bool intersects(segment& s) { auto det1 = det(p, q, s.p); auto det2 = det(p, q, s.q); auto det3 = det(s.p, s.q, p); auto det4 = det(s.p, s.q, q); return (equals(det1, 0) && contains(s.p)) || (equals(det2, 0) && contains(s.q)) || (equals(det3, 0) && s.contains(p)) || (equals(det4, 0) && s.contains(q)) || (det1 * det2 < -EPS && det3 * det4 < -EPS); }
void deal(double k, double a, segment &ref) { if (fabs(k) < eps) { if (a <= 0) ref.sset(-INF, INF); else ref.sset(INF, -INF); } else if (k > 0) { ref.sset(a/k, INF); } else { ref.sset(-INF, a/k); } }
bool isIntersected(segment &s1, segment &s2) { double cp1 = cp(s1.p1, s1.p2, s2.p1), cp2 = cp(s1.p1, s1.p2, s2.p2); double cp3 = cp(s2.p1, s2.p2, s1.p1), cp4 = cp(s2.p1, s2.p2, s1.p2); if ((cp1 * cp2 < 0) && (cp3 * cp4) < 0) return true; if (fabs(cp1) <= EPSILON && s1.contains(s2.p1)) return true; if (fabs(cp2) <= EPSILON && s1.contains(s2.p2)) return true; if (fabs(cp3) <= EPSILON && s2.contains(s1.p1)) return true; if (fabs(cp4) <= EPSILON && s2.contains(s1.p2)) return true; return false; }
bool isIntersected(segment s1, segment s2) { line p = getLine(s1.p1, s1.p2), q = getLine(s2.p1, s2.p2); if (fabs(p.a * q.b - q.a * p.b) < EPSILON) { if (fabs(cp(s1.p1, s1.p2, s2.p1)) < EPSILON) return s1.contains(s2.p1) || s1.contains(s2.p2); return false; } point pi = getIntersection(p, q); return s1.contains(pi) && s2.contains(pi); }
void test_segment(segment l1, segment l2) { cout << "segments intersection" << endl; l1.s_print(); l2.s_print(); int ans = segments_intersection(l1, l2); if(ans == 0) cout << "no intersection" << endl; else if(ans == 2) cout << "one segment is 'on' another" << endl; else if(ans == 1) cout << "two segments intersection" << endl; cout << endl; }
vector<segment> manyQuad(segment cubic,int narcs) /* Approximates cubic with narcs quadratics, where the first and last * are trimmed by the manyArcTrim function. */ { int i; double piecelength,thispiecelength,abscissa[5],overhang; double ordinate,lastordinate,startx; double startslope,midslope,endslope; double p,q,accel; vector<segment> ret; p=manyArcTrim(narcs); q=p*p-p+0.25; piecelength=cubic.length()/(narcs-2*p); overhang=piecelength*p; lastordinate=cubic.getstart().getz(); startx=cubic.getstart().getx(); for (i=0;i<narcs;i++) { abscissa[1]=i*piecelength+cubic.getstart().getx(); abscissa[0]=abscissa[1]-overhang; abscissa[2]=abscissa[0]+piecelength/2; abscissa[4]=abscissa[0]+piecelength; abscissa[3]=abscissa[4]-overhang; midslope=(cubic.slope(abscissa[3]-startx)+cubic.slope(abscissa[1]-startx))/2; accel=(cubic.slope(abscissa[3]-startx)-cubic.slope(abscissa[1]-startx))/(abscissa[3]-abscissa[1]); thispiecelength=piecelength; if (i) startslope=midslope-accel*piecelength/2; else { startslope=midslope-accel*(abscissa[2]-abscissa[1]); //cout<<"startslope="<<startslope<<", should be "<<cubic.startslope()<<endl; thispiecelength-=overhang; } if (i<narcs-1) endslope=midslope+accel*piecelength/2; else { endslope=midslope+accel*(abscissa[3]-abscissa[2]); //cout<<"endslope="<<endslope<<", should be "<<cubic.endslope()<<endl; thispiecelength-=overhang; } ordinate=lastordinate+thispiecelength*(startslope+endslope)/2; ret.push_back(segment(xyz(abscissa[i==0] ,0,lastordinate), xyz(abscissa[4-(i==narcs-1)],0, ordinate))); ret[i].setslope(START,startslope); ret[i].setslope(END,endslope); lastordinate=ordinate; } return ret; }
void file_storage::read (record& _record, const segment _segment) const throw (storage_exception&) { std::fstream file;, std::ios::binary|std::ios::in|std::ios::out); if(!file.is_open()) throw file_open("Error: '" + __fileName + "' can not be opened!"); file.seekg(_segment.begin);; if ((_record.size() != _segment.size()) | (file.tellg() != _segment.end + (std::streamoff)1)) throw io_error("I/O error during read: '" + __fileName + "' may be corrupt or there may be a bug in the program!"); file.close(); }
void preProcess(Mat &image) { Mat im1; cv::resize(image,im1,Size(640,480));,20); imshow("original1",image); image=s.proces(image,1,300,20); imshow("r",image); }
void file_storage::append (const record& _record, segment& _segment) throw (storage_exception&) { std::fstream file;, std::ios::binary|std::ios::in|std::ios::out|std::ios::ate); if(!file.is_open()) throw file_open("Error: '" + __fileName + "' can not be opened!"); _segment.begin = file.tellp(); _record.write(file); _segment.end = file.tellp() - (std::streamoff)1; if (_record.size() != _segment.size()) throw io_error("I/O error during append: '" + __fileName + "' may be corrupt or there may be a bug in the program!"); file.close(); }
vector<double> offsets(segment &a,vector<segment> &q) /* q is the piecewise quadratic approximation to a, the cubic corresponding * to a spiralarc. Returns the offsets of the endpoints of the elements of q * from a. These are used to offset points from the spiralarc along crossLines; * the points must then be adjusted. The 0th and last numbers returned are 0. */ { int i; double along; vector<double> ret; for (i=0;i<q.size();i++) { along=q[i].getstart().getx()-q[0].getstart().getx(); ret.push_back(q[i].getstart().getz()-a.station(along).getz()); } ret.push_back(0); return ret; }
bool operator<(const segment & a, const segment & b) { double x = max(min(a.p.x, a.q.x), min(b.p.x, b.q.x)); return a.get_y(x) < b.get_y(x) - eps; }
bool equalSegment(segment a, segment b) { return zero(a.angle() - b.angle()); }
bool cmpSegment(segment a, segment b) { if (!zero(a.angle() - b.angle())) return a.angle() < b.angle(); return (a.b - a.a) / (b.a - a.a) < 0; }
void drawSegment(segment s) { if (s.isDiameter()) { glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2d(s.getStart().getX(), s.getStart().getY()); glVertex2d(s.getEnd().getX(), s.getEnd().getY()); glEnd(); return; } double middle = s.getCenter().arg() + M_PI; complex startdef = (s.getStart() - s.getCenter())*unit(-middle); complex enddef = (s.getEnd() - s.getCenter())*unit(-middle); drawArc(s.getCenter(), s.getRadius(), middle + startdef.arg(), middle + enddef.arg()); }
segment transform::operator ()(segment s){ return s.mobius(c).rotate(th); }
bool operator>(const segment& cur) { double x = max(min(pointOne.x, pointTwo.x), min(cur.pointOne.x, cur.pointTwo.x)); return (gety(x) - eps) > cur.gety(x); }