void http_connect_handler(http_connection& c) { ++connect_handler_called; TEST_CHECK(c.socket().is_open()); std::cerr << "connected to: " << c.socket().remote_endpoint() << std::endl; TEST_CHECK(c.socket().remote_endpoint().address() == address::from_string("")); }
void http_connect_handler(http_connection& c) { ++connect_handler_called; TEST_CHECK(c.socket().is_open()); error_code ec; std::cerr << time_now_string() << " connected to: " << print_endpoint(c.socket().remote_endpoint(ec)) << std::endl; // this is not necessarily true when using a proxy and proxying hostnames // TEST_CHECK(c.socket().remote_endpoint(ec).address() == address::from_string("", ec)); }
netfile(const char* url) : m_position(0), m_eof(false), m_buf(NULL), m_bufsize(0), m_size(0) { m_nc = new http_connection(); m_nc->connect(url, HTTP_SERVER_PORT); if (m_nc->is_open() == false) { delete m_nc; m_nc = NULL; } }
int read(void* dst, int bytes) { assert(dst); if (m_nc == NULL) { return 0; } // ensure buf while (m_bufsize < m_position + bytes) { m_bufsize += 4096; m_buf = (Uint8*) realloc(m_buf, m_bufsize); } // not enough data in the buffer if (m_position + bytes > m_size) { int n = m_nc->read(m_buf + m_size, m_position + bytes - m_size); m_size += n; } int n = imin(bytes, m_size - m_position); memcpy(dst, m_buf + m_position, n); m_position += n; m_eof = n < bytes ? true : false; return n; }
void http_tracker_connection::on_connect(http_connection& c) { error_code ec; tcp::endpoint ep = c.socket().remote_endpoint(ec); m_tracker_ip = ep.address(); boost::shared_ptr<request_callback> cb = requester(); }
void upnp::create_port_mapping(http_connection& c, rootdevice& d, int i) { mutex_t::scoped_lock l(m_mutex); TORRENT_ASSERT(d.magic == 1337); if (!d.upnp_connection) { TORRENT_ASSERT(d.disabled); char msg[200]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "mapping %u aborted", i); log(msg); return; } char const* soap_action = "AddPortMapping"; char soap[2048]; error_code ec; snprintf(soap, sizeof(soap), "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" " "s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\">" "<s:Body><u:%s xmlns:u=\"%s\">" "<NewRemoteHost></NewRemoteHost>" "<NewExternalPort>%u</NewExternalPort>" "<NewProtocol>%s</NewProtocol>" "<NewInternalPort>%u</NewInternalPort>" "<NewInternalClient>%s</NewInternalClient>" "<NewEnabled>1</NewEnabled>" "<NewPortMappingDescription>%s</NewPortMappingDescription>" "<NewLeaseDuration>%u</NewLeaseDuration>" "</u:%s></s:Body></s:Envelope>" , soap_action, d.service_namespace, d.mapping[i].external_port , (d.mapping[i].protocol == udp ? "UDP" : "TCP") , d.mapping[i].local_port , print_address(c.socket().local_endpoint(ec).address()).c_str() , m_user_agent.c_str(), d.lease_duration, soap_action); post(d, soap, soap_action); }