コード例 #1
ファイル: matvec.cpp プロジェクト: HumanoidRobotics/graspit
  Converts this quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix.
Quaternion::ToRotationMatrix(mat3 &R) const
    double tx  = 2.0*x;
    double ty  = 2.0*y;
    double tz  = 2.0*z;
    double twx = tx*w;
    double twy = ty*w;
    double twz = tz*w;
    double txx = tx*x;
    double txy = ty*x;
    double txz = tz*x;
    double tyy = ty*y;
    double tyz = tz*y;
    double tzz = tz*z;

    R.element(0,0) = 1.0-(tyy+tzz);
    R.element(1,0) = txy-twz;
    R.element(2,0) = txz+twy;
    R.element(0,1) = txy+twz;
    R.element(1,1) = 1.0-(txx+tzz);
    R.element(2,1) = tyz-twx;
    R.element(0,2) = txz-twy;
    R.element(1,2) = tyz+twx;
    R.element(2,2) = 1.0-(txx+tyy);
コード例 #2
ファイル: matvec.cpp プロジェクト: HumanoidRobotics/graspit
  Sets this quaternion by converting from rotation matrix \a R.
Quaternion::set(const mat3 &R)
    // Algorithm in Ken Shoemake's article in 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes
    // article "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation".

    double trace = R.element(0,0)+R.element(1,1)+R.element(2,2);
    double root;

    if ( trace > 0.0 )
        // |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2
        root = sqrt(trace+1.0);  // 2w
        w = 0.5*root;
        root = 0.5/root;  // 1/(4w)
        x = (R.element(1,2)-R.element(2,1))*root;
        y = (R.element(2,0)-R.element(0,2))*root;
        z = (R.element(0,1)-R.element(1,0))*root;
        // |w| <= 1/2
        static int next[3] = { 1, 2, 0 };
        int i = 0;
        if ( R.element(1,1) > R.element(0,0) )
            i = 1;
        if ( R.element(2,2) > R.element(i,i) )
            i = 2;
        int j = next[i];
        int k = next[j];

        root = sqrt(R.element(i,i)-R.element(j,j)-R.element(k,k)+1.0);
        double* quat[3] = { &x, &y, &z };
        *quat[i] = 0.5*root;
        root = 0.5/root;
        w = (R.element(j,k)-R.element(k,j))*root;
        *quat[j] = (R.element(i,j)+R.element(j,i))*root;
        *quat[k] = (R.element(i,k)+R.element(k,i))*root;