bool Foam::fileFormats::STARCDsurfaceFormat<Face>::read ( const fileName& filename ) { const bool mustTriangulate = this->isTri(); this->clear(); fileName baseName = filename.lessExt(); // STAR-CD index of points List<label> pointId; // read points from .vrt file readPoints ( IFstream(baseName + ".vrt")(), this->storedPoints(), pointId ); // Build inverse mapping (STAR-CD pointId -> index) Map<label> mapPointId(2*pointId.size()); forAll(pointId, i) { mapPointId.insert(pointId[i], i); }
Foam::autoPtr<Foam::edgeMesh> Foam::edgeMesh::New(const fileName& name) { word ext = name.ext(); if (ext == "gz") { ext = name.lessExt().ext(); } return New(name, ext); }
Foam::autoPtr<Foam::UnsortedMeshedSurface<Face>> Foam::UnsortedMeshedSurface<Face>::New(const fileName& name) { word ext = name.ext(); if (ext == "gz") { ext = name.lessExt().ext(); } return New(name, ext); }
bool isoBubble::write(fileName file) const { fileName fullPath = file.lessExt(); mkDir(fullPath); fullPath = fullPath + "/" + paddWithZeros(file); bubblePtr_->write(fullPath); return true; }
bool Foam::edgeMesh::canRead ( const fileName& name, const bool verbose ) { word ext = name.ext(); if (ext == "gz") { ext = name.lessExt().ext(); } return canReadType(ext, verbose); }
bool Foam::UnsortedMeshedSurface<Face>::canRead ( const fileName& name, const bool verbose ) { word ext = name.ext(); if (ext == "gz") { ext = name.lessExt().ext(); } return canReadType(ext, verbose); }
bool Foam::edgeMesh::read(const fileName& name) { word ext = name.ext(); if (ext == "gz") { fileName unzipName = name.lessExt(); return read(unzipName, unzipName.ext()); } else { return read(name, ext); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argList::noParallel(); argList::validArgs.clear(); argList::validArgs.append("input surface file"); argList args(argc, argv); const fileName inFileName(args.args()[1]); if( inFileName.ext() == "fms" ) FatalError << "trying to convert a fms file to itself" << exit(FatalError); fileName outFileName(inFileName.lessExt()+".fms"); const triSurf surface(inFileName); surface.writeSurface(outFileName); Info << "End\n" << endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { argList::addNote ( "write surface mesh regions to separate files" ); argList::noParallel(); argList::validArgs.append("input surfaceFile"); argList args(argc, argv); const fileName surfName = args[1]; Info<< "Reading surf from " << surfName << " ..." << nl << endl; fileName surfBase = surfName.lessExt(); word extension = surfName.ext(); triSurface surf(surfName); Info<< "Writing regions to separate files ..." << nl << endl; const geometricSurfacePatchList& patches = surf.patches(); forAll(patches, patchi) { const geometricSurfacePatch& pp = patches[patchi]; word patchName =; if (patchName.empty()) { patchName = "patch" + Foam::name(patchi); } fileName outFile(surfBase + '_' + patchName + '.' + extension); Info<< " Writing patch " << patchName << " to file " << outFile << endl; // Collect faces of region boolList includeMap(surf.size(), false); forAll(surf, facei) { const labelledTri& f = surf[facei]; if (f.region() == patchi) { includeMap[facei] = true; } } // Subset triSurface labelList pointMap; labelList faceMap; triSurface subSurf ( surf.subsetMesh ( includeMap, pointMap, faceMap ) ); subSurf.write(outFile); } Info<< "End\n" << endl; return 0; }
void extractFeatures ( const fileName& surfaceFileName, const Time& runTime, const dictionary& dict ) { const fileName sFeatFileName = surfaceFileName.lessExt().name(); Info<< "Surface : " << surfaceFileName << nl << endl; const Switch writeVTK = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("writeVTK", "off"); const Switch writeObj = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("writeObj", "off"); const Switch verboseObj = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("verboseObj", "off"); const Switch curvature = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("curvature", "off"); const Switch featureProximity = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("featureProximity", "off"); const Switch closeness = dict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("closeness", "off"); Info<< nl << "Feature line extraction is only valid on closed manifold " << "surfaces." << endl; // Read // ~~~~ triSurface surf(runTime.constantPath()/"triSurface"/surfaceFileName); Info<< "Statistics:" << endl; surf.writeStats(Info); Info<< endl; const faceList faces(surf.faces()); // Either construct features from surface & featureAngle or read set. // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const scalar includedAngle = readScalar(dict.lookup("includedAngle")); autoPtr<surfaceFeatures> set ( surfaceFeatureSet ( surfaceFileName, surf, dict, includedAngle ) ); // Trim set // ~~~~~~~~ if (dict.isDict("trimFeatures")) { dictionary trimDict = dict.subDict("trimFeatures"); scalar minLen = trimDict.lookupOrAddDefault<scalar>("minLen", -great); label minElem = trimDict.lookupOrAddDefault<label>("minElem", 0); // Trim away small groups of features if (minElem > 0 || minLen > 0) { Info<< "Removing features of length < " << minLen << endl; Info<< "Removing features with number of edges < " << minElem << endl; set().trimFeatures(minLen, minElem, includedAngle); } } // Subset // ~~~~~~ // Convert to marked edges, points List<surfaceFeatures::edgeStatus> edgeStat(set().toStatus()); if (dict.isDict("subsetFeatures")) { const dictionary& subsetDict = dict.subDict ( "subsetFeatures" ); if (subsetDict.found("insideBox")) { treeBoundBox bb(subsetDict.lookup("insideBox")()); Info<< "Selecting edges inside bb " << bb; if (writeObj) { Info << " see insideBox.obj"; bb.writeOBJ("insideBox.obj"); } Info<< endl; selectBox(surf, bb, true, edgeStat); } else if (subsetDict.found("outsideBox")) { treeBoundBox bb(subsetDict.lookup("outsideBox")()); Info<< "Removing all edges inside bb " << bb; if (writeObj) { Info<< " see outsideBox.obj" << endl; bb.writeOBJ("outsideBox.obj"); } Info<< endl; selectBox(surf, bb, false, edgeStat); } const Switch nonManifoldEdges = subsetDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("nonManifoldEdges", "yes"); if (!nonManifoldEdges) { Info<< "Removing all non-manifold edges" << " (edges with > 2 connected faces) unless they" << " cross multiple regions" << endl; selectManifoldEdges(surf, 1e-5, includedAngle, edgeStat); } const Switch openEdges = subsetDict.lookupOrDefault<Switch>("openEdges", "yes"); if (!openEdges) { Info<< "Removing all open edges" << " (edges with 1 connected face)" << endl; forAll(edgeStat, edgei) { if (surf.edgeFaces()[edgei].size() == 1) { edgeStat[edgei] = surfaceFeatures::NONE; } } } if (subsetDict.found("plane")) { const plane cutPlane(subsetDict.lookup("plane")()); selectCutEdges(surf, cutPlane, edgeStat); Info<< "Only edges that intersect the plane with normal " << cutPlane.normal() << " and base point " << cutPlane.refPoint() << " will be included as feature edges."<< endl; } }