bool XmlDocument::R7eChildElements(sPtr parent, std::string newChildName, std::string newChildText, std::vector<std::string> newChildAttributes) { bool result = false; if ((parent != NULL) && (!parent->isSelfClose())) { sPtr newChild = makeTaggedElement(newChildName); if (!newChildText.empty()) newChild->addChild(makeTextElement(newChildText)); if (!newChildAttributes.empty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < newChildAttributes.size(); i += 2) { newChild->addAttrib(newChildAttributes[i], newChildAttributes[i + 1]); } } cout << "\n child for root element" << newChild->toString() << endl; cout << "parent's number of children before adding new child... " << parent->children().size() << endl; parent->addChild(newChild); cout << "after adding new child...\n " << parent->toString() << endl; cout << "parent's number of children before adding new child... " << parent->children().size() << endl; result = true; } return result; }
/* * if tag == "" returns pElem and all decendents */ bool XmlDocument::find(const std::string& tag, sPtr pElem, bool findall) { if (pElem->tag() == tag || tag == "") { found_.push_back(pElem); if (!findall) return true; } for (auto pChild : pElem->children()) find(tag, pChild); return (found_.size() > 0); }
// searches for the proc instruction elements in the document std::vector<XmlDocument::sPtr> XmlDocument::Proc_Search(sPtr pnode, std::string tag_) { DocElement* docptr = dynamic_cast<DocElement*>(pnode.get()); TaggedElement* taggedptr = dynamic_cast<TaggedElement*>(pnode.get()); if (docptr != nullptr) { for (auto docchild : docptr->children()) { ProcInstrElement* procptr = check_proc_type(docchild); XmlDeclarElement *declarptr = check_declaration_type(docchild); TaggedElement* taggedptr = check_Tagged_type(docchild); CommentElement *commptr = check_comment_type(docchild); if (commptr != nullptr) continue; else if (procptr != nullptr) { if (>toString())) found_.push_back(docchild); } else if (declarptr != nullptr) continue; else if (taggedptr != nullptr) Proc_Search(root, tag_); else return found_; } } if (taggedptr != nullptr) { for (auto pchild : taggedptr->children()) { ProcInstrElement* procptr = check_proc_type(pchild); TaggedElement* taggedptr = check_Tagged_type(pchild); CommentElement *commptr = check_comment_type(pchild); TextElement *textptr = check_text_type(pchild); if (procptr != nullptr) { if(tag_== procptr->toString()) found_.push_back(pchild); continue; } if (commptr != nullptr) continue; if (textptr != nullptr) continue; if (taggedptr != nullptr) Proc_Search(pchild, tag_); } } return found_; }
//Convert pointer to package information PackageDetails Repository::convertsPtrToPackageDetails(sPtr result, string packageName) { PackageDetails package; if (result != nullptr) { if (result->tag() == "Version") { package.package() = packageName; package.version() = result->getAttrib("Name"); package.path() = result->getAttrib("Directory"); package.status() = result->getAttrib("Status"); return package; } } return package; }
//searches for the name and value pair from the root element and returns the corresponding elements XmlDocument::sPtr XmlDocument::Attribute_search(sPtr pNode, std::string attribute_id, std::string value) { TaggedElement* taggedptr = dynamic_cast<TaggedElement*>(pNode.get()); ProcInstrElement* procptr = dynamic_cast<ProcInstrElement*>(pNode.get()); if ((taggedptr != nullptr)) { if (taggedptr->children().size() == 0) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& attri_ = taggedptr->attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attri_.size(); i++) { if ((attri_[i].first == attribute_id) && (attri_[i].second == value)) return pNode; } return nullptr; } for (auto pChild : taggedptr->children()) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& attri_ = taggedptr->attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attri_.size(); i++) { if ((attri_[i].first == attribute_id) && (attri_[i].second == value)) { found_.push_back(pNode); return pNode; } } TextElement* checkchildtextPtr = check_text_type(pChild); CommentElement* checkcommenttextPtr = check_comment_type(pChild); if (checkchildtextPtr != nullptr) continue; if (checkcommenttextPtr != nullptr) continue; sPtr temp = Attribute_search(pChild, attribute_id, value); if (temp != nullptr) found_.push_back(temp); } return nullptr; } if (procptr != nullptr) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& attri_ = procptr->attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attri_.size(); i++) { if ((attri_[i].first == attribute_id) && (attri_[i].second == value)) return pNode; } return nullptr; } return nullptr; }
// Performs tag serach from the doc element and returns all the elements with the matching tag. std::vector<XmlDocument::sPtr> XmlDocument::Tag_Search(sPtr pnode, std::string tag_) { DocElement* docptr = dynamic_cast<DocElement*>(pnode.get()); TaggedElement* taggedptr = dynamic_cast<TaggedElement*>(pnode.get()); if (docptr != nullptr) { for (auto docchild : docptr->children()) { ProcInstrElement* procptr = check_proc_type(docchild); XmlDeclarElement *declarptr = check_declaration_type(docchild); TaggedElement* taggedptr = check_Tagged_type(docchild); CommentElement *commptr = check_comment_type(docchild); if (commptr != nullptr) { continue; } else if (procptr != nullptr) { continue; } else if (declarptr != nullptr) { continue; } else if (taggedptr!=nullptr) { Tag_Search(root, tag_); } else { return found_; } } } if (taggedptr != nullptr) { if (taggedptr->value() == tag_) found_.push_back(pnode); for (auto pchild : taggedptr->children()) { Tag_Search(pchild, tag_); } } return found_; }
void Display::disElemIDInfo(sPtr tempPtr) { if (tempPtr != nullptr) std::cout << "\n" << "The given id is present in the " << tempPtr->value() << " tag" << "\n"; else printStatement("The given id is not present the XML Tree"); }
std::vector<sPtr> XmlDocument::R8b(sPtr element) { std::vector<sPtr> children; children.empty(); if (element != NULL) { children = element->children(); } return children; }
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> XmlDocument::R8a(sPtr element) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> attributes; attributes.empty(); if (element != NULL) { attributes = element->attributes(); } return attributes; }
// ---------------< create xml element for file and its dependencies >------------- sPtr ClientHandler::makeFileElement(sPtr pRoot, std::string package, std::string filename, std::vector<std::string> deps) { sPtr file = makeTaggedElement("file"); file->addChild(makeTextElement(filename)); sPtr depNames = makeTaggedElement("deps"); for (auto depName : deps) { sPtr dep = makeTaggedElement("dep"); dep->addChild(makeTextElement(depName)); depNames->addChild(dep); } file->addChild(depNames); pRoot->addChild(file); return pRoot; }
//given an attribute name and value, it searches for the corresponding element from the doc element. //this calls the arribute_search function which searches the name and value pair from the root XmlDocument::sPtr XmlDocument::doc_Attribute_search(sPtr pNode, std::string attribute_id, std::string value) { DocElement *docptr = dynamic_cast<DocElement*>(pNode.get()); for (auto docchild : docptr->children()) { ProcInstrElement* procptr = check_proc_type(docchild); XmlDeclarElement *declarptr = check_declaration_type(docchild); TaggedElement* taggedptr = check_Tagged_type(docchild); CommentElement *commptr = check_comment_type(docchild); if (commptr!=nullptr) { continue; } if (procptr!=nullptr) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& attri_ = procptr->attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attri_.size(); i++) { if ((attri_[i].first == attribute_id) && (attri_[i].second == value)) { found_.push_back(docchild); return pNode; } } } if (declarptr!=nullptr) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& attri_ = declarptr->attributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attri_.size(); i++) { if ((attri_[i].first == attribute_id) && (attri_[i].second == value)) { found_.push_back(docchild); return pNode; } } } if (taggedptr!=nullptr) { sPtr tagged = Attribute_search( docchild, attribute_id, value); return tagged; } } }