コード例 #1
// This builds slightly on the previous test by checking that the filesystem
// can be destroyed _after_ the session is moved.  It still isn't a test that
// the filesystem is usable afterwards (though we probably want that
// property too), just that the object is valid (can be destroyed).
// In an earlier version, the filesystem destructor tried to use the moved
// session causing a crash.  It's very hard sometimes to ensure the filesystem
// is destroyed before the exact (non-moved) session it came from, so its
// important we allow destruction to happen after moving the session (but
// before moved-to session is destroyed).
    move_session_with_live_filesystem_connection, session_fixture )
    session& s = test_session();
        user(), public_key_path(), private_key_path(), "");

    sftp_filesystem fs = s.connect_to_filesystem();
    session s2(move(s));

    // The rules are that the last session must outlive the last FS so moving
    // FS to inner scope ensures this
コード例 #2
// This is the third part of the session-movement tests. It strengthens the
// requirements a bit more to ensure the filesystem is not just valid for
// destruction but also still functions as a filesystem connection.
    moving_session_leaves_working_filesystem, basic_sftp_fixture )
    session& s = test_session();
        user(), public_key_path(), private_key_path(), "");

    sftp_filesystem fs = s.connect_to_filesystem();
    session s2(move(s));

    // The rules are that the last session must outlive the last FS so moving
    // FS to inner scope ensures this
    sftp_filesystem fs2(move(fs));

    BOOST_CHECK(directory_is_empty(fs2, to_remote_path(sandbox())));
コード例 #3
// This tests the very basic requirements of any sensible relationship between
// a filesystem and a session.  It must be possible to create a filesystem
// before moving the session.  That's it.
// In particular, we destroy the filesystem before moving the object because
// we don't want to test an added requirement that the filesystem's lifetime
// can extend beyond the session's move.  Whatever else we might decide the
// semantics of the session-filesystem relationship should be now or in the
// future, this tests must pass.  Anything else would mean moving depends on
// what you've used the session for in the past, which would just be broken.
// In other words, even the most careful caller would run into trouble
// if this test failed.
    move_session_after_connecting_filesystem, session_fixture )
    session& s = test_session();
        user(), public_key_path(), private_key_path(), "");


コード例 #4
running_session create_and_authenticate(
    const wstring& host, unsigned int port, const wstring& user,
    com_ptr<ISftpConsumer> consumer)
    running_session session(host, port);

    verify_host_key(host, session, consumer);
    // Legal to fail here, e.g. user refused to accept host key

    authenticate_user(user, session, consumer);
    // Legal to fail here, e.g. wrong password/key


    return move(session);
コード例 #5
ファイル: running_session.cpp プロジェクト: alamaison/swish
        connect_socket_to_host(socket, host, port, io);
        return ssh::session(socket.native(), disconnection_message);

running_session::running_session(const wstring& host, unsigned int port)
m_io(new io_service(0)), m_socket(new tcp::socket(*m_io)),
     session_on_socket(*m_socket, host, port, *m_io, "Swish says goodbye."))

running_session::running_session(BOOST_RV_REF(running_session) other)
m_socket(move(other.m_socket)), m_session(move(other.m_session)) {}

running_session& running_session::operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(running_session) other)
    swap(running_session(move(other)), *this);
    return *this;

session& running_session::get_session()
    return m_session;

bool running_session::is_dead()