コード例 #1
ファイル: Font.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	bool Font::_readBasicParameter(chstr line)
		if (line.starts_with("Name="))
			this->name = line.replace("Name=", "");
			return true;
		if (line.starts_with("Height="))
			this->height = (float)line.replace("Height=", "");
			return true;
		if (line.starts_with("Scale="))
			this->baseScale = (float)line.replace("Scale=", "");
			return true;
		if (line.starts_with("LineHeight="))
			this->lineHeight = (float)line.replace("LineHeight=", "");
			return true;
		if (line.starts_with("Descender="))
			this->descender = (float)line.replace("Descender=", "");
			this->customDescender = true;
			return true;
		return false;
コード例 #2
	void messageBox_platform(chstr title, chstr text, MessageBoxButton buttonMask, MessageBoxStyle style,
		hmap<MessageBoxButton, hstr> customButtonTitles, void(*callback)(MessageBoxButton))
		hstr ok;
		hstr yes;
		hstr no;
		hstr cancel;
		_makeButtonLabels(&ok, &yes, &no, &cancel, buttonMask, customButtonTitles);
		const char* buttons[4] = {"", NULL, NULL, NULL};
		MessageBoxButton resultButtons[4] = {(MessageBoxButton)NULL, (MessageBoxButton)NULL, (MessageBoxButton)NULL, (MessageBoxButton)NULL};
		int indexCancel = -1;
		if ((buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_OK) && (buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_CANCEL))
			// order is reversed because libKD prefers the colored button to be at place [1], at least on iOS
			// if this is going to be changed for a new platform, ifdef the button order for iOS
			buttons[1] = ok.cStr();
			buttons[0] = cancel.cStr();
			resultButtons[1] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_OK;
			resultButtons[0] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_CANCEL;
			indexCancel = 0;
		else if ((buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_YES) && (buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_NO) && (buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_CANCEL))
			buttons[1] = yes.cStr();
			buttons[0] = no.cStr();
			buttons[2] = cancel.cStr();
			resultButtons[1] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_YES;
			resultButtons[0] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_NO;
			resultButtons[2] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_CANCEL;
			indexCancel = 2;
		else if (buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_OK)
			buttons[0] = ok.cStr();
			resultButtons[0] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_OK;
			indexCancel = 0;
		else if ((buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_YES) && (buttonMask & MESSAGE_BUTTON_NO))
			buttons[1] = yes.cStr();
			buttons[0] = no.cStr();
			resultButtons[1] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_YES;
			resultButtons[0] = MESSAGE_BUTTON_NO;
			indexCancel = 1;
		int index = kdShowMessage(title.cStr(), text.cStr(), buttons);
		if (index == -1)
			index = indexCancel;
		if (callback != NULL && index >= 0)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Font.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	float Font::getTextWidth(chstr text)
		// using static definitions to avoid memory allocation for optimization
		static float textX = 0.0f;
		static float textW = 0.0f;
		static float ax = 0.0f;
		static float aw = 0.0f;
		static float scale = 1.0f;
		static CharacterDefinition* character = NULL;
		static std::basic_string<unsigned int> chars;
		textX = 0.0f;
		textW = 0.0f;
		ax = 0.0f;
		aw = 0.0f;
		scale = this->getScale();
		chars = text.u_str();
		for_itert (unsigned int, i, 0, chars.size())
			character = &this->characters[chars[i]];
			if (textX < -character->bx * scale)
				ax = (character->aw - character->bx) * scale;
				aw = character->w * scale;
				ax = character->aw * scale;
				aw = (character->w + character->bx) * scale;
			textW = textX + hmax(ax, aw);
			textX += ax;
		return textW;
コード例 #4
ファイル: hversion.cpp プロジェクト: AprilAndFriends/hltypes
	void Version::set(chstr versions)
		if (Version::isVersionString(versions))
			this->set(versions.split('.', -1, true).cast<unsigned int>());
コード例 #5
ファイル: apriluiUtil.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	grect hstr_to_grect(chstr string)
		harray<hstr> data = string.split(aprilui::SeparatorParameter);
		if (data.size() != 4)
			throw hl_exception("Cannot convert string '" + string + "' to gtypes::Rectangle.");
		return grect(data[0].trim(), data[1].trim(), data[2].trim(), data[3].trim());
コード例 #6
ファイル: apriluiUtil.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	gvec2 hstr_to_gvec2(chstr string)
		harray<hstr> data = string.split(aprilui::SeparatorParameter);
		if (data.size() != 2)
			throw hl_exception("Cannot convert string '" + string + "' to gtypes::Vector2.");
		return gvec2(data[0].trim(), data[1].trim());
コード例 #7
ファイル: Url.cpp プロジェクト: yexihu/sakit
	Url::Url(chstr url) : valid(false), port(0), queryDelimiter('&')
		if (url == "")
			hlog::warn(logTag, "URL cannot be empty!");
		hstr newUrl = url;
		if (url.startsWith(HTTP_SCHEME))
			newUrl = newUrl(strlen(HTTP_SCHEME), -1);
		this->host = newUrl;
		int index = 0;
		hstr query;
		hstr* current = &this->host;
		hstr* next = NULL;
		harray<hstr*> parts;
		parts += &this->path;
		parts += &query;
		parts += &this->fragment;
		harray<char> chars;
		chars += '/';
		chars += '?';
		chars += '#';
		while (parts.size() > 0)
			index = newUrl.indexOf(chars.removeFirst());
			next = parts.removeFirst();
			if (index >= 0)
				*current = newUrl(0, index);
				*next = newUrl = newUrl(index, -1);
				current = next;
コード例 #8
ファイル: ObjectLabelBase.cpp プロジェクト: Ryex/libaprilui
	bool LabelBase::setProperty(chstr name, chstr value)
		if (name == "font")						this->setFont(value);
		else if (name == "text_key")			this->setTextKey(value);
		else if (name == "text")				this->setText(value);
		else if (name == "horz_formatting")
			if (value == "left")				this->setHorzFormatting(atres::LEFT);
			else if (value == "right")			this->setHorzFormatting(atres::RIGHT);
			else if (value == "center")			this->setHorzFormatting(atres::CENTER);
			else if (value == "left_wrapped")	this->setHorzFormatting(atres::LEFT_WRAPPED);
			else if (value == "right_wrapped")	this->setHorzFormatting(atres::RIGHT_WRAPPED);
			else if (value == "center_wrapped")	this->setHorzFormatting(atres::CENTER_WRAPPED);
			else if (value == "justified")		this->setHorzFormatting(atres::JUSTIFIED);
				hlog::warn(aprilui::logTag, "'horz_formatting=' does not support value '" + value + "'.");
				return false;
		else if (name == "vert_formatting")
			if (value == "top")			this->setVertFormatting(atres::TOP);
			else if (value == "center")	this->setVertFormatting(atres::CENTER);
			else if (value == "bottom")	this->setVertFormatting(atres::BOTTOM);
				hlog::warn(aprilui::logTag, "'vert_formatting=' does not support value '" + value + "'.");
				return false;
		else if (name == "text_color")			this->setTextColor(value);
		else if (name == "color")
			throw hl_exception("LabelBase instance using 'color=' which is conflicted with TextImageButton's color and cannot be used! Maybe you meant 'text_color='?");
		else if (name == "effect")
			harray<hstr> values = value.split(":", -1, true);
			if (values.size() > 0)
				if (values[0] == "none")		this->setFontEffect(atres::NONE);
				else if (values[0] == "shadow")	this->setFontEffect(atres::SHADOW);
				else if (values[0] == "border")	this->setFontEffect(atres::BORDER);
					hlog::warn(aprilui::logTag, "'effect=' does not support value '" + values[0] + "'.");
					return false;
				if (values.size() > 1)
					if (values[1].is_hex() && (values[1].size() == 6 || values[1].size() == 8))
						hlog::warn(aprilui::logTag, "'effect=' is using invalid color modifier '" + values[1] + "'.");
						return false;
		else if (name == "text_offset_x")		this->textOffset.x = (float)value;
		else if (name == "text_offset_y")		this->textOffset.y = (float)value;
		else if (name == "background_color")	this->setBackgroundColor(value);
		else return false;
		return true;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Emitter.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	void Emitter::setAngle(chstr value)
		harray<hstr> data = value.split(aprilparticle::SeparatorRange);
		this->setAngleRange(data.first(), data.last());
コード例 #10
ファイル: Emitter.cpp プロジェクト: boisei0/arcreator
	void Emitter::setSize(chstr value)
		harray<hstr> data = value.split(aprilparticle::SeparatorRange);
		this->setSizeRange(hstr_to_gvec2(data.first()), hstr_to_gvec2(data.last()));
コード例 #11
ファイル: TinyXml_Node.cpp プロジェクト: Ryex/libhltypes
	void TinyXml_Node::setProperty(chstr name, chstr value)
		this->node->ToElement()->SetAttribute(name.c_str(), value.c_str());