV_TIMEOUT if less was read, XRV_TIMEOUTNODATA if nothing was read */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::waitForData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { data.clear(); data.reserve(maxLength); //char *data = (char *)&_data[0]; JLTRACE(gJournal, "timeout=" << m_timeout << ", maxLength=" << maxLength); uint32_t timeout = m_timeout; uint32_t eTime = XsTime_getTimeOfDay(NULL, NULL) + timeout; // uint32_t newLength = 0; while ((data.size() < maxLength) && (XsTime_getTimeOfDay(NULL, NULL) <= eTime)) { XsByteArray raw; if (readData(maxLength - data.size(), raw) != XRV_OK) return m_lastResult; data.append(raw); } JLTRACE(gJournal, "Read " << data.size() << " of " << maxLength << " bytes"); if (data.size() < maxLength) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); else return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { DWORD wErr = ::GetLastError(); JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << wErr); if (wErr >= ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION && wErr <= ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEORPORTOPEN); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); data.pop_back(maxLength - length); #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (rx_log == NULL) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); rx_log = fopen(fname, "wb"); } fwrite(data.data(), 1, length, rx_log); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH fflush(rx_log); #endif } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << ::GetLastError()); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); data.pop_back(maxLength - length); // if (m_callbackHandler != NULL && *length > 0) { // XsBinary bytes; // bytes.setPortNumber(m_port); // bytes.setData(data, *length); //#ifdef LOG_CALLBACKS // JLDEBUG(gJournal, "XsensDeviceAPI", "C1: onBytesReceived(%d,(%d,%d),%p)\n",(int32_t) m_onBytesReceivedInstance, (int32_t) bytes->m_size, (int32_t) bytes->m_portNr, m_onBytesReceivedParam); //#endif //// m_callbackHandler->onBytesReceived(bytes); // } #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (rx_log == NULL) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif rx_log = fopen(fname, "wb"); } fwrite(data.data(), 1, length, rx_log); fflush(rx_log); } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }
/*! \brief Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer. \details This function reads up to \a maxLength bytes from the port (non-blocking) and puts it into the \a data buffer. \param maxLength The maximum amount of data read. \param data The buffer that will store the received data. \returns XRV_OK if no error occurred. It can be that no data is available and XRV_OK will be returned. Check data.size() for the number of bytes that were read. */ XsResultValue SerialInterface::readData(XsSize maxLength, XsByteArray& data) { if (!isOpen()) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN); #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD length; data.setSize(maxLength); BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data.data(), (DWORD) maxLength, &length, NULL); data.pop_back(maxLength-length); JLTRACE(gJournal, "ReadFile result " << rres << ", length " << length); if (!rres) { DWORD wErr = ::GetLastError(); JLALERT(gJournal, "ReadFile returned windows error " << wErr); if (wErr == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) return (m_lastResult = XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT); if (wErr >= ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION && wErr <= ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOFILEORPORTOPEN); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } if (length == 0) return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); #else fd_set fd; fd_set err; timeval timeout; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET(m_handle, &fd); FD_SET(m_handle, &err); timeout.tv_sec = m_timeout/1000; timeout.tv_usec = (m_timeout - (timeout.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000; int res = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd, NULL, &err, &timeout); if (res < 0 || FD_ISSET(m_handle, &err)) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR); } else if (res == 0) { data.clear(); return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT); } data.setSize(maxLength); int length = read(m_handle, (void*)data.data(), maxLength); if (length > 0) { data.pop_back(maxLength - length); } else { int err = errno; data.clear(); switch (err) { case EAGAIN: #if defined(EWOULDBLOCK) && EWOULDBLOCK != EAGAIN case EWOULDBLOCK: #endif return XRV_TIMEOUT; case EIO: return XRV_UNEXPECTED_DISCONNECT; default: break; } } #if defined(JLLOGLEVEL) && JLLOGLEVEL <= JLL_TRACE && !defined(ANDROID) serial_icounter_struct ic; res = ioctl(m_handle, TIOCGICOUNT, &ic); if (res == 0) { JLTRACE(gJournal, "rx: " << ic.rx); JLTRACE(gJournal, "tx: " << ic.tx); JLTRACE(gJournal, "frame " << ic.frame); JLTRACE(gJournal, "overrun " << ic.overrun); JLTRACE(gJournal, "buf_overrun " << ic.buf_overrun); } #endif #endif #ifdef LOG_RX_TX if (length > 0) { if (!rx_log.isOpen()) { char fname[XS_MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH]; #ifdef _WIN32 sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t) m_port, m_baudrate); #else char *devname = strrchr(m_portname, '/'); sprintf(fname, "rx_%s_%d.log", devname + 1, XsBaud::rateToNumeric(m_baudrate)); #endif makeFilenameUnique(fname); rx_log.create(XsString(fname), true); } rx_log.write(data.data(), 1, length); #ifdef LOG_RX_TX_FLUSH rx_log.flush(); #endif } #endif JLTRACE(gJournal, "returned success, read " << length << " of " << maxLength << " bytes, first: " << JLHEXLOG(data[0])); return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK); }