コード例 #1
ファイル: stringTable.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
void stringTable::add(stringOop s) {
         "adding something that's not a string to the string table");
  assert(s->is_old(), "all strings should be tenured");
  int32 hashValue = hash(s->bytes(),  s->length());
  basic_add(s, hashValue);
コード例 #2
ファイル: slotsMap.cpp プロジェクト: AdamSpitz/self
oop slotsMap::copy_add_argument_slot(slotsOop obj,
                                     stringOop name, 
                                     slotType type,
                                     oop contents,
                                     oop anno,
                                     bool mustAllocate) {
  assert_smi(contents, "arg data must be position");

  if (!name->is_unary())
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(ARGUMENTCOUNTERROR);

  slotDesc* old = find_slot(name);
  slotsOop result;
  if (old == NULL)
    result= obj;
  else if (old->is_arg_slot()) {
    // No need to remove and reinsert because order is the same.
    // Only the annotation might be really different.
    // The index will be off by one (assumes that added slot is new)
    assert(smiOop(contents)->value() == smiOop(old->data)->value() + 1,
           "arg index wrong");
    return change_slot(obj, old, type, old->data, anno, mustAllocate);
  } else {
    result= (slotsOop)copy_remove_slot(obj, name, mustAllocate);
    if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop || result->is_mark()) return result;
    assert(result->is_slots(), "just checking");
  assert(smiOop(contents)->value() == arg_count(), "arg index wrong");
  return ((slotsMap*)result->map())->copy_add_new_slot(result, 
コード例 #3
ファイル: slotsMap.cpp プロジェクト: AdamSpitz/self
oop slotsMap::copy_add_data_slot(slotsOop obj,
                                 stringOop name, 
                                 slotType type,
                                 oop contents,
                                 oop anno,
                                 bool mustAllocate) {
  if (!name->is_unary()) {
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(SLOTNAMEERROR);

  slotDesc* old = find_slot(name);
  if (!old)
    return copy_add_new_slot(obj, name, type, contents, anno, mustAllocate);

  if (old->is_obj_slot())
    // change in place; if type is map_slot, just changes value
    return (slotsOop)change_slot(obj, old, OBJ_SLOT(type), contents, anno,

  // remove then add obj slot
  slotsOop result= copy_remove_one_slot(obj, old, mustAllocate);
  if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return result;
  slotsMap *new_map= (slotsMap*)result->map();
  return new_map->copy_add_new_slot(result, name, type, contents,
                                    anno, mustAllocate);
コード例 #4
ファイル: inlining.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
 void methodAppraiser::do_send_code( bool isSelfImplicit, stringOop sel, fint argc) {
               if (!isSelfImplicit) ++argc; // Explicit receiver
               bool penaltyFlag = false;
               for (fint argnum = 0; argnum < argc; argnum++) {
                 penaltyFlag |= penaltyStack.pop();
               if (sel->is_prim_name()) {
                 // a primitive; don't count the previous fail block in total length
                 cost -= failLen;
                 cost += cp->primCallCost;
               else if (isCheapMessage(sel)) {
                 cost += cp->cheapSendCost;
               else if (!UseLocalAccessBytecodes
                      &&  isSelfImplicit
                      &&  !( is.is_undirected_resend || is.delegatee )
                      &&  checkLocalSlot(sel, isLocal)) {
     // a local slot access
                 cost += cp->localSendCost;
               } else {
                 cost += isSelfImplicit ? cp->selfSendCost : cp->unknownSendCost;
                 if (penaltyFlag)  cost += cp->blockArgPenalty;
               failLen = 0;
               penaltyStack.push(false);  // penalties already taken into account
コード例 #5
ファイル: byteCodes.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
void AbstractByteCode::GenSendByteCode( fint offset, fint length,
                                        stringOop selector, 
                                        bool isSelfImplicit,
                                        bool isUndirectedResend, 
                                        stringOop resendTarget) {
  if (resendTarget != NULL) {
    GenDelegateeByteCode(offset, length, resendTarget);
  else if ( isUndirectedResend )
     GenUndirectedResendByteCode(offset, length);

  fint argc = selector->arg_count();
  if (GenArgCountBytecode  &&  argc != 0)
    GenCode(offset, length, 
            BuildCode( ARGUMENT_COUNT_CODE, 
                       GenIndex(offset, length, argc)));
  GenCode(offset, length,
          BuildCode( isSelfImplicit ? IMPLICIT_SEND_CODE : SEND_CODE, 
                     GenIndex(offset, length,
  if (!isSelfImplicit)
  stack_depth -= argc;
  assert(stack_depth >= 0, "negative stack?");
コード例 #6
ファイル: sicInline.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
 void SCodeScope::memoizeBlocks(stringOop sel) {
   // memoize block args so they aren't created for inlined cases
   fint top = exprStack->length();
   fint argc = sel->arg_count();
   for (fint i = 1; i <= argc; i++) {
     PReg* r = exprStack->nth(top - i)->preg();
     if (r->isBlockPReg()) ((BlockPReg*)r)->memoize();
コード例 #7
ファイル: vframeMap.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
oop vframeMap::mirror_contents_at(oop obj, stringOop name) {
  slotDesc* sd = vfo->method()->find_nonVM_slot(name);
  if (sd == NULL) return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(SLOTNAMEERROR);
  if (sd->is_obj_slot() && name->is_1arg_keyword())
    return Memory->assignmentMirrorObj;
  abstract_vframe* vf = vfo->as_vframe();
  oop contents = vf->get_slot(sd);
  return contents->as_mirror();
コード例 #8
ファイル: processOop.cpp プロジェクト: ardeujho/self
oop processOopClass::NewProcess_prim(smi stackSize, oop rcvr, stringOop sel, 
                                     objVectorOop args, void *FH) {
  ResourceMark rm;
  char *selector = sel->copy_null_terminated();
  if (stackSize <= 0 || str_arg_count(selector) > args->length()) {
    return NULL;
  Process* p;
  p = new Process(this, stackSize, rcvr, sel, args);
  return p->processObj();
コード例 #9
ファイル: slotsMap.cpp プロジェクト: AdamSpitz/self
oop slotsMap::copy_add_assignment_slot(slotsOop obj,
                                       stringOop name,
                                       slotType type,
                                       oop annoIgnored,
                                       bool mustAllocate) {
  if (!name->is_1arg_keyword())
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(ARGUMENTCOUNTERROR);

  assert(obj->is_slots() && this == obj->map(), "insecurity");

  // find the data slot

  slotDesc* ds= find_assignee_slot(name);

  if (ds == NULL)
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(LONELYASSIGNMENTSLOTERROR);

  if (ds->is_obj_slot())
    // slot already exists -- nothing to do
    return obj->clone(mustAllocate);

  // must be a map slot
  if (!NakedMethods && ds->data->is_method_like())
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(UNASSIGNABLESLOTERROR);

  // remove old map data slot
  slotsOop result= copy_remove_one_slot(obj, ds, mustAllocate);
  if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return failedAllocationOop;
  slotsMap *new_map= (slotsMap*)result->map();

  // remove any existing method by same name
  slotDesc* old= new_map->find_slot(name);
  if (old) {
    result= new_map->copy_remove_one_slot(result, old, mustAllocate);
    if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return result;
    new_map= (slotsMap*)result->map();
    assert(result->is_slots(), "just checking");
  } else {
    result= obj;

  // Add in obj slot - enlarge object and put data into it from map
  result= new_map->copy_add_new_slot(result, ds->name, OBJ_SLOT(ds->type),
                                     ds->data, ds->annotation, mustAllocate);
  if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return failedAllocationOop;
  assert(result->is_slots(), "should not fail");

  return result;
コード例 #10
ファイル: slotsMap.cpp プロジェクト: AdamSpitz/self
oop slotsMap::copy_add_method_slot( slotsOop obj,
                                    stringOop name, 
                                    slotType type, 
                                    oop contents,
                                    oop anno,
                                    bool mustAllocate) {

  if (type->is_vm_slot()) {
    // skip all the checks and do not try to remove it, since
    // vm slots do not change from obj to map, and rm will fetch anyway
    slotDesc* sd = obj->find_slot(name);
    return sd != NULL
     ? change_slot      (obj, sd,   type, contents, anno, mustAllocate)
     : copy_add_new_slot(obj, name, type, contents, anno, mustAllocate);
  if ( contents->arg_count() != name->arg_count() )
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(ARGUMENTCOUNTERROR);

  if (obj->is_method_like())
    return ErrorCodes::vmString_prim_error(BADTYPEERROR); // cannot add methods to methods

  slotDesc *old= find_slot(name);
  if (old && old->is_map_slot())
    // change in situ
    return change_slot(obj, old, type, contents, anno, mustAllocate);

  slotsOop result;
  if (old) {
    // remove the old slot, then add in a new one
    result= (slotsOop)copy_remove_one_slot(obj, old, mustAllocate);
    if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return failedAllocationOop;

    if (old->is_assignment_slot_name(name)) {
      // replace the data slot as a map slot
      result= ((slotsMap*)result->map())->
        copy_add_new_slot(result, old->name, MAP_SLOT(old->type),
                          obj->get_slot(old), old->annotation, mustAllocate);
      if (oop(result) == failedAllocationOop) return failedAllocationOop;
  } else
    result= obj;

  return ((slotsMap*)result->map())->
    copy_add_new_slot(result, name, MAP_SLOT(type), contents, anno,
コード例 #11
ファイル: stringTable.cpp プロジェクト: AaronNGray/self
stringOop stringTable::basic_add(stringOop s, int32 hashValue) {
         "adding something that's not a string to the string table");
  assert(s->is_old(), "all strings should be tenured");
  // Canonical strings must have a hash value (for _IdentityHash) that
  // is a pure function of the chars in the string.  Otherwise, their
  // hash value would change when they are discarded by a GC and re-
  // created later.
  assert(s->mark()->hash() == no_hash, "should not have a hash yet");
  assert(s->mark()->hash() != no_hash, "should have a hash now");

  stringTableEntry* bucket = bucketFor(hashValue);
  stringTableLink*  old_link;
  if (bucket->is_string()) {
    old_link = Memory->string_table->new_link(bucket->get_string());
  } else {
    old_link = bucket->get_link();
  bucket->set_link(Memory->string_table->new_link(s, old_link));
  return s;