void run() { while (1) { unique_lock<mutex> sqlLock(sqlMutex); cout << this_thread::get_id() << ": waiting until sqlQueue is NOT empty " << sqlQueue.size() << endl; sqlCond.wait(sqlLock, []{ return !sqlQueue.empty(); } ); string sql = sqlQueue.front(); sqlQueue.pop(); sqlLock.unlock(); cout << this_thread::get_id() << ": working on sql=" << sql << endl; string res = ""; if (0 != exec(sql, res)) { cout << this_thread::get_id() << ": failed with error=" << m_error << endl; res = "failed with error="+m_error; } unique_lock<mutex> resultLock(resultMutex); cout << this_thread::get_id() << ": setting result to resultQueue, now size=" << resultQueue.size() << endl; resultQueue.emplace(res); resultLock.unlock(); resultCond.notify_one(); } }
void conn_get(tcp::iostream *&stream) { #if USE_CONN_POOL { unique_lock<mutex> lock(_conn_mutex); while (_conns.size() == 0 && _n_conn_alloc >= CONN_MAX) { _conn_avail_cv.wait(lock); } if (_conns.size() > 0) { stream = _conns.back(); _conns.pop_back(); } else if (_n_conn_alloc < CONN_MAX) { ++ _n_conn_alloc; stream = new tcp::iostream(); lock.unlock(); stream->connect("", "1481"); } } #else _conn_mutex.lock(); if (_fb_conn == NULL) { _fb_conn = new tcp::iostream(); _fb_conn->connect("", "1481"); } stream = _fb_conn; #endif }
int main() { thread t1(erzeuger1); thread t2(erzeuger2); thread t3(verbraucher); thread t4(watcher); unique_lock<mutex> sperre2(m); cout << "\n"; condivar.notify_one(); condivar.wait(sperre2); //t1.detach(); mit detach wird der thread asugeführt ohen berücksichtigung der anderer Threads t1.join(); t2.join(); //mit join() wird gewartet t3.join(); t4.join(); system("PAUSE"); }
void worker( void ) { while( true ){ int data; { // unique_lockではコンストラクタでロックを取得し、デストラクタでロックを解除する。 // また、明示的にロック、アンロックが可能である。 unique_lock<mutex> lk(queue_mutex); // キューにデータがない場合はキューにデータが追加されたことが // 通知されるまで待つ。CPUを余分に消費することがない。 while( v_queue.empty() ){ // waitを呼ぶ前にはlkがロック状態でなければならない。 // C++11でもspurious wakeupの問題があることに注意。 // ここでready_cond.notify_one()が呼ばれるまでブロックする。 // ready_cond.notify_one()が呼ばれると、再びロックを取得した状態で、この関数から抜ける。 ready_cond.wait(lk); } // data = v_queue.front(); v_queue.pop(); } lock_guard<mutex> l(print_mutex); printf( "%p %d\n", this_thread::get_id(), data ); fflush( stdout ); } }
void work(int serial, int &value, condition_variable &c, mutex &m, int &turn) { while (1) { { unique_lock w{m}; // ожидаем наступления события turn == serial c.wait(w, [&turn, &serial]() { return turn == serial; }); } if (value >= 1000) { lock_guard w{m}; turn = (turn + 1) % 2; c.notify_all(); break; } cout << serial << " " << value << endl; ++value; { lock_guard w{m}; turn = (turn + 1) % 2; c.notify_all(); } } }
void WriteLock() { unique_lock<mutex> lk(mtx); writerQ.wait(lk, [this] { return !(is_writing || readers > 0); } ); is_writing = true; lk.unlock(); }
static void filter() { size_t filterCount = 0; for (;;) { unique_lock<mutex> filterLock(sync); step2Condition.wait(filterLock, []() {return !nums.empty() || count == NUM_COUNT; }); if (nums.empty()) { break; } int front = nums.front(); if (front % 3 != 0 && front % 13 != 0) { filteredNums.push_back(front); filterCount++; } nums.erase(nums.begin(), nums.begin() + 1); filterLock.unlock(); } step3Condition.notify_all(); // Print trace of consumption //lock_guard<mutex> out(print); //cout << "Step 2 thread done -- filtered: " << filterCount << endl; }
static void output(size_t remainderBase) { // Create out file ofstream outF("output" + to_string(remainderBase) + ".txt"); size_t outputCount = 0; for (;;) { // Get lock for sync mutex; Wait for step 2 unique_lock<mutex> outputLock(sync); if (filteredNums.empty()) break; step3Condition.wait(outputLock, []() {return !filteredNums.empty(); }); if (filteredNums.empty()) break; // Get modulus if (!filteredNums.empty() && filteredNums[0] % FILE_FILTER_COUNT == remainderBase) { // Write to file outputCount++; outF << filteredNums[0] << endl; filteredNums.erase(filteredNums.begin(), filteredNums.begin() + 1); } outputLock.unlock(); } // print stuff lock_guard<mutex> out(print); cout << "Group " << remainderBase << " has " << outputCount << " numbers" << endl; }
bool EnterStepping(std::function<void()> callback) { lock_guard guard(pauseLock); if (coreState != CORE_RUNNING && coreState != CORE_NEXTFRAME) { // Shutting down, don't try to step. return false; } if (!gpuDebug) { return false; } gpuDebug->NotifySteppingEnter(); // Just to be sure. if (pauseAction == PAUSE_CONTINUE) { pauseAction = PAUSE_BREAK; } isStepping = true; callback(); do { RunPauseAction(); pauseWait.wait(pauseLock); } while (pauseAction != PAUSE_CONTINUE); gpuDebug->NotifySteppingExit(); isStepping = false; return true; }
void pub_func(const po::variables_map vm) { context_t ctxt(1); socket_t pub(ctxt, ZMQ_PUB); zmq_socket_monitor(pub, "inproc://monitor.pub", ZMQ_EVENT_ALL); thread monitor_thread(monitor_func, ref(ctxt), "inproc://monitor.pub", "pub", ref(pubDoneFlag)); std::string payload(vm["size"].as<size_t>(), '.'); if (vm.count("no-linger")) { int linger = 0; pub.setsockopt(ZMQ_LINGER, &linger, sizeof(linger)); } if (vm.count("sndhwm")) { auto sndhwm = vm["sndhwm"].as<int>(); pub.setsockopt(ZMQ_SNDHWM, &sndhwm, sizeof(sndhwm)); } pub.bind("tcp://*:4404"); { unique_lock<mutex> lock(subReadyMutex); while(subReadyFlag == false) subReadyCond.wait(lock); } for(size_t pubCount=0; pubCount<vm["count"].as<size_t>(); ++pubCount) { for(size_t partNo=1; partNo<vm["parts"].as<size_t>(); ++partNo) assert(pub.send(payload.data(), payload.size(), ZMQ_SNDMORE)==payload.size()); assert(pub.send(payload.data(), payload.size())==payload.size()); } this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(vm["recovery-time"].as<long>())); for(size_t pubCount=0; pubCount<vm["recovery-count"].as<size_t>(); ++pubCount) { if (vm["recovery-rate"].as<size_t>() > 0) this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::milliseconds(1000/vm["recovery-rate"].as<size_t>())); pub.send("bye", 3); } pubDoneFlag = true; monitor_thread.join(); }
void showID(int ID) { unique_lock<mutex> lck(mtx); while (!ready) cv.wait(lck); // 3 2 1 GO! scout<<"Thread #"<<ID<<endl; }
//! Dequeues log record from the queue, blocks if no log records are ready to be processed bool dequeue_ready(record_view& rec) { unique_lock< mutex_type > lock(m_mutex); while (!m_interruption_requested) { if (!m_queue.empty()) { const boost::log::aux::timestamp now = boost::log::aux::get_timestamp(); enqueued_record const& elem = m_queue.top(); const uint64_t difference = (now - elem.m_timestamp).milliseconds(); if (difference >= m_ordering_window) { // We got a new element rec = elem.m_record; m_queue.pop(); return true; } else { // Wait until the element becomes ready to be processed m_cond.timed_wait(lock, posix_time::milliseconds(m_ordering_window - difference)); } } else { // Wait for an element to come m_cond.wait(lock); } } m_interruption_requested = false; return false; }
void pop(T &result) { unique_lock<mutex> u(m); c.wait(u, [&] {return !q.empty();} ); result = move_if_noexcept(q.front()); q.pop(); }
vector<T> get_all() { unique_lock<mutex> l(cv_m); cv.wait(l, [this](){return count(this->v.begin(), this->v.end(), T()) == 0;}); vector<T> ret = v; fill(v.begin(), v.end(), T()); return ret; }
T get(size_t k) { unique_lock<mutex> l(cv_m); cv.wait(l, [this, k](){return this->v[k] != T();}); T t = v[k]; v[k] = (T)0; return t; }
void run_thread() { unique_lock<mutex> guard(m_lock); DBClientBase *client = new_connection(); while(true) { if(!client->isStillConnected()) { m_log->error() << "A thread lost its connection, reconnecting..." << endl; delete client; client = new_connection(); } if(m_operation_queue.size() > 0) { DBOperation *op = m_operation_queue.front(); m_operation_queue.pop(); guard.unlock(); handle_operation(client, op); guard.lock(); } else if(m_shutdown) { break; } else { m_cv.wait(guard); } } delete client; }
void acquire(){ unique_lock<mutex> lck(mtx); while(count == 0){ cv.wait(lck); } count--; }
void push(int data) { { unique_lock<mutex> lk(m); cv.wait(lk,[this](){ return data_queue.size()<max_size; }); data_queue.push(data); } cv.notify_all(); }
void thread_func2(mutex & mtx, condition_variable & cv) { std::cout << "thread_func2: begin" << std::endl; mutex::scoped_lock lc(mtx); cv.wait(lc); std::cout << "thread_func2: get lock" << std::endl; std::cout << "thread_func2: end" << std::endl; }
T pop () { lock lock (list_mutex); while (list.empty ()) { m_condition.wait (lock); } T retval = list.front (); list.pop_front (); return retval; }
void pop(int& data) { { unique_lock<mutex> lk(m); cv.wait(lk,[this](){ return data_queue.size()>0; }); data = data_queue.front(); data_queue.pop(); } cv.notify_all(); }
void InputDevice::StopPolling() { inputThreadEnabled = false; lock_guard guard(inputMutex); if (inputThreadStatus) { inputEndCond.wait(inputMutex); } delete inputThread; inputThread = NULL; }
void movePeople(vector<Human> &v) { unique_lock<mutex> lck(mtx); while (index == v.size()) cv.wait(lck); current_floor = v[index].current_floor; cout << " Elevator is picking up person: " << v[index].getID() << " at floor " << current_floor << endl; current_floor = v[index].next_floor; cout << " Elevator has dropped off person: " << v[index].getID() << " at floor " << current_floor << endl; index++; cv.notify_all(); }
void signal(int id) { unique_lock<mutex> lk(mx); std::cout << "signaling " << id << "\n"; signaled_id = id; cv.notify_all(); cv.wait(lk, [&] { return signaled_id == -1; }); }
void even_thread() { while (ctrEven < MAX_ELEMS) { unique_lock<mutex> lk(mut); cond.wait(lk, [] { return ((ctrOdd - ctrEven) == 3); }); ctrEven += 2; cout << ctrEven << endl; cond.notify_one(); lk.unlock(); } }
void run() { { mutex::guard g( mutex_ ); ++worker_count_; if ( worker_count_ == active_workers_ ) { manager_cv_.notify_one(); } } shared_ptr< runnable > task; for ( bool active = true; active; ) { { mutex::guard g( mutex_ ); while ( worker_count_ <= active_workers_ && tasks_.empty() ) { ++idle_workers_; workers_cv_.wait( g ); --idle_workers_; } if ( worker_count_ <= active_workers_ || ( state_ == STOPPING && tasks_.size() ) ) { if ( tasks_.size() ) { task = tasks_.front(); tasks_.pop_front(); } } else { --worker_count_; if ( worker_count_ == active_workers_ ) { manager_cv_.notify_one(); } return; } } if ( task ) { task->execute(); task.reset(); } } }
void print_number_worker(int num) { while(counter < 50) { unique_lock<mutex> lk(m); cv.wait(lk, [] { return can_print; }); cout << num << endl; counter++; cv.notify_one(); } }
T& pop() { unique_lock<mutex> uniqueLock(mtx); /* block thread if queue is empty */ while (tsQueue.empty()) { cv.wait(uniqueLock); } auto& entry = tsQueue.front(); tsQueue.pop(); return entry; }
// Thread function: Condition waiter void ThreadCondition2(void * aArg) { cout << " Wating..." << flush; lock_guard<mutex> lock(gMutex); while(gCount > 0) { cout << "." << flush; gCond.wait(gMutex); } cout << "." << endl; }
void acquire_read() const { mutex::guard g( mutex_ ); while ( has_writer_ || writer_waiting_ ) { reader_cv_.wait( mutex_ ); } ++reader_count_; }