bool OpenConnection(cec_device_type type = CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RECORDING_DEVICE) { g_config.Clear(); snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "CEC-config"); g_config.callbackParam = NULL; g_config.clientVersion = (uint32_t)CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_1; g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage; g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress; g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand; g_config.callbacks = &g_callbacks; g_config.deviceTypes.add(type); g_parser = LibCecInitialise(&g_config); if (!g_parser) return false; // init video on targets that need this g_parser->InitVideoStandalone(); CStdString strPort; cec_adapter devices[10]; uint8_t iDevicesFound = g_parser->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL); if (iDevicesFound <= 0) { PrintToStdOut("autodetect FAILED"); UnloadLibCec(g_parser); return false; } else { strPort = devices[0].comm; } PrintToStdOut("opening a connection to the CEC adapter..."); if (!g_parser->Open(strPort.c_str())) { PrintToStdOut("unable to open the device on port %s", strPort.c_str()); UnloadLibCec(g_parser); return false; } g_parser->GetCurrentConfiguration(&g_config); PrintToStdOut("CEC Parser created - libCEC version %s", g_parser->ToString((cec_server_version)g_config.serverVersion)); return true; }
int main (int UNUSED(argc), char *UNUSED(argv[])) { g_callbacks.Clear(); g_config.Clear(); PrintToStdOut("=== USB-CEC Adapter Configuration ===\n"); if (!OpenConnection()) return 1; if (!PowerOnTV()) return 1; bool bAddressOk(false); while (!bAddressOk) { uint16_t iAddress = FindPhysicalAddress(); PrintToStdOut("Physical address: %4X", iAddress); PrintToStdOut("Is this correct (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); bAddressOk = (input == "y" || input == "Y"); } g_parser->GetCurrentConfiguration(&g_config); { cec_menu_language lang; if (g_parser->GetDeviceMenuLanguage(CECDEVICE_TV, &lang)) { PrintToStdOut("TV menu language: %s", lang.language); PrintToStdOut("Do you want the application to use the menu language of the TV (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); g_config.bUseTVMenuLanguage = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0; } else { PrintToStdOut("The TV did not respond properly to the menu language request."); } } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to make the CEC adapter the active source when starting the application (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); g_config.bActivateSource = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0; } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to power on the TV when starting the application (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); if (input == "y" || input == "Y") g_config.wakeDevices.Set(CECDEVICE_TV); } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to power off CEC devices when closing the application (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); if (input == "y" || input == "Y") g_config.powerOffDevices.Set(CECDEVICE_TV); } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to power off CEC devices when the screensaver is activated (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); g_config.bPowerOffScreensaver = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0; } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to put the PC in standby when the TV is put in standby mode (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); g_config.bPowerOffOnStandby = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0; } { PrintToStdOut("Do you want to send an inactive source message when stopping the application (y/n)?"); string input; getline(cin, input); cin.clear(); g_config.bSendInactiveSource = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0; } PrintToStdOut("\n\n=== USB-CEC Adapter Configuration Summary ==="); PrintToStdOut("HDMI port number: %d", g_config.iHDMIPort); PrintToStdOut("Connected to HDMI device: %X", (uint8_t)g_config.baseDevice); PrintToStdOut("Physical address: %4X", g_config.iPhysicalAddress); PrintToStdOut("Use the TV's language setting: %s", g_config.bUseTVMenuLanguage ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Make the adapter the active source when starting XBMC: %s", g_config.bActivateSource ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Power on the TV when starting XBMC: %s", g_config.wakeDevices.IsSet(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST) ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Power off devices when stopping XBMC: %s", g_config.powerOffDevices.IsSet(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST) ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Put devices in standby mode when activating screensaver: %s", g_config.bPowerOffScreensaver ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Put this PC in standby mode when the TV is switched off: %s", g_config.bPowerOffOnStandby ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Send an inactive source message when stopping XBMC: %s\n\n", g_config.bSendInactiveSource ? "yes" : "no"); PrintToStdOut("Storing settings ..."); if (g_parser->PersistConfiguration(&g_config)) PrintToStdOut("Settings stored."); else PrintToStdOut("The settings could not be stored"); ofstream configOutput;"usb_2548_1001.xml"); if (configOutput.is_open()) { CStdString strWakeDevices; for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++) if (g_config.wakeDevices[iPtr]) strWakeDevices.AppendFormat(" %d", iPtr); CStdString strStandbyDevices; for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++) if (g_config.powerOffDevices[iPtr]) strStandbyDevices.AppendFormat(" %d", iPtr); configOutput << "<settings>\n" << "\t<setting id=\"enabled\" value=\"1\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"activate_source\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bActivateSource << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"wake_devices\" value=\"" << strWakeDevices.c_str() << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"standby_devices\" value=\"" << strStandbyDevices.c_str() << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"cec_standby_screensaver\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bPowerOffScreensaver << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"standby_pc_on_tv_standby\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bPowerOffOnStandby << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"use_tv_menu_language\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bUseTVMenuLanguage << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"physical_address\" value=\"" << hex << g_config.iPhysicalAddress << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"cec_hdmi_port\" value=\"" << g_config.iHDMIPort << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"connected_device\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.baseDevice << "\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"port\" value=\"\" />\n" << "\t<setting id=\"send_inactive_source\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bSendInactiveSource << "\" />\n" << "</settings>"; configOutput.close(); PrintToStdOut("The configuration has been stored in 'usb_2548_1001.xml'. Copy this file to ~/.userdata/peripheral_data to use it in XBMC"); } g_parser->StandbyDevices(); g_parser->Close(); UnloadLibCec(g_parser); PrintToStdOut("Press enter to close this wizard."); string input; getline(cin, input); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc<2){ fprintf(stderr,"usage: echo /path/to/echo.method\n"); exit(1); } ubus_t * service=ubus_create(argv[1]); if(service==0){ perror("ubus_create"); exit(0); } g_config.Clear(); g_callbacks.Clear(); snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "XBMC"); g_config.clientVersion = CEC_CONFIG_VERSION; g_config.bActivateSource = 0; // g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage; // g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress; // g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand; // g_callbacks.CBCecAlert = &CecAlert; // g_config.callbacks = &g_callbacks; g_config.deviceTypes.Add(CEC_DEVICE_TYPE_RECORDING_DEVICE); ICECAdapter *parser = LibCecInitialise(&g_config); if (!parser) { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ cout << "Cannot load libcec.dll" << endl; #else cout << "Cannot load" << endl; #endif if (parser) UnloadLibCec(parser); return 1; } // init video on targets that need this parser->InitVideoStandalone(); if (g_strPort.empty()) { if (!g_bSingleCommand) cout << "no serial port given. trying autodetect: "; cec_adapter devices[10]; uint8_t iDevicesFound = parser->FindAdapters(devices, 10, NULL); if (iDevicesFound <= 0) { if (g_bSingleCommand) cout << "autodetect "; cout << "FAILED" << endl; UnloadLibCec(parser); return 1; } else { if (!g_bSingleCommand) { cout << endl << " path: " << devices[0].path << endl << " com port: " << devices[0].comm << endl << endl; } g_strPort = devices[0].comm; } } fprintf(stderr,"opening a connection to the CEC adapter..."); if (!parser->Open(g_strPort.c_str())) { fprintf(stderr,"unable to open the device on port %s", g_strPort.c_str()); UnloadLibCec(parser); return 1; } if (!g_bSingleCommand) fprintf(stderr,"waiting for input\n"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); fd_set rfds; char buff [2000]; for(;;) { FD_ZERO (&rfds); int maxfd=ubus_select_all(service,&rfds); if (select(maxfd+2, &rfds, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0){ perror("select"); exit(1); } ubus_activate_all(service,&rfds,0); ubus_chan_t * chan=0; while((chan=ubus_ready_chan(service))){ int len = ubus_read(chan,&buff,2000); if (len < 1) { ubus_disconnect(chan); }else { if (strncmp(buff, "volup", 5) == 0) { parser->VolumeUp(); ubus_write(chan,&buff,len); } else if (strncmp(buff, "voldown", 7) == 0) { parser->VolumeDown(); ubus_write(chan,&buff,len); } else if (strncmp(buff, "mute", 4) == 0) { parser->AudioToggleMute(); ubus_write(chan,&buff,len); } } } } fprintf(stderr,"bye\n"); ubus_destroy(service); parser->Close(); UnloadLibCec(parser); if (g_logOutput.is_open()) g_logOutput.close(); return 0; }