コード例 #1
ファイル: p2.cpp プロジェクト: cbkrunch/myCode
		void beFriend(string s1, string s2){
			if(graph.find(s1) == graph.end())//Finish statment
			if(graph.find(s2) == graph.end())
				graph.emplace(s2, node(s2));
コード例 #2
void* GPUMemory::thread_pinned_buffer(size_t size, int group) {
  CHECK_GT(size, 0);
  auto host_buffer_cleaner = [&](void* buffer) {
    shared_lock<shared_mutex> lock(GPUMemory::read_write_mutex());
  auto device_buffer_cleaner = [&](void* buffer) {};
  static thread_local
  unordered_map<int, unique_ptr<void, decltype(host_buffer_cleaner)>> host_buffers;
  static thread_local
  unordered_map<int, unique_ptr<void, decltype(device_buffer_cleaner)>> device_buffers;
  static thread_local vector<size_t> sizes;
  if (group + 1U > sizes.size()) {
    sizes.resize(group + 1U);
  if (size > sizes[group]) {
    void* hptr;
    void* dptr;
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaHostAlloc(&hptr, size, cudaHostAllocMapped));
    CUDA_CHECK(cudaHostGetDevicePointer(&dptr, hptr, 0));
        unique_ptr<void, decltype(host_buffer_cleaner)>(hptr, host_buffer_cleaner)));
        unique_ptr<void, decltype(device_buffer_cleaner)>(dptr, device_buffer_cleaner)));
    sizes[group] = size;
  return device_buffers.find(group)->second.get();
コード例 #3
ファイル: contractor_gsl.cpp プロジェクト: scungao/dreal-next
contractor mk_contractor_gsl(box const & box, shared_ptr<ode_constraint> const ctr, contractor const & eval_ctc, ode_direction const dir, bool const use_cache, double const timeout) {
    if (!use_cache) {
        return contractor(make_shared<contractor_gsl>(box, ctr, eval_ctc, dir, timeout));
    if (dir == ode_direction::FWD) {
        static unordered_map<shared_ptr<ode_constraint>, contractor> gsl_fwd_ctc_cache;
        auto it = gsl_fwd_ctc_cache.find(ctr);
        if (it == gsl_fwd_ctc_cache.end()) {
            contractor ctc(make_shared<contractor_gsl>(box, ctr, eval_ctc, dir, timeout));
            gsl_fwd_ctc_cache.emplace(ctr, ctc);
            return ctc;
        } else {
            return it->second;
    } else {
        static unordered_map<shared_ptr<ode_constraint>, contractor> gsl_bwd_ctc_cache;
        auto it = gsl_bwd_ctc_cache.find(ctr);
        if (it == gsl_bwd_ctc_cache.end()) {
            contractor ctc(make_shared<contractor_gsl>(box, ctr, eval_ctc, dir, timeout));
            gsl_bwd_ctc_cache.emplace(ctr, ctc);
            return ctc;
        } else {
            return it->second;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MidiDevice.hpp プロジェクト: analoq/seq
  shared_ptr<Event> read()
    uint8_t buffer_in[3];
    snd_rawmidi_read(handle_in, &buffer_in, 3);

    shared_ptr<NoteOnEvent> note_on, note_off;

    switch ( buffer_in[0] & 0xF0 )
      case MIDI_NOTE_ON:
        if ( buffer_in[2] )
          note_on = shared_ptr<NoteOnEvent>(new NoteOnEvent { buffer_in[1], buffer_in[2] });
          open_notes.emplace(buffer_in[1], note_on);
          return note_on;
          note_on = open_notes.at(buffer_in[1]);
          return shared_ptr<Event>(new NoteOffEvent { note_on });

      case MIDI_NOTE_OFF:
        note_on = open_notes.at(buffer_in[1]);
        return shared_ptr<Event>(new NoteOffEvent { note_on });

      case MIDI_CONTROL:
        return shared_ptr<Event>(new ControlEvent { static_cast<ControlEvent::Controller>(buffer_in[1]), buffer_in[2] });
        return shared_ptr<Event>(new Event {});
コード例 #5
void FPTree::mineTree(string &prefix, unordered_map<string,int> &frequent)
	vector<node> key_count;
	for (auto iter = head.begin(); iter != head.end(); ++iter)
		key_count.emplace_back(node(iter->first, iter->second->count));
	sort(key_count.begin(), key_count.end(), node::comparer::less());
	for (auto iter = key_count.begin(); iter != key_count.end(); ++iter)
		frequent.emplace(prefix + ')',iter->count); //发现一个频繁项
		unordered_map<string, int> subdata;

		findPrefixPath(iter->key, subdata); 
		FPTree subtree(eps);
		subtree.create(subdata); //根据挖掘到的记录构造的子数据集创建子FP树,以用于挖掘更复杂的频繁项
		if (!subtree.empty())
			prefix += ' ';//用于分隔记录项
			subtree.mineTree(prefix, frequent); //继续递归挖掘
			prefix.pop_back(); //删除空格
		int index = prefix.rfind(' ');
		if (index == string::npos) prefix.resize(1); //删除iter->key
		else prefix.resize(index + 1);
コード例 #6
pairSet appendProyectionParametrized( pairSet candidates,       vector <seq_pointer_hash> &database, //
                            int threshold,              sequence_hash &prefix,          //
                            unordered_map <hashConv, vector<seq_pointer_hash> > &exit,
							unordered_map <string, int> &options){
    pairSet::iterator candStart, candEnd; candStart = candidates.begin(); candEnd = candidates.end();
    pairSet output;
    vector<seq_pointer_hash>::iterator dataStart, dataEnd, reset; dataStart = database.begin(); dataEnd = database.end();
    //Best spot for parallelism, do all of candidate threads and only thread 3 or 4 proyections at a time
    //to not bother with things that fail threshold pretty fast
    int limit = database.size() - threshold;
        vector <seq_pointer_hash> projectionResult;
        int complement =0;
        while((complement<=limit) && (dataStart!=dataEnd)){
            seq_pointer_hash p1 = dataStart->proyect(candStart->first, candStart->second);
            if (p1.null()){++complement;}
            exit.emplace(convert(*candStart), projectionResult);
        dataStart = database.begin();
    return output;
コード例 #7
	/** Inserts a value to the set. Returns true if the set did not already contain the specified element. */
	bool insert(int val) {
		if (hash.find(val) != hash.end())
			return false;
		hash.emplace(val, nums.size() - 1);
		return true;
コード例 #8
	string compressStringHelper(string in, unordered_map<string, string>& record) {	
		if (in.empty()) {
			return "";
		auto it = record.find(in);
		if (it != record.end()) {
			return it->second;
		const int s = in.size();
		string res;
		res = in[0] + compressStringHelper(in.substr(1), record);
		for (int i = 1; i < s; ++i) {
			string tmp_r = compressStringHelper(in.substr(i + 1), record);
			int w_size = 1;
			string tmp_l = in.substr(0, i + 1);
			for (int w_size = 1; w_size <= (i + 1) / 2; ++w_size) {
				string tmp = encode(in.substr(0, i + 1), w_size);
				if (tmp.size() < tmp_l.size()) {
					tmp_l = tmp;
			if (res.size() > tmp_l.size() + tmp_r.size()) {
				res = tmp_l + tmp_r;
		record.emplace(move(in), res);
		return res;
コード例 #9
 void copyGraph(
     unordered_map<UndirectedGraphNode *, UndirectedGraphNode *> &mapping,
     UndirectedGraphNode *vertex) {
   if (mapping.find(vertex) == mapping.end()) {
     mapping.emplace(vertex, new UndirectedGraphNode(vertex->label));
     for (auto *neighbor : vertex->neighbors) {
       copyGraph(mapping, neighbor);
コード例 #10
ファイル: 4195.cpp14.cpp プロジェクト: isac322/BOJ
inline int testNadd(const char *s) {
	auto p = map.find(s);
	if (p == map.end()) {
		parent[cnt] = cnt;
		sizes[cnt] = 1;
		map.emplace(s, cnt);
		return cnt++;
	else return p->second;
コード例 #11
ファイル: contractor_basic.cpp プロジェクト: kquine/dreal3
contractor mk_contractor_eval(box const & box, nonlinear_constraint const * const ctr) {
    static thread_local unordered_map<nonlinear_constraint const *, contractor> cache;
    auto const it = cache.find(ctr);
    if (it == cache.cend()) {
        contractor ctc(make_shared<contractor_eval>(box, ctr));
        cache.emplace(ctr, ctc);
        return ctc;
    } else {
        return it->second;
コード例 #12
void FPTree::findPrefixPath(const string& tail, unordered_map<string, int> &paths)
	treeNode *first = head[tail]->ptreenode;
	while (first)
		string prefix;
		ascendTree(first, prefix);//由此上溯到根获得条件基
		if (!prefix.empty())//如果条件基存在
			paths.emplace(move(prefix), first->count);
		first = first->next;
コード例 #13
    // Returns a resource by name. Creates the resource
    //  if it doesn't yet exist.
    T& operator[](string name)
      // Convert the string to lowercase.
      transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), tolower);

      // Create the object if it doesn't exist.
      auto it = objects.find(name);
      if (it == objects.end())
        it = objects.emplace(name, name).first;
      return it->second;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Audio.hpp プロジェクト: ItsRoyScott/Lite
    // Initializes FMOD Studio and loads all sound banks.
    Audio() :
      // Create the FMOD Studio system.
      // Initialize the system.
        maxChannels,               // max channels capable of playing audio
        FMOD_STUDIO_INIT_NORMAL,   // studio-specific flags
        FMOD_INIT_3D_RIGHTHANDED,  // regular flags
        nullptr));                 // extra driver data

      vector<fmod::Bank*> banks;

      // For each file in the Sounds directory with a *.bank extension:
      for (const string& file : PathInfo(config::Sounds).FilesWithExtension("bank"))
        // Load the sound bank from file.
        fmod::Bank* bank = nullptr;
        FmodCall(system->loadBankFile(file.c_str(), FMOD_STUDIO_LOAD_BANK_NORMAL, &bank));


      for (fmod::Bank* bank : banks)
        // Get the number of events in the bank.
        int eventCount = 0;
        if (eventCount == 0) continue;

        // Get the list of event descriptions from the bank.
        auto eventArray = vector<fmod::EventDescription*>(static_cast<size_t>(eventCount), nullptr);
        FmodCall(bank->getEventList(eventArray.data(), eventArray.size(), nullptr));

        // For each event description:
        for (fmod::EventDescription* eventDescription : eventArray)
          // Get the path to the event, e.g. "event:/Ambience/Country"
          auto path = string(512, ' ');
          int retrieved = 0;
          FmodCall(eventDescription->getPath(&path[0], path.size(), &retrieved));
          path.resize(static_cast<size_t>(retrieved - 1)); // - 1 to account for null character

          // Save the event description in the event map.
          eventDescriptionMap.emplace(path, EventDescription(eventDescription, path));

コード例 #15
ファイル: threads.cpp プロジェクト: shrinivaasanka/Grafit
int populate_hashmap(int i)
	cout<<"Move-assigned thread creation for value "<<i<<" ..."<<endl;
	if (i%2 == 0)
コード例 #16
contractor mk_contractor_eval(shared_ptr<nonlinear_constraint> const ctr, bool const use_cache) {
    if (!use_cache) {
        return contractor(make_shared<contractor_eval>(ctr));
    static unordered_map<shared_ptr<nonlinear_constraint>, contractor> eval_ctc_cache;
    auto const it = eval_ctc_cache.find(ctr);
    if (it == eval_ctc_cache.end()) {
        contractor ctc(make_shared<contractor_eval>(ctr));
        eval_ctc_cache.emplace(ctr, ctc);
        return ctc;
    } else {
        return it->second;
コード例 #17
void FPTree::create(const unordered_map<string, int> &data)
	unordered_map<string, int> umkey_count;//记录所有的键,即每个记录项,以及计数
	string k;
	for (auto iter1 = data.begin(); iter1 != data.end(); ++iter1) //第一次扫描整个数据集
		istringstream stream(iter1->first); //初始化一个字符串输入流
		while (stream >> k)
			if (umkey_count.find(k) == umkey_count.end()) //如果不存在于头指针列表,则插入
				umkey_count.emplace(move(k), iter1->second);
			else //否则只需要累加计数值即可
				umkey_count[k] += iter1->second;

	for (auto iter2 = umkey_count.begin(); iter2 != umkey_count.end(); ++iter2)
		if (iter2->second >= eps) //把较高频数的记录项留下
			head.emplace(iter2->first, new headNode(iter2->second));

	if (head.empty()) return; //如果没有出现次数超过阈值的记录项,则退出
	for (auto iter3 = data.begin(); iter3 != data.end(); ++iter3)
		vector<node> key_count; 
		istringstream stream(iter3->first);
		while (stream >> k)
			if (head.find(k) != head.end()) //只有出现次数较高
				key_count.emplace_back(node(k, head[k]->count)); //才会被插入到集合中
		if (!key_count.empty())
			sort(key_count.begin(), key_count.end(), node::comparer::greater());
			vector<string> order;
			for_each(key_count.begin(), key_count.end(), [&order](const node &arg){order.emplace_back(arg.key); });
			updateTree(order, 0, root, iter3->second);//用于更新树
コード例 #18
int ComputeBinomialCoefficient::coefficientHelper(int n, int k, unordered_map<pair<int, int>, int, PairHash> &map) {
    assert(n >= 1 && n >= k);

    if (k == 0 || k == n)
        return 1;

    pair<int, int> intPair{n, k};

    unordered_map<pair<int, int>, int, PairHash>::const_iterator it = map.find(intPair);
    if (it != map.end())
        return it->second;

    int firstPart = coefficientHelper(n - 1, k, map);
    int secondPart = coefficientHelper(n - 1, k - 1, map);
    int res = firstPart + secondPart;

    map.emplace(intPair, res);
    return res;
コード例 #19
ファイル: RuntimeConfig.cpp プロジェクト: ProgramFan/Caliper
    void init(const char* name, const ConfigSet::Entry* list, const map<string, string>& profile) {
        for (const ConfigSet::Entry* e = list; e && e->key; ++e) {
            ConfigSet::Entry newent = *e;

            string varname = ::config_var_name(name, e->key);

            // See if there is an entry in the config profile

            auto it = profile.find(varname);
            if (it != profile.end())
                newent.value = it->second.c_str();

            // See if there is a config variable set

            char* val = getenv(::config_var_name(name, e->key).c_str());
            if (val)
                newent.value = val;

            m_dict.emplace(make_pair(string(e->key), newent));
コード例 #20
ファイル: ocean.cpp プロジェクト: bjorgan/shipbrainplusplus
double waveSpectrum(float w) {
  if (w == 0){
    return 0;
  else {
    auto record = spectrum_lookup.find(w);
    if (record != spectrum_lookup.end()) {
      return record->second;

  float Tp = 15;
  float wp = 2*PI/Tp;
  float Hs = 100.0;
  float gamma = 3;
  float sigma;

  if (w <= wp) {
    sigma = 0.07;
  } else {
    sigma = 0.09;
  float a = 5.0/(32*PI);
  float b = Hs*Hs*Tp;
  float c = pow((wp/w), 5);
  float d = exp(-5.0/4.0*pow((wp/w), 4));
  float e = (1-0.287*log(gamma));
  float f = pow(gamma, exp(-(pow((w/wp)-1, 2)/(2*sigma*sigma))));

  float spectrum = a*b*c*d*e*f;
  spectrum_lookup.emplace(w, spectrum);

  return spectrum;

コード例 #21
ファイル: runtime.cpp プロジェクト: CUITCHE/TagBuf
bool class_registerClass(Class cls, Class superClass)
//    cls->super_class = superClass;
    return runtime_class_hashmap.emplace(cls->name, cls).second;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Graphics.hpp プロジェクト: ItsRoyScott/Lite
 // Adds a new model instance.
 shared_ptr<ModelInstance> AddModel()
   auto result = models.emplace(modelCounter++, make_shared<ModelInstance>());
   auto it = result.first;
   return it->second;
コード例 #23
ファイル: p2.cpp プロジェクト: cbkrunch/myCode
			graph.emplace("Quinn", node("Quinn"));	
			graph.at("Quinn").depth = 0;
			graph.at("Quinn").visited = true;
コード例 #24
ファイル: hw5.cpp プロジェクト: ben093/Breadth-First-Search
int main()
	vector<string> x;
	string start;
	while(cin >> name1 >> name2)
			start = name1;
		if(graph.count(name1) == 0)
			if(graph.count(name2) == 0)
			{ 	//neither are in
				graph.emplace(name1, x);
				color.emplace(name1, "WHITE");
				d.emplace(name1, 0);
				graph.emplace(name2, x);
				color.emplace(name2, "WHITE");
				d.emplace(name2, 0);
			{ 	//name1 is not in, but name2 is
				graph.emplace(name1, x);
				color.emplace(name1, "WHITE");
				d.emplace(name1, 0);
		else if(graph.count(name1) > 0)
			if(graph.count(name2) == 0)
			{ 	//name1 is in, but not name2
				graph.emplace(name2, x);
				color.emplace(name2, "WHITE");
				d.emplace(name2, 0);
			{	//both are in
コード例 #25
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int port = 8080;
	if (argc > 1) {
		port = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 10);
	std::array<uint8_t, 1024> recv_buffer;
	try {
		boost::asio::io_service service;
		boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint endpoint(boost::asio::ip::udp::v6(),port);
		boost::asio::ip::udp::socket socket(service, endpoint);/*server stuff*/
		boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint source; /*server's endpoint*/

		std::function<void(boost::system::error_code, size_t)> handler = [&](boost::system::error_code err, size_t length) {
			auto msg = reinterpret_cast<const Message*>(recv_buffer.data());
			cout << "INCOMMING" << endl;
			switch (msg->type) {
			case MessageType::Connect:{
				ID id = id_counter++;
				auto result = clients.emplace(id, Client{ id,source,socket,Clock::now()});
				result.first->second.send(MessageType::Connect, &id, sizeof(id));
			case MessageType::Disconnect:
				if (msg->size == sizeof(ID)) {
					auto id = *reinterpret_cast<const ID*>(msg->data);
					auto it = clients.find(id);
			case MessageType::Status: {
				if (msg->size < sizeof(StatusMessage)) {
					cerr << "error" << endl;
				else {

					auto pm = reinterpret_cast<const StatusMessage*> (msg->data);
					cout << "Recevied Status Message from: " << pm->id << endl;
					for (auto &client : clients) {
						if (client.first != pm->id) {
							client.second.send(MessageType::Status, msg->data, msg->size);
						else {
							client.second.last_packet = Clock::now();
							client.second.endpoint = source;
			case MessageType::Attack: {
				if (msg->size < sizeof(AttackMessage)) {
					cerr << "error" << endl;
				else {

					auto pm = reinterpret_cast<const AttackMessage*> (msg->data);
					cout << "Recevied Attack Message from: " << pm->id << endl;
					for (auto &client : clients) {
						if (client.first != pm->id) {
							client.second.send(MessageType::Attack, msg->data, msg->size);
						else {
							client.second.last_packet = Clock::now();
							client.second.endpoint = source;
			socket.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buffer.data(), recv_buffer.size()), source, handler);

		socket.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buffer.data(), recv_buffer.size()), source, handler);
	catch (exception e) {
		cerr << e.what() << endl;

	return 0;
コード例 #26
ファイル: client.cpp プロジェクト: cifkao/fclip
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  bool success = true;
  ostringstream oss;
  commands.emplace("help", Command(nullptr, help_options,
    "usage: fclip help [<command>]\n\n" 
    "Display help information about a command."
  commands.emplace("add", Command(add_run, add_options,
    "usage: fclip add [<options>] [<files>...]\n\n"
    "Add one or more files to the clipboard. If no files are specified\n"
    "as arguments, they will be read from standard input."
  commands.emplace("clear", Command(clear_run, clear_options,
    "usage: fclip clear\n\n"
    "Remove all files from the clipboard."
  commands.emplace("for-each", Command(forEach_run, forEach_options,
    "usage: fclip for-each [<base-dir>] [<options>]\n"
    "aliases: foreach, each\n\n"
    "Perform actions for each file in the clipboard.\n"
    "If a base-dir is specified, only files in that directory\n"
    "will be processed."
  commands.emplace("list", Command(list_run, list_options,
    "usage: fclip list [<dir>]\n"
    "alias: ls\n\n"
    "Show the state of each of the files in the current directory\n"
    "or a given directory. The following file states are possible:\n"
    "  [+] in clipboard\n"
    "  [*] in clipboard and marked as 'recursive'\n"
    "  [^] in clipboard because of a 'recursive' parent directory\n"
    "  [>] not in clipboard, but contains files that are\n"
    "  [ ] not in clipboard at all"
  commands.emplace("remove", Command(remove_run, remove_options,
    "usage: fclip remove [<files>...]\n"
    "alias: rm\n\n"
    "Remove one or more files from the clipboard. If no files are specified\n"
    "as arguments, they will be read from standard input."
  oss << "usage: fclip stash [ push | pop [<id>] | drop [<id>] | list | clear ]\n\n"
      << "Manipulate the stack of saved clipboard states ('stashes'):\n"
      << left
      << setw(24) << "  stash [push]" << "stash the current clipboard on the top\n"
      << setw(24) << "  stash pop [<id>] " << "restore a stash\n"
      << setw(24) << "  stash drop [<id>]" << "remove a stash\n"
      << setw(24) << "  stash list" << "list all stashes\n"
      << setw(24) << "  stash clear" << "remove all stashes";
  commands.emplace("stash", Command(stash_run, stash_options, oss.str()));
  commands.emplace("status", Command(status_run, status_options,
    "usage: fclip status\n\n"
    "Show info about the clipboard."
    po::options_description options = general_options();
    po::variables_map vm;
    po::parsed_options parsed = po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
    po::store(parsed, vm);
    vector<string> subargs = po::collect_unrecognized(parsed.options, po::include_positional);

    if(vm.count("help") || subargs.empty()) {
      subargs.insert(subargs.begin(), "help");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    string cmd = expandCommand(subargs[0]);

    if(cmd == "help"){
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

      DBus::default_dispatcher = &dispatcher;
      DBus::Connection bus = DBus::Connection::SessionBus();
      FclipClient fclip(bus);

      auto it = commands.find(cmd);
      if(it == commands.end()){
        throw runtime_error("unrecognised command or option '" + cmd + "'");
      (*it).second.action(subargs, fclip);

      for(const string &str : serverMessages){
        err() << str << endl;
    }catch(const DBus::Error &e){
      err() << "failed to connect to fclip server" << endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  }catch(const exception &e){
    err() << e.what() << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;
  return success ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;