コード例 #1
void write_matrix_to_octave_file(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , std::string const& name
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const rows = A.extent(0);
    std::size_t const cols = A.extent(1);

    std::ofstream file(name + ".mat");


    file << "# name: " << name << "\n"
         << "# type: matrix\n"
         << "# rows: " << rows << "\n"
         << "# columns: " << cols << "\n";

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
            T const v = (compare_floating(0.0, A(i, j), 1e-6) ? 0.0 : A(i, j));
            file << " " << v; 

        file << "\n";

コード例 #2
inline void random_symmetric_matrix(
    orthotope<T>& A
  , std::size_t seed
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    boost::random::mt19937_64 rng(seed);
    boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(-100, 100);

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < n; ++l)
        A(l, l) = T(dist(rng));

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < (n - 1); ++l)
        for (std::size_t i = l + 1; i < n; ++i)
            A(i, l) = T(dist(rng));
            A(l, i) = A(i, l);
コード例 #3
inline T euclidean_norm(
    orthotope<T> const& w
    BOOST_ASSERT(1 == w.order());

    T sum = T();

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < w.extent(0); ++i)
        sum += (w(i) * w(i));

    return std::sqrt(sum);
コード例 #4
inline void matrix_add(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , orthotope<T> const& B
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == B.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            A(i, j) += B(i, j);
コード例 #5
inline void random_matrix(
    orthotope<T>& A
  , std::size_t seed
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);
    std::size_t const m = A.extent(1);

    boost::random::mt19937_64 rng(std::time(0));
    boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(-100, 100);

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < m; ++j)
            A(i, j) = T(dist(rng));
コード例 #6
void householders_tri_factor(
    orthotope<T>& A
  , std::size_t block_size
  , T eps = 1e-8
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < (n - 2); ++l)
        boost::int16_t sign = -compute_sign(A(l + 1, l));

        T alpha = 0.0;

        for (std::size_t j = (l + 1); j < n; ++j)
            alpha += (A(j, l) * A(j, l));

        if (alpha < eps)

        alpha = sign * std::sqrt(alpha);

        T const r = std::sqrt(0.5 * ((alpha * alpha) - (alpha * A(l + 1, l))));

        orthotope<T> w({n});

        w(l + 1) = (A(l + 1, l) - alpha) / (2.0 * r); 

        for (std::size_t j = (l + 2); j < n; ++j)
            w(j) = A(j, l) / (2.0 * r);

        orthotope<T> H = compute_H(w);

        /// A_l = H * A_l_minus_1 * H
        orthotope<T> H_A_l_minus_1 = blocked_matrix_multiply(H, A, block_size);

        A = blocked_matrix_multiply(H_A_l_minus_1, H, block_size);
コード例 #7
inline orthotope<T> matrix_multiply(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , orthotope<T> const& B
    BOOST_ASSERT(A.order() == 2);
    BOOST_ASSERT(B.order() == 2);
    BOOST_ASSERT(A.extent(1) == B.extent(0));

    // (n x m) * (m x p) = (n x p)
    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);
    std::size_t const m = A.extent(1);
    std::size_t const p = B.extent(1);

    orthotope<T> C({n, p});

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < p; ++j)
            T sum = T();

            for (std::size_t l = 0; l < m; ++l)
                sum += A(i, l) * B(l, j);

            C(i, j) = sum;

    return C;
コード例 #8
inline void print(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , std::string const& name
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < A.extent(0); ++i)
        if (i == 0)
            std::cout << (boost::format("%- 8s = [ ") % name);
            std::cout << (boost::format("%|11T |[ "));

        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < A.extent(1); ++j)
            output_float(A(i, j));

        std::cout << "]\n";

    std::cout << "\n";
コード例 #9
inline orthotope<T> compute_H(
    orthotope<T> const& w
    BOOST_ASSERT(1 == w.order());

    std::size_t const n = w.extent(0);

    orthotope<T> H({n, n});

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            if (i == j)
                H(i, j) = 1 - 2 * (w(i) * w(j));
                H(i, j) = 0 - 2 * (w(i) * w(j)); 

    return H;
コード例 #10
inline T compute_sigma(
    orthotope<T> const& R
  , std::size_t n
  , std::size_t l
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == R.order());

    T sum = T();

    for (std::size_t i = l; i < n; ++i)
        sum += (R(i, l) * R(i, l));

    return std::sqrt(sum);
コード例 #11
inline orthotope<T> blocked_matrix_multiply(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , orthotope<T> const& B
  , std::size_t block_size
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == B.order());
    BOOST_ASSERT(0 != block_size);
    BOOST_ASSERT(0 == (A.extent(0) % block_size));

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    orthotope<T> C({n, n});

    // TODO: Figure out how large this will be and do a reserve.
    std::vector<hpx::lcos::future<void> > stop_list;

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i += block_size)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; j += block_size)
            orthotope<T> C_sub(C, {block_size, block_size}, {i, j});
            matrix_mutex mtx;

            for (std::size_t l = 0; l < n; l += block_size)
                orthotope<T> A_sub(A, {block_size, block_size}, {i, l})
                           , B_sub(B, {block_size, block_size}, {l, j});

                            hpx::find_here(), C_sub, A_sub, B_sub, mtx


    return C;
コード例 #12
inline bool matrix_equal(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , orthotope<T> const& B
    // Are A and B both 2 dimensional?
    if ((2 != A.order()) || (2 != B.order()))
        return false;

    // Do A and B have the same dimensions?
    if ((A.extent(0) != B.extent(0)) || (A.extent(1) != B.extent(1)))
        return false;

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);
    std::size_t const m = A.extent(1);

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < m; ++j)
            if (!compare_floating(A(i, j), B(i, j)))
                return false;

    return true;
コード例 #13
void householders(
    orthotope<T> const& A
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    orthotope<T> R = A.copy();
    orthotope<T> Q({n, n});

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < n; ++l)
        Q(l, l) = 1.0;

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < (n - 1); ++l)
        T const sigma = compute_sigma(R, n, l);
        boost::int16_t const sign = compute_sign(R(l, l));

        #if defined(HPXLA_DEBUG_HOUSEHOLDERS)
            std::cout << (std::string(80, '#') + "\n")
                      << "ROUND " << l << "\n\n";

            print(sigma, "sigma");
            print(sign, "sign");

        orthotope<T> w({n});

        w(l) = R(l, l) + sign * sigma;
        for (std::size_t i = (l + 1); i < w.extent(0); ++i)
            w(i) = R(i, l);

        #if defined(HPXLA_DEBUG_HOUSEHOLDERS)
            print(w, "u");

        T const w_norm = euclidean_norm(w);

        for (std::size_t i = l; i < n; ++i)
            w(i) /= w_norm;

        #if defined(HPXLA_DEBUG_HOUSEHOLDERS)
            print(w, "v");

        orthotope<T> H = compute_H(w);

        #if defined(HPXLA_DEBUG_HOUSEHOLDERS)
            print(H, "H");

        R = matrix_multiply(H, R);

        Q = matrix_multiply(Q, H);

        for (std::size_t i = l + 1; i < n; ++i)
            R(i, l) = 0;

        std::cout << std::string(80, '#') << "\n";

    print(A, "A");
    print(Q, "Q");
    print(R, "R");

        check_QR(A, Q, R);
コード例 #14
void check_QR(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , orthotope<T> const& Q
  , orthotope<T> const& R
{ // {{{
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == Q.order());
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == R.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0);

    BOOST_ASSERT(n == Q.extent(0));
    BOOST_ASSERT(n == R.extent(0));

    /// Make sure Q * R equals A.
    orthotope<T> QR = matrix_multiply(Q, R);

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < n; ++l)
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            if (!compare_floating(A(l, i), QR(l, i), 1e-6)) 
                std::cout << "WARNING: QR[" << l << "][" << i << "] (value "
                          << QR(l, i) << ") is not equal to A[" << l << "]["
                          << i << "] (value " << A(l, i) << ")\n";

    /// Make sure R is an upper triangular matrix. 
    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < (n - 1); ++l)
        for (std::size_t i = l + 1; i < n; ++i)
            if (!compare_floating(0.0, R(i, l), 1e-6))
                std::cout << "WARNING: R[" << i << "][" << l << "] is not 0 "
                             "(value is " << R(i, l) << "), R is not an upper "
                             "triangular matrix\n";

    /// Make sure Q is orthogonal. A matrix is orthogonal if its transpose is
    /// equal to its inverse:
    ///     Q^T = Q^-1
    /// This implies that:
    ///     Q^T * Q = Q * Q^T = I
    /// We use the above formula to verify Q's orthogonality. 
    orthotope<T> QT = Q.copy();

    // Transpose QT.
    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < (n - 1); ++l)
        for (std::size_t i = l + 1; i < n; ++i)
            std::swap(QT(l, i), QT(i, l));

    // Compute Q^T * Q and store the result in QT.
    QT = matrix_multiply(Q, QT);

    for (std::size_t l = 0; l < n; ++l)
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            // Diagonals should be 1. 
            if (l == i)
                if (!compare_floating(1.0, QT(l, i), 1e-6)) 
                    std::cout << "WARNING: (Q^T * Q)[" << l << "][" << i << "] "
                                 "is not 1 (value is " << QT(l, i) << "), Q is "
                                 "not an orthogonal matrix\n";

            // All other entries should be 0.
                if (!compare_floating(0.0, QT(l, i), 1e-6)) 
                    std::cout << "WARNING: (Q^T * Q)[" << l << "][" << i << "] "
                                 "is not 0 (value is " << QT(l, i) << "), Q is "
                                 "not an orthogonal matrix\n";
} // }}}
コード例 #15
std::vector<std::complex<T> > qr_eigenvalue(
    orthotope<T> const& A
  , std::size_t max_iterations
  , std::size_t block_size 
  , T const& tolerance = 1.0
    BOOST_ASSERT(2 == A.order());

    std::size_t const n = A.extent(0); 

    std::vector<std::complex<T> > evs;

    std::complex<T> const nan_(std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN()
                             , std::numeric_limits<T>::quiet_NaN());

    std::vector<std::complex<T> > evs(n, nan_), old(n, nan_);

    orthotope<T> Ak = A.copy(), R, Q;

    householders_tri_factor(Ak, block_size);

    write_matrix_to_octave_file(Ak, "hess_A0");

    std::size_t iterations = 0;

    while (true)
        T const mu = Ak(n, n);

        if (0 != iterations)
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < (n - 1); ++i)
                Ak(i, i) -= mu;

            Ak(n, n) = 0.0;

        householders_qr_factor(Ak, Q, R, block_size);

        Ak = blocked_matrix_multiply(R, Q, block_size); 

        if (0 != iterations)
            for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                Ak(i, i) += mu;

        bool pseudo_upper_triangular = true;

        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < (n - 1); ++j)
            // Make sure we're in Hessenberg form.
            for (std::size_t i = j + 2; i < n; ++i)
                if (!compare_floating(0.0, Ak(i, j), 1e-6))
                    pseudo_upper_triangular = false;

            /// Check for convergence. Either we converge to 2x2 complex
            /// conjugates eigenvalues, which take the form:
            ///     [ a  b ]
            ///     [ c  a ]
            /// Where b * c < 0. Or, we converge to real eigenvalues which take
            /// the form:
            ///     [ a ]
            ///     [ 0 ]

            // Determine if we've failed to converge to a real eigenvalue. 
            if (!compare_floating(0.0, Ak(j, j + 1), 1e-6))
                // Determine if we've failed to converge to a pair of complex
                // eigenvalues.
                if (!compare_floating(Ak(j, j), Ak(j + 1, j + 1), 1e-6))
                    pseudo_upper_triangular = false;

        bool converged = true;

//        std::cout << "ITERATION " << iterations << "\n";

        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            if (j != n)
                // Check for complex eigenvalues.
                if (!compare_floating(0.0, Ak(j + 1, j), 1e-6))
                    T const test0 = 4.0 * Ak(j, j + 1) * Ak(j + 1, j)
                                  + ( (Ak(j, j) - Ak(j + 1, j + 1))
                                    * (Ak(j, j) - Ak(j + 1, j + 1)));

                    // Check if solving the eigenvalues of the 2x2 matrix
                    // will give us a complex answer. This avoids unnecessary
                    // square roots.  
                    if (-1 == compute_sign(test0)) 
                        std::complex<T> const a(Ak(j,     j)    );
                        std::complex<T> const d(Ak(j + 1, j + 1));

                        std::complex<T> const i2(2.0);

                        std::complex<T> const comp_part
                            = std::sqrt(std::complex<T>(test0));

                        evs[j    ] = (a + d) / i2 + comp_part / i2; 
                        evs[j + 1] = (a + d) / i2 - comp_part / i2; 

                        std::cout << "evs[" << j << "] = " << evs[j] << "\n"
                                  << "old[" << j << "] = " << old[j] << "\n"
                                  << "evs[" << (j + 1) << "] = " << evs[j + 1] << "\n"
                                  << "old[" << (j + 1) << "] = " << old[j + 1] << "\n";

                        if ((old[j] == nan_) || (old[j + 1] == nan_))
                            converged = false;

                            T const evs0_real = evs[j    ].real();
                            T const evs0_imag = evs[j    ].imag();
                            T const evs1_real = evs[j + 1].real();
                            T const evs1_imag = evs[j + 1].imag();

                            T const old0_real = old[j    ].real();
                            T const old0_imag = old[j    ].imag();
                            T const old1_real = old[j + 1].real();
                            T const old1_imag = old[j + 1].imag();

                            bool const test1
                                = compare_are(old0_real, evs0_real, 0.1)
                               && compare_are(old0_imag, evs0_imag, 0.1)
                               && compare_are(old1_real, evs1_real, 0.1)
                               && compare_are(old1_imag, evs1_imag, 0.1);

                            std::cout << "test = " << test1 << "\n";
                            std::cout << "converged = " << converged << "\n";

                            converged = converged && test1;

                        std::cout << "converged[" << j << "] = " << converged << "\n";
                        std::cout << "converged[" << (j + 1) << "] = " << converged << "\n";

                        // We handled Ak(j + 1, j + 1), so skip the next
                        // iteration.


            evs[j] = Ak(j, j);

            std::cout << "evs[" << j << "] = " << evs[j] << "\n"
                      << "old[" << j << "] = " << old[j] << "\n";

            if (old[j] == nan_)
                converged = false;

                T const evs_real = evs[j].real();
                T const evs_imag = evs[j].imag();

                T const old_real = old[j].real();
                T const old_imag = old[j].imag();

                bool const test = compare_are(old_real, evs_real, 0.1)
                                && compare_are(old_imag, evs_imag, 0.1);

                std::cout << "test = " << test << "\n";
                std::cout << "converged = " << converged << "\n";

                converged = converged && test;

            std::cout << "converged[" << j << "] = " << converged << "\n";

        old = evs;


        if (converged)

        if (pseudo_upper_triangular)

        if (iterations >= max_iterations)
            std::cout << "Didn't converge in " << max_iterations
                      << " iterations\n";
            write_matrix_to_octave_file(Ak, "best_Ak");
            return std::vector<std::complex<T> >();

    std::cout << "Converged in " << iterations << " iterations\n";

    write_matrix_to_octave_file(Ak, "Ak");

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        if (i != n)
            // Check for complex eigenvalues.
            if (!compare_floating(0.0, Ak(i + 1, i), 1e-6))
                /// For a 2x2 matrix:
                ///     A = [a b]
                ///         [c d]
                /// The eigenvalues are:
                ///     e0 = (a + d) / 2 + sqrt(4 * b * c + (a - d) ^ 2) / 2
                ///     e1 = (a + d) / 2 - sqrt(4 * b * c + (a - d) ^ 2) / 2
                std::complex<T> e0, e1;

                std::complex<T> const a(Ak(i,     i)    );
                std::complex<T> const b(Ak(i,     i + 1));
                std::complex<T> const c(Ak(i + 1, i)    );
                std::complex<T> const d(Ak(i + 1, i + 1));

                std::complex<T> const i2(2.0);
                std::complex<T> const i4(4.0);

                using std::sqrt;

                e0 = (a + d) / i2 + sqrt(i4 * b * c + (a - d) * (a - d)) / i2;
                e1 = (a + d) / i2 - sqrt(i4 * b * c + (a - d) * (a - d)) / i2;


                // Ak(i + 1, i + 1) is also a complex eigenvalue, so we skip it
                // next iteration.


        evs.push_back(std::complex<T>(Ak(i, i)));

    return evs;