コード例 #1
bool LoadInventoryXML(TiXmlHandle hInventory, sInventoryItem* items[], int& numItems, unsigned char isEquipped[], int quantities[])
	numItems = 0;
	TiXmlElement* pInventory = hInventory.ToElement();
	if (pInventory == 0)	return false;

	TiXmlElement* pItems = pInventory->FirstChildElement("Items");
	if (pItems)
		for (TiXmlElement* pItem = pItems->FirstChildElement("Item"); pItem != 0; pItem = pItem->NextSiblingElement("Item"))
			if (pItem->Attribute("Name"))
				sInventoryItem* tempItem = g_InvManager.GetItem(pItem->Attribute("Name"));
				if (tempItem)
					items[numItems] = tempItem;

					if (isEquipped)
						int tempInt = 0;
						if (pItem->Attribute("isEquipped"))	pItem->QueryIntAttribute("isEquipped", &tempInt);
						isEquipped[numItems] = tempInt;

					if (quantities)
						int tempInt = 1;
						if (pItem->Attribute("quantity"))	pItem->QueryIntAttribute("quantity", &tempInt);
						quantities[numItems] = tempInt;
	return true;
コード例 #2
// `J` Job Farm - Laborers
bool cJobManager::WorkGardener(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKFARM;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a gardener on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_FARM;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_Gardener(girl, false);
	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be the perfect at this.";
		wages += 155;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this.";
		wages += 95;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job.";
		wages += 55;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.";
		wages += 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.";
		wages -= 5;
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.";
		wages -= 15;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	int roll = g_Dice.d100();

	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll <= 5)
		ss << "Some of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll <= 25)
		ss << "She had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be gathered in the farm

	int flowerpower = g_Dice % 3;
	/* */if (jobperformance < 70)	flowerpower -= 1;
	else if (jobperformance < 100)	flowerpower += 0;
	else if (jobperformance < 145)	flowerpower += 1;
	else if (jobperformance < 185)	flowerpower += 2;
	else if (jobperformance < 245)	flowerpower += 3;
	else /*                     */	flowerpower += 4;

	string additems[8] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
	int additemnum = 0;
	while (flowerpower > 0 && additemnum < 8)
		string additem = "";
		switch (g_Dice % 14)
		case 0:		if (flowerpower >= 5) { flowerpower -= 5;	additem = "Bouquet of Enchanted Roses"; } break;
		case 1:		if (flowerpower >= 5) { flowerpower -= 5;	additem = "Chatty Flowers"; }			  break;
		case 2:		if (flowerpower >= 4) { flowerpower -= 4;	additem = "Watermelon of Knowledge"; }	  break;
		case 3:		if (flowerpower >= 3) { flowerpower -= 3;	additem = "Mango of Knowledge"; }		  break;
		case 4:		if (flowerpower >= 3) { flowerpower -= 3;	additem = "Red Rose Extravaganza"; }	  break;
		case 5:		if (flowerpower >= 3) { flowerpower -= 3;	additem = "Vira Blood"; }				  break;
		case 6:		if (flowerpower >= 3) { flowerpower -= 3;	additem = "Whitewillow Sap"; }			  break;
		case 7:		if (flowerpower >= 2) { flowerpower -= 2;	additem = "Rose of Enchantment"; }		  break;
		case 8:		if (flowerpower >= 2) { flowerpower -= 2;	additem = "Sinspice"; }					  break;
		case 9:		if (flowerpower >= 2) { flowerpower -= 2;	additem = "Nut of Knowledge"; }			  break;
		case 10:	if (flowerpower >= 2) { flowerpower -= 2;	additem = "Willbreaker Spice"; }		  break;
		case 11:	if (flowerpower >= 1) { flowerpower -= 1;	additem = "Shroud Mushroom"; }			  break;
		case 12:	if (flowerpower >= 1) { flowerpower -= 1;	additem = "Wild Flowers"; }				  break;
		default:	flowerpower -= 1; break;
		if (additem != "")
			additems[additemnum] = additem;
	if (additemnum > 0)
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " was able to harvest ";
		if (additemnum == 1)
			ss << "one " << additems[0] << ".";
			ss << additemnum << " items: ";
			for (int i = 0; i < additemnum; i++)
				ss << additems[i];
				if (i == additemnum - 1) ss << ".";
				else ss << ", ";
		for (int i = 0; i < additemnum; i++)
			sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetItem(additems[i]);
			if (item) g_Brothels.AddItemToInventory(item);

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	if (girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()) wages = 0;    // You own her so you don't have to pay her.
		int roll_max = (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE)
			+ g_Girls.GetStat(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM)
			+ g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING));
		roll_max /= 6;
		wages += 10 + g_Dice%roll_max;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, msgtype);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// primary (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM, (g_Dice%skill) + 2);
	// secondary (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));

#pragma endregion
	return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WorkMilker.cpp プロジェクト: Jenocke/test
// `J` Job Farm - Laborers
bool cJobManager::WorkMilker(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKFARM;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a milker on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_FARM;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_Milker(girl, false);
	double drinks = jobperformance / 2;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << "Her milk bucket practically fills itself as she walks down the rows of cows.";
		drinks *= 5; roll_a += 10; roll_b += 25;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << "Her hands moved like lightning as she gracefully milks the cows teats.";
		drinks *= 4; roll_a += 5; roll_b += 18;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << "She knows exactly when the cows are ready to be milked and how to best milk them.";
		drinks *= 3; roll_a += 2; roll_b += 10;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << "She can milk the cows without spilling much.";
		drinks *= 2;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << "She isn't very good at aiming the teats into the bucket.";
		roll_a -= 2; roll_b -= 5;
		ss << "She can't seem to get the hang of this.";
		wages -= 10; drinks *= 0.8; roll_a -= 5; roll_b -= 10;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	// Complications
	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "The animals were uncooperative and some didn't even let her get near them.\n";
		drinks *= 0.8;
		if (g_Dice.percent(20))
			ss << "Several animals kicked over the milking buckets and soaked " << girlName << ".\n";
			girl->happiness(-(1 + g_Dice % 5));
			drinks -= (5 + g_Dice % 6);
		if (g_Dice.percent(20))
			ss << "One of the animals urinated on " << girlName << " and contaminated the milk she had collected.\n";
			girl->happiness(-(1 + g_Dice % 3));
			drinks -= (5 + g_Dice % 6);
		if (g_Dice.percent(20))
			int healthmod = g_Dice % 10 + 1;
			girl->happiness(-(healthmod + g_Dice % healthmod));
			ss << "One of the animals kicked " << girlName << " and ";
			if (girl->health() < 1)
				ss << "killed her.\n";
				g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girlName + " was killed when an animal she was milking kicked her in the head.", COLOR_RED);
				return false;	// not refusing, she is dead
			else ss << (healthmod > 5 ? "" : "nearly ") << "broke her arm.\n";
			drinks -= (5 + g_Dice % 6);
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		ss << "The animals were pleasant and cooperative today.\n";
		drinks *= 1.2;
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "She had an uneventful day milking.\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		drinks *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages += drinks / 100; // `J` Pay her based on how much she brought in

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	int milk = int(drinks / 10);	// plain milk is made here, breast milk from girls is made in WorkMilk
	if (milk > 0)
		int milkmade[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };	// (total,gallon,quart,pint,shots}
		// check if the milk items exist and only do the checks if at least one of them does
		sInventoryItem* milkitems[4] = { g_InvManager.GetItem("Milk"), g_InvManager.GetItem("Milk (pt)"), g_InvManager.GetItem("Milk (qt)"), g_InvManager.GetItem("Milk (g)") };
		if (milkitems[0] != 0 || milkitems[1] != 0 || milkitems[2] != 0 || milkitems[3] != 0)
			while (milk > 0)	// add milk
				sInventoryItem* item = NULL;
				string itemname = "";
				/* */if (milkitems[3] && milk > 3 && g_Dice.percent(30))
					milk -= 4;
				else if (milkitems[2] && milk > 2 && g_Dice.percent(50))
					milk -= 3;
				else if (milkitems[1] && milk > 1 && g_Dice.percent(70))
					milk -= 2;
				else if (milkitems[0])
					milk -= 1;
				else milk--;	// add a reducer just in case.
		if (milkmade[0] > 0)
			ss << girlName << " produced " << milkmade[0] << " bottles of milk for you, \n";
			if (milkmade[4] > 0) ss << milkmade[4] << " gallons\n";
			if (milkmade[3] > 0) ss << milkmade[3] << " quarts\n";
			if (milkmade[2] > 0) ss << milkmade[2] << " pints\n";
			if (milkmade[1] > 0) ss << milkmade[1] << " shots\n";

	// `J` zzzzzz - need to add the girl milking herself - can be done easier after WorkMilk is done

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	ss << "\n" << girlName;
	if ((int)drinks > 0)
		ss << " brought in " << (int)drinks << " units of milk.";
	else { ss << " was unable to collect any milk."; }

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// primary (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	// secondary (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HANDJOB, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1));
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
コード例 #4
ファイル: WorkFarmer.cpp プロジェクト: DagothRa/crazys-wm-mod
// `J` Job Farm - Laborers
bool cJobManager::WorkFarmer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKFARM;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked tending crops on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_FARM;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = (int)JP_Farmer(girl, false);
	double foodproduced = jobperformance;
	int alchemyproduced = 0;
	int goodsproduced = 0;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << "Her basket practically fills itself as she walks down the rows of crops.";
		foodproduced *= 5; roll_a += 10; roll_b += 25;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << "Her hands moved like lightning as she picked only the best crops.";
		foodproduced *= 4; roll_a += 5; roll_b += 18;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << "She knows exactly when the crops are ready to be picked and how to best collect them.";
		foodproduced *= 3; roll_a += 2; roll_b += 10;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << "She can pick the crops fairly well without too many culls.";
		foodproduced *= 2;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << "She isn't very good at knowing which plants are ripe and which should have been left a little longer.";
		roll_a -= 2; roll_b -= 5;
		ss << "She seems to take more of the unuseable parts of the plants than she takes the edible parts.";
		wages -= 10; foodproduced *= 0.8; roll_a -= 5; roll_b -= 10;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	int tired = (300 - (int)jobperformance);	// this gets divided in roll_a by (8, 10 or 12) so it will end up around 0-40 tired
	if (roll_a <= 10)
		tired /= 8;
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3;
		if (roll_b < 20)	// injury
			girl->health(-(1 + g_Dice % 5));
			foodproduced *= 0.8;
			if (g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 2))
				girl->mana(-10 - (g_Dice % 10));
				ss << "While trying to use magic to do her work for her, the magic rebounded on her";
			else ss << "She cut herself while working";
			if (girl->health() <= 0)
				ss << " killing her.";
				g_MessageQue.AddToQue(girlName + " was killed in an accident at the Farm.", COLOR_RED);
				return false;	// not refusing, she is dead
			else ss << ".";
		else	// unhappy
			foodproduced *= 0.9;
			ss << "She did not like working in the fields today.";
			girl->happiness(-(g_Dice % 11));
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		tired /= 12;
		foodproduced *= 1.1;
		enjoy += g_Dice % 3;
		/* */if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She kept a steady pace by humming a pleasant tune.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		tired /= 10;
		enjoy += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	if (g_Dice.percent((girl->farming() + girl->magic()) / 10) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		string itemname = ""; int itemnumber = 1;
		/* */if (roll_c > 30)	{ itemname = "Nut of Knowledge";		itemnumber = (roll_c > 90 ? g_Dice % 3 + 2 : 1); }
		else if (roll_c > 10)	{ itemname = "Mango of Knowledge";		itemnumber = (roll_c > 28 ? 2 : 1); }
		else/*            */	{ itemname = "Watermelon of Knowledge"; itemnumber = (roll_c == 9 ? 2 : 1); }

		sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemname);
		if (item)
			for (int i = 0; i < itemnumber; i++) g_Brothels.AddItemToInventory(item);
			ss << "While picking crops, " << girlName << " sensed a magical aura and found ";
			if (itemnumber == 1) ss << "a"; else ss << itemnumber;
			ss << " " << itemname << ".\n";
			foodproduced -= itemnumber;
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->herbalism() / 2) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		alchemyproduced = 1 + g_Dice % (girl->herbalism() / 10);
		ss << "While sorting the day's haul, " << girlName << " came across ";
		if (alchemyproduced == 1) ss << "a specimen";
		else ss << alchemyproduced << " specimens";
		ss << " that would work well in potions.\n";
		foodproduced -= alchemyproduced;
	if (g_Dice.percent(girl->crafting() / 2) && g_Dice.percent(jobperformance / 10))
		goodsproduced = 1 + g_Dice % (girl->crafting() / 10);
		ss << girlName << " created ";
		if (goodsproduced == 1) ss << "a little toy";
		else ss << goodsproduced << " little toys";
		ss << " from the unuseable parts of her crops.\n";
	if (foodproduced <= 0) foodproduced = 0;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		foodproduced *= 0.9;
		wages = 0;
		wages += foodproduced / 100; // `J` Pay her based on how much she brought in

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	if (foodproduced > 0)
		ss << "\n" << girlName << " brought in " << (int)foodproduced << " units of food.";
	if (alchemyproduced > 0)	g_Brothels.add_to_alchemy((int)alchemyproduced);
	if (goodsproduced > 0)		g_Brothels.add_to_goods((int)goodsproduced);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Base Improvement and trait modifiers
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait("Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Nymphomaniac"))	{ libido += 2; }
	// EXP and Libido
	int I_xp = (g_Dice % xp) + 1;							g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, I_xp);
	int I_libido = (g_Dice % libido) + 1;					g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, I_libido);
	if (tired > 0) girl->tiredness(tired);

	// primary improvement (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	int I_farming = (g_Dice % skill) + 2;					g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, I_farming);
	// secondary improvement (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	int I_strength = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1);			g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH, I_strength);
	int I_constitution = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, I_constitution);
	int I_intelligence = max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, I_intelligence);

	// Update Enjoyment
	if (jobperformance < 50) enjoy -= 1; if (jobperformance < 0) enjoy -= 1;	// if she doesn't do well at the job, she enjoys it less
	if (jobperformance > 200) enjoy *= 2;		// if she is really good at the job, her enjoyment (positive or negative) is doubled
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	// Gain Traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 50, actiontype, "Working in the heat of the sun has made " + girlName + " rather Tough.", Day0Night1);

	if (cfg.debug.log_show_numbers())
		ss << "\n\nNumbers:"
			<< "\n Job Performance = " << (int)jobperformance
			<< "\n Wages = " << (int)wages
			<< "\n Tips = " << (int)tips
			<< "\n Xp = " << I_xp
			<< "\n Libido = " << I_libido
			<< "\n Farming = " << I_farming
			<< "\n Strength = " << I_strength
			<< "\n Constitution = " << I_constitution
			<< "\n Intelligence = " << I_intelligence
			<< "\n Tiredness = " << tired
			<< "\n Enjoy " << girl->enjoy_jobs[actiontype] << " = " << enjoy

	// Push out the turn report
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
コード例 #5
// `J` Job Farm - Staff - Learning_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkFarmResearch(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKTRAINING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a reseacher on the farm.";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away
	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_PROFILE;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	int train = 0;												// main skill trained
	int tanm = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING];			// Starting level - train = 1
	int tfar = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_FARMING];					// Starting level - train = 2
	int tmag = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_MAGIC];						// Starting level - train = 3
	int ther = girl->m_Skills[SKILL_HERBALISM];					// Starting level - train = 4
	int tint = girl->m_Stats[STAT_INTELLIGENCE];				// Starting level - train = 5
	bool gaintrait = false;										// posibility of gaining a trait
	int skill = 0;												// gian for main skill trained
	int dirtyloss = brothel->m_Filthiness / 100;				// training time wasted with bad equipment
	int sgAnm = 0, sgFar = 0, sgMag = 0, sgHer = 0, sgInt = 0;	// gains per skill

	/* */if (roll_a <= 5)	skill = 7;
	else if (roll_a <= 15)	skill = 6;
	else if (roll_a <= 30)	skill = 5;
	else if (roll_a <= 60)	skill = 4;
	else /*             */	skill = 3;
	/* */if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; }
	skill -= dirtyloss;
	ss << "The Farm Lab is ";
	if (dirtyloss <= 0) ss << "clean and tidy";
	if (dirtyloss == 1) ss << "dirty and the equipment has not been put back in its place";
	if (dirtyloss == 2) ss << "messy. The equipment is damaged and strewn about the building";
	if (dirtyloss == 3) ss << "filthy and some of the equipment is broken";
	if (dirtyloss >= 4) ss << "in complete disarray and the equipment barely usable";
	ss << ".\n\n";
	if (skill < 1) skill = 1;	// always at least 1 

	do{		// `J` New method of selecting what job to do
		/* */if (roll_b < 20  && tanm < 100)	train = 1;	// animalhandling
		else if (roll_b < 40  && tfar < 100)	train = 2;	// farming
		else if (roll_b < 60  && tmag < 100)	train = 3;	// magic
		else if (roll_b < 80  && ther < 100)	train = 4;	// herbalism
		else if (roll_b < 100 && tint < 100)	train = 5;	// intelligence
		roll_b -= 10;
	} while (train == 0 && roll_b > 0);
	if (train == 0 || g_Dice.percent(5)) gaintrait = true;

	if (train == 1) { sgAnm = skill; ss << "She researches animals.\n"; }				else sgAnm = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 2) { sgFar = skill; ss << "She researches farming techniques.\n"; }	else sgFar = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 3) { sgMag = skill; ss << "She researches magical techniques.\n"; }	else sgMag = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 4) { sgHer = skill; ss << "She researches plants and their uses.\n"; }	else sgHer = g_Dice % 2;
	if (train == 5) { sgInt = skill; ss << "She researches general topics.\n"; }		else sgInt = g_Dice % 2;

	if (sgAnm + sgFar + sgMag + sgHer + sgInt > 0)
		ss << "She managed to gain:\n";
		if (sgAnm > 0) { ss << sgAnm << " Animal Handling\n";	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING, sgAnm); }
		if (sgFar > 0) { ss << sgFar << " Farming\n";			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_FARMING, sgFar); }
		if (sgMag > 0) { ss << sgMag << " Magic\n";				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, sgMag); }
		if (sgHer > 0) { ss << sgHer << " Herbalism\n";			g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM, sgHer); }
		if (sgInt > 0) { ss << sgInt << " Intelligence\n";		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, sgInt); }
	int trycount = skill;
	while (gaintrait && trycount > 0)	// `J` Try to add a trait 
		switch (g_Dice % 10)
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
			if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Dependant"))
				g_Girls.RemoveTrait(girl, "Dependant");
				ss << "She seems to be getting over her Dependancy with her training.";
				gaintrait = false;
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:

		case 6:


		default:	break;	// no trait gained
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	//enjoyed the work or not
	/* */if (roll_c <= 10)	{ enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She did not enjoy her time training."; }
	else if (roll_c >= 90)	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 3 + 1;	ss << "She had a pleasant time training."; }
	else /*             */	{ enjoy += g_Dice % 2;		ss << "Otherwise, the shift passed uneventfully."; }
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be created in the farm
	if (girl->intelligence() + girl->crafting() > 100 && g_Dice.percent(girl->intelligence() + girl->crafting() / 10))	// 10-20%
		sInventoryItem* item = NULL;
		string itemname = "";
		int tries = skill;
		while (itemname == "" && tries > 0)
			switch (g_Dice % 20)
				/*	For each item available, the girl making it must have:
				*	If an item gives less than 40 skill points, the girl must have 40 more than the amount given in that skill
				*	If it gives more than 40 points, there will need to be some magic included.
				*	If there are multiple skills, add 40 to each bonus and if skills (a+b+c) > bonus total
				*	Stats will need more variation in how high they are needed because it is less knowledge than conditioning
				*	Most traits will require some magic
				*	There also should be a g_Dice.percent() with the main Skills averaged and divided by 10
				*		If there are 3 skills, then g_Dice.percent((a+b+c)/30)
			case 0:
				if (girl->farming() > 50 && girl->animalhandling() > 50
					&& g_Dice.percent(girl->farming() + girl->animalhandling() / 20))
					itemname = "Farmer's Guide";		// +10 Farming, +10 AnimalHandling
			case 1:
				if (girl->constitution() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->constitution() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Health";		// (+15 Beast/Group, +10 Cons/Str, +5 BDSM/Comb)
			case 2:
				if (girl->magic() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Magic";		// +20 magic
			case 3:
				if (girl->magic() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of the Arcane";	// +40 magic
			case 4:
				if (girl->lesbian() > 40 && g_Dice.percent(girl->lesbian() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Two Roses";	// +20 Lesbian
			case 5:
				if (girl->lesbian() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->lesbian() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of Sappho";		// +40 Lesbian
			case 6:
				if (girl->bdsm() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->bdsm() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Bondage";		// (+20 BDSM, +5 Cons)
			case 7:
				if (girl->combat() > 60 && g_Dice.percent(girl->combat() / 10))
					itemname = "Manual of Arms";		// (+20 Com)
			case 8:
				if (girl->performance() + girl->strip() > 100 && g_Dice.percent((girl->performance() + girl->strip()) / 20))
					itemname = "Manual of the Dancer";	// (+15 Serv/Strip/Perf, +5 Norm/Agi)
			case 9:
				if (girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal() > 150 && g_Dice.percent((girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal()) / 30))
					itemname = "Manual of Sex";			// (+15 Norm, +10 Oral, +5 Anal)
			case 10:
				if (girl->magic() < 80 && girl->mana() < 20) break;
				int manacost = 60;
				/* */if (girl->has_trait("Sterile"))		manacost = 80;
				else if (girl->has_trait("Fertile"))		manacost = 40;
				else if (girl->has_trait("Broodmother"))	manacost = 20;
				if (girl->mana() >= manacost && g_Dice.percent(girl->magic() - manacost))
					itemname = "Fertility Tome";				// (-Sterile, +Fertile, +50 Normal Sex, +100 Libido)
			case 11:
				// Noble, Princess and Queen needs 40, everyone else needs 60 to make this
				if (girl->has_trait("Noble") || girl->has_trait("Princess") || girl->has_trait("Queen"))
					if (girl->refinement() < 40 || girl->service() < 40 || girl->intelligence() < 40)		break;
				else if (girl->refinement() < 60 && girl->service() < 60 && girl->intelligence() < 60)		break;
				// she can make it, now does she?
				if (g_Dice.percent((girl->refinement() + girl->service() + girl->intelligence()) / 30))
					itemname = "Codex of the Courtesan";		// (+20 Serv/Strip/Refin, +10 Mor/Dig/Cha/Int/Lib/Conf/Oral)
			case 12:
				int manacost = 70;
				// Dominatrix, M*******t and Sadistic needs 50, everyone else needs 70 to make this
				if (girl->has_trait("Dominatrix") || girl->has_trait("M*******t") || girl->has_trait("Sadistic"))
					if (girl->bdsm() < 50 || girl->magic() < 50 || girl->mana() < 50)		break;
					manacost = 50;
				else if (girl->bdsm() < 70 && girl->magic() < 70 && girl->mana() < 70)		break;
				// she can make it, now does she?
				if (g_Dice.percent((girl->bdsm() + girl->magic()) / 20))
					itemname = "Codex of Submission";		// (+30 Obed, -30 Spi/Dig, +20 BDSM, +10 Anal/Group/Oral/Hand/Foot)
			case 13:
				if (girl->combat() > 80 && g_Dice.percent(girl->combat() / 10))
					itemname = "Codex of Mars";			// (+40 Com, Adds Brawler)
			case 14:
				if (girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal() > 170 && g_Dice.percent((girl->normalsex() + girl->oralsex() + girl->anal()) / 30))
					itemname = "Codex of Eros";			// (+30 Norm, +10 Anal/Oral)
			case 15:
				if (girl->medicine() + girl->intelligence() > 110 && g_Dice.percent((girl->medicine() + girl->intelligence()) / 20))
					itemname = "Codex of Asclepius";	// (+20 Med, +10 Int)
			case 16:

			case 17:

			case 18:


		item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemname);
		if (item)
			ss << girlName << " managed to create a " << itemname << " by compiling her notes together.\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket())) { wages = 0; }
	else { wages = 25 + (skill * 5); } // `J` Pay her more if she learns more

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, Day0Night1);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5 + skill, libido = int(1 + skill / 2);

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ xp += 2; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ xp -= 2; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

#pragma endregion
	return false;
コード例 #6
// `J` Job Farm - Producers
bool cJobManager::WorkBrewer(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_WORKCOOKING;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work 
		ss << " refused to work during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " worked as a brewer on the farm.\n\n";

	g_Girls.UnequipCombat(girl);	// put that shit away, you'll scare off the customers!

	double wages = 20, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_COOK;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	Job Performance			//

	double jobperformance = JP_Brewer(girl, false);
	double drinksproduced = jobperformance;

	if (jobperformance >= 245)
		ss << " She must be the perfect at this.";
		wages += 155;
	else if (jobperformance >= 185)
		ss << " She's unbelievable at this.";
		wages += 95;
	else if (jobperformance >= 145)
		ss << " She's good at this job.";
		wages += 55;
	else if (jobperformance >= 100)
		ss << " She made a few mistakes but overall she is okay at this.";
		wages += 15;
	else if (jobperformance >= 70)
		ss << " She was nervous and made a few mistakes. She isn't that good at this.";
		wages -= 5;
		ss << " She was nervous and constantly making mistakes. She really isn't very good at this job.";
		wages -= 15;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Enjoyment and Tiredness		//

	if (wages < 0) wages = 0;
#if 1
	//enjoyed the work or not
	if (roll_a <= 5)
		ss << "\nSome of the patrons abused her during the shift.";
		enjoy -= 1;
	else if (roll_a <= 25)
		ss << "\nShe had a pleasant time working.";
		enjoy += 3;
		ss << "\nOtherwise, the shift passed uneventfully.";
		enjoy += 1;
	if (roll_a <= 10)
		enjoyC -= g_Dice % 3; enjoyF -= g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 0.8);
		/* */if (roll_b < 30)	ss << "She spilled a bucket of something unpleasant all over herself.";
		else if (roll_b < 60)	ss << "She stepped in something unpleasant.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She did not like working on the farm today.";
	else if (roll_a >= 90)
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 3; enjoyF += g_Dice % 3;
		CleanAmt = int(CleanAmt * 1.1);
		/* */if (roll_b < 50)	ss << "She cleaned the building while humming a pleasant tune.";
		else /*            */	ss << "She had a great time working today.";
		enjoyC += g_Dice % 2; enjoyF += g_Dice % 2;
		ss << "The shift passed uneventfully.";
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Create Items				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be created in the farm
	string itemmade = "";
	string itemtext = "";
	int numbermade = 0;
	sInventoryItem* item = NULL;

	if (g_Dice.percent(min(90.0, jobperformance / 2)))
		int chooseitem = g_Dice % (girl->magic() < 80 ? 80 : 100);	// limit some of the more magical items

		/* */if (chooseitem < 25) { itemmade = "Alcohol";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Alcohol "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 50) { itemmade = "Alcohol ";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Alcohol "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 55) { itemmade = "RigJuice";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of RigJuice "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 60) { itemmade = "Radicola";					numbermade = (g_Dice % 5) + 2;	itemtext = " bottles of Radicola "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 65) { itemmade = "Black Cat Beer";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Black Cat Beer "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 70) { itemmade = "Crossgate Egg Nog";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Crossgate Egg Nog "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 75) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 80) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel X";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 83) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel XY";			numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 84) { itemmade = "Nightmare Fuel XYZ";		numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Nightmare Fuel "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 85) { itemmade = "Bimbo Liqueur";				numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " bottle of Bimbo Liqueur "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 86) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ch)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 87) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (De)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 88) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (FF)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 89) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Fg)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 90) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Fl)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 91) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (IW)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 92) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (MF)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 93) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Mk)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 94) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ml)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 95) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Op)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 96) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Ps)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 97) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Rt)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 98) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (St)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else if (chooseitem < 99) { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (To)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }
		else /*                */ { itemmade = "Mississippi Queen (Tw)";	numbermade = 1;	itemtext = " Mississippi Queen "; }

		item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemmade);

	if (item)
		msgtype = EVENT_GOODNEWS;
		ss << "\n\n" << girlName << " made ";
		if (numbermade == 1) ss << "one ";
		else ss << numbermade << " ";
		ss << itemmade << " for you.";
		for (int i = 0; i < numbermade; i++)

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//

	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);
	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

	// Money
	if (wages < 0)	wages = 0;	girl->m_Pay = (int)wages;
	if (tips < 0)	tips = 0;	girl->m_Tips = (int)tips;

	// Improve stats
	int xp = 5, libido = 1, skill = 3;

	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Quick Learner"))		{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	if (g_Girls.HasTrait(girl, "Nymphomaniac"))			{ libido += 2; }

	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, (g_Dice % xp) + 1);
	g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, libido);

	// primary (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BREWING, (g_Dice % skill) + 2);
	// secondary (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_HERBALISM, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1));
	g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_INTELLIGENCE, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));
	g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COOKING, max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2));

#pragma endregion
	return false;
コード例 #7
// `J` Job Farm - Laborers - Combat_Job
bool cJobManager::WorkBeastCapture(sGirl* girl, sBrothel* brothel, bool Day0Night1, string& summary)
#pragma region //	Job setup				//
	int actiontype = ACTION_COMBAT;
	stringstream ss; string girlName = girl->m_Realname; ss << girlName;
	int roll_a = g_Dice.d100(), roll_b = g_Dice.d100(), roll_c = g_Dice.d100();
	if (g_Girls.DisobeyCheck(girl, actiontype, brothel))			// they refuse to work
		ss << " refused to capture beasts during the " << (Day0Night1 ? "night" : "day") << " shift.";
		girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), IMGTYPE_PROFILE, EVENT_NOWORK);
		return true;
	ss << " equipped herself and went out to hunt for exotic beasts and animals.\n\n";

	g_Girls.EquipCombat(girl);	// ready armor and weapons!

	int wages = 40, tips = 0;
	int enjoy = 0;
	int imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;
	int msgtype = Day0Night1;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region //	The Fight to get the Beasts		//

	int tired = 0;
	int gainmax = (int)(JP_BeastCapture(girl, false) / 30) + 1;
	int gain = g_Dice % gainmax + 1;
	sGirl* tempgirl = g_Girls.CreateRandomGirl(18, false, false, false, true, false);
	Uint8 fight_outcome = 0;
	if (tempgirl)		// `J` reworked incase there are no Non-Human Random Girls
		fight_outcome = g_Girls.girl_fights_girl(girl, tempgirl);
		g_LogFile.write("Error: You have no Non-Human Random Girls for your girls to fight\n");
		g_LogFile.write("Error: You need a Non-Human Random Girl to allow WorkBeastCapture randomness");
		fight_outcome = 7;
	if (tempgirl) delete tempgirl; tempgirl = 0;	// Cleanup
	if (fight_outcome == 7)
		ss << "She came back with just one animal today.\n\n";
		ss << "(Error: You need a Non-Human Random Girl to allow WorkBeastCapture randomness)";
		gain = 1;
		msgtype = EVENT_WARNING;
		tired = 15;
	else if (fight_outcome == 1)	// she won
		if (gain <= 2)	gain = 2;
		if (gain >= gainmax)	gain = gainmax;
		ss << "She had fun hunting today and came back with " << gain << " new beasts.";;
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;
		tired = g_Dice % (3 * gain);
		enjoy += g_Dice % 4 + 2;
	else		// she lost or it was a draw
		gain = g_Dice.bell(-gainmax / 3, gainmax / 2);
		ss << " The animals were difficult to track today. " << girlName << " eventually returned worn out and frustrated, ";
		if (gain <= 0)
			gain = 0;
			ss << "empty handed.";
			ss << "dragging ";
			if (gain == 1)	ss << "one";
			if (gain > 1)	ss << gain;
			ss << " captured beast" << (gain > 1 ? "s" : "") << " behind her.";
		imagetype = IMGTYPE_COMBAT;
		enjoy -= g_Dice % 3 + 1;
		tired = g_Dice % (10 * gain) + 20;
	ss << "\n\n";

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	A Little Randomness			//

	//SIN: A little randomness
	if (((g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING) + g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_CHARISMA)) > 125) && g_Dice.percent(30))
		ss << girlName << " has a way with animals, a" << (gain > 1 ? "nother" : "") << " beast freely follows her back.\n";
	//SIN: most the rest rely on more than one cap so might as well skip the lot if less than this...
	if (gain > 1)
		// `J` added a switch with a use next if check fails and changed percents to (gain * 5)
		switch (g_Dice % 10)
		case 0:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Twisted") && girl->has_trait( "Nymphomaniac") && (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) >= 80))
				ss << "Being a horny, twisted nymphomaniac, " << girlName << " had some fun with the beasts before she handed them over.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, g_Dice % gain);
				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -(g_Dice % gain));
				tired += gain;
		case 1:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Psychic") && (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO) >= 90) && g_Dice.percent(gain * 5))
				ss << girlName << "'s Psychic sensitivity caused her mind be overwhelmed by the creatures' lusts";
				if (g_Girls.CheckVirginity(girl))
					ss << " but, things were moving too fast and she regained control before they could take her virginity.\n";
					g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, 1);
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, 2); // no satisfaction!
					ss << ". Many hours later she staggered in to present the creatures to you.\n";
					g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, g_Dice % gain);
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, -2 * (g_Dice % gain));
					g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS, gain);
					girl->calc_insemination(g_Girls.GetBeast(), 1);
				tired += gain;
		case 2:
			if (girl->has_trait( "Assassin") && g_Dice.percent(gain * 5))
				ss << " One of the captured creatures tried to escape on the way back. Trained assassin, " << girlName << ", instantly killed it as an example to the others.\n";
				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT, 1);
		case 3:
			if (g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_TIREDNESS) > 50 && g_Dice.percent(gain * 5))
				ss << girlName << " was so exhausted she couldn't concentrate. One of the creatures escaped.\n";
		default: break;


#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Collect Pets				//

	// `J` Farm Bookmark - adding in items that can be gathered in the farm
	if (g_Dice.percent(5))
		string itemfound = ""; string itemfoundtext = "";
		int chooseitem = g_Dice.d100();

		if (chooseitem < 25)
			itemfound = (g_Dice % 2) ? "Black Cat" : "Cat";
			itemfoundtext = "a stray cat and brought it back with her.";
		else if (chooseitem < 50)
			itemfound = "Guard Dog";
			itemfoundtext = "a tough looking stray dog and brought it back with her.";
		else if (chooseitem < 60)
			itemfound = "A Bunch of Baby Ducks";
			itemfoundtext = "a bunch of baby ducks without a mother, so she gathered them up in her shirt and brought them home.";
		else if (chooseitem < 65)
			itemfound = "Death Bear";
			itemfoundtext = "a large bear that seems to have had some training, so she brought it home.";
		else if (chooseitem < 80)
			itemfound = "Pet Spider";
			itemfoundtext = "a strange looking spider so she collected it in a bottle and brought it back with her.";
		else if (chooseitem < 95)
			itemfound = (g_Dice % 4 == 1) ? "Fox Stole" : "Fur Stole";
			itemfoundtext = "a dead animal that was not too badly damaged. She brought it home, skinned it, cleaned it up and made a lovely stole from it.";
		else if (chooseitem < 96)
			itemfound = "Echidna's Snake";
			itemfoundtext = "a rather obedient and psychic snake. It wrapped itself around her crotch and let her take it home.";
			itemfound = "Tiger Shark Tooth";
			itemfoundtext = "a rather large shark tooth and brought it home.";

		sInventoryItem* item = g_InvManager.GetItem(itemfound);
		if (item)
			ss << girlName << " found " << itemfoundtext;

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Money					//

	// slave girls not being paid for a job that normally you would pay directly for do less work
	if ((girl->is_slave() && !cfg.initial.slave_pay_outofpocket()))
		wages = 0;
		wages += gain * 10; // `J` Pay her based on how much she brings back

#pragma endregion
#pragma region	//	Finish the shift			//


	// Money
	girl->m_Tips = max(0, tips);
	girl->m_Pay = max(0, wages);

	// Improve girl
	// Base Improvement and trait modifiers
	int xp = 10, libido = 1, skill = 3;
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Quick Learner"))	{ skill += 1; xp += 3; }
	else if (girl->has_trait("Slow Learner"))	{ skill -= 1; xp -= 3; }
	/* */if (girl->has_trait("Nymphomaniac"))	{ libido += 2; }
	// EXP and Libido
	int I_xp = (g_Dice % xp) + 1;							g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_EXP, I_xp);
	int I_libido = (g_Dice % libido) + 1;					g_Girls.UpdateStatTemp(girl, STAT_LIBIDO, I_libido);
	if (tired > 0) girl->tiredness(tired);

	// primary improvement (+2 for single or +1 for multiple)
	int I_combat		= (g_Dice % skill) + 1;				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT, I_combat);
	int I_animalh		= (g_Dice % skill) + 1;				g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_ANIMALHANDLING, I_animalh);
	int I_strength		= (g_Dice % skill) + 1;				g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH, I_strength);
	// secondary improvement (-1 for one then -2 for others)
	int I_constitution	= max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 1);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_CONSTITUTION, I_constitution);
	int I_beastiality	= max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_BEASTIALITY, I_beastiality);
	int I_agility		= max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateStat(girl, STAT_AGILITY, I_agility);
	int I_magic			= max(0, (g_Dice % skill) - 2);		g_Girls.UpdateSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC, I_magic);

	// Update Enjoyment
	g_Girls.UpdateEnjoyment(girl, actiontype, enjoy);

	// Gain Traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Tough", 30, actiontype, "She has become pretty Tough from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Adventurer", 40, actiontype, "She has been in enough tough spots to consider herself Adventurer.", Day0Night1);
	g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Aggressive", 60, actiontype, "She is getting rather Aggressive from her enjoyment of combat.", Day0Night1);
	if (g_Dice.percent(25) && g_Girls.GetStat(girl, STAT_STRENGTH) >= 60 && g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_COMBAT) > g_Girls.GetSkill(girl, SKILL_MAGIC))
		g_Girls.PossiblyGainNewTrait(girl, "Strong", 60, ACTION_COMBAT, girlName + " has become pretty Strong from all of the fights she's been in.", Day0Night1);

	//lose traits
	g_Girls.PossiblyLoseExistingTrait(girl, "Fragile", 15, actiontype, girl->m_Realname + " has had to heal from so many injuries you can't say she is fragile anymore.", Day0Night1);

	if (cfg.debug.log_show_numbers())
		ss << "\n\nNumbers:"
			<< "\n Wages = " << (int)wages
			<< "\n Tips = " << (int)tips
			<< "\n Xp = " << I_xp
			<< "\n Libido = " << I_libido
			<< "\n combat = " << I_combat
			<< "\n animalh = " << I_animalh
			<< "\n strength = " << I_strength
			<< "\n constitution = " << I_constitution
			<< "\n beastiality = " << I_beastiality
			<< "\n agility = " << I_agility
			<< "\n magic = " << I_magic
			<< "\n Tiredness = " << tired
			<< "\n Enjoy " << girl->enjoy_jobs[actiontype] << " = " << enjoy


	girl->m_Events.AddMessage(ss.str(), imagetype, msgtype);

#pragma endregion
	return false;