コード例 #1
void HK_CALL VehicleApiUtils::syncDisplayWheels(hkDemoEnvironment* environment, 
								 hkpVehicleInstance& vehicle,
								 const hkArray<int>& wheels,
								 int tag)
	// Sync wheels. This is necessary only because they do not "exist" as bodies in simulation,
	// and so are not automatically updated by the current display. We must explicity tell the
	// display that some other "display obects" (objects which are drawn but are not physical)
	// have moved.
	for (int i = 0; i < wheels.getSize(); i++)
		hkVector4    pos;
		hkQuaternion rot;

		// XXX Check if this is the same value as the m_hardPointWS in wheelsInfo
		vehicle.calcCurrentPositionAndRotation( vehicle.getChassis(), 
						pos, rot );
		hkTransform trans(rot, pos);
		environment->m_displayHandler->updateGeometry(trans, wheels[i], tag);
コード例 #2
void VehicleSetup::setupWheelCollide( const hkpWorld* world, const hkpVehicleInstance& vehicle, hkpVehicleRayCastWheelCollide& wheelCollide )
  // Set the wheels to have the same collision filter info as the chassis.
  wheelCollide.m_wheelCollisionFilterInfo = vehicle.getChassis()->getCollisionFilterInfo();
コード例 #3
void SixWheelTruckSetup::setupWheelCollide( hkpWorld* world, const hkpVehicleInstance& vehicle, hkpVehicleRaycastWheelCollide& wheelCollide )
	wheelCollide.m_wheelCollisionFilterInfo = vehicle.getChassis()->getCollisionFilterInfo();