void nuiLayout::SetConstraint(nuiWidget* pWidget, const nglString& rDescription) { nuiLayoutConstraint constraintH, constraintV; int pos = rDescription.Find('/'); if (pos < 0) { nglString desc(rDescription); desc.Trim(); constraintH.Set(desc); } else if (pos == 0) { nglString desc2 = rDescription.Extract(pos+1, rDescription.GetLength() - (pos + 1)); desc2.Trim(); constraintV.Set(desc2); } else { nglString desc1 = rDescription.Extract(0, pos); nglString desc2 = rDescription.Extract(pos+1, rDescription.GetLength() - (pos + 1)); desc1.Trim(); desc2.Trim(); constraintH.Set(desc1); constraintV.Set(desc2); } SetConstraint(pWidget, constraintH, constraintV); }
// Stolen from nglPath! static int32 GetRootPart(const nglString& rStr) { if (rStr[0] == _T('/')) { if (rStr[1] != _T('/')) return 1; // //host[/path] (network address) // or /volume[/path] (standard unix like path) int32 end = rStr.Find(_T('/'), 2); return ((end > 0) ? end : rStr.GetLength()); } // Find the protocol name: int col = rStr.Find(_T("://"), 0, true); return MIN(col + 3, rStr.GetLength()); }
static bool Canonize(nglString& rStr) { nglString canon; int32 len = rStr.GetLength(); int32 root_part = GetRootPart(rStr); int32 last_slash = root_part; int32 slash = 0; canon = rStr.GetLeft(root_part); while (slash < len) { slash = rStr.Find(_T('/'), last_slash); if (slash == - 1) slash = len; if (((slash - last_slash) == 1) && (rStr.GetChar(last_slash) == _T('.'))) { // Ignore '.' } else if (((slash - last_slash) == 2) && (!rStr.Compare(_T(".."), last_slash, 2))) { // Interpret '..' int32 prev_slash = canon.FindLast(_T('/')); if (prev_slash < root_part) prev_slash = root_part; if (!canon.IsEmpty() && canon.Compare(_T(".."), canon.GetLength() - 2, 2)) canon.Delete(prev_slash); else { if (canon.GetLength() > root_part) canon += _T('/'); canon += _T(".."); } } else { // Simply append path node nglString node = rStr.Extract(last_slash, (slash - last_slash)); if (canon.GetLength() > root_part) canon += _T('/'); canon += node; } last_slash = slash + 1; } rStr = canon; return true; }
bool nglKernel::SetClipboard(const nglString& rString) { if (OpenClipboard(mHWnd)) { EmptyClipboard(); HGLOBAL hglbCopy = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, rString.GetLength()+1); if (hglbCopy == NULL) { CloseClipboard(); return false; } char* lptstrCopy = (char*)GlobalLock(hglbCopy); memcpy(lptstrCopy, rString.GetChars(), rString.GetLength()+1); GlobalUnlock(hglbCopy); SetClipboardData(CF_TEXT, hglbCopy); CloseClipboard(); return true; } return false; }
bool nglImageCodecInfo::ExtensionMatch(nglString& rFileName) { std::vector<nglString>::iterator ext; int filename_len = rFileName.GetLength(); for (ext = mExtensions.begin(); ext < mExtensions.end(); ++ext) { int ext_size = (*ext).GetLength(); if (!rFileName.Compare (*ext, filename_len - ext_size, ext_size, false)) return true; } return false; }
void nglConsole::OnOutput(const nglString& rText) { // 'char' mode : string buffer is considered to use the locale's encoding Append(rText.GetChars()); // Write to the standard win32 console: #ifdef USE_STANDARD_WIN32_CONSOLE unsigned long res = 0; WriteConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),rText.GetChars(),rText.GetLength(),&res,NULL); #endif // I don't care if this is slow, its really mandatory in win32. vector<nglString> vec; uint ret=rText.Tokenize(vec, _T('\n')); for (uint i=0; i<ret; i++) { OutputDebugString(vec[i].GetChars()); // fixme! to be removed ? OutputDebugString(_T("\n")); } }
int nglConsole::GetHistory (list<const nglString*>& rMatches, nglString& rFilter, bool IsCaseSensitive) { #if NGL_DISABLE_CONSOLE return 0; #else int count = 0; list<nglString*>::reverse_iterator h_entry; list<nglString*>::reverse_iterator h_begin = mHistory.rbegin(); rMatches.clear(); int size = rFilter.GetLength(); for (h_entry = mHistory.rend(); h_entry != h_begin; h_entry--) if (!rFilter.Compare(**h_entry, 0, size, IsCaseSensitive)) { rMatches.push_front(*h_entry); count++; } return count; #endif }
void nglConsole::AddToHistory (const nglString& rLine) { #if NGL_DISABLE_CONSOLE return; #else nglString* newline; uint new_linecnt, new_charcnt; if (!mUseHistory) return; // Filter empty lines nglString trimmed = rLine; trimmed.Trim(); if (trimmed.GetLength() == 0) return; new_linecnt = mLineCnt + 1; new_charcnt = mCharCnt + rLine.GetLength(); // Adjust history size according user-set limits while ((!mHistory.empty()) && (((mLineMax > 0) && (new_linecnt > mLineMax)) || ((mCharMax > 0) && (new_charcnt > mCharMax)))) { list<nglString*>::iterator tail = mHistory.end(); tail--; // mHistory.end() return an iterator just past the last element if (*tail) { new_charcnt -= (*tail)->GetLength(); new_linecnt--; delete (*tail); mHistory.erase (tail); } } newline = new nglString (rLine); mHistory.push_front (newline); mLineCnt = new_linecnt; mCharCnt = new_charcnt; #endif }
bool nuiSplitText(const nglString& rSourceString, nuiTextRangeList& rRanges, nuiSplitTextFlag flags) { uint32 size = rSourceString.GetLength(); rRanges.clear(); if (!size) return true; const bool scriptchange = flags & nuiST_ScriptChange; const bool rangechange = flags & nuiST_RangeChange; const bool wordboundary = flags & nuiST_WordBoundary; const bool directionchange = flags & nuiST_DirectionChange; const bool mergecommonscript = flags & nuiST_MergeCommonScript; uint32 lastpos = 0; uint32 curpos = 0; const nglChar& ch = rSourceString[curpos]; int32 direction = nuiGetUnicodeDirection(ch); int32 newdirection = direction; nglChar scriptlow = 0; nglChar scripthi = 0; nuiUnicodeScript script = nuiGetUnicodeScript(ch, scriptlow, scripthi); nuiUnicodeScript newscript = script; nglChar rangelow = 0; nglChar rangehi = 0; nuiUnicodeRange range = nuiGetUnicodeRange(ch, rangelow, rangehi); nuiUnicodeRange newrange = range; bool blank = nuiIsUnicodeBlank(ch); bool newblank = blank; curpos++; while (curpos != size) { bool brk = false; const nglChar& ch = rSourceString[curpos]; if (wordboundary) { newblank = nuiIsUnicodeBlank(ch); if (newblank != blank) brk = true; } if (scriptchange) { if (ch < scriptlow || ch > scripthi) // still in the last range? { if (!wordboundary) newblank = nuiIsUnicodeBlank(ch); if (!newblank) { newscript = nuiGetUnicodeScript(ch, scriptlow, scripthi); if ((newscript != script) && !(mergecommonscript && newscript == eScriptCommon)) { brk = true; } } } } if (rangechange) { if (ch < rangelow || ch > rangehi) // still in the last range? { if (!wordboundary) newblank = nuiIsUnicodeBlank(ch); if (!newblank) { newrange = nuiGetUnicodeRange(ch, rangelow, rangehi); if (newrange != range) brk = true; } } } if (directionchange) { newdirection = nuiGetUnicodeDirection(ch); if (newdirection != direction) brk = true; } if (brk) { nuiTextRange r; r.mLength = curpos - lastpos; // count of unicode code points r.mDirection = direction; // even: Left to right, odd: right to left r.mScript = script; // What script if this range of text r.mRange = range; // What script if this range of text r.mBlank = blank; // Does this range contains strictly blank (space, tab, return, etc.) code points. rRanges.push_back(r); lastpos = curpos; direction = newdirection; script = newscript; range = newrange; blank = newblank; } curpos++; } // Last range: nuiTextRange r; r.mLength = curpos - lastpos; // count of unicode code points r.mDirection = direction; // even: Left to right, odd: right to left r.mScript = script; // What script if this range of text r.mRange = range; // What script if this range of text r.mBlank = blank; // Does this range contains strictly blank (space, tab, return, etc.) code points. rRanges.push_back(r); return true; }
bool nuiTextLayout::Layout(const nglString& rString) { // Transform the string in a vector of nglUChar, also keep the offsets from the original chars to the nglUChar and vice versa int32 len = rString.GetLength(); int32 i = 0; //printf("layout "); while (i < len) { nglUChar ch = rString.GetNextUChar(i); //printf("'%c' (%d) ", (char)ch, ch); mUnicode.push_back(ch); mOffsetInString.push_back(i); mOffsetInUnicode.push_back(mUnicode.size() - 1); } //printf("\n"); // General algorithm: // 1. Split text into paragraphs (LayoutText) // 2. Split paragraphs into ranges (LayoutParagraph) // 3. Split ranges into fonts // 4. Split ranges into lines / words if needed int32 start = 0; int32 position = 0; int32 count = mUnicode.size(); while (position < count) { // Scan through the text and look for end of line markers nglUChar ch = mUnicode[position]; if (ch == '\n' || ch == 0xb || ch == 0x2028 || ch == 0x2029) { // Found a paragraph //printf("Paragraph %d -> %d (%d chars)\n", start, position, position - start); LayoutParagraph(start, position - start); // Eat the \n char start = position + 1; } position++; } if (start < position) { //printf("last Paragraph %d -> %d (%d chars)\n", start, position, position - start); LayoutParagraph(start, position - start); // Eat the \n char start = position; } mAscender = 0; mDescender = 0; //printf("Map scripts to fonts:\n"); int32 c = 0; // Find the needed fonts for each script: std::map<nuiUnicodeScript, nuiFontBase*> FontSet; { std::map<nuiUnicodeScript, std::set<nglUChar> >::iterator it = mCharsets.begin(); std::map<nuiUnicodeScript, std::set<nglUChar> >::iterator end = mCharsets.end(); while (it != end) { //printf("%d %s -> ", c, nuiGetUnicodeScriptName(it->first).GetChars()); const std::set<nglUChar>& charset(it->second); nuiFontBase* pFont = NULL; // First try the requested font { std::set<nglUChar>::const_iterator it = charset.begin(); std::set<nglUChar>::const_iterator end = charset.end(); while (it != end && mStyle.GetFont()->GetGlyphIndex(*it) > 0) ++it; // If all the glyphs are available in the font we're done... if (it == end) pFont = mStyle.GetFont(); else { //printf("[couldn't find glyph %d '%c' in requested font] ", *it, *it); } } // If the requested font doesn't work, try to find one that does: if (!pFont) { nuiFontRequest request(mStyle.GetFont()); request.MustHaveGlyphs(charset, 500, false); pFont = nuiFontManager::GetManager().GetFont(request); } FontSet[it->first] = pFont; //printf("%s\n", pFont->GetFamilyName().GetChars()); ++it; c++; } } //printf("Map scripts to fonts DONE\n"); i = 0; nuiRect rect; float PenX = 0; float PenY = 0; // Assign the correct font to each run for (uint32 p = 0; p < mpParagraphs.size(); p++) { Paragraph* pParagraph = mpParagraphs[p]; for (uint32 l = 0; l < pParagraph->size(); l++) { nuiTextLine* pLine = (*pParagraph)[l]; pLine->SetPosition(PenX, PenY); PenX = 0; float x = 0; float y = 0; for (uint32 r = 0; r < pLine->GetRunCount(); r++) { nuiTextRun* pRun = pLine->GetRun(r); pRun->mX = x; pRun->mY = y; nuiFontBase* pFont = FontSet[pRun->GetScript()]; if (!pRun->IsDummy()) { // Only shape real runs. pRun->SetFont(pFont); pFont->Shape(pRun); nuiFontInfo finfo; pFont->GetInfo(finfo); // Prepare glyphs: std::vector<nuiTextGlyph>& rGlyphs(pRun->GetGlyphs()); for (int32 g = 0; g < rGlyphs.size(); g++) { nuiTextGlyph& rGlyph(rGlyphs.at(g)); pFont->PrepareGlyph(PenX + x, PenY + y, rGlyph); const nuiSize W = rGlyph.AdvanceX; // nuiSize h = finfo.AdvanceMaxH; const nuiSize X = rGlyph.mX + rGlyph.BearingX; const nuiSize Y = rGlyph.mY - finfo.Ascender; const nuiSize H = finfo.Height; nuiRect rr(rect); rect.Union(rr, nuiRect(PenX + x + X, PenY + y + Y, W, H)); } } x += pRun->GetAdvanceX(); //y += pRun->GetAdvanceY(); //printf("\trange %d <%d.%d.%d> (%d - %d) (%s --> %s / %s) (advance: %f / %f)\n", i, p, l, r, pRun->GetPosition(), pRun->GetLength(), nuiGetUnicodeScriptName(pRun->GetScript()).GetChars(), pFont->GetFamilyName().GetChars(), pFont->GetStyleName().GetChars(), pRun->GetAdvanceX(), pRun->GetAdvanceY()); i++; } PenY += pLine->GetAdvanceY(); } } nuiTextLine* pFirstLine = NULL; if (GetParagraphCount() > 0) if (GetLineCount(0) > 0) pFirstLine = GetLine(0, 0); if (pFirstLine) mAscender = pFirstLine->GetAscender(); nuiTextLine* pLastLine = NULL; if (GetParagraphCount() > 0) if (GetLineCount(GetParagraphCount() - 1) > 0) pLastLine = GetLine(GetParagraphCount() - 1, GetLineCount(GetParagraphCount() - 1) - 1); if (pLastLine) mDescender = pLastLine->GetDescender(); mXMin = rect.Left(); mXMax = rect.Right(); mYMin = rect.Top(); mYMax = rect.Bottom(); mCharsets.clear(); return true; }
int nuiTCPClient::Send(const nglString& rString) { return Send((uint8*)rString.GetChars(), rString.GetLength()); }
size_t nuiPipe::Write(const nglString& rString) { return Write((const uint8*)rString.GetChars(), rString.GetLength()); }
size_t nuiTCPClient::BufferedSend(const nglString& rString, bool BufferOnly) { return BufferedSend((uint8*)rString.GetChars(), rString.GetLength(), BufferOnly); }
bool AMXClient::Send(const nglString& rData) { return (mpClient->Send(rData) == rData.GetLength()); }