コード例 #1
ファイル: vpDisplayGTK.cpp プロジェクト: ricsp/visp
  Initialize the display (size, position and title) of a color
  image in RGBa format.

  \param I : Image to be displayed (not that image has to be initialized)
  \param x, y : The window is set at position x,y (column index, row index).
  \param title : Window title.

vpDisplayGTK::init(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,
                   int x,
                   int y,
                   const std::string &title)
  if ((I.getHeight() == 0) || (I.getWidth()==0))
    vpERROR_TRACE("Image not initialized " ) ;
                             "Image not initialized")) ;

  if (x != -1)
    windowXPosition = x ;
  if (y != -1)
    windowYPosition = y ;

  if (! title.empty())
    title_ = title;
  init (I.getWidth(), I.getHeight(), windowXPosition, windowYPosition, title_) ;

  I.display = this ;
  displayHasBeenInitialized = true ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: vpMbtDistanceLine.cpp プロジェクト: tswang/visp
  Test wether the line is close to the border of the image (at a given threshold)
  \param I : the input image (to know its size)
  \param threshold : the threshold in pixel 
  \return true if the line is near the border of the image
vpMbtDistanceLine::closeToImageBorder(const vpImage<unsigned char>& I, const unsigned int threshold)
  if(threshold > I.getWidth() || threshold > I.getHeight()){
    return true;
  if (isvisible){

    for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < meline.size() ; i++){
      for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=meline[i]->getMeList().begin(); it!=meline[i]->getMeList().end(); ++it){
        int i = it->i ;
        int j = it->j ;

        if(i < 0 || j < 0){ //out of image.
          return true;

        if( ((unsigned int)i > (I.getHeight()- threshold) ) || (unsigned int)i < threshold ||
            ((unsigned int)j > (I.getWidth ()- threshold) ) || (unsigned int)j < threshold ) {
          return true;
  return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: vpImageFilter.cpp プロジェクト: nttputus/visp
  Apply a filter to an image.

  \param I : Image to filter
  \param If : Filtered image.
  \param M : Filter coefficients.

vpImageFilter::filter(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
		      vpImage<double>& If,
		      const vpMatrix& M)

  unsigned int size = M.getRows() ;
  unsigned int half_size = size/2 ;

  If.resize(I.getHeight(),I.getWidth()) ;

  If = 0 ;

  for (unsigned int i=half_size ; i < I.getHeight()-half_size ; i++)
    for (unsigned int j=half_size ; j < I.getWidth()-half_size ; j++)
      double   conv_x = 0 ;

      for(unsigned int a = 0 ; a < size ; a++ )
        for(unsigned int b = 0 ; b < size ; b++ )
	  double val =  I[i-half_size+a][j-half_size+b] ;
	  conv_x += M[a][b] * val ;
      If[i][j] = conv_x ;

コード例 #4
ファイル: vpImageFilter.cpp プロジェクト: nttputus/visp
  Apply a filter to an image.

  \param I : Image to filter
  \param Iu : Filtered image along the horizontal axis (u = columns).
  \param Iv : Filtered image along the vertical axis (v = rows).
  \param M : Separate filter coefficients

vpImageFilter::filter(const vpImage<double> &I,
		      vpImage<double>& Iu,
		      vpImage<double>& Iv,
		      const vpMatrix& M)

  unsigned int size = M.getRows() ;
  unsigned int half_size = size/2 ;

  Iu.resize(I.getHeight(),I.getWidth()) ;
  Iv.resize(I.getHeight(),I.getWidth()) ;

  Iu = 0 ;
  Iv = 0 ;
  for (unsigned int v=half_size ; v < I.getHeight()-half_size ; v++)
    for (unsigned int u=half_size ; u < I.getWidth()-half_size ; u++)
      double   conv_u = 0 ;
      double   conv_v = 0 ;

      for(unsigned int a = 0 ; a < size ; a++ )
        for(unsigned int b = 0 ; b < size ; b++ )
	  double val =  I[v-half_size+a][u-half_size+b] ;
	  conv_u += M[a][b] * val ;
	  conv_v += M[b][a] * val  ;
      Iu[v][u] = conv_u ;
      Iv[v][u] = conv_v ;

コード例 #5
ファイル: vpImageTools.cpp プロジェクト: ricsp/visp
  Compute the image addition: \f$ Ires = I1 - I2 \f$.

  \param I1 : The first image.
  \param I2 : The second image.
  \param Ires : \f$ Ires = I1 - I2 \f$
  \param saturate : If true, saturate the result to [0 ; 255] using vpMath::saturate, otherwise overflow may occur.
vpImageTools::imageSubtract(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I1,
                            const vpImage<unsigned char> &I2,
                            vpImage<unsigned char> &Ires,
                            const bool saturate)
  if ((I1.getHeight() != I2.getHeight()) || (I1.getWidth() != I2.getWidth())) {
    throw (vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "The two images do not have the same size"));

  if ((I1.getHeight() != Ires.getHeight()) || (I1.getWidth() != Ires.getWidth())) {
    Ires.resize(I1.getHeight(), I1.getWidth());

  unsigned char *ptr_I1   = I1.bitmap;
  unsigned char *ptr_I2   = I2.bitmap;
  unsigned char *ptr_Ires = Ires.bitmap;
  unsigned int cpt = 0;

  if (Ires.getSize() >= 16) {
    for (; cpt <= Ires.getSize() - 16 ; cpt += 16, ptr_I1 += 16, ptr_I2 += 16, ptr_Ires += 16) {
      const __m128i v1   = _mm_loadu_si128( (const __m128i*) ptr_I1);
      const __m128i v2   = _mm_loadu_si128( (const __m128i*) ptr_I2);
      const __m128i vres = saturate ? _mm_subs_epu8(v1, v2) : _mm_sub_epi8(v1, v2);

      _mm_storeu_si128( (__m128i*) ptr_Ires, vres );

  for (; cpt < Ires.getSize(); cpt++, ++ptr_I1, ++ptr_I2, ++ptr_Ires) {
    *ptr_Ires = saturate ? vpMath::saturate<unsigned char>( (short int) *ptr_I1 - (short int) *ptr_I2 ) : *ptr_I1 - *ptr_I2;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vpAR.cpp プロジェクト: ILoveFree2/visp-deb
// Color pictures SetBackGroundImage
vpAR::setImage(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I)

  if ((internal_width != I.getWidth()) ||
      (internal_height != I.getHeight()))
	  vpERROR_TRACE("The image size is different from the view size ");
	  throw(vpException(vpException::dimensionError),"The image size is different from the view size") ;

  background = true ;

  unsigned int k =0 ;
  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i <I.getHeight()  ; i++)
      for (unsigned int j=0 ; j <I.getWidth()   ; j++)
	//le repere image open GL est en bas a gauche donc l'image serait inverse
	  image_background[i*I.getWidth()*3+k+0]=I[I.getHeight()-i-1][j].R ;
	  image_background[i*I.getWidth()*3+k+1]=I[I.getHeight()-i-1][j].G ;
	  image_background[i*I.getWidth()*3+k+2]=I[I.getHeight()-i-1][j].B ;

コード例 #7
ファイル: vpImageSimulator.cpp プロジェクト: nttputus/visp
  Get the view of the virtual camera. Be carefull, the image I is modified. The projected image is not added as an overlay!
  \param I : The image used to store the result.
  \param cam : The parameters of the virtual camera.
vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpCameraParameters cam)
  int nb_point_dessine = 0;
  if (cleanPrevImage)
    unsigned char col = (unsigned char)(0.2126 * bgColor.R + 0.7152 * bgColor.G + 0.0722 * bgColor.B);
    for (int i = (int)rect.getTop(); i < (int)rect.getBottom(); i++)
      for (int j = (int)rect.getLeft(); j < (int)rect.getRight(); j++)
	I[i][j] = col;
    double top = rect.getTop();
    double bottom = rect.getBottom();
    double left = rect.getLeft();
    double right= rect.getRight();
    unsigned char *bitmap = I.bitmap;
    unsigned int width = I.getWidth();
    vpImagePoint ip;
    for (int i = (int)top; i < (int)bottom; i++)
      for (int j = (int)left; j < (int)right; j++)
        double x=0,y=0;
        vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(cam,ip, x,y);
	if (colorI == GRAY_SCALED)
	  unsigned char Ipixelplan = 0;
	else if (colorI == COLORED)
	  vpRGBa Ipixelplan;
	    unsigned char pixelgrey = (unsigned char)(0.2126 * Ipixelplan.R + 0.7152 * Ipixelplan.G + 0.0722 * Ipixelplan.B);
コード例 #8
void vispImageToRos(sensor_msgs::Image& dst,
		    const vpImage<unsigned char>& src)
  dst.width = src.getWidth();
  dst.height = src.getHeight();
  dst.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
  dst.step = src.getWidth();
  dst.data.resize(dst.height * dst.step);
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < src.getWidth (); ++i)
    for(unsigned j = 0; j < src.getHeight (); ++j)
      dst.data[j * dst.step + i] = src[j][i];
コード例 #9
ファイル: vpMbKltTracker.cpp プロジェクト: 976717326/visp
  Display the 3D model at a given position using the given camera parameters

  \param I : The color image.
  \param cMo_ : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image.
  \param camera : The camera parameters.
  \param col : The desired color.
  \param thickness : The thickness of the lines.
  \param displayFullModel : Boolean to say if all the model has to be displayed, even the faces that are not visible.
vpMbKltTracker::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa>& I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_, const vpCameraParameters & camera,
                        const vpColor& col , const unsigned int thickness, const bool displayFullModel)
  vpCameraParameters c = camera;
  if(clippingFlag > 3) // Contains at least one FOV constraint
    c.computeFov(I.getWidth(), I.getHeight());

  vpMbtDistanceKltPoints *kltpoly;
  vpMbtDistanceKltCylinder *kltPolyCylinder;

  // Previous version 12/08/2015
//  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceKltPoints*>::const_iterator it=kltPolygons.begin(); it!=kltPolygons.end(); ++it){
//    kltpoly = *it;
//    kltpoly->polygon->changeFrame(cMo_);
//    kltpoly->polygon->computePolygonClipped(c);
//  }

  if(useScanLine && !displayFullModel)
    faces.computeScanLineRender(cam,I.getWidth(), I.getHeight());

  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceKltPoints*>::const_iterator it=kltPolygons.begin(); it!=kltPolygons.end(); ++it){
    kltpoly = *it;


    if(displayFeatures && kltpoly->hasEnoughPoints() && kltpoly->polygon->isVisible() && kltpoly->isTracked()) {
//         faces[i]->displayNormal(I);

  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceKltCylinder*>::const_iterator it=kltCylinders.begin(); it!=kltCylinders.end(); ++it){
    kltPolyCylinder = *it;


    if(displayFeatures && kltPolyCylinder->isTracked() && kltPolyCylinder->hasEnoughPoints())

  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCircle*>::const_iterator it=circles_disp.begin(); it!=circles_disp.end(); ++it){
    (*it)->display(I, cMo_, camera, col, thickness);

コード例 #10
ファイル: vpImageSimulator.cpp プロジェクト: 976717326/visp
  Get the view of the virtual camera. Be careful, the image I is modified. The projected image is not added as an overlay! In this method you specify directly the image which is projected.

  \param I : The image used to store the result.
  \param Isrc : The image which is projected into \f$ I \f$.
  \param cam : The parameters of the virtual camera.
vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
			  vpImage<unsigned char> &Isrc,
			  const vpCameraParameters &cam)
  if (cleanPrevImage)
    unsigned char col = (unsigned char)(0.2126 * bgColor.R + 0.7152 * bgColor.G + 0.0722 * bgColor.B);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I.getHeight(); i++)
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < I.getWidth(); j++)
        I[i][j] = col;

    double top = rect.getTop();
    double bottom = rect.getBottom();
    double left = rect.getLeft();
    double right= rect.getRight();

    unsigned char *bitmap = I.bitmap;
    unsigned int width = I.getWidth();
    vpImagePoint ip;
    int nb_point_dessine = 0;

    for (unsigned int i = (unsigned int)top; i < (unsigned int)bottom; i++)
      for (unsigned int j = (unsigned int)left; j < (unsigned int)right; j++)
        double x=0,y=0;
        vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(cam,ip, x,y);
        unsigned char Ipixelplan = 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: tp3.cpp プロジェクト: Karamaz0V1/IN-vino-veritas
void egalisation(const vpImage<unsigned char>  &I)
	vpImage<unsigned char>  I2(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());

    unsigned int histo[256];
    unsigned int histocumul[256];
    unsigned int anam[256];
    int max;
    int h = I.getHeight();
    int w = I.getWidth();

    histogramme(I, histo, max);
    tracer_histo(histo, max, 256, 100, 300);
    histocumule(I, histo, histocumul);
    tracer_histo(histocumul, w*h, 256, 100, 300);
    cout<<"Entropie : "<<entropie(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    cout<<"Moyenne : "<<moyenne(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    cout<<"Écart type : "<<ecart_type(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    int dmin, dmax;
    dynamique(histo, dmin, dmax);
    cout<<"Dynamique minimum : "<<dmin<<" maximum : "<<dmax<<endl;
    cout<<"Nombre de niveaux de gris : "<<niveaux_de_gris(histo)<<endl;

    for (int i=0; i<256; i++)
        anam[i] = round(1.0*histocumul[i]/(I.getWidth()*I.getHeight())*255);

    //tracer_histo(anam, max, 256, 100, 300);

    for (int i=0; i<I.getHeight(); i++) 
        for (int j=0; j<I.getWidth(); j++)
            I2[i][j] = anam[I[i][j]];


	vpDisplayX d2(I2,100,500) ;
	vpDisplay::display(I2) ;
	vpDisplay::flush(I2) ;
	histogramme(I2, histo, max);
    tracer_histo(histo, max, 256, 100, 300);
	histocumule(I2, histo, histocumul);
    tracer_histo(histocumul, w*h, 256, 100, 300);
    cout<<"Entropie : "<<entropie(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    cout<<"Moyenne : "<<moyenne(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    cout<<"Écart type : "<<ecart_type(histo, h, w)<<endl;
    dynamique(histo, dmin, dmax);
    cout<<"Dynamique minimum : "<<dmin<<" maximum : "<<dmax<<endl;
    cout<<"Nombre de niveaux de gris : "<<niveaux_de_gris(histo)<<endl;
	vpDisplay::getClick(I2) ;
コード例 #12
ファイル: vpImgproc.cpp プロジェクト: npedemon/visp_contrib
  \ingroup group_imgproc_histogram

  Adjust the contrast of a color image by performing an histogram equalization.
  The intensity distribution is redistributed over the full [0 - 255] range such as the cumulative histogram
  distribution becomes linear. The alpha channel is ignored / copied from the source alpha channel.

  \param I : The color image to apply histogram equalization.
  \param useHSV : If true, the histogram equalization is performed on the value channel (in HSV space), otherwise
  the histogram equalization is performed independently on the RGB channels.
void vp::equalizeHistogram(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, const bool useHSV) {
  if(I.getWidth()*I.getHeight() == 0) {

  if(!useHSV) {
    //Split the RGBa image into 4 images
    vpImage<unsigned char> pR(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
    vpImage<unsigned char> pG(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
    vpImage<unsigned char> pB(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
    vpImage<unsigned char> pa(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());

    vpImageConvert::split(I, &pR, &pG, &pB, &pa);

    //Apply histogram equalization for each channel

    //Merge the result in I
    unsigned int size = I.getWidth()*I.getHeight();
    unsigned char *ptrStart = (unsigned char*) I.bitmap;
    unsigned char *ptrEnd = ptrStart + size*4;
    unsigned char *ptrCurrent = ptrStart;

    unsigned int cpt = 0;
    while(ptrCurrent != ptrEnd) {
      *ptrCurrent = pR.bitmap[cpt];

      *ptrCurrent = pG.bitmap[cpt];

      *ptrCurrent = pB.bitmap[cpt];

      *ptrCurrent = pa.bitmap[cpt];

  } else {
    vpImage<unsigned char> hue(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
    vpImage<unsigned char> saturation(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
    vpImage<unsigned char> value(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());

    unsigned int size = I.getWidth()*I.getHeight();
    //Convert from RGBa to HSV
    vpImageConvert::RGBaToHSV((unsigned char *) I.bitmap, (unsigned char *) hue.bitmap,
        (unsigned char *) saturation.bitmap, (unsigned char *) value.bitmap, size);

    //Histogram equalization on the value plane

    //Convert from HSV to RGBa
    vpImageConvert::HSVToRGBa((unsigned char*) hue.bitmap, (unsigned char*) saturation.bitmap,
        (unsigned char*) value.bitmap, (unsigned char*) I.bitmap, size);
コード例 #13
ファイル: tp6.cpp プロジェクト: Karamaz0V1/IN-vino-veritas
void RotationInvertedInterpolated(vpImage<uchar> I, vpImage<uchar> &D, float alpha) {
    // Si l'image de destination est plus grande que celle d'origine on décale le centre avec offseti et offsetj
    int offseti = (D.getHeight() - I.getHeight()) / 2;
    int offsetj = (D.getWidth() - I.getWidth()) / 2;
    int a = I.getHeight() / 2;
    int b = I.getWidth() /2;
    for (int fi=0; fi<D.getHeight(); fi++)
        for (int fj=0; fj<D.getWidth(); fj++) {
            int i = fi - offseti;
            int j = fj - offsetj;
            float ti = (i-a) * cos(alpha) + (j-b) * sin(alpha) + a;
            float tj = - (i-a) * sin(alpha) + (j-b) * cos(alpha) + b;
            if((tj>0) && (ti>0) && (ti<I.getHeight()) && (tj<I.getWidth())) D[i+offseti][j+offsetj] = interpole(I,ti,tj);
コード例 #14
ファイル: tp6.cpp プロジェクト: Karamaz0V1/IN-vino-veritas
void RotationBasic(vpImage<uchar> I, vpImage<uchar> &D, float alpha) {
    // Si l'image de destination est plus grande que celle d'origine on décale le centre avec offseti et offsetj
    int offseti = (D.getHeight() - I.getHeight()) / 2;
    int offsetj = (D.getWidth() - I.getWidth()) / 2;
    int a = I.getHeight() / 2;
    int b = I.getWidth() /2;
    for (int i=0; i<I.getHeight(); i++)
        for (int j=0; j<I.getWidth(); j++) {
            int ti = (i-a) * cos(alpha) - (j-b) * sin(alpha) + a;
            int tj = (i-a) * sin(alpha) + (j-b) * cos(alpha) + b;
            if((tj>0) && (ti>0) && (ti<D.getHeight()) && (ti<D.getWidth())) D[ti][tj] = I[i][j];
コード例 #15
ファイル: vpImgproc.cpp プロジェクト: npedemon/visp_contrib
  \ingroup group_imgproc_histogram

  Adjust the contrast of a grayscale image by performing an histogram equalization.
  The intensity distribution is redistributed over the full [0 - 255] range such as the cumulative histogram
  distribution becomes linear.

  \param I : The grayscale image to apply histogram equalization.
void vp::equalizeHistogram(vpImage<unsigned char> &I) {
  if(I.getWidth()*I.getHeight() == 0) {

  //Calculate the histogram
  vpHistogram hist;

  //Calculate the cumulative distribution function
  unsigned int cdf[256];
  unsigned int cdfMin = /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/ UINT_MAX, cdfMax = 0;
  unsigned int minValue = /*std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()*/ UINT_MAX, maxValue = 0;
  cdf[0] = hist[0];
  if(cdf[0] < cdfMin && cdf[0] > 0) {
    cdfMin = cdf[0];
    minValue = 0;
  for(unsigned int i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
    cdf[i] = cdf[i-1] + hist[i];

    if(cdf[i] < cdfMin && cdf[i] > 0) {
      cdfMin = cdf[i];
      minValue = i;

    if(cdf[i] > cdfMax) {
      cdfMax = cdf[i];
      maxValue = i;
  unsigned int nbPixels = I.getWidth()*I.getHeight();
  if(nbPixels == cdfMin) {
    //Only one brightness value in the image

  //Construct the look-up table
  unsigned char lut[256];
  for(unsigned int x = minValue; x <= maxValue; x++) {
    lut[x] = vpMath::round( (cdf[x]-cdfMin) / (double) (nbPixels-cdfMin) * 255.0 );

コード例 #16
void rosImageToVisp(vpImage<unsigned char>& dst,
		    const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& src)
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGBA8;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGRA8;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16;
  using sensor_msgs::image_encodings::numChannels;

  // Resize the image if necessary.
  if (src->width != dst.getWidth() || src->height != dst.getHeight())
	("dst is %dx%d but src size is %dx%d, resizing.",
	 src->width, src->height,
	 dst.getWidth (), dst.getHeight ());
      dst.resize (src->height, src->width);

  if(src->encoding == MONO8)
	   dst.getHeight () * src->step * sizeof(unsigned char));
  else if(src->encoding == RGB8 || src->encoding == RGBA8
	  || src->encoding == BGR8 || src->encoding == BGRA8)
      unsigned nc = numChannels(src->encoding);
      unsigned cEnd =
	(src->encoding == RGBA8 || src->encoding == BGRA8) ? nc - 1 : nc;

      for(unsigned i = 0; i < dst.getWidth (); ++i)
	for(unsigned j = 0; j < dst.getHeight (); ++j)
	    int acc = 0;
	    for(unsigned c = 0; c < cEnd; ++c)
	      acc += src->data[j * src->step + i * nc + c];
	    dst[j][i] =  acc / nc;
      boost::format fmt("bad encoding '%1'");
      fmt % src->encoding;
      throw std::runtime_error(fmt.str());
コード例 #17
ファイル: tp3.cpp プロジェクト: Karamaz0V1/IN-vino-veritas
void anamorphose1(const vpImage<unsigned char>  &I0, const float pente)
	vpImage<unsigned char> I1(I0.getWidth(), I0.getHeight());

    for (int i=0; i<I0.getWidth(); i++)
        for (int j=0; j<I0.getHeight(); j++)
            I1[i][j] = I0[i][j] * pente;

	vpDisplayX d2(I1,100,500) ;
	vpDisplay::display(I1) ;
	vpDisplay::flush(I1) ;
	compute_stat(I1, I1.getHeight(), I1.getWidth(), 100, 500);
	vpDisplay::getClick(I1) ;
コード例 #18
ファイル: vpMeLine.cpp プロジェクト: 976717326/visp
  Display of a moving line thanks to its equation parameters and its extremities with all the site list.

  \param I : The image used as background.

  \param PExt1 : First extrimity

  \param PExt2 : Second extrimity

  \param site_list : vpMeSite list

  \param A : Parameter a of the line equation a*i + b*j + c = 0

  \param B : Parameter b of the line equation a*i + b*j + c = 0

  \param C : Parameter c of the line equation a*i + b*j + c = 0

  \param color : Color used to display the line.

  \param thickness : Thickness of the line.
void vpMeLine::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa>& I,const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2,
                       const std::list<vpMeSite> &site_list,
                       const double &A, const double &B, const double &C,
                       const vpColor &color,  unsigned int thickness)
  vpImagePoint ip;

  for(std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator it=site_list.begin(); it!=site_list.end(); ++it){
    vpMeSite pix = *it;
    ip.set_i( pix.ifloat );
    ip.set_j( pix.jfloat );

    if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::M_ESTIMATOR)
      vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, vpColor::green,thickness);
      vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip, 5, color,thickness);


  vpImagePoint ip1, ip2;

  if (fabs(A) < fabs(B)) {
    double i1, j1, i2, j2;
    i1 = 0;
    j1 = (-A*i1 -C) / B;
    i2 = I.getHeight() - 1.0;
    j2 = (-A*i2 -C) / B;

    ip1.set_i( i1 );
    ip1.set_j( j1 );
    ip2.set_i( i2 );
    ip2.set_j( j2 );
    vpDisplay::displayLine(I, ip1, ip2, color);

  else {
    double i1, j1, i2, j2;
    j1 = 0;
    i1 = -(B * j1 + C) / A;
    j2 = I.getWidth() - 1.0;
    i2 = -(B * j2 + C) / A;

    ip1.set_i( i1 );
    ip1.set_j( j1 );
    ip2.set_i( i2 );
    ip2.set_j( j2 );
    vpDisplay::displayLine(I, ip1, ip2, color);

  ip1.set_i( PExt1.ifloat );
  ip1.set_j( PExt1.jfloat );
  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip1, 10, vpColor::green,thickness);

  ip1.set_i( PExt2.ifloat );
  ip1.set_j( PExt2.jfloat );
  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, ip1, 10, vpColor::green,thickness);
コード例 #19
  Grabs a grayscale image from the selected camera. If the camera color
  coding differs from vp1394CMUGrabber::MONO8, the acquired image is
  converted in a gray level image to match the requested format.

  \param I : Acquired gray level image.
vp1394CMUGrabber::acquire(vpImage<unsigned char> &I)
  // get image data
  unsigned long length;
  unsigned char *rawdata = NULL ;
  int dropped;
  unsigned int size;

  if(init == false){
    throw (vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::initializationError,
                                   "Initialization not done") );

  rawdata = camera->GetRawData(&length);

  size = I.getWidth() * I.getHeight();
  switch(_color) {
    case vp1394CMUGrabber::MONO8:
      memcpy(I.bitmap, (unsigned char *) rawdata, size);
    case vp1394CMUGrabber::MONO16:
      vpImageConvert::MONO16ToGrey(rawdata, I.bitmap, size);

    case vp1394CMUGrabber::YUV411:
      vpImageConvert::YUV411ToGrey(rawdata, I.bitmap, size);

    case vp1394CMUGrabber::YUV422:
      vpImageConvert::YUV422ToGrey(rawdata, I.bitmap, size);

    case vp1394CMUGrabber::YUV444:
      vpImageConvert::YUV444ToGrey(rawdata, I.bitmap, size);

    case vp1394CMUGrabber::RGB8:
      vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey(rawdata, I.bitmap, size);

      vpERROR_TRACE("Format conversion not implemented. Acquisition failed.");
      throw (vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError,
                                     "Format conversion not implemented. "
                                     "Acquisition failed.") );

  //unsigned short depth = 0;
  //std::cout << "depth: " << depth << " computed: " << (float)(length/(I.getHeight() * I.getWidth())) <<  std::endl;


コード例 #20
ファイル: conversion.cpp プロジェクト: clairedune/gaitan
int Conversion::convert(const vpImage<float> & dmap, Eigen::MatrixXf & point3D, 
double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy)
      int height = dmap.getHeight();
      int width  = dmap.getWidth();
      int index=0;
      for(int  i=0 ; i< height ; i++){
       for(int j=0 ; j< width ; j++){
           float z =dmap[i][j];
           if (fabs(z + 1.f) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon() & z>0 ){
            point3D(index,2) = z;
            point3D(index,0) = (float)((i-cx)*point3D(index,2)/fx); 
            point3D(index,1) = (float)((j-cy)*point3D(index,2)/fy);
      // resize the point max to remove the points that have been pruned du to negative z value
      return 1;
コード例 #21
ファイル: vpMbKltTracker.cpp プロジェクト: 976717326/visp
vpMbKltTracker::init(const vpImage<unsigned char>& I)
    throw vpException(vpException::fatalError, "model not initialized");
 bool reInitialisation = false;
    faces.setVisible(I, cam, cMo, angleAppears, angleDisappears, reInitialisation);
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_OGRE   
      faces.setBackgroundSizeOgre(I.getHeight(), I.getWidth());
	  // Turn off Ogre config dialog display for the next call to this function
	  // since settings are saved in the ogre.cfg file and used during the next
	  // call 
	  ogreShowConfigDialog = false;
    faces.setVisibleOgre(I, cam, cMo, angleAppears, angleDisappears, reInitialisation);
    faces.setVisible(I, cam, cMo, angleAppears, angleDisappears, reInitialisation);
コード例 #22
  Display the line. The 3D line is projected into the image.

  \param I : The image.
  \param cMo : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image.
  \param cam : The camera parameters.
  \param col : The desired color.
  \param thickness : The thickness of the line.
  \param displayFullModel : If true, the line is displayed even if it is not visible.
vpMbtDistanceLine::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa>&I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters&cam, const vpColor col, const unsigned int thickness, const bool displayFullModel)

    if(isvisible || displayFullModel) {
        vpImagePoint ip1, ip2;
        vpCameraParameters c = cam;
        if(poly.getClipping() > 3) // Contains at least one FOV constraint
            c.computeFov(I.getWidth(), I.getHeight());


        if( poly.roiPointsClip.size() == 2 &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::NEAR_CLIPPING) == 0) &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::FAR_CLIPPING) == 0) &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::DOWN_CLIPPING) == 0) &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::UP_CLIPPING) == 0) &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::LEFT_CLIPPING) == 0) &&
                ((poly.roiPointsClip[1].second & poly.roiPointsClip[0].second & vpMbtPolygon::RIGHT_CLIPPING) == 0)) {

            vpDisplay::displayLine(I,ip1,ip2,col, thickness);
コード例 #23
ファイル: vpImageTools.cpp プロジェクト: ricsp/visp
  Change the look up table (LUT) of an image. Considering pixel gray
  level values \f$ l \f$ in the range \f$[A, B]\f$, this method allows
  to rescale these values in \f$[A^*, B^*]\f$ by linear interpolation:

  \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
  l \in ]-\infty, A] \mbox{, } &  l = A^* \\
  l \in  [B, \infty[ \mbox{, } &  l = B^* \\
  l \in ]A, B[ \mbox{, }       &  l = A^* + (l-A) * \frac{B^*-A^*}{B-A}

  \param I : Image to process.
  \param A : Low gray level value of the range to consider.
  \param A_star : New gray level value \f$ A^*\f$ to attribute to pixel
  who's value was A
  \param B : Height gray level value of the range to consider.
  \param B_star : New gray level value \f$ B^*\f$ to attribute to pixel
  who's value was B
  \return The modified image.

  \exception vpImageException::incorrectInitializationError If \f$B \leq A\f$.

  As shown in the example below, this method can be used to binarize
  an image. For an unsigned char image (in the range 0-255),
  thresholding this image at level 127 can be done by:

#include <visp3/core/vpImageTools.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>

int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> I;
#ifdef _WIN32
  std::string filename("C:/temp/ViSP-images/Klimt/Klimt.ppm");
  std::string filename("/local/soft/ViSP/ViSP-images/Klimt/Klimt.ppm");

  // Read an image from the disk
  vpImageIo::read(I, filename);

  // Binarize image I:
  // - gray level values less than or equal to 127 are set to 0,
  // - gray level values greater than 128 are set to 255
  vpImageTools::changeLUT(I, 127, 0, 128, 255);

  vpImageIo::write(I, "Klimt.pgm"); // Write the image in a PGM P5 image file format

void vpImageTools::changeLUT(vpImage<unsigned char>& I,
                             unsigned char A,
                             unsigned char A_star,
                             unsigned char B,
                             unsigned char B_star)
  // Test if input values are valid
  if (B <= A) {
    vpERROR_TRACE("Bad gray levels") ;
    throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::incorrectInitializationError ,
                            "Bad gray levels"));
  unsigned char v;

  double factor = (double)(B_star - A_star)/(double)(B - A);

  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < I.getHeight(); i++)
    for (unsigned int j=0 ; j < I.getWidth(); j++) {
      v = I[i][j];

      if (v <= A)
        I[i][j] = A_star;
      else if (v >= B)
        I[i][j] = B_star;
        I[i][j] = (unsigned char)(A_star + factor*(v-A));
コード例 #24
// Specific function for ME
vpMeSite::convolution(const vpImage<unsigned char>&I, const  vpMe *me)
    int half;
    unsigned int index_mask ;
    int height_ = static_cast<int>(I.getHeight());
    int width_  = static_cast<int>(I.getWidth());

    double conv = 0.0 ;
    unsigned int msize = me->getMaskSize();
    half = (static_cast<int>(msize) - 1) >> 1 ;

    if(horsImage( i , j , half + me->getStrip() , height_, width_))
        conv = 0.0 ;
        i = 0 ;
        j = 0 ;
        // Calculate tangent angle from normal
        double theta  = alpha+M_PI/2;
        // Move tangent angle to within 0->M_PI for a positive
        // mask index
        while (theta<0) theta += M_PI;
        while (theta>M_PI) theta -= M_PI;

        // Convert radians to degrees
        int thetadeg = vpMath::round(theta * 180 / M_PI) ;

        if(abs(thetadeg) == 180 )
            thetadeg= 0 ;

        index_mask = (unsigned int)(thetadeg/(double)me->getAngleStep());

        unsigned int i_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(i);
        unsigned int j_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(j);
        unsigned int half_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(half);

        unsigned int ihalf = i_-half_ ;
        unsigned int jhalf = j_-half_ ;
        unsigned int ihalfa ;

        for(unsigned int a = 0 ; a < msize ; a++ )
            ihalfa = ihalf+a ;
            for(unsigned int b = 0 ; b < msize ; b++ )
                conv += mask_sign* me->getMask()[index_mask][a][b] *
                        //	  I(i-half+a,j-half+b) ;
                        I(ihalfa,jhalf+b) ;


    return(conv) ;
コード例 #25
ファイル: vpKeyPointSurf.cpp プロジェクト: 976717326/visp

  Computes the SURF points in only a part of the current image I and
  try to matched them with the points in the reference list. The part
  of the image is a rectangle defined by its top left corner, its
  height and its width. The parameters of this rectangle must be given
  in pixel. Only the matched points are stored.

  \param I : The gray scaled image where the points are computed.

  \param iP : The top left corner of the rectangle.

  \param height : height of the rectangle (in pixel).

  \param width : width of the rectangle (in pixel).

  \return the number of point which have been matched.
unsigned int vpKeyPointSurf::matchPoint(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
			       const vpImagePoint &iP,
			       const unsigned int height, const unsigned int width)
  if((iP.get_i()+height) >= I.getHeight()
     || (iP.get_j()+width) >= I.getWidth())
    vpTRACE("Bad size for the subimage");
    throw(vpException(vpImageException::notInTheImage ,
		      "Bad size for the subimage"));

  vpImage<unsigned char> subImage;

			       (unsigned int)iP.get_i(),
			       (unsigned int)iP.get_j(),
			       height, width, subImage);

  unsigned int nbMatchedPoint = this->matchPoint(subImage);

  for(unsigned int k = 0; k < nbMatchedPoint; k++)
				      + iP.get_i());
				      + iP.get_j());

コード例 #26
ファイル: vpImageSimulator.cpp プロジェクト: nttputus/visp
  Get the view of the virtual camera. Be carefull, the image I is modified. The projected image is not added as an overlay! In this method you specify directly the image which is projected.
  \param I : The image used to store the result.
  \param Isrc : The image which is projected into \f$ I \f$.
  \param cam : The parameters of the virtual camera.
vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, vpImage<vpRGBa> &Isrc, const vpCameraParameters cam)
  int nb_point_dessine = 0;
  if (cleanPrevImage)
    for (int i = (int)rect.getTop(); i < (int)rect.getBottom(); i++)
      for (int j = (int)rect.getLeft(); j < (int)rect.getRight(); j++)
	I[i][j] = bgColor;
    double top = rect.getTop();
    double bottom = rect.getBottom();
    double left = rect.getLeft();
    double right= rect.getRight();
    vpRGBa *bitmap = I.bitmap;
    unsigned int width = I.getWidth();
    vpImagePoint ip;
    for (int i = (int)top; i < (int)bottom; i++)
      for (int j = (int)left; j < (int)right; j++)
        double x=0,y=0;
        vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(cam,ip, x,y);
	vpRGBa Ipixelplan;
	  *(bitmap+i*width+j) = Ipixelplan;
コード例 #27
ファイル: vpDisplayD3D.cpp プロジェクト: s-trinh/visp

\brief Constructor : initialize a display to visualize a grayscale image
(8 bits).

\param I  Image to be displayed (note that image has to be initialized).
\param winx, winy The window is set at position x,y (column index, row index).
\param title  Window's title.
\param scaleType : If this parameter is set to:
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_AUTO, the display size is adapted to ensure the image
    is fully displayed in the screen;
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_DEFAULT or vpDisplay::SCALE_1, the display size is the same than the image size.
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_2, the display size is downscaled by 2 along the lines and the columns.
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_3, the display size is downscaled by 3 along the lines and the columns.
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_4, the display size is downscaled by 4 along the lines and the columns.
  - vpDisplay::SCALE_5, the display size is downscaled by 5 along the lines and the columns.

vpDisplayD3D::vpDisplayD3D(vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
                           int winx, int winy,
                           const std::string &title, vpScaleType scaleType)
  : vpDisplayWin32(new vpD3DRenderer())
  setScale(scaleType, I.getWidth(), I.getHeight());
コード例 #28
  Initialize the display (size, position and title) of a color
  image in RGBa format.

  \param I : Image to be displayed (not that image has to be initialized)
  \param x, y : The window is set at position x,y (column index, row index).
  \param title : Window title.

vpDisplayOpenCV::init(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I,
                      int x,
                      int y,
                      const char *title)
  if ((I.getHeight() == 0) || (I.getWidth()==0))
    vpERROR_TRACE("Image not initialized " ) ;
                             "Image not initialized")) ;

  init (I.getWidth(), I.getHeight(), x, y, title) ;
  I.display = this ;
  displayHasBeenInitialized = true ;
コード例 #29
ファイル: vpDisplayWin32.cpp プロジェクト: CaptainTrunks/visp

  Constructor. Initialize a display to visualize a gray level image
  (8 bits).

  \param I : Image to be displayed (not that image has to be initialized)
  \param x, y : The window is set at position x,y (column index, row index).
  \param title : Window title.

void vpDisplayWin32::init(vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
			  int x,
			  int y,
        const std::string &title)
	if ((I.getHeight() == 0) || (I.getWidth()==0))
      vpERROR_TRACE("Image not initialized " ) ;
			       "Image not initialized")) ;


  init (I.getWidth(), I.getHeight(), x, y, title) ;
  I.display = this ;
コード例 #30
  Sets all the parameters needed to read the video or the image sequence.
  Grab the first frame and stores it in the image \f$ I \f$.
  \param I : The image where the frame is stored.
void vpVideoReader::open(vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
  if (!initFileName)
    vpERROR_TRACE("The generic filename has to be set");
    throw (vpImageException(vpImageException::noFileNameError,"filename empty"));
  if (formatType == FORMAT_PGM ||
      formatType == FORMAT_PPM ||
      formatType == FORMAT_JPEG ||
      formatType == FORMAT_PNG)
    imSequence = new vpDiskGrabber;
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_AVI ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MPEG ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MOV ||
           formatType == FORMAT_OGV)
    ffmpeg = new vpFFMPEG;
    if(!ffmpeg->openStream(fileName, vpFFMPEG::COLORED))
      throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not open the video"));
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_AVI ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MPEG ||
           formatType == FORMAT_MOV ||
           formatType == FORMAT_OGV)
    vpERROR_TRACE("To read video files the FFmpeg library has to be installed");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"the FFmpeg library is required"));
  else if (formatType == FORMAT_UNKNOWN)
    vpERROR_TRACE("The format of the file does not correpsond to a readable format.");
    throw (vpException(vpException::fatalError ,"The format of the file does not correpsond to a readable format."));
  frameCount = firstFrame;
    vpERROR_TRACE("Could not read the first frame");
    throw (vpException(vpException::ioError ,"Could not read the first frame"));
  height = I.getHeight();
  width = I.getWidth();
  isOpen = true;