size_t middle_ram_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, idlist_t &way_ids, multitaglist_t &tags, multinodelist_t &nodes) const { if (ids.empty()) { return 0; } assert(way_ids.empty()); tags.assign(ids.size(), taglist_t()); nodes.assign(ids.size(), nodelist_t()); size_t count = 0; for (idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { if (ways_get(*it, tags[count], nodes[count])) { way_ids.push_back(*it); count++; } else { tags[count].clear(); nodes[count].clear(); } } if (count < ids.size()) { tags.resize(count); nodes.resize(count); } return int(count); }
size_t middle_pgsql_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, osmium::memory::Buffer &buffer) const { if (ids.empty()) return 0; char tmp[16]; std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmp2(new (std::nothrow) char[ids.size() * 16]); char const *paramValues[1]; if (tmp2 == nullptr) return 0; //failed to allocate memory, return */ // create a list of ids in tmp2 to query the database */ sprintf(tmp2.get(), "{"); for (auto id : ids) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID ",", id); strncat(tmp2.get(), tmp, sizeof(char)*(ids.size()*16 - 2)); } tmp2[strlen(tmp2.get()) - 1] = '}'; // replace last , with } to complete list of ids*/ pgsql_endCopy(way_table); PGconn *sql_conn = way_table->sql_conn; paramValues[0] = tmp2.get(); PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(sql_conn, "get_way_list", 1, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); int countPG = PQntuples(res); idlist_t wayidspg; for (int i = 0; i < countPG; i++) { wayidspg.push_back(strtoosmid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), nullptr, 10)); } // Match the list of ways coming from postgres in a different order // back to the list of ways given by the caller */ int outres = 0; for (auto id : ids) { for (int j = 0; j < countPG; j++) { if (id == wayidspg[j]) { { osmium::builder::WayBuilder builder(buffer); builder.set_id(id); pgsql_parse_nodes(PQgetvalue(res, j, 1), buffer, builder); pgsql_parse_tags(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2), buffer, builder); } buffer.commit(); outres++; break; } } } PQclear(res); return outres; }
size_t middle_pgsql_t::ways_get_list(const idlist_t &ids, idlist_t &way_ids, multitaglist_t &tags, multinodelist_t &nodes) const { if (ids.empty()) return 0; char tmp[16]; std::unique_ptr<char[]> tmp2(new (std::nothrow) char[ids.size() * 16]); char const *paramValues[1]; if (tmp2 == nullptr) return 0; //failed to allocate memory, return */ // create a list of ids in tmp2 to query the database */ sprintf(tmp2.get(), "{"); for(idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID ",", *it); strncat(tmp2.get(), tmp, sizeof(char)*(ids.size()*16 - 2)); } tmp2[strlen(tmp2.get()) - 1] = '}'; // replace last , with } to complete list of ids*/ pgsql_endCopy(way_table); PGconn *sql_conn = way_table->sql_conn; paramValues[0] = tmp2.get(); PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(sql_conn, "get_way_list", 1, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK); int countPG = PQntuples(res); idlist_t wayidspg; for (int i = 0; i < countPG; i++) { wayidspg.push_back(strtoosmid(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0), nullptr, 10)); } // Match the list of ways coming from postgres in a different order // back to the list of ways given by the caller */ for(idlist_t::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { for (int j = 0; j < countPG; j++) { if (*it == wayidspg[j]) { way_ids.push_back(*it); tags.push_back(taglist_t()); pgsql_parse_tags(PQgetvalue(res, j, 2), tags.back()); size_t num_nodes = strtoul(PQgetvalue(res, j, 3), nullptr, 10); idlist_t list; pgsql_parse_nodes( PQgetvalue(res, j, 1), list); if (num_nodes != list.size()) { fprintf(stderr, "parse_nodes problem for way %s: expected nodes %zu got %zu\n", tmp, num_nodes, list.size()); util::exit_nicely(); } nodes.push_back(nodelist_t()); nodes_get_list(nodes.back(), list); break; } } } assert(way_ids.size() <= ids.size()); PQclear(res); return way_ids.size(); }