コード例 #1
 run_statistics(const mrf_graph_type& mrf) :
   nsamples(0), nchanges(0), loglik(0.0),
   min_samples(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()), max_samples(0){
   // Compute the unnormalized log likelihood
   loglik = unnormalized_loglikelihood(mrf);
   for(vertex_id_t vid = 0; vid < mrf.num_vertices(); ++vid) {
     const mrf_vertex_data& vdata = mrf.vertex_data(vid);
     nsamples += vdata.nsamples;
     nchanges += vdata.nchanges;
     min_samples = std::min(min_samples, vdata.nsamples);
     max_samples = std::max(max_samples, vdata.nsamples);
   } // end of for loop
 } // end of compute run statistics
コード例 #2
void run_jtsplash_sampler(mrf_graph_type& mrf_graph,
                          const std::string& jtsplash_results_fn,
                          const std::vector<double>& runtimes,
                          const bool draw_images,
                          const splash_settings& settings) {

  //  size_t ncpus = core.engine().get_ncpus();
  // bool affinities = 
  //   core.get_engine_options().get_cpu_affinities();
  // Initialize the jtsplash sampler
  jt_splash_sampler jtsplash_sampler(mrf_graph, settings);

  double total_runtime = 0;
  double actual_total_runtime = 0;
  foreach(const double experiment_runtime, runtimes) {
    total_runtime += experiment_runtime;
    // get the experiment id
    size_t experiment_id = file_line_count(jtsplash_results_fn);
    std::cout << "Running JTSplash sampler experiment " << experiment_id
              << " for " << experiment_runtime << " seconds." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Settings: ======================" << std::endl
              << "Experiment:    " << experiment_id << std::endl
              << "runtime:       " << experiment_runtime << std::endl
              << "treesize:      " << settings.max_tree_size << std::endl
              << "treewidth:     " << settings.max_tree_width << std::endl
              << "treeheight:    " << settings.max_tree_height << std::endl
              << "factorsize:    " << settings.max_factor_size << std::endl
              << "subthreads:    " << settings.subthreads << std::endl
              << "priorities:    " << settings.priorities << std::endl   
              << "vanish:        " << settings.vanish_updates << std::endl;   

    graphlab::timer timer;

    // run the sampler once

    double actual_experiment_runtime = timer.current_time();
    std::cout << "Actual Experiment Runtime:" 
              << actual_experiment_runtime << std::endl;        
    actual_total_runtime += actual_experiment_runtime;
    std::cout << "Total Experiment Runtime (actual): "
              << total_runtime 
              << "(" << actual_total_runtime << ")" 
              << std::endl;

    // check mrf graph
    for(size_t i = 0; i < mrf_graph.num_vertices(); ++i) {
      ASSERT_EQ(mrf_graph.vertex_data(i).tree_info.tree_id, NULL_VID);

    /// ==================================================================
    // Compute final statistics of the mode
    run_statistics stats(mrf_graph);
    // Save the beliefs
                 make_filename("jtsplash_blfs_", ".tsv", experiment_id));
    // // Save the current assignments
             make_filename("jtsplash_asg_", ".asg", experiment_id));
    // Save the experiment
    std::ofstream fout(jtsplash_results_fn.c_str(), std::ios::app);
    fout << experiment_id << '\t'
         << total_runtime << '\t'
         << actual_total_runtime << '\t'
         << settings.ntrees << '\t'
         << stats.nsamples << '\t'
         << stats.nchanges << '\t'
         << stats.loglik << '\t'
         << stats.min_samples << '\t'
         << stats.max_samples << '\t'
         << settings.max_tree_size << '\t'
         << settings.max_tree_width << '\t'
         << settings.max_factor_size << '\t'
         << settings.max_tree_height << '\t'
         << settings.subthreads << '\t'
         << settings.priorities << '\t'
         << jtsplash_sampler.total_trees() << '\t'  
         << jtsplash_sampler.total_collisions() << '\t'
         << std::endl;

    // Plot images if desired
    if(draw_images) draw_mrf(experiment_id, "jtsplash", mrf_graph);

  } // end of for loop over runtimes
コード例 #3
ファイル: junction_tree.cpp プロジェクト: Alienfeel/graphlab
 * Extend the jtree_list data structure by eliminating the vertex.  If
 * the jtree list can be extended then it is extended and this
 * function returns true.
bool jtree_list::
extend(const mrf_graph_type::vertex_id_type elim_vertex,
       const mrf_graph_type& mrf,
       const size_t max_tree_width,
       const size_t max_factor_size) {
  typedef mrf_graph_type::edge_id_type edge_id_type;
  typedef mrf_graph_type::vertex_id_type vertex_id_type;
  // sanity check: The vertex to eliminate should not have already
  // been eliminated
  ASSERT_FALSE( contains(elim_vertex) );
  /// =====================================================================
  // Construct the elimination clique for the new vertex
  // 1) Fill out clique
  // 2) Track the corresponding factor size and treewidth
  // 3) Find the parent of this clique
  jtree_list::elim_clique clique;
  clique.elim_vertex = elim_vertex;
  // the factor must at least have the eliminated vertex
  size_t factor_size = 
  foreach(const edge_id_type ineid, mrf.in_edge_ids(elim_vertex)) {
    const vertex_id_type vid = mrf.source(ineid);
    const bool is_in_jtree = contains(vid);
    // if the neighbor is in the set of vertices being eliminated
    if(is_in_jtree) {      
      clique.vertices += vid;
      factor_size *= 
        std::max(mrf.vertex_data(vid).variable.size(), uint32_t(1) );
    // if the clique ever gets too large then teminate
    // the + 1 is because we need to include the elim vertex
    if((clique.vertices.size() > max_tree_width) || 
       (max_factor_size > 0 && factor_size > max_factor_size)) 
      return false;

  // Determine the parent of this clique -------------------------
  vertex_id_type parent_id = 0;
  foreach(vertex_id_type vid, clique.vertices)
    parent_id = std::max(parent_id, elim_time_lookup(vid));
  clique.parent = parent_id;

  /// =====================================================================
  // Simulate injecting vertices in parent cliques back to when RIP is
  // satisfied
  vertex_set rip_verts = clique.vertices;
  for(vertex_id_t parent_vid = clique.parent; 
      !rip_verts.empty() && parent_vid < cliques.size(); ) {
    const jtree_list::elim_clique& parent_clique = cliques[parent_vid];    
    // Remove the parent vertex
    rip_verts -= vertex_set(parent_clique.elim_vertex);

    // Construct the new vertices that would normally be stored at
    // this vertes
    const vertex_set tmp_verts = rip_verts + parent_clique.vertices;

    // Check that the expanded clique is still within tree width
    if(tmp_verts.size()  > max_tree_width) return false;

    // If we care about the maximum factor size Compute the factor
    // size and fail if the factor is too large
    if(max_factor_size > 0) {
      size_t factor_size = 
      foreach(vertex_id_t vid, tmp_verts) {
        factor_size *= 
          std::max(mrf.vertex_data(vid).variable.size(), uint32_t(1));
      if(factor_size > max_factor_size) return false;