static stuff_list_adder add_unit_entry(stuff_list_adder& progress, const unit& u, const display_context& dc) { Uint32 team_color = game_config::tc_info(dc.get_team(u.side()).color())[0]; std::stringstream s; s << '(' << u.get_location() << ')'; progress.widget("loc", s.str()); s.str(""); s << "<span color='#" << std::hex << team_color << std::dec; s << "'>side=" << u.side() << "</span>"; progress.widget("side", s.str(), true); if(u.can_recruit()) { progress.widget("leader", "<span color='yellow'>LEADER</span> ", true); } s.str(""); s << "id=\"" << << '"'; progress.widget("id", s.str()); progress.widget("type", u.type_id()); s.str(""); s << "L" << u.level(); progress.widget("level", s.str()); s.str(""); s << u.experience() << '/' << u.max_experience() << " xp"; progress.widget("xp", s.str()); s.str(""); s << u.hitpoints() << '/' << u.max_hitpoints() << " hp"; progress.widget("hp", s.str()); progress.widget("traits", utils::join(u.get_traits_list(), ", ")); return progress; }
static std::string format_stats(const unit& u) { const std::string name = "<span size='large'>" + (! ? : " ") + "</span>"; std::string traits; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string& trait, u.get_traits_list()) { traits += (traits.empty() ? "" : ", ") + trait; } if (traits.empty()) { traits = " "; } std::stringstream str; str << name << "\n"; str << "<small>"; str << "<span color='#f5e6c1'>" << u.type_name() << "</span>" << "\n"; str << "Lvl " << u.level() << "\n"; str << u.alignment() << "\n"; str << traits << "\n"; str << font::span_color(u.hp_color()) << _("HP: ") << u.hitpoints() << "/" << u.max_hitpoints() << "</span>" << "\n"; str << font::span_color(u.xp_color()) << _("XP: ") << u.experience() << "/" << u.max_experience() << "</span>" << "\n"; str << "</small>" << "\n"; return str.str(); }
battle_context_unit_stats::battle_context_unit_stats(const unit &u, const map_location& u_loc, int u_attack_num, bool attacking, const unit &opp, const map_location& opp_loc, const attack_type *opp_weapon, const unit_map& units) : weapon(NULL), attack_num(u_attack_num), is_attacker(attacking), is_poisoned(u.get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED)), is_slowed(u.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED)), slows(false), drains(false), petrifies(false), plagues(false), poisons(false), backstab_pos(false), swarm(false), firststrike(false), experience(u.experience()), max_experience(u.max_experience()), level(u.level()), rounds(1), hp(0), max_hp(u.max_hitpoints()), chance_to_hit(0), damage(0), slow_damage(0), drain_percent(0), drain_constant(0), num_blows(0), swarm_min(0), swarm_max(0), plague_type() { // Get the current state of the unit. if (attack_num >= 0) { weapon = &u.attacks()[attack_num]; } if(u.hitpoints() < 0) { LOG_CF << "Unit with " << u.hitpoints() << " hitpoints found, set to 0 for damage calculations\n"; hp = 0; } else if(u.hitpoints() > u.max_hitpoints()) { // If a unit has more hp than its maximum, the engine will fail // with an assertion failure due to accessing the prob_matrix // out of bounds. hp = u.max_hitpoints(); } else { hp = u.hitpoints(); } // Get the weapon characteristics, if any. if (weapon) { weapon->set_specials_context(u_loc, opp_loc, attacking, opp_weapon); if (opp_weapon) opp_weapon->set_specials_context(opp_loc, u_loc, !attacking, weapon); slows = weapon->get_special_bool("slow"); drains = !opp.get_state("undrainable") && weapon->get_special_bool("drains"); petrifies = weapon->get_special_bool("petrifies"); poisons = !opp.get_state("unpoisonable") && weapon->get_special_bool("poison") && !opp.get_state(unit::STATE_POISONED); backstab_pos = is_attacker && backstab_check(u_loc, opp_loc, units, *resources::teams); rounds = weapon->get_specials("berserk").highest("value", 1).first; firststrike = weapon->get_special_bool("firststrike"); // Handle plague. unit_ability_list plague_specials = weapon->get_specials("plague"); plagues = !opp.get_state("unplagueable") && !plague_specials.empty() && strcmp(opp.undead_variation().c_str(), "null") && !resources::game_map->is_village(opp_loc); if (plagues) { plague_type = (*plague_specials.front().first)["type"].str(); if (plague_type.empty()) plague_type = u.type().base_id(); } // Compute chance to hit. chance_to_hit = opp.defense_modifier( resources::game_map->get_terrain(opp_loc)) + weapon->accuracy() - (opp_weapon ? opp_weapon->parry() : 0); if(chance_to_hit > 100) { chance_to_hit = 100; } unit_ability_list cth_specials = weapon->get_specials("chance_to_hit"); unit_abilities::effect cth_effects(cth_specials, chance_to_hit, backstab_pos); chance_to_hit = cth_effects.get_composite_value(); // Compute base damage done with the weapon. int base_damage = weapon->modified_damage(backstab_pos); // Get the damage multiplier applied to the base damage of the weapon. int damage_multiplier = 100; // Time of day bonus. damage_multiplier += combat_modifier(u_loc, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless()); // Leadership bonus. int leader_bonus = 0; if (under_leadership(units, u_loc, &leader_bonus).valid()) damage_multiplier += leader_bonus; // Resistance modifier. damage_multiplier *= opp.damage_from(*weapon, !attacking, opp_loc); // Compute both the normal and slowed damage. damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 10000); slow_damage = round_damage(base_damage, damage_multiplier, 20000); if (is_slowed) damage = slow_damage; // Compute drain amounts only if draining is possible. if(drains) { unit_ability_list drain_specials = weapon->get_specials("drains"); // Compute the drain percent (with 50% as the base for backward compatibility) unit_abilities::effect drain_percent_effects(drain_specials, 50, backstab_pos); drain_percent = drain_percent_effects.get_composite_value(); } // Add heal_on_hit (the drain constant) unit_ability_list heal_on_hit_specials = weapon->get_specials("heal_on_hit"); unit_abilities::effect heal_on_hit_effects(heal_on_hit_specials, 0, backstab_pos); drain_constant += heal_on_hit_effects.get_composite_value(); drains = drain_constant || drain_percent; // Compute the number of blows and handle swarm. weapon->modified_attacks(backstab_pos, swarm_min, swarm_max); swarm = swarm_min != swarm_max; num_blows = calc_blows(hp); } }
void unit_drawer::redraw_unit (const unit & u) const { unit_animation_component & ac = u.anim_comp(); map_location loc = u.get_location(); int side = u.side(); bool hidden = u.get_hidden(); bool is_flying = u.is_flying(); map_location::DIRECTION facing = u.facing(); int hitpoints = u.hitpoints(); int max_hitpoints = u.max_hitpoints(); int movement_left = u.movement_left(); int total_movement = u.total_movement(); bool can_recruit = u.can_recruit(); bool can_advance = u.can_advance(); int experience = u.experience(); int max_experience = u.max_experience(); bool emit_zoc = u.emits_zoc(); SDL_Color hp_color=u.hp_color(); SDL_Color xp_color=u.xp_color(); std::string ellipse=u.image_ellipse(); if ( hidden || is_blindfolded || !u.is_visible_to_team(viewing_team_ref,map, show_everything) ) { ac.clear_haloes(); if(ac.anim_) { ac.anim_->update_last_draw_time(); } return; } if (!ac.anim_) { ac.set_standing(); if (!ac.anim_) return; } if (ac.refreshing_) return; ac.refreshing_ = true; ac.anim_->update_last_draw_time(); frame_parameters params; const t_translation::t_terrain terrain = map.get_terrain(loc); const terrain_type& terrain_info = map.get_terrain_info(terrain); // do not set to 0 so we can distinguish the flying from the "not on submerge terrain" // instead use -1.0 (as in "negative depth", it will be ignored by rendering) params.submerge= is_flying ? -1.0 : terrain_info.unit_submerge(); if (u.invisible(loc) && params.highlight_ratio > 0.5) { params.highlight_ratio = 0.5; } if (loc == sel_hex && params.highlight_ratio == 1.0) { params.highlight_ratio = 1.5; } int height_adjust = static_cast<int>(terrain_info.unit_height_adjust() * zoom_factor); if (is_flying && height_adjust < 0) { height_adjust = 0; } params.y -= height_adjust; params.halo_y -= height_adjust; int red = 0,green = 0,blue = 0,tints = 0; double blend_ratio = 0; // Add future colored states here if(u.poisoned()) { green += 255; blend_ratio += 0.25; tints += 1; } if(u.slowed()) { red += 191; green += 191; blue += 255; blend_ratio += 0.25; tints += 1; } if(tints > 0) { params.blend_with = disp.rgb((red/tints),(green/tints),(blue/tints)); params.blend_ratio = ((blend_ratio/tints)); } //hackish : see unit_frame::merge_parameters // we use image_mod on the primary image // and halo_mod on secondary images and all haloes params.image_mod = u.image_mods(); params.halo_mod = u.TC_image_mods(); params.image= u.default_anim_image(); if(u.incapacitated()) params.image_mod +="~GS()"; params.primary_frame = t_true; const frame_parameters adjusted_params = ac.anim_->get_current_params(params); const map_location dst = loc.get_direction(facing); const int xsrc = disp.get_location_x(loc); const int ysrc = disp.get_location_y(loc); const int xdst = disp.get_location_x(dst); const int ydst = disp.get_location_y(dst); const int x = static_cast<int>(adjusted_params.offset * xdst + (1.0-adjusted_params.offset) * xsrc) + hex_size_by_2; const int y = static_cast<int>(adjusted_params.offset * ydst + (1.0-adjusted_params.offset) * ysrc) + hex_size_by_2; bool has_halo = ac.unit_halo_ && ac.unit_halo_->valid(); if(!has_halo && !u.image_halo().empty()) { ac.unit_halo_ = halo_man.add(0, 0, u.image_halo()+u.TC_image_mods(), map_location(-1, -1)); } if(has_halo && u.image_halo().empty()) { halo_man.remove(ac.unit_halo_); ac.unit_halo_ = halo::handle(); //halo::NO_HALO; } else if(has_halo) { halo_man.set_location(ac.unit_halo_, x, y - height_adjust); } // We draw bars only if wanted, visible on the map view bool draw_bars = ac.draw_bars_ ; if (draw_bars) { SDL_Rect unit_rect = sdl::create_rect(xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y, hex_size, hex_size); draw_bars = sdl::rects_overlap(unit_rect, disp.map_outside_area()); } #ifdef SDL_GPU sdl::timage ellipse_front; sdl::timage ellipse_back; #else surface ellipse_front(nullptr); surface ellipse_back(nullptr); #endif int ellipse_floating = 0; // Always show the ellipse for selected units if(draw_bars && (preferences::show_side_colors() || sel_hex == loc)) { if(adjusted_params.submerge > 0.0) { // The division by 2 seems to have no real meaning, // It just works fine with the current center of ellipse // and prevent a too large adjust if submerge = 1.0 ellipse_floating = static_cast<int>(adjusted_params.submerge * hex_size_by_2); } if(ellipse.empty()){ ellipse="misc/ellipse"; } if(ellipse != "none") { // check if the unit has a ZoC or can recruit const char* const nozoc = emit_zoc ? "" : "nozoc-"; const char* const leader = can_recruit ? "leader-" : ""; const char* const selected = sel_hex == loc ? "selected-" : ""; // Load the ellipse parts recolored to match team color char buf[100]; std::string tc=team::get_side_color_index(side); #ifdef SDL_GPU snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s-%s%s%stop.png~RC(ellipse_red>%s)",ellipse.c_str(),leader,nozoc,selected,tc.c_str()); ellipse_back = image::get_texture(image::locator(buf), image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s-%s%s%sbottom.png~RC(ellipse_red>%s)",ellipse.c_str(),leader,nozoc,selected,tc.c_str()); ellipse_front = image::get_texture(image::locator(buf), image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM); #else snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s-%s%s%stop.png~RC(ellipse_red>%s)",ellipse.c_str(),leader,nozoc,selected,tc.c_str()); ellipse_back.assign(image::get_image(image::locator(buf), image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%s-%s%s%sbottom.png~RC(ellipse_red>%s)",ellipse.c_str(),leader,nozoc,selected,tc.c_str()); ellipse_front.assign(image::get_image(image::locator(buf), image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); #endif } } #ifdef SDL_GPU if (!ellipse_back.null()) { //disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BG, loc, disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FIRST, loc, xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y-ellipse_floating, ellipse_back); } if (!ellipse_front.null()) { //disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FG, loc, disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FIRST, loc, xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y-ellipse_floating, ellipse_front); } #else if (ellipse_back != nullptr) { //disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BG, loc, disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FIRST, loc, xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y-ellipse_floating, ellipse_back); } if (ellipse_front != nullptr) { //disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FG, loc, disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_FIRST, loc, xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y-ellipse_floating, ellipse_front); } #endif if(draw_bars) { const image::locator* orb_img = nullptr; const surface unit_img = image::get_image(u.default_anim_image(), image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM); const int xoff = (hex_size - unit_img->w)/2; const int yoff = (hex_size - unit_img->h)/2; /*static*/ const image::locator partmoved_orb(game_config::images::orb + "~RC(magenta>" + preferences::partial_color() + ")" ); /*static*/ const image::locator moved_orb(game_config::images::orb + "~RC(magenta>" + preferences::moved_color() + ")" ); /*static*/ const image::locator ally_orb(game_config::images::orb + "~RC(magenta>" + preferences::allied_color() + ")" ); /*static*/ const image::locator enemy_orb(game_config::images::orb + "~RC(magenta>" + preferences::enemy_color() + ")" ); /*static*/ const image::locator unmoved_orb(game_config::images::orb + "~RC(magenta>" + preferences::unmoved_color() + ")" ); const std::string* energy_file = &game_config::images::energy; if(size_t(side) != viewing_team+1) { if(disp.team_valid() && viewing_team_ref.is_enemy(side)) { if (preferences::show_enemy_orb() && !u.incapacitated()) orb_img = &enemy_orb; else orb_img = nullptr; } else { if (preferences::show_allied_orb()) orb_img = &ally_orb; else orb_img = nullptr; } } else { if (preferences::show_moved_orb()) orb_img = &moved_orb; else orb_img = nullptr; if(playing_team == viewing_team && !u.user_end_turn()) { if (movement_left == total_movement) { if (preferences::show_unmoved_orb()) orb_img = &unmoved_orb; else orb_img = nullptr; } else if ( dc.unit_can_move(u) ) { if (preferences::show_partial_orb()) orb_img = &partmoved_orb; else orb_img = nullptr; } } } if (orb_img != nullptr) { surface orb(image::get_image(*orb_img,image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BAR, loc, xsrc + xoff, ysrc + yoff + adjusted_params.y, orb); } double unit_energy = 0.0; if(max_hitpoints > 0) { unit_energy = double(hitpoints)/double(max_hitpoints); } const int bar_shift = static_cast<int>(-5*zoom_factor); const int hp_bar_height = static_cast<int>(max_hitpoints * u.hp_bar_scaling()); const fixed_t bar_alpha = (loc == mouse_hex || loc == sel_hex) ? ftofxp(1.0): ftofxp(0.8); draw_bar(*energy_file, xsrc+xoff+bar_shift, ysrc+yoff+adjusted_params.y, loc, hp_bar_height, unit_energy,hp_color, bar_alpha); if(experience > 0 && can_advance) { const double filled = double(experience)/double(max_experience); const int xp_bar_height = static_cast<int>(max_experience * u.xp_bar_scaling() / std::max<int>(u.level(),1)); draw_bar(*energy_file, xsrc+xoff, ysrc+yoff+adjusted_params.y, loc, xp_bar_height, filled, xp_color, bar_alpha); } if (can_recruit) { surface crown(image::get_image(u.leader_crown(),image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); if(!crown.null()) { //if(bar_alpha != ftofxp(1.0)) { // crown = adjust_surface_alpha(crown, bar_alpha); //} disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BAR, loc, xsrc+xoff, ysrc+yoff+adjusted_params.y, crown); } } for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator ov = u.overlays().begin(); ov != u.overlays().end(); ++ov) { #ifdef SDL_GPU const sdl::timage ov_img(image::get_texture(*ov, image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); if(!ov_img.null()) { disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BAR, loc, xsrc, ysrc +adjusted_params.y, ov_img); } #else const surface ov_img(image::get_image(*ov, image::SCALED_TO_ZOOM)); if(ov_img != nullptr) { disp.drawing_buffer_add(display::LAYER_UNIT_BAR, loc, xsrc+xoff, ysrc+yoff+adjusted_params.y, ov_img); } #endif } } // Smooth unit movements from terrain of different elevation. // Do this separately from above so that the health bar doesn't go up and down. const t_translation::t_terrain terrain_dst = map.get_terrain(dst); const terrain_type& terrain_dst_info = map.get_terrain_info(terrain_dst); int height_adjust_unit = static_cast<int>((terrain_info.unit_height_adjust() * (1.0 - adjusted_params.offset) + terrain_dst_info.unit_height_adjust() * adjusted_params.offset) * zoom_factor); if (is_flying && height_adjust_unit < 0) { height_adjust_unit = 0; } params.y -= height_adjust_unit - height_adjust; params.halo_y -= height_adjust_unit - height_adjust; ac.anim_->redraw(params, halo_man); ac.refreshing_ = false; }
void tunit_preview_pane::set_displayed_unit(const unit& u) { // Sets the current type id for the profile button callback to use current_type_ = u.type_id(); if(icon_type_) { std::string mods = u.image_mods(); if(u.can_recruit()) { mods += "~BLIT(" + unit::leader_crown() + ")"; } for(const std::string& overlay : u.overlays()) { mods += "~BLIT(" + overlay + ")"; } mods += "~SCALE_INTO_SHARP(144,144)" + image_mods_; icon_type_->set_label(u.absolute_image() + mods); } if(label_name_) { std::string name; if(! { name = "<span size='large'>" + + "</span>" + "\n" + "<small><span color='#a69275'>" + u.type_name() + "</span></small>"; } else { name = "<span size='large'>" + u.type_name() + "</span>\n"; } label_name_->set_label(name); label_name_->set_use_markup(true); } if(label_level_) { std::string l_str = vgettext("Lvl $lvl", {{"lvl", std::to_string(u.level())}}); label_level_->set_label("<b>" + l_str + "</b>"); label_level_->set_use_markup(true); } if(icon_race_) { icon_race_->set_label("icons/unit-groups/race_" + u.race()->id() + "_30.png"); icon_race_->set_tooltip(u.race()->name(u.gender())); } if(icon_alignment_) { const std::string& alignment_name = u.alignment().to_string(); icon_alignment_->set_label("icons/alignments/alignment_" + alignment_name + "_30.png"); icon_alignment_->set_tooltip(unit_type::alignment_description( u.alignment(), u.gender())); } if(label_details_minimal_) { std::stringstream str; const std::string name = "<span size='large'>" + (! ? : " ") + "</span>"; str << name << "\n"; str << "<span color='#a69275'>" << u.type_name() << "</span>" << "\n"; str << "Lvl " << u.level() << "\n"; str << u.alignment() << "\n"; str << utils::join(u.trait_names(), ", ") << "\n"; str << font::span_color(u.hp_color()) << _("HP: ") << u.hitpoints() << "/" << u.max_hitpoints() << "</span>" << "\n"; str << font::span_color(u.xp_color()) << _("XP: ") << u.experience() << "/" << u.max_experience() << "</span>"; label_details_minimal_->set_label(str.str()); label_details_minimal_->set_use_markup(true); } if(tree_details_) { std::stringstream str; str << "<small>"; str << font::span_color(u.hp_color()) << "<b>" << _("HP: ") << "</b>" << u.hitpoints() << "/" << u.max_hitpoints() << "</span>" << " | "; str << font::span_color(u.xp_color()) << "<b>" << _("XP: ") << "</b>" << u.experience() << "/" << u.max_experience() << "</span>" << " | "; str << "<b>" << _("MP: ") << "</b>" << u.movement_left() << "/" << u.total_movement(); str << "</small>"; tree_details_->clear(); add_name_tree_node( tree_details_->get_root_node(), "item", str.str() ); if (!u.trait_names().empty()) { auto& header_node = add_name_tree_node( tree_details_->get_root_node(), "header", "<b>" + _("Traits") + "</b>" ); assert(u.trait_names().size() == u.trait_descriptions().size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < u.trait_names().size(); ++i) { add_name_tree_node( header_node, "item", u.trait_names()[i], u.trait_descriptions()[i] ); } } if (!u.get_ability_list().empty()) { auto& header_node = add_name_tree_node( tree_details_->get_root_node(), "header", "<b>" + _("Abilities") + "</b>" ); for (const auto& ab : u.ability_tooltips()) { add_name_tree_node( header_node, "item", std::get<1>(ab), std::get<2>(ab) ); } } print_attack_details(u.attacks(), tree_details_->get_root_node()); } }
static int attack_info(reports::context & rc, const attack_type &at, config &res, const unit &u, const map_location &displayed_unit_hex) { std::ostringstream str, tooltip; at.set_specials_context(displayed_unit_hex, u.side() == rc.screen().playing_side()); int base_damage = at.damage(); int specials_damage = at.modified_damage(false); int damage_multiplier = 100; int tod_bonus = combat_modifier(rc.units(),, displayed_unit_hex, u.alignment(), u.is_fearless()); damage_multiplier += tod_bonus; int leader_bonus = 0; if (under_leadership(rc.units(), displayed_unit_hex, &leader_bonus).valid()) damage_multiplier += leader_bonus; bool slowed = u.get_state(unit::STATE_SLOWED); int damage_divisor = slowed ? 20000 : 10000; // Assume no specific resistance (i.e. multiply by 100). int damage = round_damage(specials_damage, damage_multiplier * 100, damage_divisor); // Hit points are used to calculate swarm, so they need to be bounded. unsigned max_hp = u.max_hitpoints(); unsigned cur_hp = std::min<unsigned>(std::max(0, u.hitpoints()), max_hp); unsigned base_attacks = at.num_attacks(); unsigned min_attacks, max_attacks; at.modified_attacks(false, min_attacks, max_attacks); unsigned num_attacks = swarm_blows(min_attacks, max_attacks, cur_hp, max_hp); SDL_Color dmg_color = font::weapon_color; if ( damage > specials_damage ) dmg_color = font::good_dmg_color; else if ( damage < specials_damage ) dmg_color = font::bad_dmg_color; str << span_color(dmg_color) << " " << damage << naps << span_color(font::weapon_color) << font::weapon_numbers_sep << num_attacks << ' ' << << "</span>\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon: ") << "<b>" << << "</b>\n" << _("Damage: ") << "<b>" << damage << "</b>\n"; if ( tod_bonus || leader_bonus || slowed || specials_damage != base_damage ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Base damage: ") << base_damage << '\n'; if ( specials_damage != base_damage ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << specials_damage << '\n'; } if (tod_bonus) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Time of day: ") << utils::signed_percent(tod_bonus) << '\n'; } if (leader_bonus) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Leadership: ") << utils::signed_percent(leader_bonus) << '\n'; } if (slowed) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Slowed: ") << "/ 2" << '\n'; } } tooltip << _("Attacks: ") << "<b>" << num_attacks << "</b>\n"; if ( max_attacks != min_attacks && cur_hp != max_hp ) { if ( max_attacks < min_attacks ) { // "Reverse swarm" tooltip << '\t' << _("Max swarm bonus: ") << (min_attacks-max_attacks) << '\n'; tooltip << '\t' << _("Swarm: ") << "* "<< (100 - cur_hp*100/max_hp) << "%\n"; tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << '+' << base_attacks << '\n'; // The specials line will not necessarily match up with how the // specials are calculated, but for an unusual case, simple brevity // trumps complexities. if ( max_attacks != base_attacks ) { int attack_diff = int(max_attacks) - int(base_attacks); tooltip << '\t' << _("Specials: ") << utils::signed_value(attack_diff) << '\n'; } } else { // Regular swarm tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << base_attacks << '\n'; if ( max_attacks != base_attacks ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << max_attacks << '\n'; } if ( min_attacks != 0 ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Subject to swarm: ") << (max_attacks-min_attacks) << '\n'; } tooltip << '\t' << _("Swarm: ") << "* "<< (cur_hp*100/max_hp) << "%\n"; } } else if ( num_attacks != base_attacks ) { tooltip << '\t' << _("Base attacks: ") << base_attacks << '\n'; tooltip << '\t' << _("With specials: ") << num_attacks << '\n'; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); std::string range = string_table["range_" + at.range()]; std::string lang_type = string_table["type_" + at.type()]; str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << " " << range << font::weapon_details_sep << lang_type << "</span>\n"; tooltip << _("Weapon range: ") << "<b>" << range << "</b>\n" << _("Damage type: ") << "<b>" << lang_type << "</b>\n" << _("Damage versus: ") << '\n'; // Show this weapon damage and resistance against all the different units. // We want weak resistances (= good damage) first. std::map<int, std::set<std::string>, std::greater<int> > resistances; std::set<std::string> seen_types; const team &unit_team = rc.teams()[u.side() - 1]; const team &viewing_team = rc.teams()[rc.screen().viewing_team()]; for (const unit &enemy : rc.units()) { if (enemy.incapacitated()) //we can't attack statues so don't display them in this tooltip continue; if (!unit_team.is_enemy(enemy.side())) continue; const map_location &loc = enemy.get_location(); if (viewing_team.fogged(loc) || (viewing_team.is_enemy(enemy.side()) && enemy.invisible(loc))) continue; bool new_type = seen_types.insert(enemy.type_id()).second; if (new_type) { int resistance = enemy.resistance_against(at, false, loc); resistances[resistance].insert(enemy.type_name()); } } typedef std::pair<int, std::set<std::string> > resist_units; for (const resist_units &resist : resistances) { int damage = round_damage(specials_damage, damage_multiplier * resist.first, damage_divisor); tooltip << "<b>" << damage << "</b> " << "<i>(" << utils::signed_percent(resist.first-100) << ")</i> : " << utils::join(resist.second, ", ") << '\n'; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); const std::string &accuracy_parry = at.accuracy_parry_description(); if (!accuracy_parry.empty()) { str << span_color(font::weapon_details_color) << " " << accuracy_parry << "</span>\n"; int accuracy = at.accuracy(); if (accuracy) { tooltip << _("Accuracy:") << "<b>" << utils::signed_percent(accuracy) << "</b>\n"; } int parry = at.parry(); if (parry) { tooltip << _("Parry:") << "<b>" << utils::signed_percent(parry) << "</b>\n"; } add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip)); } at.set_specials_context_for_listing(); std::vector<bool> active; const std::vector<std::pair<t_string, t_string> > &specials = at.special_tooltips(&active); const size_t specials_size = specials.size(); for ( size_t i = 0; i != specials_size; ++i ) { // Aliases for readability: const t_string &name = specials[i].first; const t_string &description = specials[i].second; const SDL_Color &details_color = active[i] ? font::weapon_details_color : font::inactive_details_color; str << span_color(details_color) << " " << " " << name << naps << '\n'; std::string help_page = "weaponspecial_" + name.base_str(); tooltip << _("Weapon special: ") << "<b>" << name << "</b>"; if ( !active[i] ) tooltip << "<i>" << _(" (inactive)") << "</i>"; tooltip << '\n' << description; add_text(res, flush(str), flush(tooltip), help_page); } return damage; }