コード例 #1
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: JaksaVucicevic/triqs
 // For Imaginary Matsubara Frequency functions
 // ------------------------------------------------------
 arrays::matrix<dcomplex> density(gf_const_view<imfreq> g) {

  if (g.mesh().positive_only())
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << "density is only implemented for g(i omega_n) with full mesh (positive and negative frequencies)";

  tail_const_view t = g.singularity();
  if (!t.is_decreasing_at_infinity())
   TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " density computation : green Function is not as 1/omega or less !!!";

  if (g.mesh().positive_only()) TRIQS_RUNTIME_ERROR << " imfreq gF : full mesh required in density computation";
  auto sh = get_target_shape(g);
  int N1 = sh[0], N2 = sh[1];
  arrays::matrix<dcomplex> res(sh);
  auto beta = g.domain().beta;
  double b1 = 0, b2 = 1, b3 = -1;
  auto F = [&beta](dcomplex a, double b) { return -a / (1 + exp(-beta * b)); };

  for (int n1 = 0; n1 < N1; n1++)
   for (int n2 = n1; n2 < N2; n2++) {
    dcomplex d = t(1)(n1, n2), A = t(2)(n1, n2), B = t(3)(n1, n2);
    dcomplex a1 = d - B, a2 = (A + B) / 2, a3 = (B - A) / 2;
    dcomplex r = 0;
    for (auto const& w : g.mesh()) r += g[w](n1, n2) - (a1 / (w - b1) + a2 / (w - b2) + a3 / (w - b3));
    res(n1, n2) = r / beta + d + F(a1, b1) + F(a2, b2) + F(a3, b3);
    if (n2 > n1) res(n2, n1) = conj(res(n1, n2));

  return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: JaksaVucicevic/triqs
 arrays::matrix<dcomplex> density(gf_const_view<legendre> gl) {
  arrays::matrix<dcomplex> res(get_target_shape(gl));
  res() = 0.0;
  for (auto const& l : gl.mesh()) res -= sqrt(2 * l.index() + 1) * gl[l];
  res /= gl.domain().beta;
  return res;
コード例 #3
ファイル: som_core.cpp プロジェクト: krivenko/som
template<typename MeshType> void check_gf_stat(gf_const_view<MeshType> g,
                                               triqs::gfs::statistic_enum expected_stat) {
 if(g.domain().statistic != expected_stat)
  fatal_error("expected a " + mesh_traits<MeshType>::name()
              + " Green's function with "
              + (expected_stat == Fermion ? "fermionic" : "bosonic")
              + " statistics");
コード例 #4
ファイル: functions.cpp プロジェクト: JaksaVucicevic/triqs
 // compute a tail from the Legendre GF
 // this is Eq. 8 of our paper
 tail_view get_tail(gf_const_view<legendre> gl, int size = 10, int omin = -1) {

   auto sh = gl.data().shape().front_pop();
   tail t(sh, size, omin);
   t.data()() = 0.0;

   for (int p=1; p<=t.order_max(); p++)
     for (auto l : gl.mesh())
       t(p) += (triqs::utility::legendre_t(l.index(),p)/pow(gl.domain().beta,p)) * gl[l];

   return t;

コード例 #5
 void legendre_matsubara_inverse(gf_view<legendre> gl, gf_const_view<imfreq> gw) {

  gl() = 0.0;

  // Construct a temporary imaginary-time Green's function gt
  // I set Nt time bins. This is ugly, one day we must code the direct
  // transformation without going through imaginary time
  int Nt = 50000;
  auto gt = gf<imtime>{{gw.domain(), Nt}, gw.data().shape().front_pop()};

  // We first transform to imaginary time because it's been coded with the knowledge of the tails
  gt() = inverse_fourier(gw);
  legendre_matsubara_inverse(gl, gt());
コード例 #6
 void legendre_matsubara_inverse(gf_view<legendre> gl, gf_const_view<imtime> gt) {

  gl() = 0.0;
  legendre_generator L;
  auto N = gt.mesh().size() - 1;
  double coef;

  // Do the integral over imaginary time
  for (auto t : gt.mesh()) {
   if (t.index()==0 || t.index()==N) coef = 0.5;
   else coef = 1.0;
   L.reset(2 * t / gt.domain().beta - 1);
   for (auto l : gl.mesh()) {
    gl[l] += coef * sqrt(2 * l.index() + 1) * L.next() * gt[t];
  gl.data() *= gt.mesh().delta();
コード例 #7
ファイル: legendre.cpp プロジェクト: TRIQS/triqs
    // compute a tail from the Legendre GF
    // this is Eq. 8 of our paper
    array<dcomplex, 3> get_tail(gf_const_view<legendre> gl, int order) {

      auto _  = ellipsis{};
      auto sh = gl.data().shape();
      sh[0]   = order;
      array<dcomplex, 3> t{sh};
      t() = 0.0;

      for (int p = 0; p < order; p++)
        for (auto l : gl.mesh()) t(p, _) += (triqs::utility::legendre_t(l.index(), p) / std::pow(gl.domain().beta, p)) * gl[l];

      return t;