static void process( wb_session& session, wb_object& o) { pwr_sPlcNode plcnode; if ( o.cid() == pwr_cClass_csub) { printf ( "Object: %s\n", o.longName().c_str()); wb_attribute a = session.attribute( o.oid(), "DevBody", "PlcNode"); if ( !a) exit(0); a.value( &plcnode); printf( "subwindow: %d, woid: %u,%u\n", plcnode.subwindow, plcnode.subwind_oid[0].vid, plcnode.subwind_oid[0].oix); wb_object c = o.first(); if ( c && c.cid() == pwr_cClass_windowplc) { plcnode.subwind_oid[0].vid = c.oid().vid; plcnode.subwind_oid[0].oix = c.oid().oix; printf( "subwindow: %d, woid: %u,%u\n", plcnode.subwindow, plcnode.subwind_oid[0].vid, plcnode.subwind_oid[0].oix); session.writeAttribute( a, &plcnode, sizeof(plcnode)); if ( !a) cout << "** Write error" << endl; } } for ( wb_object c = o.first(); c.oddSts(); c = c.after()) { process( session, c); } }
bool wb_recix::add_object_ctree( wb_object &o) { add( o.longName().c_str(), o.oid().oix); for ( wb_object ch = o.first(); ch; ch = ch.after()) add_object_tree( ch); return true; }
bool wb_session::deleteObject(wb_object o) { if (isReadonly()) throw wb_error_str("ReadOnlySession"); if (!isLocal(o)) { m_sts = LDH__OTHERVOLUME; return false; } if (o.first()) { m_sts = LDH__HAS_CHILD; return false; } pwr_tStatus sts; wb_object parent = o.parent(); sts = triggAnteUnadopt(parent, o); ldh_sEvent* ep = m_srep->eventStart(o.oid(), ldh_eEvent_ObjectDeleted); m_srep->eventOldFamily(ep, o); sts = triggPostUnadopt(parent, o); bool rsts = m_vrep->deleteObject(&m_sts, (wb_orep*)o); m_srep->update(); m_srep->eventSend(ep); return rsts; }
static bool CheckChildCid( wb_object &o, pwr_tCid cid) { for ( wb_object child = o.first(); child; child = child.after()) { if ( child.cid() == cid) { return true; } if ( CheckChildCid( child, cid)) return true; } return false; }
pwr_tStatus wb_volume::syntaxCheckObject(wb_object& o, int *errorcount, int *warningcount) { pwr_tStatus sts, csts; wb_object first, after; wb_attribute a(o.sts(), o); sts = triggSyntaxCheck(a, errorcount, warningcount); if (EVEN(sts)) return sts; // Get any attribute objects wb_cdef cd = cdef(o); if ( !cd) return cd.sts(); wb_bdef bdef = cd.bdef(pwr_eBix_rt); wb_adef adef; if ( bdef) { for (adef = bdef.adef(); adef; adef = { if ( !(adef.flags() & PWR_MASK_CLASS)) continue; if ( adef.flags() & PWR_MASK_ARRAY) { for ( int i = 0; i < adef.nElement(); i++) { wb_attribute a( adef.sts(), o, adef, i); csts = syntaxCheckAttr( a, errorcount, warningcount); if ( EVEN(csts)) sts = csts; } } else { wb_attribute a( adef.sts(), o, adef); if ( adef.flags() & PWR_MASK_DISABLEATTR && a.disabled()) continue; csts = syntaxCheckAttr( a, errorcount, warningcount); if ( EVEN(csts)) sts = csts; } } } for ( wb_object c = o.first(); c; c = c.after()) { if ( c.cid() == pwr_eClass_LibHier) continue; csts = syntaxCheckObject(c, errorcount, warningcount); if ( EVEN(csts)) sts = csts; } return sts; }
bool wb_recix::add_object_tree( wb_object &o) { clear(); wb_object p = o.parent(); if ( p) strcpy( m_srcroot, p.longName().c_str()); add( o.longName().c_str(), o.oid().oix); for ( wb_object ch = o.first(); ch; ch = ch.after()) add_object_ctree( ch); // for ( ix_iterator it = m_ix.begin(); it != m_ix.end(); it++) { // cout << " Object: " << it->second << " " << it->first << endl; // } return true; }
// // printObject // void wb_print_wbl::printObject(wb_volume& v, wb_object& o, bool recursive) { wb_object to = o; wb_object templ; cdh_uObjid uid; unsigned int idx; wb_cdef cdef = v.cdef(o); if ( !cdef) { m_os << "! %WBDUMP-E-Error Failed to get object class" << endl; m_errCnt++; // return; cdef = v.cdef( pwr_eClass_ClassLost); } const char* cname =; char *block; int size; if ( o.docBlock( &block, &size) && strcmp( block, "") != 0) { indent(0) << "!/**" << endl; indent(0) << "! "; for ( char *s = block; *s; s++) { if ( *s == '\n') { m_os << *s; indent(0) << "! "; continue; } m_os << *s; } m_os << endl; indent(0) << "!*/" << endl; } indent(1) << "Object " << << " " << cname; if (m_idxFlag) { switch (cdef.cid()) { case pwr_eClass_ClassDef: uid.pwr = o.oid(); idx = uid.c.cix; break; case pwr_eClass_TypeDef: uid.pwr = o.oid(); idx = uid.t.tix; break; case pwr_eClass_ObjBodyDef: uid.pwr = o.oid(); idx = uid.c.bix; break; case pwr_eClass_Param: case pwr_eClass_Input: case pwr_eClass_Output: case pwr_eClass_Intern: case pwr_eClass_Buffer: case pwr_eClass_ObjXRef: uid.pwr = o.oid(); idx = uid.c.aix; break; default: idx = (unsigned long) o.oix(); } m_os << " " << idx; } if ( m_timeFlag) { // Get oh time char timestr[40]; pwr_tTime ohtime = o.ohTime(); time_AtoAscii( &ohtime, time_eFormat_DateAndTime, timestr, sizeof(timestr)); m_os << " " << timestr; } m_os << endl; wb_object co = v.object(cdh_ClassIdToObjid(cdef.cid())); wb_name t("Template"); templ = co.child(t); if (!templ) { m_errCnt++; m_os << "Template not found for class " << << endl; return; } if ( v.cid() == pwr_eClass_ClassVolume && strcmp(, "Template") == 0) m_isTemplateObject = true; else m_isTemplateObject = false; printBody(v, o, templ, cdef, pwr_eBix_rt); printBody(v, o, templ, cdef, pwr_eBix_dev); if (recursive) { if ( !(m_noFoCodeFlag && isFoCodeObject( v, o))) { for (to = o.first(); to; to = to.after()) printObject(v, to); } } indent(-1) << "EndObject" << endl; }