filePathLinkW(const wstring& path) :m_ntType(L"\\??\\") { if (path.length() > 4 && path.substr(0, 4) == L"\\??\\") { m_ntType.append(path.substr(4)); } else { m_ntType.append(path); } static DWORD tick = 0; wchar_t tmpBuffer[100]; StringCbPrintfW(tmpBuffer, 100, L"%x%x%x%x", GetCurrentThreadId(), GetTickCount(), rand(), ++tick); m_pathDefine = wstring(FS_BYPASS_DEFINE_PREFIX_W) + tmpBuffer; if (DefineDosDeviceW(DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH, m_pathDefine.c_str(), m_ntType.c_str())) { m_pathLink = wstring(L"\\\\.\\") + FS_BYPASS_DEFINE_PREFIX_W + tmpBuffer; m_transformed = true; } else { m_pathLink = path; m_transformed = false; } }
// See // Some tricky test cases: // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$001"): "$001" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$01"): "a" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$10"): "j" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$15"): "a5" // "abcdefghijklmn".replace(/(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)(m)(n)/, "$20"): "b0" void insertReplacedString(wstring& builder, const wstring& base, const wstring& str, const RegExpMatch& match) { const vector<wstring>& substrings = match.substrings; const wstring& mstr = substrings[0]; for (size_t i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str[i] == L'$' && str.length() > i + 1) { wchar_t ch = str[++i]; switch (ch) { case L'$': // insert a '$' builder.push_back(ch); break; case L'&': // insert the matched string builder.append(mstr); break; case L'`': // insert the portion preceding the matched string builder.append(base.begin(), base.begin() + match.index); break; case L'\'': // insert the portion following the matched string builder.append(base.begin() + match.index + mstr.length(), base.end()); break; default: if (ch >= L'0' && ch <= L'9') { int expidx = 0; wchar_t ch2 = str.length() > i + 1 ? str[i + 1] : L'\0'; if (ch2 >= L'0' && ch2 <= L'9') { expidx = ch2 - L'0' + 10 * (ch - L'0'); // if expidx overflows, fall back to single-digit if (expidx == 0 || expidx >= (int)substrings.size()) { expidx = ch - L'0'; ch2 = 0; } } else { ch2 = 0; expidx = ch - L'0'; } // substrings.size() is 1 bigger than actual sub matches if (expidx < (int)substrings.size() && expidx > 0) { const wstring& submstr = substrings[expidx]; builder.append(submstr); if (ch2) ++i; break; } } // $ escape fails, output as is builder.push_back(L'$'); builder.push_back(ch); } } else builder.push_back(str[i]); } }
BOOL CConvertMacro2::Convert(wstring macro, PLUGIN_RESERVE_INFO* info, EPG_EVENT_INFO* epgInfo, wstring& convert) { convert = L""; for( size_t pos = 0;; ){ size_t next = macro.find(L'$', pos); if( next == wstring::npos ){ convert.append(macro, pos, wstring::npos); break; } convert.append(macro, pos, next - pos); pos = next; next = macro.find(L'$', pos + 1); if( next == wstring::npos ){ convert.append(macro, pos, wstring::npos); break; } if( ExpandMacro(macro.substr(pos + 1, next - pos - 1), info, epgInfo, convert) == FALSE ){ convert += L'$'; pos++; }else{ pos = next + 1; } } Replace(convert, L"\r", L""); Replace(convert, L"\n", L""); return TRUE; }
void AppendString(wstring& str0, const wstring& str1, const wstring& str2) { if (str1.empty()) return; if (!str0.empty()) str0.append(str2); str0.append(str1); }
void displayModel_t::generateWhitespaceXML(HWND hwnd, long baseline, wstring& text) { wstringstream s; s<<L"<text "; s<<L"hwnd=\""<<hwnd<<L"\" "; s<<L"baseline=\""<<baseline<<L"\" "; s<<L">"; text.append(s.str()); text.append(L" "); text.append(L"</text>"); }
void process_file(wstring& output, set<wstring>& file_set, const wstring& file_path, const list<wstring>& include_dirs) { if (file_set.count(file_path)) return; file_set.insert(file_path); list<wstring> include_files = get_include_file_list(file_path, include_dirs); if (!include_files.empty()) { output.append(file_path).append(1, L':'); for (list<wstring>::const_iterator inc_file = include_files.begin(); inc_file != include_files.end(); inc_file++) { output.append(1, L' ').append(*inc_file); } output.append(1, L'\n'); } for (list<wstring>::const_iterator inc_file = include_files.begin(); inc_file != include_files.end(); inc_file++) { process_file(output, file_set, *inc_file, include_dirs); } }
void BuildTreeString(vector<AccessibleChild>& children, wstring& str, int indent) { for (auto it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it) { str.append(indent * 4, L' '); str += L"[" + it->role + L"] " + it->name + L" = " + it->value + L"\n"; BuildTreeString(it->children, str, indent + 1); } }
void CCilDisasm::dumpLabel( wstring& str ) { //32 chars str.append( L":" ); swprintf_s( m_wstrBuffer, ARRAYSIZE( m_wstrBuffer ), L"%-32s", ); wcout << m_wstrBuffer; }
/** * @brief std::string → std::wstring変換 * * @param[out] dst 変換結果バッファ * @param src 変換するマルチバイト文字列 * @param loc 変換に使用するlocale * @param cvt 変換関数を提供するcodecvt */ void ToWideString(wstring &dst, const string &src, const codecvt<wstring::value_type, string::value_type, mbstate_t>& cvt) { typedef wstring::value_type wchar_type; typedef string::value_type char_type; typedef codecvt<wchar_type, char_type, mbstate_t> cvt_type; size_t len = src.length(); wchar_type * buff = new wchar_type[len*2]; const char_type* const pbegin = src.c_str(); const char_type* const pend = pbegin + src.length(); const char_type* pnext = pbegin; wchar_type* const pwbegin = &buff[0]; wchar_type* const pwend = &buff[len*2]; wchar_type* pwnext = pwbegin; dst.clear(); mbstate_t state(0); for(;;){ cvt_type::result result =, pbegin, pend, pnext, pwbegin, pwend, pwnext); dst.append(pwbegin, pwnext - pwbegin); if(result == cvt_type::ok) { break; } assert(result == cvt_type::error); } delete[] buff; }
// Append a backslash to the current string inline wstring AppendBackslash(wstring str) { if (str.length() == 0) return wstring(L"\\"); if (str[str.length() - 1] == L'\\') return str; return str.append(L"\\"); }
void displayModelChunk_t::generateXML(wstring& text) { wstringstream s; s<<L"<text "; s<<L"hwnd=\""<<hwnd<<L"\" "; s<<L"baseline=\""<<baseline<<L"\" "; s<<L"direction=\""<<direction<<L"\" "; s<<L" font-name=\""<<formatInfo.fontName<<L"\" "; s<<L" font-size=\""<<formatInfo.fontSize<<L"pt\" "; if(this->formatInfo.bold) s<<L" bold=\"true\""; if(this->formatInfo.italic) s<<L" italic=\"true\""; if(this->formatInfo.underline) s<<L" underline=\"true\""; s<<L" color=\""<<this->formatInfo.color<<L"\""; s<<L" background-color=\""<<this->formatInfo.backgroundColor<<L"\""; s<<L">"; text.append(s.str()); for(wstring::iterator i=this->text.begin();i!=this->text.end();++i) appendCharToXML(*i,text); text.append(L"</text>"); }
HRESULT CDataTuple::ReadLine(FILE *fp, wstring &line) { HRESULT hRet = E_FAIL; TCHAR buffer[256]; line.clear(); if (NULL != fp) { buffer[0] = TEXT('\0'); TCHAR * pStr = _fgetts(buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), fp); errno_t err; _get_errno(&err); if (feof(fp) != 0 || err != 0) { return hRet; } line.append(buffer); size_t cBuffer = _tcslen(buffer); if (cBuffer <= 0) { return hRet; } while (cBuffer > 0 && buffer[cBuffer-1] != TEXT('\n') ) { buffer[0] = TEXT('\0'); pStr = _fgetts(buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), fp); line.append(buffer); cBuffer = _tcslen(buffer); } if (line.length() > 0) { hRet = S_OK; } } return hRet; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converts a UTF8 encoded string to a unicode string // See the following document for more information: // RFC2279: UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646 // Author: pdaehne //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TextFace::convertUTF8ToUnicode(const string &utf8Text, wstring &text) { // Clear and prepare the result string text.erase(); text.reserve(utf8Text.length()); // Transform UTF8 sequences to UTF16 sequences const char *pos = utf8Text.c_str(); while (*pos != '\0') text.append(1, utf8Char2Unicode(pos)); }
//可同时处理目录和文件:path可以是路径,也可以是文件名,或者文件通配符 wstring find(wstring path,bool cursive) { //取路径名最后一个"//"之前的部分,包括"//" replace_allW(path,L"\\",L"/"); UINT index=path.find_last_of('/'); if(index+1==path.length()){ path.append(L"*.*"); } wstring prefix=path.substr(0,path.find_last_of('/')+1); WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFind=::FindFirstFile(,&FindFileData); std::wstringstream ss; if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind) { ss<<L"[]"; FindClose(hFind); return ss.str(); } else{ ss<<L"["; } while(TRUE) { bool flag=false;; //目录 if(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { //不是当前目录,也不是父目录 if(cursive&&FindFileData.cFileName[0]!='.') { wstring temp=prefix+FindFileData.cFileName; ss<<L"{\"name\":\""<<FindFileData.cFileName<<L"\",\"list\":"<<find(temp+L"/*.*",cursive).data()<<L"}"; flag=true; } } //文件 else { ss<<L"\""<<FindFileData.cFileName<<L"\""; flag=true; } if(!FindNextFile(hFind,&FindFileData)) break; else if(flag){ ss<<L","; } } ss<<L"]"; FindClose(hFind); return ss.str(); }
void ini_get_wstring(INI_Reader &ini, wstring &wscValue) { string scValue = ini.get_value_string(); wscValue = L""; long lHiByte; long lLoByte; while(sscanf(scValue.c_str(), "%02X%02X", &lHiByte, &lLoByte) == 2) { scValue = scValue.substr(4); wchar_t wChar = (wchar_t)((lHiByte << 8) | lLoByte); wscValue.append(1, wChar); } }
// READ GLOBALS - Read the global code file void AutocodeManager::ReadGlobals(wstring dir_path) { wstring full_path = dir_path.append(L"\\"); full_path = full_path.append(GLOBALCODE_FNAME); // wifstream code_file(WStr2Str(full_path).c_str(), ios::binary|ios::in); if(code_file.is_open() == false) { code_file.close(); return; } Parse(&code_file, true); code_file.close(); }
inline void getCurrentStyleInfoFromHTMLDOMNode(IHTMLDOMNode* pHTMLDOMNode, bool& dontRender, bool& isBlock, bool& hidden, wstring& listStyle) { BSTR tempBSTR=NULL; IHTMLElement2* pHTMLElement2=NULL; int res=pHTMLDOMNode->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2,(void**)&pHTMLElement2); if(res!=S_OK||!pHTMLElement2) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Could not get IHTMLElement2"); return; } IHTMLCurrentStyle* pHTMLCurrentStyle=NULL; res=pHTMLElement2->get_currentStyle(&pHTMLCurrentStyle); pHTMLElement2->Release(); if(res!=S_OK||!pHTMLCurrentStyle) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Could not get IHTMLCurrentStyle"); return; } //get visibility pHTMLCurrentStyle->get_visibility(&tempBSTR); if(tempBSTR) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Got visibility"); hidden=(_wcsicmp(tempBSTR,L"hidden")==0); SysFreeString(tempBSTR); tempBSTR=NULL; } else { LOG_DEBUG(L"Failed to get visibility");\ } //get display pHTMLCurrentStyle->get_display(&tempBSTR); if(tempBSTR) { LOG_DEBUG(L"Got display"); if (_wcsicmp(tempBSTR,L"none")==0) { dontRender=true; isBlock=false; } if (_wcsicmp(tempBSTR,L"inline")==0||_wcsicmp(tempBSTR,L"inline-block")==0) isBlock=false; SysFreeString(tempBSTR); tempBSTR=NULL; } else { LOG_DEBUG(L"Failed to get display"); } BSTR _listStyle; pHTMLCurrentStyle->get_listStyleType(&_listStyle); if(_listStyle) { listStyle.append(_listStyle); SysFreeString(_listStyle); } if (pHTMLCurrentStyle) pHTMLCurrentStyle->Release(); }
// ansi 文件内容读取 void getFileContentAnsii(const TCHAR *path, wstring &ret) { wstring lineString; wifstream sqlFile; register TCHAR buffer[2048] = {0}; sqlFile.imbue(std::locale("chs"));; if (sqlFile.is_open()) { while(!sqlFile.eof()) { getline(sqlFile, lineString); ret.append(lineString); } } sqlFile.close(); }
bool file::open (const open_spec& spec, wstring filename) { close(); filename.append (L'\0'); ratwin::types::HANDLE new_h= CreateFile (filename.get_buffer(), spec.access, spec.share,, spec.even_more_flags); if (new_h == 0) throw classics::exception ("Tomahawk", "That can't happen!", __FILE__, __LINE__); if (new_h == ratwin::types::HANDLE(0xffffffff)) { if (spec.CanFail) return false; else { Error X (__LINE__); wFmt(X) << L"Can't open file named \"" << filename << L"\"." << endl; throw X; } } H= new_h; return true; }
// READ FILE - Read the autocode file in the level folder void AutocodeManager::ReadFile(wstring dir_path) { // Form full path //wstring full_path = removeExtension(dir_path); wstring full_path = dir_path.append(Level::GetName()); full_path = removeExtension(full_path); full_path = full_path.append(L"\\"); full_path = full_path.append(AUTOCODE_FNAME); wifstream code_file(WStr2Str(full_path).c_str(), ios::binary|ios::in); if(code_file.is_open() == false) { code_file.close(); return; } m_Enabled = true; Parse(&code_file, false); code_file.close(); }
static const wstring& fontsPath() { static wstring path; static bool initialized; if (initialized) return path; initialized = true; DWORD size = GetEnvironmentVariable(fontsEnvironmentVariable, 0, 0); Vector<TCHAR> buffer(size); if (GetEnvironmentVariable(fontsEnvironmentVariable,, buffer.size())) { path =; if (path[path.length() - 1] != '\\') path.append(L"\\"); return path; } path = exePath() + TEXT("DumpRenderTree.resources\\"); return path; }
bool mod_pipe::readFromPipe(wstring &laReponse) { bool reussite = false; wchar_t monBuffer[128]; bool fSuccess; DWORD longueurReponse; laReponse.clear(); do { fSuccess = ReadFile(hPipe, monBuffer, sizeof(monBuffer), &longueurReponse, NULL) ? true : false; if (reussite = (fSuccess || GetLastError() == ERROR_MORE_DATA)/* && longueurReponse != 0 */) { laReponse.append(monBuffer, longueurReponse / sizeof(wchar_t)); } else { break; } } while (!fSuccess); return reussite; }
static void int2str(wstring &buffer, int i){ wstringstream out; out << i; buffer.append(out.str()); }
void displayModel_t::renderText(const RECT& rect, const int minHorizontalWhitespace, const int minVerticalWhitespace, const bool stripOuterWhitespace, wstring& text, deque<RECT>& characterLocations) { RECT tempCharLocation; RECT tempRect; wstring curLineText; deque<RECT> curLineCharacterLocations; int curLineMinTop=-1; int curLineMaxBottom=-1; int curLineBaseline=-1; int lastChunkRight=rect.left; HWND lastChunkHwnd=NULL; int; //Walk through all the chunks looking for any that intersect the rectangle displayModelChunksByPointMap_t::iterator chunkIt=chunksByYX.begin(); while(chunkIt!=chunksByYX.end()) { displayModelChunk_t* chunk=NULL; BOOL isTempChunk=FALSE; if(IntersectRect(&tempRect,&rect,&(chunkIt->second->rect))) { chunk=chunkIt->second; //If this chunk is not fully covered by the rectangle //Copy it and truncate it so that it is fully covered if(chunk->rect.left<tempRect.left||chunk->rect.right>tempRect.right) { chunk=new displayModelChunk_t(*chunk); isTempChunk=TRUE; if(chunk->rect.left<tempRect.left) chunk->truncate(tempRect.left,TRUE); if(chunk->rect.right>tempRect.right) chunk->truncate(tempRect.right,FALSE); } } //Find out the current line's baseline curLineBaseline=chunkIt->first.first; //Iterate to the next possible chunk ++chunkIt; //If we have a valid chunk then add it to the current line if(chunk&&chunk->text.length()>0) { //Update the maximum height of the line if(curLineText.length()==0) { curLineMinTop=chunk->; curLineMaxBottom=chunk->rect.bottom; } else { if(chunk-><curLineMinTop) curLineMinTop=chunk->; if(chunk->rect.bottom>curLineMaxBottom) curLineMaxBottom=chunk->rect.bottom; } //Add space before this chunk if necessary if(((chunk->rect.left-lastChunkRight)>=minHorizontalWhitespace)&&(lastChunkRight>rect.left||!stripOuterWhitespace)) { generateWhitespaceXML((chunk->hwnd==lastChunkHwnd)?lastChunkHwnd:hwnd,curLineBaseline,curLineText); tempCharLocation.left=lastChunkRight;; tempCharLocation.right=chunk->rect.left; tempCharLocation.bottom=curLineBaseline+1; curLineCharacterLocations.push_back(tempCharLocation); } //Add text from this chunk to the current line chunk->generateXML(curLineText); //Copy the character X positions from this chunk in to the current line deque<long>::const_iterator cxaIt=chunk->characterXArray.begin(); deque<RECT>::iterator curLineCharacterLocationsOldEnd=curLineCharacterLocations.end(); while(cxaIt!=chunk->characterXArray.end()) { tempCharLocation.left=*cxaIt;>; ++cxaIt; tempCharLocation.right=(cxaIt!=chunk->characterXArray.end())?*cxaIt:chunk->rect.right; tempCharLocation.bottom=chunk->rect.bottom; curLineCharacterLocations.push_back(tempCharLocation); } lastChunkRight=chunk->rect.right; lastChunkHwnd=chunk->hwnd; } if((chunkIt==chunksByYX.end()||chunkIt->first.first>curLineBaseline)&&curLineText.length()>0) { //This is the end of the line if(((curLineMinTop-lastLineBottom)>=minVerticalWhitespace)&&(lastLineBottom>||!stripOuterWhitespace)) { //There is space between this line and the last, //Insert a blank line in between. generateWhitespaceXML(hwnd,-1,text); tempCharLocation.left=rect.left;; tempCharLocation.right=rect.right; tempCharLocation.bottom=curLineMinTop; characterLocations.push_back(tempCharLocation); } //Insert this line in to the output. text.append(curLineText); characterLocations.insert(characterLocations.end(),curLineCharacterLocations.begin(),curLineCharacterLocations.end()); //Add a linefeed to complete the line if(!stripOuterWhitespace) { generateWhitespaceXML(hwnd,curLineBaseline,text); tempCharLocation.left=lastChunkRight;; tempCharLocation.right=rect.right; tempCharLocation.bottom=curLineBaseline+1; characterLocations.push_back(tempCharLocation); } //Reset the current line values curLineText.clear(); curLineCharacterLocations.clear(); lastChunkRight=rect.left; lastChunkHwnd=NULL; lastLineBottom=curLineMaxBottom; if(chunk&&isTempChunk) delete chunk; } } if(!stripOuterWhitespace&&(rect.bottom-lastLineBottom)>=minVerticalWhitespace) { //There is a gap between the bottom of the final line and the bottom of the requested rectangle, //So add a blank line. generateWhitespaceXML(hwnd,-1,text); tempCharLocation.left=rect.left;; tempCharLocation.right=rect.right; tempCharLocation.bottom=rect.bottom; characterLocations.push_back(tempCharLocation); } }
bool ObjFormatNativeKeyName ( __inout wstring &Name ) { const static wstring hklmPrefix = L"\\Registry\\Machine"; const static wstring hkcrPrefix = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\Software\\Classes"; const static wstring hkuPrefix = L"\\Registry\\User"; static wstring hkcuPrefix; static wstring hkcucrPrefix; // Fix string. const static wstring hklmString = L"HKLM"; const static wstring hkcrString = L"HKCR"; const static wstring hkuString = L"HKU"; const static wstring hkcuString = L"HKCU"; const static wstring hkcucrString = L"HKCU\\Software\\Classes"; // Mark static PT_void inited = NULL; if (blpp_initOnce(&inited)) { HANDLE Token; PTOKEN_USER tokenUser; WCHAR stringSid[MAX_PATH] = {0}; Token = ObjpGetToken(); if (Token != NULL) { if (NT_SUCCESS(ObjpQueryTokenVariableSize(Token,TokenUser,(PVOID *)&tokenUser))) { ObjSidToStringSid(tokenUser->User.Sid,stringSid,MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)); blpp_mem_free(tokenUser); } NtClose(Token); } if (stringSid[0] != 0) { const static PWSTR registryUserPrefix = L"\\Registry\\User\\"; const static PWSTR classesString = L"_Classes"; hkcuPrefix = registryUserPrefix; hkcuPrefix.append(stringSid); hkcucrPrefix = hkcuPrefix; hkcucrPrefix.append(classesString); } else { hkcuPrefix = L"..."; hkcucrPrefix = L"..."; } } if (isStartWithStringW(Name,hkcrPrefix,true)) { Name.replace(0,hkcrPrefix.length(),hkcrString); } else if (isStartWithStringW(Name,hklmPrefix,true)) { Name.replace(0,hklmPrefix.length(),hklmString); } else if (isStartWithStringW(Name,hkcucrPrefix,true)) { Name.replace(0,hkcucrPrefix.length(),hkcucrString); } else if (isStartWithStringW(Name,hkcuPrefix,true)) { Name.replace(0,hkcuPrefix.length(),hkcuString); } else if (isStartWithStringW(Name,hkuPrefix,true)) { Name.replace(0,hkuPrefix.length(),hkuString); } else { return false; } return true; }
void TransparentWnd::RunAppIn(CefString appName, CefString param, CefString baseUrl){ wstring appNameW=appName.ToWString(); if(appNameW.find(L":")==-1){ wstring path; if(!baseUrl.length()){ path=modulePath;//szPath; } else{ path=baseUrl.ToWString(); replace_allW(path, L"\\", L"/"); path=path.substr(0,path.find_last_of('/')+1); } appNameW=path.append(appNameW); } replace_allW(appNameW, L"\\", L"/"); int w,h,_x,_y; int enableDrag=0,disableTransparent=0,exStyle=0,hasBorder=false,_max=false,_enableResize=false,disableRefresh=0,disableDevelop=0; TCHAR url[1000],name[100],iconPath[1000]; wstring _folder=appNameW.substr(0,appNameW.find_last_of('/')+1); folder=_folder; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"url",NULL,url,1000,; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"name",NULL,name,100,; GetPrivateProfileString(L"BASE",L"icon",NULL,iconPath,1000,; w=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"width",0,; h=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"height",0,; _x=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"x",0,; _y=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"y",0,; enableDrag=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"enableDrag",0,; disableRefresh=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableRefresh",0,; disableDevelop=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableDevelop",0,; _enableResize=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"enableResize",0,; disableTransparent=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"disableTransparent",0,; hasBorder=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"hasBorder",0,; _max=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"max",0,; exStyle=GetPrivateProfileInt(L"BASE",L"exStyle",0,; int l=wcslen(iconPath); if(l>0){ hIcon=GetIcon(iconPath); } if(_enableResize>0){ enableResize=true; } enableRefresh=disableRefresh==0; enableDevelop=disableDevelop==0; CefString cefFile(url); wstring file=cefFile.ToWString(); if(file.find(L":")==-1){ file=_folder.append(file); } bool isTransparent=disableTransparent==0; if(hasBorder){ char t[10]; _itoa(isTransparent,t,10); CefString ct(t); wstring _name(name); file=modulePath.append(L"window\\index.html?name=").append(_name).append(L"&url=").append(file).append(L"&transparent=").append(ct.ToWString().data()).append(L"&x="); _itoa(_x,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&y="); _itoa(_y,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&width="); _itoa(w,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&height="); _itoa(h,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); file.append(L"&max="); _itoa(_max,t,10); ct=t; file.append(ct.ToWString().data()); isTransparent=true; if(param.length()){ file.append(L"¶m="+param.ToWString()); } } else { if(param.length()){ file.append(L"?param="+param.ToWString()); } } CreateBrowserWindow(file, exStyle, isTransparent); if(_max){ this->Max(); } else{ SetSize(w,h); Move(_x,_y); } this->SetTitle(name); if(enableDrag>0){ EnableDrag(); } }