void Foam::GaussSeidelSmoother::smooth ( const word& fieldName_, scalarField& psi, const lduMatrix& matrix_, const scalarField& source, const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceBouCoeffs_, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList& interfaces_, const direction cmpt, const label nSweeps ) { register scalar* psiPtr = psi.begin(); register const label nCells = psi.size(); scalarField bPrime(nCells); register scalar* bPrimePtr = bPrime.begin(); register const scalar* const diagPtr = matrix_.diag().begin(); register const scalar* const upperPtr = matrix_.upper().begin(); register const scalar* const lowerPtr = matrix_.lower().begin(); register const label* const uPtr = matrix_.lduAddr().upperAddr().begin(); register const label* const ownStartPtr = matrix_.lduAddr().ownerStartAddr().begin(); // Parallel boundary initialisation. The parallel boundary is treated // as an effective jacobi interface in the boundary. // Note: there is a change of sign in the coupled // interface update. The reason for this is that the // internal coefficients are all located at the l.h.s. of // the matrix whereas the "implicit" coefficients on the // coupled boundaries are all created as if the // coefficient contribution is of a source-kind (i.e. they // have a sign as if they are on the r.h.s. of the matrix. // To compensate for this, it is necessary to turn the // sign of the contribution. FieldField<Field, scalar> mBouCoeffs(interfaceBouCoeffs_.size()); forAll(mBouCoeffs, patchi) { if (interfaces_.set(patchi)) { mBouCoeffs.set(patchi, -interfaceBouCoeffs_[patchi]); } } for (label sweep=0; sweep<nSweeps; sweep++) { bPrime = source; matrix_.initMatrixInterfaces ( mBouCoeffs, interfaces_, psi, bPrime, cmpt ); matrix_.updateMatrixInterfaces ( mBouCoeffs, interfaces_, psi, bPrime, cmpt ); register scalar curPsi; register label fStart; register label fEnd = ownStartPtr[0]; for (register label cellI=0; cellI<nCells; cellI++) { // Start and end of this row fStart = fEnd; fEnd = ownStartPtr[cellI + 1]; // Get the accumulated neighbour side curPsi = bPrimePtr[cellI]; // Accumulate the owner product side for (register label curFace=fStart; curFace<fEnd; curFace++) { curPsi -= upperPtr[curFace]*psiPtr[uPtr[curFace]]; } // Finish current psi curPsi /= diagPtr[cellI]; // Distribute the neighbour side using current psi for (register label curFace=fStart; curFace<fEnd; curFace++) { bPrimePtr[uPtr[curFace]] -= lowerPtr[curFace]*curPsi; } psiPtr[cellI] = curPsi; } } }
void Foam::symGaussSeidelSmoother::smooth ( const word& fieldName_, scalarField& psi, const lduMatrix& matrix_, const scalarField& source, const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceBouCoeffs_, const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList& interfaces_, const direction cmpt, const label nSweeps ) { scalar* __restrict__ psiPtr = psi.begin(); const label nCells = psi.size(); scalarField bPrime(nCells); scalar* __restrict__ bPrimePtr = bPrime.begin(); const scalar* const __restrict__ diagPtr = matrix_.diag().begin(); const scalar* const __restrict__ upperPtr = matrix_.upper().begin(); const scalar* const __restrict__ lowerPtr = matrix_.lower().begin(); const label* const __restrict__ uPtr = matrix_.lduAddr().upperAddr().begin(); const label* const __restrict__ ownStartPtr = matrix_.lduAddr().ownerStartAddr().begin(); // Parallel boundary initialisation. The parallel boundary is treated // as an effective jacobi interface in the boundary. // Note: there is a change of sign in the coupled // interface update. The reason for this is that the // internal coefficients are all located at the l.h.s. of // the matrix whereas the "implicit" coefficients on the // coupled boundaries are all created as if the // coefficient contribution is of a source-kind (i.e. they // have a sign as if they are on the r.h.s. of the matrix. // To compensate for this, it is necessary to turn the // sign of the contribution. FieldField<Field, scalar>& mBouCoeffs = const_cast<FieldField<Field, scalar>&> ( interfaceBouCoeffs_ ); forAll(mBouCoeffs, patchi) { if (interfaces_.set(patchi)) { mBouCoeffs[patchi].negate(); } } for (label sweep=0; sweep<nSweeps; sweep++) { bPrime = source; matrix_.initMatrixInterfaces ( mBouCoeffs, interfaces_, psi, bPrime, cmpt ); matrix_.updateMatrixInterfaces ( mBouCoeffs, interfaces_, psi, bPrime, cmpt ); scalar psii; label fStart; label fEnd = ownStartPtr[0]; for (label celli=0; celli<nCells; celli++) { // Start and end of this row fStart = fEnd; fEnd = ownStartPtr[celli + 1]; // Get the accumulated neighbour side psii = bPrimePtr[celli]; // Accumulate the owner product side for (label facei=fStart; facei<fEnd; facei++) { psii -= upperPtr[facei]*psiPtr[uPtr[facei]]; } // Finish current psi psii /= diagPtr[celli]; // Distribute the neighbour side using current psi for (label facei=fStart; facei<fEnd; facei++) { bPrimePtr[uPtr[facei]] -= lowerPtr[facei]*psii; } psiPtr[celli] = psii; } fStart = ownStartPtr[nCells]; for (label celli=nCells-1; celli>=0; celli--) { // Start and end of this row fEnd = fStart; fStart = ownStartPtr[celli]; // Get the accumulated neighbour side psii = bPrimePtr[celli]; // Accumulate the owner product side for (label facei=fStart; facei<fEnd; facei++) { psii -= upperPtr[facei]*psiPtr[uPtr[facei]]; } // Finish psi for this cell psii /= diagPtr[celli]; // Distribute the neighbour side using psi for this cell for (label facei=fStart; facei<fEnd; facei++) { bPrimePtr[uPtr[facei]] -= lowerPtr[facei]*psii; } psiPtr[celli] = psii; } } // Restore interfaceBouCoeffs_ forAll(mBouCoeffs, patchi) { if (interfaces_.set(patchi)) { mBouCoeffs[patchi].negate(); } } }